Is it RUDE 10 Common Australian Slang Phrases Aussie English

looks like that’s it

yeah we’re live hey to everyone who’s

joining in the comments

we’ve been watching you all jumping in

and say hello

saying hello it’s awesome to see you


got so many different countries


already um poland spain

ukraine italy um

gosh azerbaijan india

so many great places um welcome

welcome to all of you it is very very

exciting to be back

for our second live

uh video here on english of course i’m

emma from um english

and if you joined our live last month

then you would have

already met shah um shah is my

partner i am you are and uh he’s been

roped in to do some

live lessons with me or live

conversations and i think that the

interesting thing

about these videos for us

is that uh often lessons on the

english channel are quite um

formal formal formal structure it’s like

a structured proper lesson

whereas right now there is no plan

right now you get um very genuine

very real conversation between

me and char um today’s

live video is all about australian slang

which is an interesting interesting

topic um i’m sure that for any of you

who have

met any australians or work with


or have australians visiting your city

want to come to australia or want to

come to us you want to move to australia

or holiday

in australia right so i’m sure that

there’s a level of curiosity about

australian slang

i have to admit that this lesson

or this video itself is not going to be

like a regular english lesson

australian slang tends to be

a little crass

what does crass mean vulgar um

i’m trying to think of the right type of

way to describe it it’s like rude words

but they’re not rude

perhaps rude just a little bit rude

um and that’s very

i guess it’s very normal in australian


so full disclosure in this particular


you’re probably gonna hear a few rude

words though the meaning is not


rude we’ll talk a little bit about that


but i did want to make that really clear

up front um

just in case you have your kids watching

or you’re not really into that kind of


um that is what’s happening right

australia may not be the place for you

maybe yes maybe i think that every

country has this though don’t you mean

you all have our we all have slang and

sometimes they say things which they

sound a little bit rude

or like you shouldn’t say them but

sometimes they can even be affectionate


they can be positive what is um our

belgian friend but hello bart

if you’re watching you’re doing this one

wow he’s my favorite

belgian expression is to

um stamp on someone’s balls

to stamp on someone’s balls which means

to give them a really hard time

is that the context yes that’s right

often used in the case where you’re

asking for a discount

on the price from the shop keeper and

the shopkeeper doesn’t want to give you

the discounted price and he might say

hey stop stamping on my balls

which in australia we find very very

funny very funny

very funny maybe you have ones like this

we would love to hear

all of your slang especially if there’s

ones that are similar to the ones we’re

going to be

yes i don’t even know what we’re sharing

yet by the way oh and rosie’s saying i

used to work as

cabin crew on australian airlines and

she loves perth

where we live um but that is another

yeah really common way of meeting people

from different

places right it’s um connecting with

people in airports and on airplanes

so this might be an interesting um

conversation for any of you lebanon

fantastic philippines we’ve been to

philippi we’ve been to philippines

haven’t we

we’ve been to lebanon as well yeah um

yeah ahmed’s asking where’s your dog

actually she’s right at our feet

if you can hear some strange snuffling


in the background she’s we’re trying to

keep her if she’s good we can show her

later and also we can share what her

name was last

last on the last live we had we were

deciding between

daisy and frankie well anyone who


me on instagram knows what the

answer might be but we’ll see if she


we’ll we’ll introduce her to all of you

again she’s

definitely much bigger now that she’s a


older the girl likes to eat she does

she certainly does so um

i’m gonna keep my eye off the comments

just for a second

and um talk a little bit about

slang generally so um

slang is a really informal

way of communicating with other people

so i’m sure you have your own versions

of slang in your own language

in english slang does not relate to

just a particular language it relates to

country it can relate to your social

circle the people that you hang out with

um you know i’m often hearing things

that my own brothers

say and thinking i have no idea

what you’re talking about at all their

own version of slang the way that they

communicate with each other

is unique to a particular social circle

or age group or demographic

that kind of thing so of course with

slang it’s always

interesting and fun to learn about

different expressions different ways of

expressing yourself

but it would be very very odd

