201 Basic English Questions and Answers for Daily Conversations

201 basic English questions and answers

for daily conversations in this English

lesson you will learn about asking over

201 basic questions and how to answer

them you will also learn about asking

questions related to personal

information introducing yourself and

saying hello shopping related questions

questions with the word like and asking

for someone’s opinion or suggestion

these questions will help you keep the

conversation going let’s begin what’s

your name

my name’s Jacob where are you from I’m

from London

what is your family’s name my family’s

name is brown

what’s your first name my first name is

John what’s your address I stay at 13

United Street where do you live

I live in England what’s your telephone


my number is eight four five six seven

six what’s your email address you can

email me at John at gmail.com how old

are you 38 when and where were you born

I was born in 1974 in London are you

married no I’m single

what’s your marital status I’m married

what do you do or what’s your job I’m an

English teacher where did you go I went

shopping with a friend what did you buy

we bought some new clothes on sale where

were you I was in London for the weekend

have you got a car job how

yes I’ve got a house have you gotten a

house no I live in a flat have you got

any children yes I’ve got three children

two boys and a daughter

can you play tennis yes I can play

tennis can you speak Chinese no I can’t

speak Chinese could you speak English

when you were five years old yes I could

speak English when I was five years old

how do you do

how do you do

pleased to meet you how are you fine

thanks and you may I help you yes I’m

looking for a sweater can I try it on

sure the changing rooms are over there

have you got something bigger certainly

we’ve got larger sizes as well how much

does it cost how much is it this shirt

is for $50 how would you like to pay I

would like to pay by cash can I pay by

credit card


we accept all the major cards

what’s that it’s a SmartWatch what time

is it it’s one o’clock may I open the

window certainly it’s very hot in the

office today is there a bakery near here

yes there is a bakery nearby take the

next corner and it’s next to the bank

where is the nearest Bank the nearest

bank is on United Street who wrote this


Michelle wrote this article the Sun Also


is there any rice yes there’s a lot of

rice left

are there any sandwiches no there aren’t

any sandwiches left is this your book no

I think it’s his book who is that it’s

Henry my sister’s fiance what do you

like to do on the weekends I like

playing cricket reading and listening to

pop music

what would

like to eat I’d like a burger chips and

soda what is it like it’s an interesting

country with many things to see and do

what’s the weather like it’s raining

heavily at the moment would you like

some coffee yes thank you I’d like some

coffee would you like something to drink

thank you could I have a cup of coffee

and some cake what’s it about it’s about

a young girl who has many adventures

what do you think about this book I

think the book is very interesting is it

difficult to prepare for IELTS it’s not

if you practice well what are your views

on Donald Trump as the American

president that’s a good question well I

am speechless how was the movie it was

very interesting you should watch it how

do you feel about Clara Clara is quite

friendly and helpful

I pick you up at eight o’clock on my way

to the airport great I’ll see you then

how about some lunch yeah sure I am

hungry why don’t you take some time out

and rest that’s a good idea

what shall we do this evening let’s go

see a movie why don’t we go out to visit

some old friends this afternoon yes that

sounds like a great idea how is it going

pretty good thanks how about you I’m


are you happy today yes I am did you

have fun at the party

no I didn’t will you come to class

tomorrow yes I will

where are you from I’m from Seattle what

did you do on Saturday evening we went

to see a film why was the class

difficult the class was difficult

because the teacher didn’t explain

things well what’s up nothing much can I

ask you a few personal questions

certainly what’s your name Peter as a

love what’s your address

I live at 45 Northwest 75th Avenue

Phoenix Arizona

what’s your cell phone number my number

is 4 0 9 4 9 8 2 0 9 1 and your email

address let me spell it for you it’s P


s I at a o elle.com when is your

birthday I was born on July 5th 1987 are

you married yes I am what’s your

profession I’m an electrician where did

you go last night we went to a bar and

then out on the town what did you do we

visited a few clubs and danced can you

dance well yes I can dance did you meet

anyone yes I met an interesting Japanese

woman can you speak Japanese no but she

can speak English how can I help you yes

I’m looking for a sweater like this one

but in a smaller size may I try it on

sure the changing rooms are over there

how much does it cost its $45 can I pay

by credit card

certainly we accept all major cards what

do you like doing in your spare time I

like hanging out downtown with my

friends what does your friend Tom look

like he’s tall with a beard and blue

eyes what is he like he’s very friendly

and really intelligent what would you

like to do now let’s go hang out with

Tom what is your job right now I’m a

student I’m in my second year of

pharmacy school what do you do I work as

a tour guide for a local tour company

I’ve worked there for three years now

how was your summer

oh it’s been really great no complaints

here what have you been up to

let’s see well I started a new job last

week but other than that everything is

pretty much the same when is your

birthday my birthday is on the 24th of

September what did you do yesterday I


a new class what did you teach them I

taught them English did you walk to work

no I didn’t walk

I drove where did you go

before you got to work

I went to the news ages why did you go

to the news agents I went there to buy a


when did you start work

I started at 9:00 a.m. how many classes

did you teach I taught three classes did

you teach any evening classes no I

didn’t did you teach English last

Saturday yes I did did anyone else teach

English yesterday yes Miss Smith taught

my old class did she teach on Saturday

no she didn’t

what time did you finish work I finished

at four o’clock two hundred and one

