American Superstitions youre not ready to discover Learn English

filling souls did you know it’s believed
in the u.s. that spilling salt will

bring you bad luck some people believe
that it’s bad luck because Judas is said

to have spilled salt during the Last
Supper where he betrayed Jesus or more

likely it’s considered bad luck because
salt was an expensive commodity a long

time ago in order to counteract the bad
luck it is said that you must throw salt

over your left shoulder
whenever I spill salt though I always

forget if I’m supposed to throw salt
over my left shoulder or my right

shoulder Lucky Penny in the u.s. it’s
believed that if you find a penny

face-up on the ground meaning the side
with Abraham Lincoln’s face on it but

you should pick it up it’s long believed
that metal and money bring more wealth

so if you find a penny face up it might
mean that a guardian angel is watching

over and protecting you find a penny
pick it up all day long you’ll have good


stepping on a crack in the ground did
you know it’s believed in the u.s. that

stepping on a crack in the ground is
considered bad luck this superstition

stems from one variation of an old
children’s rhyme that goes step on a

crack break your mama’s back so if you
don’t want to break your mother’s back

don’t step on a crack step on a crack
break your mama’s back step on a line

break your mama’s spine

rabbit’s foot in the US it’s believed
the left hind foot of a rabbit brings

good luck in many stores you can buy a
rabbit’s foot guide bright colors and

attach to a keychain
rabbits are often associated with

abundance due to their breeding habits
this tradition may have Celtic roots or

may even come from African American
folklore humans like to keep a rabbit’s

foot keychain for good luck but rabbits
prefer to have all four feet walking

under a ladder did you know it’s
believed in the u.s. that walking under

a ladder will bring you bad luck this
superstition probably arose to deter

people from walking under a ladder to
reduce risk of ladder related injuries

other sources say that it’s because a
ladder forms a triangle a symbol of the

Holy Trinity and walking through it is
blasphemous if you walk under a ladder

it’s three times between the rungs or
cross your fingers until you see a dog

hanging a horseshoe in the US it’s
believed that hanging a horseshoe

especially above a doorway is good luck
make sure to hang it so that it makes a

u-shape otherwise the luck will drain
out supposedly the iron in the horseshoe

repels and causes pain to any evil
spirits that try to enter the house like

most American superstitions the act of
hanging a horseshoe has Christian and

Pagan origin

Friday the 13th did you know it’s
believed in the u.s. that if a Friday

falls in the 13th day of any month that
it considered an unlucky day

the origins of this superstition aren’t
clear it’s possible but since some

Christians believe 13 is an unlucky
number and Friday is an unlucky day

Friday the 13th is especially unlucky
there’s even a famous horror movie

created after the superstition called
Friday the 13th the number 13 is already

an unlucky number
but Friday the 13th is an especially

unlucky creepy day

knock on wood in the u.s. it’s believed
that knocking on wood after talking

about the future can prevent an event
that was spoken about from taking place

or to ensure that it will indeed happen
it’s probably because in many cultures

it’s believed spirits live in trees
knocking on wood is a way to avoid

tempting fate you knock on wood to
remind yourself that the future is still

uncertain I had a great job interview
and knock on wood I think I might be in

the running

opening an umbrella inside did you know
it’s believed in the u.s. that opening

an umbrella while inside a building will
bring bad luck this superstition most

likely stems from pure pragmatism
umbrellas used to be larger and more

unwieldy so opening them inside tends to
result in broken things and accidents

bringing an already opened umbrella
inside however it’s totally fine hey

wait till we’re outside don’t you know
it’s bad luck to open an umbrella


four leaf clovers in the US it’s
believed that four-leaf clovers will

bring good luck the more leaves the
better this superstition has its origins

in pre-christian Ireland where the
Druids believe that three leaf and four

leaf clovers help them see evil spirits
approaching the chance of the finding a

four-leaf clover are ten thousand to one
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