250 Basic English Sentences for Life

lesson one greetings



good morning

good morning

how are you doing

how are you doing

not bad

not bad

what’s up

what’s up

it’s nice to meet you

it’s nice to meet you

it’s nice to see you again

it’s nice to see you again

I’m surprised to see you here

I’m surprised to see you here

long time no see

long time no see

how have you been

how have you been

hi there

hi there

how are things with you

how are things with you

what’s going on with you

what’s going on with you

what are you doing here

what are you doing here



lesson two introductions

hi I’m Marvin

hi I’m Marvin

my name is Robert

my name is Robert

you can call me Beth

you can call me Beth

are you Tina

are you Tina

yes I am

yes I am

meet my friend

meet my friend

this is my brother Thomas

this is my brother Thomas

come say hi to my parents

come say hi to my parents

have you met my sister

have you met my sister

have we met before

have we met before

do I know you

do I know you

I’m new around here

I’m new around here

let me introduce myself

let me introduce myself

I’d like to introduce you to my boss

I’d like to introduce you to my boss

lesson three




thank you

thank you

don’t mention it

don’t mention it

you’re welcome

you are welcome

I really appreciate this

I really appreciate this

thanks for your help

thanks for your help

is there some way I can repay you for


is there some way I can repay you for


this is a big favor

this is a big favor

you’ve been a big help

you’ve been a big help

I can’t express how grateful I am

I can’t express how grateful I am

I’m much obliged

I’m much obliged

you don’t know how much this means to me

you don’t know how much this means to me

you’re too kind

you’re too kind

thank you for everything you’ve done

thank you for everything you’ve done

I’m indebted to you

I’m indebted to you

lesson four apologies

I’m sorry

I’m sorry

I apologize

I apologize

I’m sorry for criticizing you

I’m sorry for criticizing you

it doesn’t matter

it doesn’t matter

I really regret going to the movies last


I really regret going to the movies last


I wish I hadn’t said that at the party

I wish I hadn’t said that at the party

I’m sorry I was late for class today

I’m sorry I was late for class today

you can blame me for this

you can blame me for this

I’ll take the blame

I’ll take the blame

can you forgive me

can you forgive me

please accept my apology

please accept my apology

can I make this up to you

can I make this up to you

how can I apologize to you

how can I apologize to you

this is all my fault

this is all my fault

lesson five departure and farewell

I have to get going

I have to get going

see you later

see you later

see you

see you

I should go now

I should go now



I’ll talk to you later

I’ll talk to you later

I’ve got to get going

I’ve got to get going

I’d better run

I’d better run

I’ll see you around

I’ll see you around

I’ll catch you later

I’ll catch you later

until we meet again

until we meet again

keep in touch

keep in touch

we should meet again

we should meet again

it was nice meeting you

it was nice meeting you

take care

take care



lesson six likes and dislikes

I don’t feel like cooking

I don’t feel like cooking

I like Chinese food

I like Chinese food

I love dogs

I love dogs

I don’t like him

I don’t like him

do you like football

do you like football

I’m crazy about pizza

I’m crazy about pizza

I’m craving something to eat

I’m craving something to eat

I don’t care for your opinion

I don’t care for your opinion

I care about you a great deal

I care about you a great deal

I’m fond of Italian music

I’m fond of Italian music

he doesn’t find his job very appealing

he doesn’t find his job very appealing

she’s attracted to fast cars

she’s attracted to fast cars

I can’t stand these people

I can’t stand these people



lesson seven hopes and desires

I hope we win the tournament this year

I hope we win the tournament this year

I hope so too

I hope so too

I wish you would stop raining

I wish you would stop raining

I was thinking about going to that new


I was thinking about going to that new


I want to be a doctor

I want to be a doctor

I trust that all will be well

I trust that all will be well

I believe things will get better

I believe things will get better

I could really use a drink right now

I could really use a drink right now

I hope she feels better

I hope she feels better

their only desire is for a new home

their only desire is for a new home

he’s the best hope for the team

he’s the best hope for the team

I keep hoping that things will get


I keep hoping that things will get


I have to have that car

I have to have that car

I need to be alone

I need to be alone

lesson eight delights and surprises

oh it’s wonderful

oh it’s wonderful



this is such a surprise

this is such a surprise

Wow I’m so happy

Wow I’m so happy

can you believe what our teacher did


can you believe what our teacher did


this comes as a surprise

this comes


the best thing happened to me today

