How to Pronounce the Letters NG American English

when you see the letters ng in a word

how is it pronounced there are four

options the first and most common is as

the ng sound as I’ve already explained

previously to make this sound the middle

part of the tongue comes up and touches

the roof of the mouth back of the throat

example words sing among thing fling

along bang sibling all of these have

this sound the second option for

pronunciation is actually two separate

sounds the mm-hmm n sound followed by

the jew-jew as in jar sound binge is an

example binge is a one syllable word and

mmm JIT are the pronunciation for the ng

binge however it can also occur in a two

syllable word or more where one syllable

ends with the MM sound and the second

syllable begins with the jus as in jar

sound for example angel angel

two syllables Danger Danger Danger the

third option is when the ng is followed

by an S T and they take up just one

syllable of a word the pronunciation is

the ng sound and the G then takes a K

sound examples of this angst and anger

amongst the fourth option for

pronunciation is the ng sound but the G

is also enunciated because the

begins another syllable examples of this

fungus fungus anger anger bingo bingo
