WANT vs. WONT Pronunciation American English

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the pronunciation

of two words: WANT and WON’T.

This is a tough word pair, and I’ve gotten
lots of requests for it. Thanks for putting

in your request, I’m glad to do it.

‘Want’ and ‘won’t’ are two words
that you’ll rarely hear fully pronounced

in American English. ‘Want’ and ‘won’t’
are more common. In these more common pronunciations,

I’m not releasing the T sound. This is a
common pronunciation for all of the N’T

contractions, a topic that I made a video
on several years ago.

So what’s the difference between these two
common pronunciations of ‘want’ and ‘won’t’?

Only the vowel. The beginning and ending consonants
are the same. They both start with W, which

is a tight circle in the lips. You’ll see
this in up-close speech in just a minute.

The tongue lifts in the back and comes down
in the front, ww. The ending is either an

N and fully a pronounced T, or, much more
common, a stop of a nasal sound: nnt, nnt.

To make this sound, the flat, front part of
the tongue is at the roof of the mouth. The

soft palate is down, which means air goes
up into the nasal passages. For the T, we

want to push this sound a little and cut it
off, to make a stop, nt, nt. The T is a stop

consonant. So let’s contrast a plain N sound
with the N-T sound: nn, nt, nn, nt. Try just

to imitate those two sounds, nn, nt, nn, nt.
For the NT sound, I’m pushing down in my

throat just a little bit. It pushes the sound
even more into the nose. Nn, nt, nn, nt. And

that’s the sound I want to cut off, nt.
Want, nt, nt, nt, won’t, nt, nt.

To fully pronounce the NT, simply put the
tongue into position for the N, close the

teeth and cut off the airflow, nn-tt, and
release the air, tongue, and teeth, nn-tt.

This if you want to make a True T at the end.

Now let’s compare the different vowel sounds.
‘Want’ has the AH as in FATHER sound,

ahh, want. But Americans will often morph
this into something more like the UH as in

BUTTER vowel. I know I do. Wa-, uhh, want.
Don’t worry, both of these vowels are really

different from the sound in ‘won’t’.
For both the AH and the UH, the jaw drops,

want, want, and the lips stay relaxed.

In ‘won’t’, it’s quite different.
Here we have a diphthong, the OH as in NO

diphthong. A diphthong is two different sounds.
A beginning position moving into an ending

position. OH. You’ll see that the lips move,
they come in. This will be really obvious

as we look at the zoomed footage. Let’s
take a look now.

Here is the word ‘want’. Lips come in
for the W, and then the relax for the rest

of the word. You can see the tongue come up
for the N-T.

Now the word ‘won’t’. Again, the lips
come into a tight circle for the W consonant.

They relax out for the first position of the
diphthong OH, but they’re still rounded.

Then, they then come back into a tight circle
again for the second position of the diphthong.

This second rounding is what makes this word
different from ‘want’.

Then, the lips relax for the N-T sound.

Let’s compare ‘want’ and ‘won’t’
at the same time. Lips come into a tight circle.

For ‘want’, the lips are starting to relax
all the way out. For ‘won’t’, the lips

are still rounded. And now, as ‘want’
continues to relax, the lips come in again

for ‘won’t’.

So the difference to focus on is the second
lip rounding of ‘won’t’. Make sure you

do this diphthong lip rounding with ‘don’t’
as well, another very common word, don’t.

Won’t, don’t.

Want, won’t. I hope this video has made
the difference in these two words clear. If

there’s a word or phrase you’d like help
pronouncing, put it in the comments below.

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Also, I’m very pleased to tell you that
my book is available for purchase. If you

liked this video, there’s a lot more to
learn about American English pronunciation,

and my book will help you step by step. You
can get it by clicking here, or in the description


That’s it, and thanks so much for using
Rachel’s English.