the best thing happened to me today

this is better and expected

this is better and expected

how delightful

how delightful

this is incredible

this is incredible

I can’t believe how good this is

I can’t believe how good this is

this is terrific

this is terrific

that’s fantastic

that’s fantastic

well this is a nice surprise

well this is a nice surprise

I’m delighted to see you

I’m delighted to see you

lesson 9

advice and suggestions

my advice to you is to enjoy those


my advice to you is to enjoy those


I’ll think about it

I’ll think about it

can I give you some advice

can I give you some advice

what do you suggest

what do you suggest

can I give you some advice

can I give you some advice

I suggest you do what he says

I suggest you do what he says

my advice would be to go home

my advice would be to go home

is that your advice

is that your advice

what would you do in my shoes

what would you do in my shoes

I’d recommend that you try to relax

I’d recommend that you try to relax

may I make a suggestion

may I make a suggestion

what do you think I should do

what do you think I should do

let me give you a bit of advice

let me give you a bit of advice

what would be your advice

what would be your advice

lesson 10 wishes and congratulations



I’m sure you deserve it

I’m sure you deserve it

I’m sure you’ll do fine

I’m sure you’ll do fine

good luck

good luck

I wish you the best

I wish you the best

that’s great

that’s great

outstanding outstanding

allow me to congratulate you

allow me to congratulate you

I wish you well

I wish you well

you have my best wishes

you have my best wishes

good job

good job

please accept my warmest congratulations

please accept my warmest congratulations

I wish you nothing but the best

I wish you nothing but the best

I wish you good luck

I wish you good luck

lesson 11 complaints

I just want to get this mess

straightened out

I just want to get this mess

straightened out

I hate this weather

I hate this weather

it sucked

it sucked

I have had it up to here with this guy

I have had it up to here with this guy

I’ve got a real problem with one of my


I’ve got a real problem with one of my


this is awful

this is awful

I can’t stand this

I can’t stand this

I’m going to complain about this

I’m going to complain about this

I’m fed up with your behavior

I’m fed up with your behavior

I’ve had it up to here with you

I’ve had it up to here with you

this is intolerable

this is intolerable

I will not accept this situation

I will not accept this situation

I will not stand for this

I will not stand for this

I’m going to give him a piece of my mind

I’m going to give him a piece of my mind

I want to make a complaint

I want to make a complaint

lesson 12


let’s get out of here

let’s get out of here

do you want to come

do you want to come

thanks for the invitation

thanks for the invitation

I was going to invite you in for some


I was going to invite you in for some


I’d like to invite you to a match

I’d like to invite you to a match

do you want to get some lunch

do you want to get some lunch

why don’t you come over later

why don’t you come over later

are you free tonight

are you free tonight

what are you doing later

what are you doing later

let’s meet later

let’s meet later

come see me sometime

come see me sometime

give me a call the next time you’re in


give me a call the next time you’re in


I’d like to see you again

I’d like to see you again

would you like to get dinner sometime

would you like to get dinner sometime

when can I see you again when can I see

you again

lesson 13 requests

I keep asking her to turn down her music

I keep asking her to turn down her music

it’s a small request

it’s a small request

she has to turn it down

she has to turn it down

I’m just requesting that you keep him in

your yard

just requesting that you keep him in

your yard

I need to borrow your computer

I need to borrow your computer

can I see that book

can I see that book

could you move over a little bit

could you move over a little bit

can I make one small request

can I make one small request

that’s a pretty big request

that’s a pretty big request

could you give me a hand with this box

could you give me a hand with this box

would you mind being a little bit


would you mind being a little bit


lesson 14 plans and decisions

I’ll keep thinking about it

I’ll keep thinking about it

we may just have to share my car for a


we may just have to share my car for a


we need to start a college fund for


we need to start a college fund for


do you know what you’re doing after


do you know what you’re doing after


haven’t made up my mind yet

I haven’t made up my mind yet

I’ll let you know what I decide

I’ll let you know what I decide

decide quickly

decide quickly

I hadn’t anticipated that

I hadn’t anticipated that

what do you plan to do about this mess

what do you plan to do about this mess

everything is going according to plan

everything is going according to plan

lesson 15 certainty and uncertainty

