Learn 10 Bad Habits in English

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hi everybody my name is alicia welcome

back to top words today we’re going to

talk about

10 bad habits let’s get started

biting one’s nails the first bad habit


biting your nails biting your nails so

biting your nails just means

chewing on your fingernails so chewing

on this part of your fingernails

some people chew it a lot or some i

don’t know so biting your nails is a bad

habit to bite your nails is a bad habit

in a sentence i’m trying to stop biting

my nails

pick at one’s hair the next one the next

bad habit is to pick at your hair

to pick at your hair so picking at your

hair is like

is going is this motion so any motion

that uses this sort of

hand gesture like uh picking your hair

or like maybe picking your nails or

picking at your hands picking at your


picking it like zits as well i suppose

some people do

this motion in this case picking your

hair is considered a bad habit so some

people like to pick their hair or some


pluck their hair as well which is

considered a bad habit

so picking at your hair we can say to

pick at

something like to pick at your hair or

to pick at your nails as well so to pick

is considered a bad habit in a sentence

my co-worker always picks at her hair

when she’s nervous

smoking the next bad habit is smoking

smoking so

smoke any kind of smoke so smoking

tobacco smoking cigarettes smoking

whatever it is that you smoke in your

country i don’t know

many things to smoke but smoking is

considered a bad

habit for the harmful effect that smoke

can have on the body

in a sentence i can’t stand my neighbors


drink too much the next bad habit is


too much so to drink too much is

considered a bad habit again because of

the negative effects of

the health on your body and because um


people who drink maybe like their breath

might smell strange or their behavior

gets strange it also can cost a lot of

money to drink and people’s be

like attitudes people’s behavior can

change when they drink so drinking too


is considered a bad habit okay in a


her ex-boyfriend drank way too much

wasting time another bad habit maybe

we’re all guilty of

is wasting time wasting time so wasting

time means just

doing nothing so doing absolutely

nothing maybe this means watching tv

or checking social media or i don’t know

just staring at the ceiling

however so wasting time is considered a

bad habit we are not being productive

we’re just doing nothing

at that moment so wasting time wasting

time in a sentence

i need to stop wasting time on social


snacking the next bad habit is snacking

snacking so snacking is the act of

eating small pieces of food in between

meal times so by small pieces of food i

typically me

i mean let’s see common snacks are like

chips crackers

cookies um anything that’s like not a

full meal

but that’s easy to carry in your hands

like little snacky

things snacky bits snacky foods easy to


like in one bite or two bites that’s

called a snack

something that’s not a proper meal but

just something easy and quick to eat so

snacking is considered a bad habit when

you do too much of it

because you can gain weight or maybe

it’s not nutritious for you

yeah so snacking snacking is a bad habit

in a sentence

it’s so hard to stop snacking

watch too much tv the next bad habit is

watching too much tv so to watch too

much tv

meaning you sit on the couch and watch

tv for too many hours there’s too much


spent watching tv this is considered a

bad habit because your body is just

sitting in the same place for a long


and it’s good to get up and exercise

it’s good to move around

so watching too much tv or maybe even

watching too much like netflix or

watching too many videos on the internet

could be bad for you a bad habit so

please make sure to get up and move


as well go outside okay in a sentence

i think those kids watch too much tv

overspending the next bad habit is


overspending this means spending too

much money

so it’s really a bad habit because

managing your money managing your


is important especially in adulthood so

overspending is a bad habit because if

you spend too much on like exciting

things maybe like clothes or makeup or

your hobby or whatever

you might not have enough money to meet

your basic needs like rent

or bills or food for example so

overspending is a bad habit because it

means you cannot manage your money

correctly so over spending try not to


in a sentence one of my friends has a

problem with overspending

forget sunscreen the next bad habit is


sunscreen for getting sunscreen this is

considered a bad habit because the

sunlight can have harmful effects on

your skin especially if you get a

burn if your skin burns or if the skin

changes color

it’s an effect that the sun has on your


over time this can create maybe problems

for you

in the future so it’s important to

always wear sunscreen

in a sentence then if you forget

sunscreen your skin might burn

not getting enough sleep not getting


sleep not getting enough sleep is

considered a bad habit

because sleep recharges you sleep gives

you energy proper sleep gives you energy

if you don’t get enough sleep if you’re

not getting proper sleep you can feel

stressed out you can feel

tired maybe your body can’t function the

way that it should it’s difficult for

you to do

maybe everyday tasks so getting enough

sleep is important to make sure you’re

healthy in your body and in your mind so

make sure to get enough sleep in a


if you don’t get enough sleep you’ll get

stressed out

so those are 10 bad habits if you know

of another bad habit or you know that

you have one of these bad habits or a

different one

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