What Can I Do For You At the BANK Real English Conversation


in the bank

today we will study activities in the


let’s watch this video and see what

people do in the bank

situation 1 how to open a bank card


excuse me

yes please what can i help you with

i want to open a bank card could you

help me please

what kind of bank card do you want to


i don’t really know about it can you

introduce about kind of card in your


of course do you already have a bank

account in our bank

yes i have used your bank for five

months okay let me tell you some

information about our card service

currently we are providing different

types of bank cards each kind of bank

card suits you for a different purpose

first we have a debit card this is the

most popular card in our bank

you can use a debit card to pay for

goods and services with money in your

bank account

besides you are also able to transfer

your money to other people through this

card quickly and safely

you will have to pay two dollars each

month to maintain your card in addition

the money in the account needs to be

bigger than five dollars

will i have to pay a fee to open this


no you don’t need to do that it’s free

i understand

next you will also open a new credit

card it allows you to borrow our money

to proceed with your payment you have to

prove your main account and your monthly

income to be approved for this card our

bank has a lot of incentive for bank

holders who uses a credit card so i

recommend you using this type of bank


that sounds interesting i love this card

if you often use international payment

you can open a visa card it helps you

conveniently purchase in foreign



actually i never buy anything in other


so which type of card will you choose

among them

credit card please

okay please fill in your information in

this form carefully could you give me

your identity card

here you are

if you have any questions don’t hesitate

to ask me after filling this form you

can sit here and wait for me for about

15 minutes then you can go home and

we’ll send your credit card to the

address you wrote in this form

okay thank you so much you’re welcome


situation 2 withdraw money in the bank


hello sir what can i do for you

hi my name is ben i want to withdraw my

money could you help me please yes mr

ben firstly i need some information

about you to find your account in our

system could you tell me your full name

and your identity number

my full name is ben daniel my identity

number is one two four six three four

six six

here is my identity card

okay let me check

here i see ben daniel you have five

thousand dollars in the bank right now

how much money do you want to withdraw

i need three thousand dollars now my

phone was crashed yesterday and it

couldn’t be repaired

so i need to buy a new phone the shop

requires me to pay in cash

okay ben i understand

now i will proceed with your withdrawal

procedure for you now

you want to have three thousand dollars

cash right

yes three thousand dollars

okay your account balance is two

thousand dollars

please wait for me for a while i’ll be

back soon with your money



here is your three thousand dollars and

your bill please check them carefully

before signing in this bill

let me check it now

it is exactly the money i need

by the way do you want to do anything


no i just need to withdraw money

so thank you for using our service i

hope you have a good day

thank you so much


situation three

how to take back my bank account’s



good morning sir what can we help you


hello could you take my password back

i’ve not logged into my bank account on

my phone since yesterday

yes but first could you tell me your

name and give me your identity card i

need to check your data in our system

tom gray here is my identity card

please tell me the last time you

accessed our app successfully

i can’t remember exactly when maybe last


i use your service to send my son some


do you receive any notification about

your money is lost

no i don’t

okay it means your account isn’t hacked

by bad guys

yes how to recover my password

don’t worry i’ll reset your password for

you then you can log in to your account

normally your account name is tom miss


yes it is

okay please read this information we

will provide you a new password you can

change it anytime you want through

banking app in your phone

please remember that your password needs

to include a capital

number and at least eight characters and

please remember your new password you

can write it on a paper and keep it in a

safe place okay i got it

here is your new password you should try

logging into your account on your phone

by using the new password

let me check


it’s okay thank you for recovering my

password is there any fee for it

no mr tom it’s free thank you for using

our service if you have any problems

please call three two one five three two

four to receive our help

goodbye sir


situation 4 borrow money from the bank


number 48 please

i’m here

good morning what can i do for you hi my

name is anna i want to borrow money to

open a new restaurant

okay anna could you give me your

identity card and fill in your

information in this form

yes here is my identity card after that

please give me information about your


here please

let me see

okay this asset is acceptable how much

money do you want to borrow

it could be five thousand dollars i need

to buy a lot of furniture and cooking

equipment as well

please fill this money in this form

yes i have filled it

now you have to make a loan contract it

will include your personal document

namely a photocopy of your identity card

your current asset collateral


i already bring them here

good anna let me check all of them one

more time

they are okay please wait for a while

i’ll bring you the money you need


here is your money and a firm document

you should check this money and then

sign in this document

okay this is five thousand dollars thank

you so much

you are welcome have a nice day and i

hope your restaurant will rapidly grow


situation 5 how to deposit money in a


good morning can i help you with


hello i am kim i want to open a passbook

to keep my money there

have you ever used our service before

yes i currently have a bank account here

okay let me introduce about our service

you can open a passbook and deposit your

money in our bank the current interest

rate in our bank is 12

a year

you can withdraw your money anytime you

want besides you will receive a lot of

incentives when becoming a new passbook

owner please fill in all your

information in this form carefully

ok i will fill it now

how much money will you deposit

about four thousand dollars cash i bring

them here

could you give me that money to check

of course here please

okay let me see

it’s exactly four thousand dollars could

you lend me your identity card i will

use it to create a new passbook in our


yes of course

okay i will take some minutes to proceed

with this procedure

you can drink tea and wait for me

i don’t like to drink tea i love coffee

sorry we don’t have coffee for you it’s

okay i’ll sit here and read more about

your service

okay kim thank you for believing in our



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