How to Pronounce the Months of the Year American English


today I’m going to go over by request

the months of the year January January

starts with the J’son jar consonant

sound where you are making sound with a

vocal chords as it is voiced the lips

you can see take a position where the

corners come in but the lips stretch

away from the face which shows the teeth

JIT the next sound is the ad as in bat

followed by the N consonant sound when

the as in bat is followed by the N the M

or the ng consonant sound it is somewhat

affected by that consonant ah uh-hmm

so does this uh that is thrown in that

does not appear in the IPA transcription

but that happens as you pass from the

ass into the N consonant sound ah hmm

Jan Jan January the next syllable is the

U as in few diphthong Jan you Jan you

and finally the open air as in bed Jan

you a

the R consonant sound and the EE as in

she Airy so the corners of the lips pull

wider for the EE as in she after having

been in the circle for the our January

January it’s the first syllable here

that is stressed January January

February begins with the F consonant

sound so the bottom lip moves up to

touch the bottom of the top teeth and

it’s unvoiced so you just let air pass

through fat it opens into the air as in

bed vowel sound Feb and then has the B

sound where the lips come together

to make that B sound the second syllable

can be pronounced one of two ways you

can pronounce the R and then have the as

in boo vowel Roo Favreau although I

don’t feel like I hear this very much in

America I know it is an accepted

pronunciation but I think much more you

will hear you the U as in few diphthong

rather than an R sound so in most cases

this first our sound is left out Feb you

Feb you and then the end just like

January the air as in bed the R

consonant sound and the EE as in she

February February again it is the first

syllable fat that is accented February

February March March begins with the M

consonant sound and then has the AH as

and father followed by the R consonant

sound when the is and father is followed

by the R consonant sound the R has a way

of taking over the vowel so it’s not aa

as we think of it this very relaxed ah

drop of the jaw relaxed lips relaxed

forward tongue but rather mar the lips

begin to already sort of form the

slightly circular position for the R and

the tongue begins to already draw back

into that position R Mar Mar it is

followed by the Chas inch our consonant

sound which is just like the djinn

January but it’s not voiced so you just

pass air through your vocal cords March

April April begins with the ay as in say

diphthong and this is the accented

syllable a April it then has the P

consonant sound followed by the R / /

the schwa and the dark L Oh Oh April

April May

maybe Ginn’s with the M consonant sound

and is followed by the ay as in say

diphthong which is also the first

syllable of April May May June like

January begins with the J’son jar sound

it then has the e as in boo vowel and

the N consonant sound June June July

like June and January begins with a

consonant sound the first syllable can

be pronounced one of two ways

it can either have the e as in boo July

or it can have a schwa JA July July July

so with the Oh as in boo the lips would

be more rounded and with the schwa more

relaxed at any rate it’s the second

syllable that is accented just do you

lie July and the second syllable has the

L sound followed by the AI as in buy

diphthong July August in August it is

the first syllable that is accented all

August and it is the all as in law vowel

sound the second syllable begins with

the G consonant sound good which is

voiced so you do make sound with your

vocal cords good and the tongue reaches

up to the soft palate and pulls away it

then has the UH as in butter very

relaxed two vowel sound

Agha Agha and finally the s and T

consonant sounds

August September here it is the middle

syllable that is stressed Sept 10 /

September both the first and second

syllables have the as in bed vowel sound

but the second one because it’s in the

accented syllable will be a little

longer and a little higher in pitch


September so it begins with the S

consonant sound on

has the as in bed set the P consonant

sound set but here you don’t release

because you do that in the tea set septa

the as in bed and the M consonant sound

September the B consonant sound

schwa and R consonant sound bur

September October November and December

are all similar to September and that it

is the middle syllable the distressed

and they all end with the same syllable

BER so October begins with the AH as in

father sound followed by the K sound

which is unvoiced where the tongue pulls

away from the soft palate Auk Auk the

accented syllable is the T consonant

sound followed by the Oh as in no


octo-octo-octopus ultros M November

November December it begins with the G

consonant sound followed by the e as in

sit vowel sound did did de say it then

has the S consonant sound and the air as

in bed followed by the M consonant sound

December December and now a sentence for

each month listen and repeat I’ll see

you in January in February it snows a

lot in March it seems like it’s always


last April we went to Europe my birthday

is May 5th in June summer begins in July

we celebrate the birthday of America in

August it’s always so hot in September

we begin our school year October is the

beginning of fall November is my

favorite month in December we have