for you to use an australian slang


when talking to an american for example

because we

often have this and actually our team

er they are english speakers from

all over the world and we often have

these conversations where we just think

i have no idea what you’re talking about

i would never say that what on earth are

you talking about so slang’s very

local and you would probably have this

as well you have slang amongst your

friends you have little sayings and

words and things so

um i was going to say take it with a

grain of salt but

um you might find times where the things


we’re sharing today other australians

are saying

and you might find other australians

saying different things that

maybe we haven’t heard of so um what’s

the golden rule with

using slang then the idea is what that

you don’t just kind of you wait

back a little bit to see if they’re

using these words before you

might say it or what do you do about it

the best the best strategy with slang

is to listen for and be aware of

the words expressions and phrases that

are happening around you

before you start using them yourself and

so if you’re hearing these things and

you’re trying to understand them

people around you at your workplace at


local gym at the pub wherever you are

if you hear these expressions then

that’s a really good sign

that you can start experimenting with

them yourself

definitely um so if you’re curious about

australian slang

this video is definitely going to be for

you if you

are living in or moving to australia at

some point

definitely it’s going to be an

interesting one we’re going to be

talking about some expressions that are


commonly shared on all of the standard

blog sites about australian slang um

tinny servo snag

dunny we’re not talking what do i have

to do today

what am i supposed to be doing why am i

here we’ll get to that

um of course if you know any australian


um or if you know any australians living

in your city or you have to meet them


work in tourism and you see them all the


this is going to be an interesting video

to help you learn how

australians think and i think that

like we mentioned earlier australians

have this really unusual ability

to turn rude words or what would seem to

be rude words

into positive meanings

or neutral meanings you know so they’re

not necessarily rude

though they sound it not all as it seems

right um what are you doing here i need


to help me talk about the particular


or situations when these expressions

might be useful or relevant

like when i would say them or like an

example of what i would say

yeah yeah because i think it’s great to


what this word is or what this phrase is

what it means okay but

we really want to know like what’s the

situation where you would actually

use it and for both of us this

list we’ve got 10 expressions

um for both of us they are all ones that

we would use

regularly and comfortably they’re not

sort of random

ones that we don’t actually use

ourselves how do you know what slang

that i use

i live with you of course i know

okay this will be this interesting be


okay um let’s start

with um chuck asiki

so um this is quite quite a common one

we say in australia to chuck a sickie

um sometimes you might hear throw a


or pull a sickies there’s a couple of

different verbs that you might use but

what is a

sikhi shah

it’s when you’re sick so generally

sicky when you’re sick yeah so like when

you can’t go to work because you become

unwell you have a cold but you don’t

really have a cold you’re just saying

that you don’t feel very well

and so you say we use the word sikhi so

it’s for those days where i don’t feel

like going to work

in australia and for me personally the


is beautiful the ocean is calm the fish

are biting i would chuck a sickie

which would mean that i would tell my


which would be you that i’m not feeling

very well today and i can’t come to work

but in the background i would say um

okay i can come

fishing with you as i’d say to my mate

mate i can come fishing with you

um i’ll just chuck a sickie and the

reason why we can do that i guess is in

australia we get

paid days off work if you’re not feeling

very well

i think we get six days a year or

something like that so i have six days a


where i don’t have to produce a doctor’s

certificate and i can

chuck a sickie take the day off work

i wonder if that’s true for everyone who

is watching as well if you

have ever called into your office

at work to your boss and um

you said i’m really sick

i’m a little bit unwell today i can’t


in but actually you’ve just got

something else more exciting that you

want to do

so that’s chucking strategy um so it’s

pretending to be sick

when you are not now australians

often use the word sick

to suggest that something is really


good so you’ll often hear

australians saying younger australians


i would say not my parents

no that’s true yeah um so they might say

i went away for the weekend and we went

kite surfing

and char would say oh that sounds

