English APRIL FOOLS DAY Words with Alisha

April fool’s Day. That’s recording, isn’t
it?! Welcome back to weekly words. My name

is Alisha and today we are going to talk about
a holiday. So let’s get started with April

fool’s Day.

April fool’s Day is the 1st of April every
year and on this particular holiday, you are

expected to play jokes and pranks on your
friend. April fool’s Day is celebrated on

the 1st of April every year and it is a special
holiday that is specifically for playing pranks.

Usually these pranks are supposed to be harmless
or not actually supposed to hurt anybody.

I really hate April fool’s Day because I
can’t ever tell when someone is telling

a lie or not on this day.

First word here is to fool, to fool as a verb
is a word that means to trick somebody or

to deceive somebody. That’s the whole premise
of this holiday, that’s the whole point

of this holiday is to fool your friends and
to fool your family members. In a sentence,

I fooled my mother on April fool’s Day this
year. I told her that I was pregnant, I am

not. I fooled my mom on April fool’s Day
this year. I told her that I had been expelled

from school for punching someone.

All right, the next word is practical joke.
A practical joke, it’s a specific type of

joke or a specific type of prank which is
just a trick that you play on your friends

and family a harmless trick just to make them
laugh or just to confuse them for a moment.

So let’s see. In an example sentence, one
of my favorite practical jokes is covering

a doorway with saran wrap so that when someone
walks through it, they get caught in the saran

wrap and are a little confused for a second.
I think that’s hilarious.

The next one is prankster. Prankster is a
noun, prankster refers to anybody not just

on this holiday but anybody who likes to play
pranks on somebody else. So maybe you have

a friend who is a prankster who likes to do
practical jokes or who likes to just trick

people from time to time. One of my friends
is a real prankster. He is hilarious.

The next one is plastic wrap. I’ve just
talked about plastic wrap. Plastic wrap also

called saran wrap. Saran wrap is a brand,
it’s synonymous with the product generic

brand name. That was a video we did a while
ago. You can look it out. Plastic wrap is

a clear – clear film that you usually use
to cover food in your refrigerator or maybe

if you put something in the Microwave but
it is also commonly used on April fool’s

Day to play pranks on friends. So like I’ve
just described putting it over a door because

you can’t see it really. It’s maybe it’s
hard to see very quickly and very clearly.

So people can walk into it or I’ve heard
of even like really cruelly some people covering

like toilet seats with Saran wrap. In a sentence,
try using plastic wrap to trick your friends,

try using plastic wrap to trick your friends
on April fool’s Day this year.

All right, that is the end of April fool’s
Day vocabulary words. So on April fool’s

Day this year, on April 1st, you can try to
play a few practical jokes on your friends.

Tell us about your favorite practical jokes
or tell us if you played some practical jokes

on your friends or family members in the past.
Leave us a comment down below so you can check

it out. Thanks again for joining us this week
and we will see you again next time, bye.

Hold on, mom April!