basic English questions and answers for

daily conversations in this English

lesson you will learn about asking over

two hundred and one basic questions and

how to answer them you will also learn

about asking questions related to

personal information introducing

yourself and saying hello shopping

related questions questions with the

word like and asking for someone’s

opinion or a suggestion these questions

will help you keep the conversation

going let’s begin what’s your name

my name’s Jacob where are you from I’m

from London

what is your family’s name my family’s

name is Brown

what’s your first name my first name is

John what’s your address I stay at 13

United Street where do you live I live

in England what’s your telephone number

my number is eight four five six seven

six what’s your email address you can

email me at John at gmail.com how old

are you 38 when and where were you born

I was born in 1974 in London are you

married no I’m single

what’s your marital status I’m married

what do you do or what’s your job I’m an

English teacher where did you go I went

shopping with a friend what did you buy

we bought some new clothes on sale where

were you I was in London for the weekend

have you got a car job how

yes I’ve got a house have you got a

house no I live in a flat have you got

any children yes I’ve got three children

two boys and a daughter

can you play tennis

yes I can play tennis can you speak

Chinese no I can’t speak Chinese

could you speak English

when you were five years old yes I could

speak English when I was five years old

how do you do how do you do

pleased to meet you how are you fine

thanks and you may I help you yes I’m

looking for a sweater can I try it on

sure the changing rooms are over there

have you got something bigger certainly

we’ve got larger sizes as well how much

does it cost how much is it

this shirt is for $50 how would you like

to pay I would like to pay by cash

can I pay by credit card

certainly we accept all the major cards

what’s that it’s a SmartWatch what time

is it it’s one o’clock may I open the

window certainly it’s very hot in the

office today

is there a bakery near here yes there is

a bakery nearby take the next corner and

it’s next to the bank where is the

nearest Bank the nearest bank is on

United Street who wrote this article

Michelle wrote this article the Sun Also


is there any rice yes there’s a lot of

rice left

are there any sandwiches no there aren’t

any sandwiches left is this your book no

I think it’s his book who is that it’s

Henry my sister’s fiance what do you

like to do on the weekends I like

playing cricket reading and listening to

pop music what would you like to eat I

like a burger chips and soda what is it

like it’s an interesting country with

many things to see and do what’s the

weather like it’s raining heavily at the

moment would you like some coffee yes

thank you I’d like some coffee would you

like something to drink thank you

could I have a cup of coffee and some

cake what’s it about

it’s about a young girl who has many

adventures what do you think about this

book I think the book is very

interesting is it difficult to prepare

for IELTS it’s not if you practice well

what are your views on Donald Trump as

the American president that’s a good


well I am speechless how was the movie

it was very interesting you should watch

it how do you feel about Clara Clara is

quite friendly and helpful how about

I pick you up at eight o’clock on my way

to the airport great I’ll see you then

how about some lunch yeah sure I am

hungry why don’t you take some time out

and rest that’s a good idea

what shall we do this evening let’s go

see a movie why don’t we go out to visit

some old friends this afternoon yes that

sounds like a great idea how is it going

pretty good thanks how about you I’m


are you happy today yes I am did you

have fun at the party

no I didn’t will you come to class

tomorrow yes I will

where are you from I’m from Seattle what

did you do on Saturday evening we went

to see a film why was the class

difficult the class was difficult

because the teacher didn’t explain

things well what’s up nothing much can I

ask you a few personal questions

certainly what’s your name

Peter as a love what’s your address

I live at 45 Northwest 75th Avenue

Phoenix Arizona what’s your cell phone

number my number is four zero nine for

nine eight two zero nine one and your

email address let me spell it for you

it’s P e.t.a

s I at a o l.com when is your birthday I

was born on July 5th

1987 are you married yes I am what’s

your profession I’m an electrician where

did you go last night we went to a bar

and then out on the town what did you do

we visited a few clubs and danced can

you dance well yes I can dance did you

meet anyone yes I met an interesting

Japanese woman can you speak Japanese no

but she can speak English how can I help

you yes

looking for a sweater like this one but

in a smaller size may I try it on sure

the changing rooms are over there how

much does it cost

it’s $45 can I pay by credit card

certainly we accept all major cards what

do you like doing in your spare time I

like hanging out downtown with my

friends what does your friend Tom look

like he’s tall with a beard and blue

eyes what is he like he’s very friendly

and really intelligent what would you

like to do now let’s go hang out with

Tom what is your job right now I’m a

student I’m in my second year of

pharmacy school what do you do I work as

a tour guide for a local tour company

I’ve worked there for three years now

how was your summer

oh it’s been really great no complaints

here what have you been up to

let’s see well I started a new job last

week but other than that everything is

pretty much the same when is your


my birthday is on the 24th of September

what did you do yesterday I taught a new

class what did you teach them I taught

them English did you walk to work

no I didn’t walk I drove where did you

go before you got to work

I went to the news ages why did you go

to the news agents I went there to buy a


when did you start work I started at

9:00 a.m. how many classes did you teach

I taught three classes did you teach any

evening classes no I didn’t did you

teach English

last Saturday yes I did did anyone else

teach English yesterday yes Miss Smith

taught my old class did she teach on

Saturday no she didn’t

what time did you finish work I finished

at 4 o’clock