to be honest I’m not certain

to be honest I’m not certain

maybe maybe

I couldn’t say for sure

I couldn’t say for sure

I couldn’t say for definite

I couldn’t say for definite

I couldn’t say absolutely

I couldn’t say absolutely

I am positive that he did it

I am positive that he did it

I’m certain of it

I’m certain of it

I’m not sure that’s a good idea

I’m not sure that’s a good idea

I can’t be certain of what time I left

the office

I can’t be certain of what time I left

the office

I have no idea where my shoes are

I have no idea where my shoes are

I’m not certain if he’s telling the


I’m not certain if he’s telling the


are you certain this is what you want to


are you certain this is what you want to


I swear this is the truth

I swear this is the truth

I have no doubt about how I feel

I have no doubt about how I feel





lesson 16 agreement and disagreement

I don’t think our taxes get anything

good for us

I don’t think our taxes get anything

good for us

I disagree completely

I disagree completely

maybe you’re right

maybe you’re right

I think that’s a good idea

I think that’s a good idea

I couldn’t agree with you more

I couldn’t agree with you more

I have to disagree with you on this

I have to disagree with you on this

that’s what I was thinking

that’s what I was thinking

you are exactly right

you are exactly right

that’s for sure

that’s for sure

I’d say that was true

I’d say that was true

don’t you agree

don’t you agree

I’ll go along with that

I’ll go along with that

I’ll go along with you on this one

I’ll go along with you on this one

I’m not sure I agree with you

I’m not sure I agree with you

lesson 17 belief and disbelief

do your kids still believe in Santa


do your kids still believe in Santa


how come you never believed me

how come you never believed me

I’m sure he’ll find a way to do that

without more taxes

I’m sure he’ll find a way to do that

without more taxes

I can’t believe it

I can’t believe it

I have faith in the government

I have faith in the government

I believe that I can do anything if I

try hard enough

I believe that I can do anything if I

try hard enough

I don’t leave you

I don’t believe you

do you believe in anything

do you believe in anything

I have no choice but to believe what

you’re saying

I have no choice but to believe what

you’re saying

have you questioned your beliefs

have you questioned your beliefs

I can’t believe you’ve said that

I can’t believe you’ve said that

I’m convinced by his words

I’m convinced by his words

I believe he can be trusted

I believe he can be trusted

I’ll take your word for it

I’ll take your word for it

lesson 18 compliments and praises

you did a good job

you did a good job

you have really good taste

you have really good taste

I am so jealous of you

I am so jealous of you

that’s a nice car you have there

that’s a nice car you have there

you’re looking good

you’re looking good

that shirt really becomes you

that shirt really becomes you

you have excellent manners

you have excellent manners

I salute your efforts

I salute your efforts

you’re the best in the business

you’re the best in the business

you’re the envy of the town

you’re the envy of the town

you look good in red

you look good in red

keep up the good work

keep up the good work

I love the way you make me laugh

I love the way you make me laugh

listen again

lesson one greetings



good morning

good morning

how are you doing

how are you doing

not bad

not bad

what’s up

what’s up

it’s nice to meet you

it’s nice to meet you

it’s nice to see you again

it’s nice to see you again

I’m surprised to see you here

I’m surprised to see you here

long time no see

long time no see

how have you been

how have you been

hi there

hi there

how are things with you

how are things with you

what’s going on with you

what’s going on with you

what are you doing here

what are you doing here



lesson two introductions

hi I’m Marvin

hi I’m Marvin

my name is Robert

my name is Robert

you can call me Beth

you can call me Beth

are you Tina

are you Tina

yes I am

yes I am

meet my friend

meet my friend

this is my brother Thomas

this is my brother Thomas

come say hi to my parents

come say hi to my parents

have you met my sister

have you met my sister

have we met before

have we met before

do I know you

do I know you

I’m new around here

I’m new around here

let me introduce myself

let me introduce myself

I’d like to introduce you to my boss

I’d like to introduce you to my boss

lesson three




thank you

thank you

don’t mention it

don’t mention it

you are welcome

you are welcome

I really appreciate this

I really appreciate this

thanks for your help

thanks for your help

is there some way I can repay you for


is there some way I can repay you for


this is a big favor

this is a big favor

you’ve been a big help

you’ve been a big help

I can’t express how grateful I am

I can’t express how grateful I am

I’m much obliged

I’m much obliged

you don’t know how much this means to me