sick i was about to say it too

that is what i would say oh would say

that sounds sick yeah that sounds

absolutely sick

exactly and that’s a really positive

thing we might say fully sick like if it

was really good

and i was excited for somebody else i

would say

fully sick that sounds so exciting to me


um it’s interesting like i said not all

is as it seems in australia it sounds


to say that something is really good by


it’s sick and also

crook now crook

is a very australian way of saying that


are unwell so if you’re not feeling

good you might have heard the expression


to be under the weather to be not

feeling very well

so in australia you might say

well look i was a little crook over the


i wasn’t feeling very well so

that is a very normal usage of the word


but it can also be a positive thing

yes and it can also be a negative


even a sickening thing that’s related to

sick so crook

and sick but we also have some people

use the word crook to also describe

something that was

absolutely amazing for example

the sun came up over the ocean

and everyone was having a wonderful time

and the weather was perfect

and um it was crook

which just doesn’t make any make any

sense at all because it means like and

it’s almost like it was so good

that i felt sick it’s kind of what it

kind of implies something like that but

not a literal transfer but i would

i would say that the most common

usage of crook is um you know if you

walked into a room and it

smelt really bad really really bad

then you might say that’s crook

and it was crook yes exactly that would


the most common way my dog just ate

horse poo

in front of me it was cruel all right

i could do lots of these ones um

okay so the next one we’ve talked about

chucky sticky

we’ve talked about sick as in awesome

yes um what about a bum

steer like steering the car

a bum steer the bum is like as in my


yes so and the way that we would


express this idea is to say that someone

gave you a bum steer

i don’t know if anyone would know what

this means that’s what we’re here for

yeah well um i would say

um the bums here would be like um if i

was asking

someone what’s a really great place uh

that i can get a good coffee

and then they sent me to a cafe and i

went to that cafe

and they don’t even serve coffee and

they only serve smoothies

so i went to that place wasted all this

time and i would say oh

she gave me a bum steer so she sent me


in some direction looking for looking

for something

and steered my bum around i don’t know

but anyway just me i would just be

disappointed because i was given the bum

steal she gave me the bum steer

and all i wanted was a great coffee she

sent me to the place that doesn’t even

serve coffee

that’s a yeah a good way to describe it

is to say

that someone was really disappointed you

know if you

went all the way somewhere and you

didn’t get what you wanted

i got a bum steer i got told to go there

but i didn’t get what i wanted yes

there is a really great great question

that’s come in

um uh

from in the comments asking what the


of driving me nuts is

you’re driving me nuts

this isn’t specifically an australian

slang expression but it

is very common here um if someone is

driving you

nuts it means they’re driving you crazy

they’re annoying you

they’re being really frustrating it’s

making you annoyed um they’re driving me


the same as driving you crazy driving

crazy you’re making me go from not crazy

to crazy you’re driving me crazy yeah

like that

you’re driving yeah exactly yes loco

exactly yep good idea exactly right

driving me crazy

correct correct correct guys um miyamoto

is asking

why are you not adding mate to the end

of every sentence

i can be more australian mate if you

really want me to

but for the purpose of youtube no

this is very much the context you’d like

me to be more australian i can be real


mate tell me what it means to say

that if i said you’re spewing or i’m


so to spew spew

means to vomit or to throw up okay


also sort of informal sort of

way of explaining that someone vomited

or they threw up

spew it’s not a very nice sounding word

but no one wants to speak no in


um we have an expression and we usually

say that i’m spewing

or he is spewing or she

would be yes like for example

i just spent two thousand dollars

on booking my whole holiday with my


and then covered restrictions hit and i


all the money oh you’d be spewing you

would be

you would be ewing ewing you would be so

annoyed and upset you would be

frustrated you would be angry

you would be spurious yes yep

very very australian stuff like that

yeah um what about

to if if someone cracked it

crack like cracked it if someone

cracked it yeah what does that mean

well it’s like um so

the most common time when i would say

crack it is when i see

little children in the restaurant or

little children

in a museum or someplace their parents

take them

and then all of a sudden they are tired

they’ve had too much they want to go

home and they start crying

and yelling and hitting stuff and i

