Can you help me Basic English Conversation for Beginner by Topics


900 basic english conversational


lesson 52 at the office

dialogue one


are you new here

yeah i just started yesterday

welcome i’m jack

i’m mark nice to meet you

what are you going to be working on

i’m going to work on the planning team

but i haven’t started yet i’m still in


the planning team is great our marketing

team works with them closely we’ll end

up working together sometimes

that’s great

oh can i ask you some questions


do you know any good places to eat

around here

yeah there’s a restaurant right down

across the street it’s pretty good

that sounds good thanks for the info

no problem

dialog too

i can’t get the printer to work

did you check to see if it had paper

yeah that’s the first thing i checked

i don’t know then you might have to call

the technician

lesson 53 at the bus stop

dialogue one

i want to get on the bus

it already isn’t on time today

i should have been here 30 minutes ago

it should be coming soon

i hope so because i’m really late for


i hate having to take the bus every day

so do i you can never count on public



dialogue 2

i would like to get a bus pass

what kind of bus pass would you like to


can you tell me my options

there are day passes weekly passes

monthly passes and student passes

i would like the student pass

could i see your student id please

no problem here you go

how much does this pass cost


lesson 54 at the airport

dialogue one

good afternoon where are you flying to


los angeles

may i have your passport please

here you are

okay please place your bag on the scale


here are your boarding passes your

flight leaves from gate 15a and it’ll

begin boarding at three twenty your seat

number is twenty six e


dialog two

here’s my ticket

please step through the scanner

what’s wrong

please step to the side


do you have any coins in your pocket

no but i have some keys

ah that’s the problem put your keys in

the bin and walk through the scanner



lesson 55 at the railway station

dialog one

i’d like a ticket from sydney to

melbourne for the 18th of november


single or return

single please

first class or second class

second class please

do you like a window seat or an aisle


window c please

your name please

mike smith

that’s 120

here you are

thank you

here is your ticket and receipt the

train leaves at 6 15 in the morning you

need to be at the station 30 minutes

before thank you

dialogue two

which platform for london please

platform one

what time does it reach london

you should be there at 11 31 but you may

be a bit late

lesson 56 at the disney theme park


disneyland is great i really like it

look at the mickey mouse over there it’s

so funny

mom i want to go onto roller coasters

roller coasters are your favorite i know

we will go on the roller coasters

what do you want to do lisa

i want to go on the ferris wheel

we will do that too

wow freddy there are so many roller


i know

how will we decide which ones to go on

well some of them are higher than others

and some loop around

some are faster too

i want the fastest ones

okay let’s go

lesson 57

at the gym

dialog one

hi are you done with this weight station

yeah i am i was just trying it out i

think i must be doing something wrong my

muscles are aching already

maybe i can help i’ve been working out

on these machines for a few months so

i’m pretty used to them

i just joined the gym this week

have you thought about getting a

personal trainer

when i joined i signed up for a trainer

for a few sessions and she helps me set

up a good regimen

that’s a good idea

if you want help with those machines

though i’m usually here every monday

wednesday and friday

thanks i’ll definitely look out for you

i’m robert

i’m peter nice to meet you

i think i’ve sweated enough today i’m

off to the locker room

yeah me too see ya


dialogue 2

welcome to cali fitness how can i help


hi i would like to apply for a gym


great fill in this form please

all right how much is the membership fee


it’s twenty dollars per month but if you

pay the fee annually instead of monthly

you only need to pay two hundred dollars

nice that’s reasonable

can i work out in other locations

yes you can

lesson 58 playing sports

dialogue one

which sport do you love the most

it’s definitely badminton

so who do you usually play this sport


i usually play with my brother in my

spare time

are you good at this sport

i played and won a number of awards at

the school club

that’s great when you’re free let’s play

badminton i am also very passionate

about that sport

of course

dialogue too

chris do you drive to work

no i go to work by bike

why not buy car it’s a long way from

your home to your office

well i take it like a good sport it

helps me keep fit

sounds great

do you do other sports

yes i go out for a walk after dinner

every day

walking is a good sport too

you’re right

what about you

i’m interested in boxing i’m going to

join a boxing club

lesson 59 at the bookshop

dialogue one


can you help me i’m looking for a book

sure what book are you looking for

it’s called war

okay what is the name of the author

the author’s name is john smith

okay give me a second let me check if we

have it

it looks like we don’t have the book

here would you like to order it

sure that would be great

we can have it here by thursday we’ll

save it for you


i guess i’ll be back on thursday to pick

it up

dialogue 2

can i help you are you looking for

something in particular

yes well

first i’m looking for the foreign

language section

oh it’s right down here

here we are foreign languages

what course are you taking

about the spanish language

do you need the spanish textbook

no what i’m looking for is the novel

we’re supposed to read 100 years of

solitude by garcia marquez

garcia marquez garcia marquez


oh here it is

here you are


much eighteen dollars

lesson sixty at home

dialogue one

did you see the last season of game of


yep i’ve got to say

i’m a little disappointed i thought it

would be better

me too it felt so rushed

they tried to do too much

but the special effects were amazing i

mean that dragon scene was epic it

looked so real

shocking wasn’t it


now that the season is done i need

something new to watch

any recommendations

do you know the film stranger things

i’ve heard of it now let’s turn on the

tv and watch it together

dialogue 2.


have you finished washing clothes

i’ve only washed my white clothes

could you wash some of my dark clothes

with yours

i can do that

do you have a lot of clothes that need

to be washed

there aren’t a lot of clothes do you

have a lot to wash

it’s a medium load if it’s a problem you

don’t have to do it for me

i can do this for you don’t worry

i greatly appreciate this

don’t mention it


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