you don’t know how much this means to me

you’re too kind

you’re too kind

thank you for everything you’ve done

thank you for everything you’ve done

I’m indebted to you

I’m indebted to you


lesson four apologies

I’m sorry

I’m sorry

I apologize

I apologize

I’m sorry for criticizing you

I’m sorry for criticizing you

it doesn’t matter

it doesn’t matter

I really regret going to the movies last


I really regret going to the movies last


I wish I hadn’t said that at the party

I wish I hadn’t said that at the party

I’m sorry I was late for class today

I’m sorry I was late for class today

you can blame me for this

you can blame me for this

I’ll take the blame

I’ll take the blame

can you forgive me

can you forgive me

please accept my apology

please accept my apology

can I make this up to you

can I make this up to you

how can I apologize to you

how can I apologize to you

this is all my fault

this is all my fault

lesson five departure and farewell

I have to get going

I have to get going

see you later

see you later

see you

see you

I should go now

I should go now



I’ll talk to you later

I’ll talk to you later

I’ve got to get going

I’ve got to get going

I’d better run

I’d better run

I’ll see you around

I’ll see you around

I’ll catch you later

I’ll catch you later

until we meet again

until we meet again

keep in touch

keep in touch

we should meet again

we should meet again

it was nice meeting you

it was nice meeting you

take care

take care



lesson six likes and dislikes

I don’t feel like cooking

I don’t feel like cooking

I like Chinese food

I like Chinese food

I love dogs

I love dogs

I don’t like him

I don’t like him

do you like football

do you like football

I’m crazy about pizza

I’m crazy about pizza

I’m craving something to eat

I’m craving something to eat

I don’t care for your opinion

I don’t care for your opinion

I care about you a great deal

about you a great deal

I’m fond of Italian music

I’m fond of Italian music

he doesn’t find his job very appealing

he doesn’t find his job very appealing

she’s attracted to fast cars

she’s attracted to fast cars

I can’t stand these people

I can’t stand these people



lesson seven hopes and desires

I hope we win the tournament this year

I hope we win the tournament this year

I hope so too

I hope so too

I wish you would stop raining

I wish you would stop raining

I was thinking about going to that new


I was thinking about going to that new


I want to be a doctor

I want to be a doctor

I trust that all will be well

I trust that all will be well

I believe things will get better

I believe things will get better

I could really use a drink right now

I could really use a drink right now

I hope she feels better

I hope she feels better

their only desire is for a new home

their only desire is for a new home

he’s the best hope for the team

he’s the best hope for the team

I keep hoping that things will get


I keep hoping that things will get


I have to have that car

I have to have that car

I need to be alone

I need to be alone

lesson eight delights and surprises

oh it’s wonderful

oh it’s wonderful



this is such a surprise

this is such a surprise

Wow I’m so happy

Wow I’m so happy

can you believe what our teacher did


can you believe what our teacher did


this comes as a surprise

this comes as a surprise

the best thing happened to me today

the best thing happened to me today

this is better and expected

this is better and expected

how delightful

how delightful

this is incredible

this is incredible

I can’t believe how good this is

I can’t believe how good this is

this is terrific

this is terrific

that’s fantastic

that’s fantastic

well this is a nice surprise

well this is a nice surprise

I’m delighted to see you

I’m delighted to see you

lesson 9

advice and suggestions

my advice to you is to enjoy those


my advice to you is to enjoy those


I’ll think about it

I’ll think about it

can I give you some advice

can I give you some advice

what do you suggest

what do you suggest

can I give you some advice

can I give you some advice

I suggest you do what he says

I suggest you do what he says

my advice would be to go home

my advice would be to go home

is that your advice

is that your advice

what would you do in my shoes

what would you do in my shoes

I’d recommend that you try to relax

I’d recommend that you try to relax

may I make a suggestion

may I make a suggestion

what do you think I should do

what do you think I should do

let me give you a bit of advice

let me give you a bit of advice

what would be your advice

what would be your advice

lesson 10 wishes and congratulations



I’m sure you deserve it

I’m sure you deserve it

I’m sure you’ll do fine

I’m sure you’ll do fine

good luck

good luck

I wish you the best

I wish you the best

that’s great

that’s great

outstanding outstanding

allow me to congratulate you

allow me to congratulate you

I wish you well

I wish you well

you have my best wishes

you have my best wishes

good job

good job

