English Comprehension Patterns and Summary April Fools Day

welcome to speak English with Tiffany

the CPS addition comprehension patterns

and summary I’m teacher Tiffany let’s

jump right in

today’s topic is April Fool’s Day all


comprehension now to start off with

comprehension we must first look at the

five W’s so again remember the five W’s

are who what when where and why but we

are going to start with the who now what

you want to do is look at the article

and first recognize the information so

we’re gonna look for the who within this

article so let’s begin April Fool’s Day

is an annual celebration in some

European and Western countries that are

celebrated on April 1st some people so

we have people right here say it is

based on a book by a French poet okay we

have French poet written in 1508 but no

one knows for sure let’s keep going it

is different for many other holidays

because no gifts or special services are

held instead April first people they

have people one more time try to come

with ways to play practical jokes or

more time practical that’s the

pronunciation practical jokes on their

friends so we have friends right here

the jokes and there so we have victims

or then called April Fool’s okay some

people believe well we can highlight

that because it’s the title given to

certain people so April Fool’s some

people we see people again some people

believe it is one of the best holidays

because again we see people have a lot

of fun tricking their friends next year

my co-workers now we see another group

of people for the who my coworkers are

planning to play a big particle joke on

our boss they get him every year so he

has given up trying to stop them I on

the other hand usually always avoid my

co-workers ok we can stop here so you

see we’ve highlighted all of the who now

let’s look at

what we’re gonna look over the article

one more time and find out what it’s

talking about

okay so April Fool’s Day well that’s the

first thing April Fool’s Day is an

annual celebration remember annual means

every year in some European and Western

countries that are celebrated on April

1st some people say it is based on a

book by a French poet written in 1508 so

we have a book that’s something but no

one knows for sure it’s different from

many other holidays so we mentioned

holidays because no gifts or special

services are held instead on April 1st

people try to come with ways once again

come up with ways to play practical

jokes on their friends the jokes so we

have jokes as well as a piece of

information that seems to be something

that is repeated we have jokes and also

let’s go back practical jokes

also seems to be something that is

information that we can hold for our

comprehension ok let’s keep going the

jokes and their victims are then called

April Fool’s some people believe it is

one of the best holidays so we have one

of the best holidays because people have

a lot of fun tricking their friends and

again we have practical joke again so

this is and at the end we have but in

all honesty it is quite a fun holiday ok

now we’re gonna go over when so let’s

look at the article one more time and

see what times are mentioned here we go

April Fool’s Day is an annual

celebration in some European and Western

countries that is celebrated on right

there April 1st some people say it is

based on a book by a French poet written

in 1508 so we have a year now but no one

knows for sure let’s skim through it is

different or many other holidays instead

on April 1st once again April 1st is

mentioned again let’s look for another

time period but Joseph Collier fools

some people believe it is one of the

best holiday

because people have a lot of fun

tricking their friends okay we see one

more piece of information for when next

year my coworkers are planning to play a

big practical joke on our boss okay

let’s move on now we’re going to look at

where so we’re gonna see if we can find

information that answers we’re okay from

the very beginning April Fool’s Day is

an annual celebration in some European

and Western countries okay we got where

that is hella braided on April 1st some

people say it is based on a book okay do

we see any other information for where

let’s move down next year my coworkers

are planning to play a practical joke or

a big practical joke on our boss okay so

we have the information for where and

let’s move on to why so let’s see the

reasons that we can find inside of this

article okay so we have April Fool’s Day

is an annual celebration that is

celebrated in April first some people

say it is based on a book by French poet

but no one knows for sure it is

different from many other holidays

because no gifts or special services are

held instead on April 1st people try to

come up with ways to play practical

jokes on their friends now we’re gonna

get the reason the jokes and their

victims are then called April Fool’s

some people believe it is one of the

best holidays because people have a lot

of fun tricking their friends okay

that’s the reason why okay now let’s

look at the patterns within this article

let’s begin with the first sentence

April Fool’s Day is an annual

celebration in some European and Western

countries that is celebrated on April

1st this sentence is kind of basic so

let’s keep going to the second sentence

some people say it is based on a book by

a French poet written in

18:08 now in this sentence we have a

very useful English pattern is based on

this English pattern is used when you

want to talk about where something

starts or where something came from okay

let’s do this where something let’s

change this from starts to start Ted so

where something started or where it came

from so for example this movie is based

on a true story or in other words this

movie came from a true story another

example this book is based on my life

okay where it started or where it came


okay let’s keep going the next sentence