would look to emma and say

someone’s cracked it like that and i

would refer to the little kid

as crack that kid has cracked it or and

anyone has corrected so anyone who

looks like a it’s like a build up of all


like frustration and irritation and

anger and

annoyance and then eventually you break

and then you start behaving in some

other way and we would say oh they’ve

cracked it

yeah often you would say that about a


who is you know they can’t control their

emotions but you often see

adults you know when someone gets really

angry because they

a waitress messed up the order yeah

somebody pushes into a queue

yeah and you watch someone push in the

queue in front and in australia we all

like to wait our turn

and then somebody pushes in front and


the person watching they cannot take it

anymore they crack it

and they go and say something to that

person hey you can’t push into that

queue we’re all standing here look

waiting our turn and you’ve just pushed

in and at that point we might even say

he just cracked the which could be

an even higher level

more more related to adults in some ways

i’m not sure if that’s right

yeah but it’s like a more you wouldn’t

say that intense you wouldn’t say that

you wouldn’t say a child’s crack the

that’s a rude word isn’t it

i didn’t even think of that but that’s

actually a swear word

yes yes the cracker shits is like wow

they’re really

angry now yeah so cranky yep somebody is

so cranky

um cracked like an egg kind of like that


let’s siana burst into tears like maybe

not that’s like really upset like crying

but you know it could be it could be so

especially if you’re talking about a


who has um you know something

hasn’t gone the way they wanted it to

and so they get really upset and

ruin the day of everyone else who is


they crack it and often it means

you know their parents or whoever’s with

them all their plans are ruined

you know it’s not fun for anyone else if

someone cracks it

usually you end up going home what about

you crack me up

which has been coming from corpse

awareness that is a

good one so here we’ve got a couple of

different meanings here so to crack it

uh is to get angry and upset

um to crack the shits is a very

very can’t believe we’re saying this i

know well like i said this isn’t

a normal english lesson there is

definitely going to be some swear words

here not necessarily a really

rude meaning but definitely the words

that we usually

associate with being quite rude um

we we use in sort of more

regular contexts in australia um

what was it she cracks her up

okay so if you crack up in a positive


it means that you are really really

funny or

some um so if i said to you char

you crack me up which i do

yes so often sometimes um

there you go so i just did it yeah so if

shah if i said to shia you crack me up

it’s because

i’m laughing at something that he’s said

or he’s done he’s really funny

frankie cracks me up all the time she’s


ah you just gave away the answer oh

no no they didn’t hear moving around

um so yeah another great uh

ah not crack the sheets

like the sheets that you put on your bed


shits which is yeah like a

kind of a ruder way of saying poo um

so to crack the shits is a very

australian expression of being

annoyed speaking of being annoyed we


say that someone is

pissed yes we do pissed off

or pissed yeah yeah we say this word a


this is to urinate


right that’s what peace means but we use

this word pissed

you said pissed off so if i’m pissed off

that means i’m really

angry someone’s cheated me in some way

um something didn’t go my way that it

was supposed to be

really annoyed about something i really

pissed off and generally it’s

pissed off is generally because

something else out there happened to me

yeah but it kind of wasn’t um so in a

way it’s quite

similar just angry generally i missed my

flight i was

pissed off because i wasn’t able to make


to the concert it’s similar to

crackit you know if someone cracked it

they are

pissed off for sure

um so that is also a piece also means


it does he was really pissed

means he was really i mean they use this


british english yes i don’t know if they

said that in the u.s do they uh

i don’t think so i think in the us they

don’t tend to be

as um kind of loose

with their language as we are


so like shah said piss is definitely


for to urinate or to we um

and so of course it has been

transformed into lots of different

expressions in australia

we say that someone is pissed if they


annoyed they look really angry if you


some angry guy walking towards you and

you thought oh

that guy looks pissed like really upset

it’s more scary when a woman is pissed


she was pissed like wow she must have

been really scary

yes pissed off pissed off she was really

pissed off

yes um but like char said it also means

to be

drunk now one of

my favorite expressions also relating

to piss

is to take

the piss or to take the piss out of

someone let’s talk about that a little


that can get sort of interpreted in a