please accept my warmest congratulations

please accept my warmest congratulations

I wish you nothing but the best

I wish you nothing but the best

I wish you good luck

I wish you good luck

lesson 11 complaints

I just want to get this mess

straightened out

I just want to get this mess

straightened out

I hate this weather

I hate this weather

it sucked

it sucked

I have had it up to here with this guy

I have had it up to here with this guy

I’ve got a real problem with one of my


I’ve got a real problem with one of my


this is awful

this is awful

I can’t stand this

I can’t stand this

I’m going to complain about this

I’m going to complain about this

I’m fed up with your behavior

I’m fed up with your behavior

I’ve had it up to here with you

I’ve had it up to here with you

this is intolerable

this is intolerable

I will not accept this situation

I will not accept this situation

I will not stand for this

I will not stand for this

I’m going to give him a piece of my mind

I’m going to give him a piece of my mind

I want to make a complaint

I want to make a complaint

lesson 12


let’s get out of here

let’s get out of here

do you want to come

do you want to come

thanks for the invitation

thanks for the invitation

I was going to invite you in for some


I was going to invite you in for some


I’d like to invite you to a match

I’d like to invite you to a match

do you want to get some lunch

do you want to get some lunch

why don’t you come over later

why don’t you come over later

are you free tonight

are you free tonight

what are you doing later

what are you doing later

let’s meet later

let’s meet later

come see me sometime

come see me sometime

give me a call the next time you’re in


give me a call the next time you’re in


I’d like to see you again

I’d like to see you again

would you like to get dinner sometime

would you like to get dinner sometime

when can I see you again when can I see

you again

lesson 13 requests

I keep asking her to turn down her music

I keep asking her to turn down her music

small request

it’s a small request

she has to turn it down

she has to turn it down

I’m just requesting that you keep him in

your yard

just requesting that you keep him in

your yard

I need to borrow your computer

I need to borrow your computer

can I see that book

can I see that book

could you move over a little bit

could you move over a little bit

can I make one small request

can I make one small request

that’s a pretty big request

that’s a pretty big request

could you give me a hand with this box

could you give me a hand with this box

would you mind being a little bit


would you mind being a little bit


lesson 14 plans and decisions

I’ll keep thinking about it

I’ll keep thinking about it

we may just have to share my car for a


we may just have to share my car for a


we need to start

a college fund for Tyler

we need to start

a college fund for Tyler

do you know what you’re doing after


do you know what you’re doing after


I haven’t made up my mind yet

I haven’t made up my mind yet

I’ll let you know what I decide

I’ll let you know what I decide

decide quickly

decide quickly

I hadn’t anticipated that

I hadn’t anticipated that

what do you plan to do about this mess

what do you plan to do about this mess

everything is going according to plan

everything is going according to plan

less than 15 so

and uncertainty

to be honest I’m not certain

to be honest I’m not certain



I couldn’t say for sure

I couldn’t say for sure

I couldn’t say for definite

I couldn’t say for definite

I couldn’t say absolutely

I couldn’t say absolutely

I am positive that he did it

I am positive that he did it

I’m certain of it

I’m certain of it

I’m not sure that’s a good idea

I’m not sure that’s a good idea

I can’t be certain of what time I left

the office

I can’t be certain of what time I left

the office

I have no idea where my shoes are

I have no idea where my shoes are

I’m not certain if he’s telling the


I’m not certain if he’s telling the


are you certain this is what you want to


are you certain this is what you want to


I swear this is the truth

I swear this is the truth

about how I feel

I have no doubt about how I feel




less than 16

agreement and disagreement

I don’t think our taxes get anything

good for us

I don’t think our taxes get anything

good for us

I disagree completely

I disagree completely

maybe you’re right

maybe you’re right

I think that’s a good idea

I think that’s a good idea

I couldn’t agree with you more

I couldn’t agree with you more

I have to disagree with you on this

I have to disagree with you on this

that’s what I was thinking

that’s what I was thinking

you are exactly right

you are exactly right

that’s for sure

that’s for sure

I’d say that was true

I’d say that was true

don’t you agree

don’t you agree

I’ll go along with that

I’ll go along with that

I’ll go along with you on this one

I’ll go along with you on this one

I’m not sure I agree with you

I’m not sure I agree with you

lesson 17 belief and disbelief

