Win 5 American Postcards from Alisha

want to win a personally signed postcard

from English class you’ll find

out how in a second in this lesson I’ll

teach you how to fill out a postcard in

English the right way but first to enter

the contest it’s really easy and will

take you less than 30 seconds go to this

page English class / postcards

and just fill out the submission form

that’s it the contest will close on

August 22nd and five winners will be

chosen on the 29th of August 2017 so

click on the link in the description and

fill out the submission form to enter

the contest right now now let’s get

started with today’s lesson how to

properly fill out a postcard in English

when writing an address the name of the

person you’re sending it to goes on the

first line for example

the second line is the street address

the third line contains everything else

the city the state this is abbreviated

the zip code and finally the country

postcards are usually divided into two

sections one side is for the address and

postage and the other side is for your

message there’s not a lot of space so

you need to keep your message short and

since it’s not in an envelope everyone

can see what you’re writing on your

postcard so be careful what you say

fun fact bell theology is a term used

for the study and collection of

postcards now you know how to write a

postcard in English and remember if you

want to get a personal postcard just go

to English class slash postcard

and fill out the submission form just

click the link in the description to

enter the contest will close on August

22nd and 5 winners will be chosen on the

29th of August 2017 so fill out the form

to enter right now and stay tuned bye

