Phrasal Verb Practice Lets Go Over 2016

hello hello welcome to today’s live

YouTube lesson I’m Vanessa and welcome

to the speak English

with Vanessa YouTube page I’m so glad

that you’re taking time out of your busy

day to learn English with me and with

our community this is excellent

today we’re going to be talking about

some phrasal verbs but we’re not going

to talk about just a list of phrasal

verbs we’re going to use them to talk

about the past because it’s the end of

the year it’s the end of 2016 we have 11

more days until the new year so it’s a

good time to reflect and think about the

past so let me help you today with some

phrasal verbs that we would naturally

use to talk about the past if you are

new here welcome I’m glad you’re here

have you downloaded my free

end-of-the-year gift today we’re

celebrating the end of the year so I

hope that you have a chance to download

my free guide it’s called

top three tips because in all of

December I have been making videos about

top 3 tips for grammar top 3 tips for

learning vocabulary top 3 tips for your

fluency and in the free end of the year

guide I have written all of those ideas

and added some resources so that you can

really remember them and use them put

them on your wall put them under your

pillow use them and keep it in mind

throughout the read the next year so if

you are joining me live welcome let me

know where

you’re from we’ve got people from Maggie

from Argentina excellence lastly from

Indonesia Betty from Taiwan welcome


oh I didn’t tell you how you can

download the free guide I’m sorry it’s

the morning for me I have morning brain

so you can download the top three tips

guide in the description of this video

there is a link speak English with

Vanessa calm / top three the number

three and you can download this guide

it’s in the description of this video

I’m sure that you’ll like it and it’s a

good reminder to help you know what

should I do next oh we’ve got Maurice

from Columbia John from Taiwan Valentin

from Argentina as well

ooh smun Saudi Arabia Paulo in Brazil

hello def all from Spain excellence

nazar in the Ukraine we are an

international group today and if you

can’t watch the live video and you’d

like to watch the replay or you’d like

to join another live lesson they are

always on Tuesday at 9 a.m. Eastern Time

Eastern time is New York Standard Time

so right now it is 9 a.m. for me maybe

for Edgar in Brazil it’s a little bit

closer to 12 o’clock maybe Hawaiian

Vietnam it’s the evening for you I think

and in saint-petersburg maybe it’s the

afternoon for you so I’m trying to find

a time that’s good for everyone are you

ready to talk about phrasal verbs well

first of all let’s look back on 2016

this is the first phrasal verb that I

want to share with

you today but let’s use it in a complete

sentence let’s think about some positive

things that happened

maybe it’s positive things that happened

in English like I learned a lot of

phrasal verbs this year or I got to talk

with a native speaker this year let’s

look back on 2016 I’m gonna write this

here on my clipboard and now it’ll be

your turn to use this so let’s say

looking back on 2016 hmm was a great

thing that happened and you’re the

second part the second part of your

sentence this part here it can be pretty

different from mine this is just a

sample you might say looking back on

2016 if we want to have an ING here

finding finding Vanessa’s live lessons

was a great thing that happened

looking back on 2016 mmm going hiking

every month was a great thing that

happened to me what was something that

was great or wonderful exciting that

happened to you

Oh too young says when I look back on

2016 I have a lot of unforgettable

things that happened all that’s

excellent unforgettable things perfect I

think each year it seems to pass by

pretty quickly but

in reality there are a lot of things

that happen each year so just to let you

know the phrasal verb is here look back

on look back on so we could use this we

could use this exactly like chu-young

says when I look back on 2016 or we

could say looking back on 2016 and this

means you’re not looking back with your

eyes we can’t at least yet not in

science we can’t look back into the past

with our eyes but mentally you can think

about you can reflect you can remember

2016 so you are mentally looking back

and this really means like reflecting

reflecting looking back on the past ah

Alfre says looking back on 2016 bicycle

riding was a great thing that happened

oh you and bicycle riding excellent

activities are always great memories so

Douglas says looking back on 2016