do your kids still believe in Santa


do your kids still believe in Santa


how come you never believed me

how come you never believed me

I’m sure he’ll find a way to do that

without more taxes

I’m sure he’ll find a way to do that

without more taxes

I can’t believe it

I can’t believe it

I have faith in the government

I have faith in the government

I believe that I can do anything if I

try hard enough

I believe that I can do anything if I

try hard enough

I don’t leave you

I don’t leave you

do you believe in anything

do you believe in anything

I have no choice but to believe what

you’re saying

I have no choice but to believe what

you’re saying

have you questioned your beliefs

have you questioned your beliefs

I can’t believe you’ve said that

I can’t believe you’ve said that

I’m convinced by his words

I’m convinced by his words

I believe he can be trusted

I believe he can be trusted

I’ll take your word for it

I’ll take your word for it

lesson 18 compliments and praises

you did a good job

you did a good job

you have really good taste

you have really good taste

I am so jealous of you

I am so jealous of you

that’s a nice car you have there

that’s a nice car you have there

you’re looking good

you’re looking good

that shirt really becomes you

that shirt really becomes you

you have excellent manners

you have excellent manners

I salute your efforts

I salute your efforts

you’re the best in the business

you’re the best in the business

you’re the envy of the town

you’re the envy of the town

you look good in red

you look good in red

keep up the good work

keep up the good work

I love the way you make me laugh

I love the way you make me laugh

listen again

lesson one greetings



good morning

good morning

how are you doing

how are you doing

not bad

not bad

what’s up

what’s up

it’s nice to meet you

it’s nice to meet you

it’s nice to see you again

it’s nice to see you again

I’m surprised to see you here

I’m surprised to see you here

long time no see

long time no see

how have you been

how have you been

hi there

hi there

how are things with you

how are things with you

what’s going on with you

what’s going on with you

what are you doing here

what are you doing here



lesson two introductions

hi I’m Marvin

hi I’m Marvin

my name is Robert

my name is Robert

you can call me Beth

you can call me Beth

are you Tina

are you Tina

yes I am

yes I am

meet my friend

meet my friend

this is my brother Thomas

this is my brother Thomas

come say hi to my parents

come say hi to my parents

have you met my sister

have you met my sister

have we met before

have we met before

do I know you

do I know you

I’m new around here

I’m new around here

let me introduce myself

let me introduce myself

I’d like to introduce you to my boss

I’d like to introduce you to my boss

lesson three




thank you

thank you

don’t mention it

don’t mention it

you are welcome

you’re welcome

I really appreciate this

I really appreciate this

thanks for your help

thanks for your help

is there some way I can repay you for


is there some way I can repay you for


this is a big favor

this is a big favor

you’ve been a big help

you’ve been a big help

I can’t express how grateful I am

I can’t express how grateful I am

I’m much obliged

I’m much obliged

you don’t know how much this means to me

you don’t know how much this means to me

you’re too kind

you’re too kind

thank you for everything you’ve done

thank you for everything you’ve done

I’m indebted to you

I’m indebted to you

lesson four apologies

I’m sorry

I’m sorry

I apologize

I apologize

I’m sorry for criticizing you

I’m sorry for criticizing you

it doesn’t matter

it doesn’t matter

I really regret going to the movies last


I really regret going to the movies last


I wish I hadn’t said that at the party

I wish I hadn’t said that at the party

I’m sorry I was late for class today

I’m sorry I was late for class today

you can blame me for this

you can blame me for this

I’ll take the blame

I’ll take the blame

can you forgive me

can you forgive me

please accept my apology

please accept my apology

can I make this up to you

can I make this up to you

how can I apologize to you

how can I apologize to you

this is all my fault

this is all my fault

lesson five departure and farewell

I have to get going

I have to get going

see you later

see you later

see you

see you

I should go now

I should go now



I’ll talk to you later

I’ll talk to you later

I’ve got to get going

I’ve got to get going

I’d better run

I’d better run

I’ll see you around

I’ll see you around

I’ll catch you later

I’ll catch you later

until we meet again

until we meet again

keep in touch

keep in touch

we should meet again

we should meet again

it was nice meeting you

it was nice meeting you

take care

take care



lesson six likes and dislikes

I don’t feel like cooking

I don’t feel like cooking

I like Chinese food

I like Chinese food

I love dogs

I love dogs

I don’t like him

I don’t like him

do you like football

