Learn American Holidays April Fools Day

hi everyone I’m Alicia April Fool’s Day
is one of the most beloved and some

would say pointless holidays in the
United States

in fact it’s light-hearted nature is
part of what makes it so popular there

is a popular misconception regarding the
origin of April Fool’s Day do you know

what it is we’ll show you the answer at
the end of this video the events

associated with April Fool’s Day are not
officially organized and are often not

observed intentionally this is a holiday
when just about everybody gets a prank

or two played on them in the United
States Americans generally celebrate

April Fool’s Day by looking for any
opportunity they can to play a prank on

their friends in fact this is really the
only point of the entire holiday April

Fool’s Day is not marked by parades
speeches or other events this holiday is

all about fun on April Fool’s Day you’ll
find people falling victim to pranks

that are elaborate and simple alike a
lot of the time the pranks involve

telling somebody something outrageous or
false and if they’re gullible enough to

believe it
saying April Fool’s to let them know

that they’ve been had by a prank even
companies get into the action on April

Fool’s Day in the United States for
example Google the internet search giant

became famous for adding features to its
Google Earth and maps products that were

downright ridiculous if you tried to
plot a walking route across an ocean for

example you might get advice to use a
kayak or a jet ski to traverse the

natural barrier April Fool’s Day is not
just an American holiday it actually

dates back to earlier holidays including
the Roman festival of hilarya the idea

of having a holiday specifically to play
pranks isn’t a United States tradition

alone and now here’s the answer to the
quiz do you know what a popular

misconception is regarding the origin of
April Fool’s Day contrary to popular

belief April Fool’s Day is not rooted in
people mistaking April 1st for the

beginning of the new year in fact there
are references to this holiday known to

historians that date
as early as the late 1300s how is this

lesson did you learn something
interesting this April Fool’s Day exists

in your country if so what are some
traditional tricks or jokes for this day

please leave a comments at English class

until next time