finding the fearless fluency Club was

the best thing that happened to me

wonderful while you’ve got 1 2 3 4 5

smiley faces must be pretty happy for

you I’m so glad if you also would like

to join our fearless fluency Club there

is a link in the description of this

video you can join me and Douglas in

this wonderful community Oh Charles says

looking back on 2016 I have many things

to say but suddenly I can’t say anything

it is hard to reflect and look back

because there are a lot of things that

happen each year so it might be a little


Hector says looking back on 2016 I

improved my conversation skills

looking back on 2016 I improved my

conversation skills or we could say

looking back on 2016 improving my

conversation skills was a great thing

that happened excellent that’s great


so if you have any tips how did you

improve your conversation skills let us

know I’m sure other people are also

curious Yuri says looking back on 2016

finding your channel Vanessa was a great

thing that happened Oh wonderful

that is beautiful news I’m trying to

make the best material for you so I’m

glad to know that you enjoy it Erie

Betty says looking back on 2016 speaking

English confidently was a great thing

that happened oh we’ve got a lot of

ideas about English improving

conversation skills joining the course

finding your channel beautiful michael

says looking back on 2016 learning

Android programming was a very

productive thing that I did Oh

learning programming yes so this is

getting ready from you for your future

Oh Erin says looking back on 2016

finding the great teacher vanessa was a

wonderful thing that happened excellent

Oh nom shot did something physical

physically healthy looking back on 2016

joining a gym joining a gym was a great

thing that happened so as you notice

here we use this ing here ing as the

subject because sometimes we talked

about this last month in the fearless

fluency Club but sometimes words that

look like a verb such as running

running usually we say I like running

it’s a verb but in this situation it’s

the subject of the sentence so we put it

at the beginning running was it becomes

the noun it becomes the subject of the

sentence English is pretty cool like

that huh we can use ing for nouns as

well so we have looking back running it


thank you all for using the sentence

structure so that we can really repeat

it Oh files are his hi I’m from Brazil

hello hello I’m glad you’re here

Marcos is looking back on 2016 learning

was great for me I have been studying

English for the last 6 months

great Marco’s keep it up I’m glad you’re

here Oh Harold said looking back on 2016

I was so shy to speak English speaking

English I hope that for you in 2017

you’ll be able to feel a little less shy

a little more confident it’s a step by

step process it doesn’t happen in one


don’t worry Frost I’m glad you’re here

excellent Oh

Raleigh says looking back on 2016 I uh I

improved my English skills with you and

this is another great way we could use

the second part of this sentence I’ll

write it here so here’s the first part

looking back on 2016 I improved this is

just an example from Raleigh I improved

my English skills so here we’re using

we’re not using ing again we’re just

using a completely different verb in the

past tense I improved you’ve got lots of

choices in fact it’s quite flexible but

I just wanted to show you some other

ways we could say it Oh honda says

looking back on 2016 I met the best

teacher Wow

oh hello from Spain from Beijing great

we’ve got other friends joining us

through from Vietnam mm-hmm Wow oh you

guys are so nice Martin Yan OH has a

wonderful complement for our community

looking back on 2016 I’ve been noticing

that there’s no better teacher than you


well I promise that I don’t come here

just to get compliments from you but I

appreciate it and this is good

motivation to continue to keep it up to

wake up and make these live lessons for

you greetings Carlos from Peru glad

you’re here Oh Allie says looking back

on 2016 I tried different jobs hmm so

maybe you’re trying different jobs that

are good for you or trying to see what’s

a good fit Emmanuel says looking back on

2016 doing a Reiki course was a great

thing that happened oh so are you

interested in practicing Reiki are you

gonna have a studio or help other people

with it or was it just for yourself so

that you could improve or learn a new

skill Oh Christian says I improved my

English with your videos wonderful

wonderful Alex welcome from San Paolo

glad you’re here

thank you so much for all of your

wonderful sentences about this Tina says

looking back on 2016 I went to the u.s.