do you like football

I’m crazy about pizza

I’m crazy about pizza

I’m craving something to eat

I’m craving something to eat

I don’t care for your opinion

I don’t care for your opinion

I care about you a great deal

I care about you a great deal

I’m fond of Italian music

I’m fond of Italian music

he doesn’t find his job very appealing

he doesn’t find his job very appealing

she’s attracted to fast cars

she’s attracted to fast cars

I can’t stand these people

I can’t stand these people



lesson seven hopes and desires

I hope we win the tournament this year

I hope we win the tournament this year

I hope so too

I hope so too

I wish you would stop raining

I wish you would stop raining

I was thinking about going to that new


I was thinking about going to that new


I want to be a doctor

I want to be a doctor

I trust that all will be well

I trust that all will be well

I believe things will get better

I believe things will get better

I could really use a drink right now

I could really use a drink right now

I hope she feels better

I hope she feels better

their only desire is for a new home

their only desire is for a new home

he’s the best hope for the team

he’s the best hope for the team

I keep hoping that things will get


I keep hoping that things will get


I have to have that car

I have to have that car

I need to be alone

I need to be alone

lesson eight delights and surprises

oh it’s wonderful

oh it’s wonderful



this is such a surprise

this is such a surprise

Wow I’m so happy

Wow I’m so happy

can you believe what our teacher did


can you believe what our teacher did


this comes


this comes as a surprise

the best thing happened to me today

the best thing happened to me today

this is better and expected

this is better and expected

how delightful

how delightful

this is incredible

this is incredible

I can’t believe how good this is

I can’t believe how good this is

this is terrific

this is terrific

that’s fantastic

that’s fantastic

well this is a nice surprise

well this is a nice surprise

I’m delighted to see you

I’m delighted to see you

lesson 9

advice and suggestions

my advice to you is to enjoy those


my advice to you is to enjoy those


I’ll think about it

I’ll think about it

can I give you some advice

can I give you some advice

what do you suggest

what do you suggest

can I give you some advice

can I give you some advice

I suggest you do what he says

I suggest you do what he says

my advice would be to go home

my advice would be to go home

is that your advice

is that your advice

what would you do in my shoes

what would you do in my shoes

I’d recommend that you try to relax

I’d recommend that you try to relax

may I make a suggestion

may I make a suggestion

what do you think I should do

what do you think I should do

let me give you a bit of advice

let me give you a bit of advice

what would be your advice

what would be your advice

lesson 10 wishes and congratulations



I’m sure you deserve it

I’m sure you deserve it

I’m sure you’ll do fine

I’m sure you’ll do fine

good luck

good luck

I wish you the best

I wish you the best

that’s great

that’s great

outstanding outstanding

allow me to congratulate you

allow me to congratulate you

I wish you well

I wish you well

you have my best wishes

you have my best wishes

good job

good job

please accept my warmest congratulations

please accept my warmest congratulations

I wish you nothing but the best

I wish you nothing but the best

I wish you good luck

I wish you good luck

lesson 11 complaints

I just want to get this mess

straightened out

I just want to get this mess

straightened out

I hate this weather

I hate this weather

it sucked

it sucked

I have had it up to here with this guy

I have had it up to here with this guy

I’ve got a real problem with one of my


I’ve got a real problem with one of my


this is awful

this is awful

I can’t stand this

I can’t stand this

I’m going to complain about this

I’m going to complain about this

I’m fed up with your behavior

I’m fed up with your behavior

I’ve had it up to here with you

I’ve had it up to here with you

this is intolerable

this is intolerable

I will not accept this situation

I will not accept this situation

I will not stand for this

I will not stand for this

I’m going to give him a piece of my mind

I’m going to give him a piece of my mind

I want to make a complaint

I want to make a complaint

lesson 12 invitations

let’s get out of here

let’s get out of here

do you want to come

do you want to come

thanks for the invitation

thanks for the invitation

I was going to invite you in for some


I was going to invite you in for some


I’d like to invite you to a match

I’d like to invite you to a match

do you want to get some lunch

do you want to get some lunch

why don’t you come over later

why don’t you come over later

are you free tonight

are you free tonight

what are you doing later

what are you doing later

let’s meet later

let’s meet later

come see me sometime

come see me sometime

give me a call the next time you’re in


