How to Pronounce W Sound Lesson Excerpt American English

these excerpts are from a lesson with my

friend in which we were going over the W

sound at odds with who with with good

mass or the mouth tall small at odds

with not not not

hmmmm but rather who with who with with

that was perfect whew

mm-hmm at odds with very good he also

worships virgins so look at my mouth at

the beginning of that sound worshipped

were worshipped were would worship

worship mm-hmm here the W sound is in

the middle of a word and it was not his

habit to bring his mouth into this

position on the word flowers he wanted

to say flowers flowers

watch closely flowers flowers flowers

and flowers and flower flowers okay your

mouth has to come in to make this tiny

flower flower flow good and flowers and

human Wow flowers right here again he

initially makes the buh sound as a V

sound but when he corrects it and brings

his mouth in what it does really great

this is the word one which must start


one one one o news and we need to go

back to the word one one yeah that’s

right it started with small one one at

the end there it looked and sounded