to study English awesome

what a great opportunity that is perfect

perfect for you so I wanted to quickly

share one more phrasal verb that we can

talk about it’s in the title of today’s

today’s live lesson does anyone know

which phrasal verb I used in the title

today hmm it’s two words this phrasal

verb is three

looking back on or look back on but I

use another phrasal verb uh in our title

here o Navjot says go over yes yes go

over go over is the phrasal verb and

does anyone know what does go over me if

I said I’m going over the river

this is physically going over the river

I’m walking probably on a bridge over

the river that’s one meaning I am going

over the river but if we’re gonna

mentally think about this allie has the

great answer here he just analyzed yes

now judge says examine beautiful this is

the group this is the idea that I meant

for this let’s analyse let’s examine

2016 hmm so as we examine 2016 as we go

over 2016 we can think about the future

as well because the next year is coming

pretty soon so it’s a tradition to think

about what am I gonna do in this new

year but it’s also valuable to go over

things that happened in the past year

maybe some great things happen that you

wanted to continue like a lot of you

said you have improved your English or

you started exercising or you found a

new job some good things happened in the

past year so it’s important to go over

the past it’s just as important to go

over the past as it is important to

think about the future and plan for the

future we can learn from good things

learn from bad things

and hopefully improve for 2017 so this

is the sentence that I’d like to share

now John has it right here it says we

went over I’m using this in the past

tense here hi John Jack welcome I’m glad

you’re here we went over some memories

from 2016 so we can use this we went

over some memories we reflected on some

memories we thought about some memories

so this is something that we have

already done we already went over 2016

the good things that happened in 2016 we

went over some memories from 2016 so

today I would like to have a sentence

that we all say together using this

phrasal verb and maybe we can connect

our first phrasal verb as well I want to

help you say it out loud because we can

work those muscles and it’s really

valuable to hear your own voice using

English so let’s say one sentence all

together if you’re in Poland if you’re

in Brazil if you’re in Montreal if

you’re in Indonesia wherever you are

let’s say this all around the world let

me think of a good sentence here using

both of these hmm all right let’s just

use them in the same sentence the

sentence is something that I recommend

for you last week I did this with my


I took my notebook and I wrote down some

thoughts from the last year so I already

this and I recommend it for you so let’s

say this sentence all together I will go

over and look back on 2016 I will go

over and look back on 2016 this means

maybe I will just take a walk in my

neighborhood and think about this past

year what were some good things what

were some bad things

what can I improve for the next year I

will go over and look back on 2016 I

will go over and look back on 2016 we

have started to do this together today

we’ve talked about your travels your

English things that you’ve done but it’s

important to do this just yourself even

if it’s only five minutes as you’re

eating breakfast look back on go over

2016 Thank You Allie for writing the

sentence yes I will go over and look

back on 2016 I will go over and look

back on 2016 it’s important mentally and

it’s important for improving in the

future because this is the third to last

lesson before the end of the year we

have second-to-last next week we’ll be

talking about Christmas because I will

be at my husband’s parents house my

in-laws house so we will be there and I

can tell you about some of our

traditions I’ll ask you about some of

your ideas and then the next lesson will

be the new year so we won’t look back on

2016 we will look forward to 2017 so

this is our chance this is our final

chance of the year to go over and look

back on to

thousand 16 now that you said it out

loud I hope that for you you will you

will do it you won’t just say it but

you’ll do it even just a couple minutes

being able to think about what did I do

what didn’t I do what are some

beneficial things that happened it’s

kind of surprising if you feel like

you’re a negative person maybe you feel

like at the beginning I can’t think of

any really positive things that happened

but the more you think there are some

things or if you’re positive it’s good

also to think about some negative things

that happen because you don’t want to

repeat those for the next year so let’s

go over and look back on 2016 after this

lesson takes some time maybe you could

even write a little list in English

about the good things that happened the

things that you learned it’s a great

chance to go over and look back on it o

12 ich has a great idea I will go over

and look back on your videos so if you

learned something this year go over it

look back on this try to remember those

ideas so I hope for you today this

lesson was useful you had a chance to

repeat these phrasal verbs they might

not be new phrasal verbs for you but we

use them a lot so I hope that today our

repetition from your great sentences was

useful I hope that they will stick in

your memory that’s useful help them to

stay in your head so that you can use

them in the future if someone asks what

are you doing you could say oh I’m I’m

looking back on 2016 I’m going over 2016

and they’ll say oh wow oh you speak

English that’s a phrasal verb you got it

so I hope that this will be something

that you can use in the future as well

and prepare you for the next year so

thank you everyone for joining

me feel free to download my free

end-of-the-year gift this top three

guide the link is in the description

below you can print it out keep it by

your computer keep it in your kitchen

keep it in your refrigerator keep it

wherever you want so that you can

remember these top three tips in the

guide thank you everyone thank you John

Jack Thank You Michelin Thank You

Douglas answers and Erin thanks for

joining me glad you’re here have a

beautiful week stay warm if you’re in a

cold place pretty cold here but not too

bad actually

thank you everyone have a wonderful day

I’ll see you the next time on Tuesday at

9 a.m. Eastern Time est New York

Standard Time see you later everyone bye