but no one knows for sure okay we see

another pattern in this sentence knows

let’s do that over again here we go

knows for sure now this means to be

confident to be confident in what you’re

saying to have no doubt so for example I

can say I know for sure that my husband

is going to love this cake or I can say

I know for sure that it’s not going to

rain tomorrow so know for sure is used

when you are confident about something

so let’s give one more example they know

for sure that class will be canceled

okay so when you’re confident about

something all right let’s move on to the

next sentence it is different from many

other holidays because no gifts or

special services are held now at the

very beginning of this sentence we have

it is different from now this pattern is

used when you want to compare two things

so we’ll write

to come have to go to the next line

to come pair so for example it is

different from my old computer once

again my new computer is different from

my old computer so remember this it can


she is different from my mother he is

different from his brother whenever you

want to compare someone or something

you can use blank is different from

blank ok let’s move on instead on April

1st people try to come up with ways to

play practical jokes on their friends

now within this sentence we see come up

with okay come up with means to think of

or to have an idea

ok to think of or to

have an idea so for example we try to

come up with a solution to the problem

so let’s say for example we are at our

office and the boss says I need you guys

to have this project done by tomorrow so

what happens myself and my team would

come together

why so that we could come up with a

solution so to think of or to have an


okay come up with all right let’s move

on to the next one the jokes and their

victims are then called April Fool’s

that’s pretty simple let’s keep going

some people believe it is one of the

best holidays because people have a lot

of fun tricking their friends now this

is a very important pattern here we go

is one of the now you use this pattern

when you’re trying to talk about one

thing among many let me explain for

example there are many books but among

these 10 books one of them is my

favorite so this book is one of the best

books in my collection so one of the so

one among many so I have many different

things and I want to talk about one of

them okay so again is one of them so we

can also use a talk about people he is

one of the most famous people in Korea

what does that mean it means there are

many famous people in Korea but he is

one of them ok very good let’s keep

going next year my coworkers are

planning to play a big practical joke on

our boss

okay and this when we see planning to

now planning to just means something you

want to do in the future okay so for

example I talked to my friend the other

day and she really wants to get married

so what did she say my boyfriend and I

are planning to get married so in the

front you will have a person behind or

after planning to you will have an

action so right here he is planning to

go to America

he is the person planning to and go to

America is the action alright very good

let’s keep going they get him every year

so he has given up trying to stop them

okay so the pattern we see right

underneath planning to is given up now

given up means to stop it means to stop

trying or to stop doing let’s write it

right here

alright so for example I used to eat ice

cream every day but I don’t now I

stopped doing that so I can say I gave

up ice cream or he has given up ice

cream it means he stopped eating it or I

stopped eating it so given up or give up

means to stop trying or to stop doing

now let’s look at the last two sentences

here we go I on the other hand usually

always avoid my co-workers on that day

let’s keep going but in

honesty it is quite a fun holiday now

there are two patterns that I want us to

look at okay so the first pattern in

these two sentences is on the other hand

now on the other hand just refers to the

opposite opinion or the opposite side of

something so for example I really enjoy

taking walks on the other hand I don’t

enjoy when my feet hurt okay opposite

opinion I like but I don’t like okay

when you have two opposite opinions okay

and the last pattern is in all honesty

okay we use in our honesty to emphasize

that what we’re about to say is true or

our real feelings for example in all

honesty I love to eat at night or in all

honesty I really enjoy spending time


okay I’m emphasizing the truth of that

statement okay so we have a lot of

patterns from this one short article

let’s move on okay

for the summary portion the first thing

we must do is recap the comprehension

section we did remember for

comprehension we looked at five things

we looked at the who the what the when

the where and also the why so what you

want to do for the summary is pick one

or two from each of these categories and

you’re gonna make that a part of your

summary remember a summary is just a

short snippet of the article you read

okay for the who I’m going to choose a

French poet that’s the part I want to

focus on

and also april fools so the French poet

and april fools for the what I’m going

to focus on April Fool’s Day for the win

I’m going to focus on 15:08 and also

April 1st for the where I’m gonna focus

on European and Western countries and

for the why I’m going to focus on people

have a lot of fun tricking their friends

ok so now let’s start summarizing this

using these pieces of information ok

let’s write it right here a little bit

above the text ok now let’s look at the

summary April Fool’s Day is on April 1st

and some people say it comes from a book

written by a French poet in 1508 it is

celebrated in some Western and European

countries because people have a lot of

fun tricking their friends and calling

them April Fool’s and that’s how you

summarize an article