couple of different ways

right to take the piss so i would say

well you can take the piss out of

someone which means you make

fun of that person or you make jokes

about that person so that

everyone else or you can laugh at

someone now you can do that

in a fun way like with your friends and

take the piss out of him

because everyone’s having fun so we all

love to laugh at each other

in australia we don’t like to take it

ourselves very seriously

we like to laugh about ourselves so i

might take the piss

out of myself i might take the piss out

of my friends

i make the take the peace out of anyone

you take it’s one reason i take the

first out of you often

um but then i could also take the piss

out of someone because i wanted to

i didn’t want to be fun or nice to that

person i might take the piss out of them


embarrass them in front of other people

to embarrass them that’s less common

but you might describe i might say oh

he was taking the piss out of her just

then yeah

and he was doing that on purpose to be

uh to embarrass her

i don’t know how you would work out what

the right application of this is yeah

that way

it’s embarrassing or um yeah so it’s not

usually a nice

it’s not a nice thing to take the piss

out of someone though in australia

we are often quite we joke around a lot

with our mates

and so it’s quite common for

friends or partners to take the piss out

of each other and have a laugh at each

other for sure

um i love can i just quickly read out

this example that i’ve just seen come in

from algeria

from our friend yousef who said in

algeria we use the word

pig for a man to say that

he’s very good at something for example

you’re a pig

that means you’ve got some skills wow

that is cool thank you

to pig he’s a pig man meaning he’s very

skilled at something

that’s so interesting because

because for us um

to say that someone is a pig it’s a

negative thing

for sure it’s like a woman would say

that about a man

sometimes yes what a pig like he doesn’t

look after himself or he

you know when he’s talk he’s eating he

talks and food sprays out of his mouth

that kind of thing but i like that

definition yeah i want to be yeah

yeah um i also wanted to call out

um williams comment he said

you can also crack a beer yes you can so

like you can crack an egg you can crack

an egg you can crack a beer

means to open the beer um it’s usually a


or in australian slang we would say


eating cracker you can crack a tinny so

definitely if you have a can of beer and

you’re with an australian you can say

just going to crack a tinny yes for sure

well done like it

um let’s move on to

uh to be up

up yourself or to say

i might say hey that guy is really

up himself yeah um i would say that

so if you maybe some of you know

the definition or the meaning of to be

stuck up to be stuck up

which means that you think you are

better than

other people okay um

and we also say that you are full of


your head is just full of yourself and

how great you are

these are these are very very um

uh common synonyms for

up himself or up herself

you wouldn’t normally talk about

yourself or someone that you’re

talking to i wouldn’t never i would

never say

mate you are up yourself unless i really

wanted to let that person know

that you’re being very arrogant right


and in australia we don’t like up

yourself i don’t actually know if this

is true

but i think it’s something to do with

your head is up

your bum your bottom you’re up yourself

i mean

like i think that’s what it means what

about stuck up though

stuck upside there’s a cork

i don’t know but up yourself so i would

say i would never

necessarily it would be very rare that i

would say to someone else

you’re up yourself mate um unless i

really wanted to make it known that i

think they were behaving in such a way


where they were so important compared to

everyone else but i might talk about

someone else

who is um i guess

we don’t really like this in australia

we like to be all kind of equal and

everybody sort of in the same kind of

area so we don’t really have this

so many levels kind of thing so it’s

funny here because

we don’t really like that so much so

when somebody is

parading around and being

saying how good they are and like i was

first to do this and i’ve written 15

books and i have a famous tv show

and my wife is the most beautiful one in

my car is so expensive my house is the

biggest and i’m the richest

we would say that guy’s up himself and


kind of like i don’t really want to talk

about you

we talk with you that much mate like

you’re a bit full of yourself yeah be

full of yourself yourself yes

just relax a little bit on that we think

you’re great too but you don’t have to

go around telling everybody

ralph was saying i don’t understand what

you are saying

but you both speak very well

that’s great yes this lesson or this

video today

is about australian slang so it’s very


and um very challenging also for

other english learners other english


native english speakers to understand as


