English Listening and Speaking Practice Basic English Conversation


condolences to you


are you feeling better jenny

you’ve been off work for three days i

worry about you so much

thank you anna my family has some issues

just got back to you today

your voice is so tired what’s wrong

my grandfather just passed away

that’s why i rushed home and was off my


oh sorry

i’m so sorry to hear that

thank you

i share your loss and send your family

my deepest sympathy

so is everything okay when will you go

back to work

i don’t know

everything about my grandfather is fine

but i don’t know when i will go back to

work i’m exhausted and in pain

i’ve been through this before so i

understand how you feel

when my grandmother died i was

completely demoralized to do anything


everything was better after one month i

also calmed down a bit

be stronger

yes i know

thank you so much

you seem very tired you should take the

rest of this week off and hopefully get

to work next week

i think so too

take good care of your health all

sadness will pass you have to be strong

to get through this pain

yes sarah

i’ll visit you when you come back take



thank you

see you later



can you repeat it



let’s have a group meeting in five




as you know this weekend is the deadline

for the final group assignment

we should update the progress and

prepare the final product

of course

so is everything okay

quite good

i’m gonna edit some videos

the introduction is sent to our group

have all of you checked it

yes i’ve seen it

very attractive

you’re so good at editing

thank you

the rest will be finished in the next

three days


can you speak louder you are sitting a

bit far away from me so i can’t hear you




i said that i will finish the rest in

the next three days

three days okay cool

how about others

everything is fine with me

the report group is also in the process

of finishing the outline has been

submitted in advance and is commented on

by everyone

i will finish it as soon as i can

great and jenny

i’ve read the survey idea

but i think the title is not very good

what i recommend is the survey about

actual customers experience

that sounds good

sorry can you repeat it

do you mean the name of the survey




that is

survey about actual customers experience


i will change it and send you the final


very good

and i will be responsible for

interviewing the rest of the people

including experts customers

then i’m gonna send all information for

the final video are you okay


everything is going well right

hope so

hope the results are good

we put a lot of effort into it


how about the deadline for each of us


let me see

4 p.m on friday three more days


i remember


the road is not for trucks

where have you been this morning there

is a shipment that needs to be shipped

our partner keeps reminding me i’m sorry

sir i didn’t hear the alarm go off this


let’s prepare all the documents and go

and have you seen the route yet

i saw at a glance how to go trust me


really wide road i think i can go that

route it’s easy to drive a truck

are there so many motorbikes on this


truck ahead please pull over

where are you going

i deliver goods to customers

what’s your name show me your id card

my name is niels this is my id card

you drove on a road where trucks are


oh my god i’m done with my boss but why

can’t i see any sign

it’s a few hundred meters away from here

show me your driver’s license and

registration and proof of insurance

yes sir

please open the back door of the truck

i’ll check what you’re carrying

it’s just cheese

let’s cooperate do as i say

show me your cfs certificate of free


yes sir i remember keeping it in my bag


where is it

oh maybe i forgot

open this package i have to check it

i think fresh cheese

i thought you worked for the cheese


is there a pack of cigarettes in it

what’s up

don’t tell me you’re being checked by

the police

yes i went the wrong road but you said

it’s only cheese

we have a lot to do today i should have

woken up earlier and checked everything



in the hair salon


hi it’s jm hair salon what can i help

you with

hello i want to come now to have my hair

cut is jack here

unfortunately not he’s gone out for one


oh my i thought he was always in the

salon at this time where did he go

i don’t know exactly we still have some

available barbers now do you

no i like jack

do you think he will come back in one


i am not sure

i will give him a call then get back to

you oh it’s okay i have a meeting that i

have to attend in two hours anyway

can i arrange an appointment for


sure what time is the best for you

i think 10 a.m i have a shift off

tomorrow morning

10 a.m tomorrow

let me see

jack is booked at that time already

what’s about 9 00 am you just want to