give me a call the next time you’re in


I’d like to see you again

I’d like to see you again

would you like to get dinner sometime

would you like to get dinner sometime

when can I see you again when can I see

you again

lesson 13 requests

I keep asking her to turn down her music

I keep asking her to turn down her music

small request

a small request

she has to turn it down

she has to turn it down

I’m just requesting that you keep him in

your yard

just requesting that you keep him in

your yard

I need to borrow your computer

I need to borrow your computer

can I see that book

can I see that book

could you move over a little bit

could you move over a little bit

can I make one small request

can I make one small request

that’s a pretty big request

that’s a pretty big request

could you give me a hand with this box

could you give me a hand with this box

would you mind being a little bit


would you mind being a little bit


lesson 14 plans and decisions

I’ll keep thinking about it

I’ll keep thinking about it

we may just have to share my car for a


we may just have to share my car for a


we need to start

a college fund for Tyler

we need to start a college fund for


do you know what you’re doing after


do you know what you’re doing after


I haven’t made up my mind yet

I haven’t made up my mind yet

I’ll let you know what I decide

I’ll let you know what I decide

decide quickly

decide quickly

I hadn’t anticipated that

I hadn’t anticipated that

what do you plan to do about this mess

what do you plan to do about this mess

everything is going according to plan

everything is going according to plan


lesson 15 certainty and uncertainty

to be honest I’m not certain

to be honest I’m not certain

maybe maybe

I couldn’t say for sure

I couldn’t say for sure

I couldn’t say for definite

I couldn’t say for definite

I couldn’t say absolutely

I couldn’t say absolutely

I am positive that he did it

I am positive that he did it

I’m certain of it

I’m certain of it

I’m not sure that’s a good idea

I’m not sure that’s a good idea

I can’t be certain of what time I left

the office

I can’t be certain of what time I left

the office

I have no idea where my shoes are

I have no idea where my shoes are

I’m not certain if he’s telling the


I’m not certain if he’s telling the


are you certain this is what you want to


are you certain this is what you want to


I swear this is the truth

I swear this is the truth

I have no doubt about how I feel

I have no doubt about how I feel





less than 16

agreement and disagreement

I don’t think our taxes get anything

good for us

I don’t think our taxes get anything

good for us

I disagree completely

I disagree completely

maybe you’re right

maybe you’re right

I think that’s a good idea

I think that’s a good idea

I couldn’t agree with you more

I couldn’t agree with you more

I have to disagree with you on this

I have to disagree with you on this

that’s what I was thinking

that’s what I was thinking

you are exactly right

you are exactly right

that’s for sure

that’s for sure

I’d say that was true

I’d say that was true

don’t you agree

don’t you agree

I’ll go along with that

I’ll go along with that

I’ll go along with you on this one

I’ll go along with you on this one

I’m not sure I agree with you

I’m not sure I agree with you

lesson 17 belief and disbelief

do your kids still believe in Santa


do your kids still believe in Santa


how come you never believed me

how come you never believed me

I’m sure he’ll find a way to do that

without more taxes

I’m sure he’ll find a way to do that

without more taxes

I can’t believe it

I can’t believe it

I have faith in the government

I have faith in the government

I believe that I can do anything if I

try hard enough

I believe that I can do anything if I

try hard enough

I don’t leave you

I don’t leave you

do you believe in anything

do you believe in anything

I have no choice but to believe what

you’re saying

I have no choice but to believe what

you’re saying

have you questioned your beliefs

have you questioned your beliefs

I can’t believe you’ve said that

I can’t believe you’ve said that

I’m convinced by his words

I’m convinced by his words

I believe he can be trusted

I believe he can be trusted

I’ll take your word for it

I’ll take your word for it

lesson 18 compliments and praises

you did a good job

you did a good job

you have really good taste

you have really good taste

I am so jealous of you

I am so jealous of you

that’s a nice car you have there

that’s a nice car you have there

you’re looking good

you’re looking good

that shirt really becomes you

that shirt really becomes you

you have excellent manners

you have excellent manners

I salute your efforts

I salute your efforts

you’re the best in the business

you’re the best in the business

you’re the envy of the town

you’re the envy of the town

you look good in red

you look good in red

keep up the good work

keep up the good work

I love the way you make me laugh

I love the way you make me laugh