it’s one of my favorite things about

being an english teacher is

you get to work with and be around

a whole bunch of english speakers from

all around the world

and one of the best things that we do is

just argue about

the different ways that we express the

same idea

same language lots of different ways to

express the same idea

speaking of expressing ideas

differently the last two expressions

that i have

are both involving the word

not sheet like some of you had said


but which is i can just think of

that emoji

the little

uh somebody put it in the comments

someone put it in the comments so that

we know what we’re talking

about um but is definitely

very slang very informal for

um well poo

also informal um

but the two expressions that i want to

talk about

there we go image thank you

all right we’re on the same page guys

good we are on the same page

um so to

yourself sounds

really really bad

nobody wants to be around or involved in

that situation right

if you yourself obviously

oh what does that mean

and do you usually use that expression

regularly in australia

i think people do use it regularly in


amongst your friends you probably and

it’s like you’re showing you’re a

how did we say it it’s like you’re


uh vulnerable you’re being vulnerable if

people use that word

um so i started claiming that i

stepped on stage to make my speech

there was 5 000 people there

and i was myself

that’s a great example um in fact me

before i go live on youtube yeah i’m


my first youtube live with emma last


the last month the camera said

live and the clock was counting

and i shat myself

i did a little poo in my no i didn’t no

not really really i didn’t really do

that but that’s the feeling

guys right and this is believe it or not

this is

um if i was telling if we go and meet

our friends

uh tomorrow and we talk about how

nervous we were

how worried we were before we went live

on youtube

i would joke with them i would say i was


i was really scared you might

yourself at a job interview

yes you might yourself um where

have you shut yourself before occasion

um i actually

when we launched you um like when i um

before when we’ve created a course for

your students

and we’re going to show the world

something that we’ve made and you don’t

know if it’s going to go very well

you kind of yourself like i don’t

know if this is going to work maybe they

won’t like it

there’s a bit of fear um there i don’t

understand how every week emma stands

and makes

videos for you guys in front of the

camera and doesn’t herself because

i would do that

okay we have to stop talking about this

now it’s feeling weird it’s too much

it’s too much you guys get the idea

um i love how someone before was saying

i’ve never sent anyone this emoji but

they did she did today that’s hilarious

three times in a row only here on

english guys this is the place

i’m glad we found a use for the the poo

emoji today

yes nice to see it here last expression

also related to yes is

to have the shits or

to give someone the shits

oh she’s giving me the shits yeah is

that a good thing that is not a good


no no you don’t want to give anyone the

so in what

context would you say she’s giving me


shits oh and someone’s just annoying you

and they just don’t stop and you want to


um like i really want to go out and i

can’t use you as an example you don’t

really give me the shits but like say

example my sister no she’s watching

sometimes my sister gives me the shits

she always wants my attention

more than i’m prepared to give and then

gets all needy and

i think ah you’re giving me the oh

my god you’re getting into so much right

i’m getting in trouble

or i’m trying to rely i’m trying to do

my work and the puppy

won’t stop bothering me and she wants to

play and she wants to play and i’m like

i have to get this done please just

five minutes just five minutes just be


she keeps going and i say ah this dog is

giving me the shits

yeah go back to our first um

or second phrase if your

kid has cracked it they’re crying

they’re frustrated um they’re ruining

your day

then you could say my kid is giving me

the shits

like really annoying me it’s driving me


driving me nuts that came up before so

all of these are similar

expressions why do so many people in the

comments spell

with s-h-e-e-t but it’s s-h-i-t

is it because of how we’re saying it

it’s just a very

very this is a very common um sound

that gets confused by english learners

it’s a short vowel sound versus a long

vowel sound so is different

to sheet sheet i put on my

there like manuel goddigo i never

give my sheets to anybody to anyone

completely different meaning they’re

talking about the sheets or

yeah you would say i never give

the shits to anyone you would never say

my shits that that’s the puppy has

farted and it is crook

that dog is giving me the stop

making that smell

yes if khan it’s not sheet but

shorter vowel sound

i’m going to go through a couple more

that we got here and madonna is saying

yeah maybe it’s because it can’t be

typed in the comments

maybe everyone is writing it correctly

but it’s not

um a couple more here i just saw uh

just kira what’s the meaning of going

bush i will tell you going bush

means to go out into the wilderness into

the areas where there are no roads

and no buildings where it’s wild

vegetation trees grass etc

we’re going in bush in britain in the uk

they might say we’re going

to the countryside and in australia we


we’re going bush we are

um anna was saying is driving me crazy

also is when you like someone very much

yeah she drives me crazy like i love her

okay so yeah that question is about um

if someone uh is constantly in your


and they’re driving you crazy you can’t

think about anything else

then yes it could be if you’re very in

love with someone they might be driving

you crazy

yes uh william rivera how about oh these

are quite australian ones i’ll

answer them for you super quickly what

about fair dinkum bloody oath dead

ringer okay

fair income means like somebody’s

actually serious about something that

made it

offer or they asked they are um genuine

about something real that’s real so say


i’m going to give you five grand for

your car mate and we will say oh yeah

he’s fair dinkum like he’s

actually going to give you the 5 000 for

that car

bloody oath bloody oath i mean


bloody oath um is like uh

hey are you guys gonna come on holiday

with us bloody oathmate

bloody oath i am um you taking the day

off you can chuck a sticky tomorrow so

we can all go fishing bloody yeah

oh yeah you come to my place for a

barbie mate gladio yeah so bloody oath

means absolutely i will definitely join

you i’ll definitely

do that thing dead ringer dead ringer

is when um uh last month somebody said

um called me nicholas cage now i don’t

think that i’m a dead ringer for


but somebody out there did so somebody

thought that i

look like look exactly like nicholas

cage maybe there’s someone that you

think that emma

looks just like for example

what’s someone someone said about you

who are you dead pregnant for

you don’t know one do you if anyone has

one who’s another dead ringer

it’s when one person looks like another

person where we say

she is a dead ringer for that person

yeah if you look like someone else

you’re a dead bringer for them yep and

last one i’ve got here’s nachio says

yeah in usa use the word piss a lot for

the word

piss up which is often a party or a

place where people will be drinking lots

of alcohol and they call it a piss-up i


yeah um that’s definitely one that is

not unique to australia

um a piss up is um

is a party so really just like we were

talking about the word

pissed to be pissed it can mean to be

angry but it can also mean to be really

drunk lots of alcohol

and so a piss up is a party or an event

where everyone is drinking lots of


eduardo says she looks like an angel oh

sh but that doesn’t matter for an angel

dead ringer means you have to pick

someone like um well i gave you my


i don’t know who else people said that

you look like wasn’t did you supposed to

say you look like the princess

kate no someone like that someone did

that once

yeah i wouldn’t call it a dead ringer

but maybe

she’s also very beautiful yes yeah

doppelganger yep dude

exactly right double doppelganger

yep yes yes all right good all right

um to get the ball rolling indira

means to get started with something um

we definitely got the ball rolling early

on with

10 expressions slang expressions

from australia that are useful if you

know any australians you may hear them

using some of these things of course

all slang expressions are very very

informal and um

used definitely used amongst friends but

here in australia i would say that some

of these are

even used in the workplace um because

we tend to be quite informal even in our

workplaces as well

yes we do um if any of you have


about these expressions let me know in

the comments i’m going to jump

straight off this live video and put a

big list

of the 10 expressions that we talked

about today

in the description of the video so if

you’re a little unsure about if i said

sheet or then you can double check

and i’ll put a couple of example

sentences in there as well

um thank you so much to all of you for

joining live

i know that it was quite an interesting

lesson um not a usual

english lesson at all it was definitely


a little different thank you again to

sha for

helping me out and for her coming on


and um going through some of the

different contexts in which we use these

expressions no worries mate

no worries at all like i said as

strange as it sounds all 10 of these

expressions are very

very common in everyday australian


so um very interesting

thank you so much to everyone for

joining us thank you to

kailyn for helping us out in the

comments and

um we will see you back here live on

english next month but of course

new video out next week so i will see


there thanks everyone thanks for joining

us today

see you guys have a great day