have a haircut only don’t you

it may take 30 minutes as always

yes 9am is okay for me

can i have your name please

james james uther jack knows me

okay what is your phone number

one two eight six five six five five

five one

okay i see

so see you tomorrow

thank you bye



lisa look what i have


it is released today isn’t it

yes that’s great


do you want to go to the cinema with me

on saturday

yes sure what time is good for you

i think 5 30 pm is the best it has the

best price because we are students

deal can you book two seats online

sure i am doing it now see you there on


see ya


hello maggie

hey lisa what’s up are you at the cinema

it’s too early now you know

maggie i’m home i am so sorry something

has come up so i have to leave right now

my mom is waiting for me in the car

that’s not fun at all

what happened

my grandpa just had an accident he is in

the hospital now

oh my god is it serious

i don’t know my mom and i are going to

the hospital now

then i will keep you posted my apologies

you bought the tickets and the movie is

no lisa no worries at all please send my

regards to your grandpa i hope you will

recover soon we can go next time


i have to leave now see you tomorrow

next time i will buy popcorn for sure

yes bye


have a new haircut


lisa over here


you’re all right

i’m good nice hair

i was so eager to see your new hair

did you just get back from the hair


yes i i came here straight away how do i


you look amazing with the new hair

very feminine and stylish at the same


but you really surprised me lisa i know

that you want to have short hair but

i didn’t expect you would dye it pink

that’s a bold decision


i saw another girl in the hair salon

color her hair pink and it was so

gorgeous that i couldn’t resist

i love this color too

what exactly is the name of this pink


the hairdresser said it’s a rose gold


she told me this color is trending this


such a beautiful color

you must be very happy with the new hair

i’m happy but only until the hair was

finished that i realized it’ll be a bit

difficult to choose clothes that match

my hair

oh yeah but don’t worry

if you dress up properly you’ll look

like a superstar for real


the hairdresser said so too

she said i should choose a youthful

style of fashion

or the easiest way is to dress in black

or white color but i’m still a bit


you can search online and learn

different dressing styles

by the way did she teach you how to take

care of the new hair

will your hair be weaker after being



she said it’ll be weaker and drier

that’s why she gave me a hair serum

bottle to use every day

that’s good how about we go shopping for

some clothes later

new hair new clothes the best combo

isn’t it

let’s go i really have no idea how to

dress with this hair color

i need your help

don’t worry i’ve got your back




tomorrow is the weekend

do you want to go to the cinema

are there any new movies

i heard that marvel will realize the new

season this weekend


it’s released today

they always release a new movie on



which cinema do you usually go to

it’s in the owl building


is it a new cinema

i haven’t heard about it before


the ticket fee there is higher than the



the services are better


where is it

is it far from here

i don’t remember the name of the street

it is located

but it’s around five miles from here

but there are no traffic jams on the way

are you sure


even in the rush hours

which cinema do you usually go to

a cinema near my house

it’s a small one but i really like their



so it is closer

can you check the showtime on saturday


let me see

4 40 p.m


7 50 p.m


i’m busy till 6 pm


i think 7 50 is quite rushed isn’t it

does it have another show time


that’s all for that movie


so i think 750 is okay

can you book the tickets online


can you pick me up on that day

it’s alright

i will head up to your house after

finishing my class

then i will arrive there at 6 45 pm

or earlier

what is the distance between your class

and my house

it’s 1.5 miles only


do you want to join our dinner


it’s fine

i will have a hamburger when going to

the cinema i haven’t eaten them for two


that’s a good idea

why don’t we go to the fast food

restaurant together

i also want to eat hamburgers



see you on saturday


train stations


excuse me


what can i help you with

i have just moved to this city

i want to come to a train station in



can you let me know

is there any train station nearby please

yes there is one

how far is it

there is a train station in front

it is around five minutes walking

you go straight ahead

then you will see a sign there


thank you

do you know the grand center terminal

how far is it from here


it’s the biggest and most beautiful in

new york


it’s really far from here

you can book a taxi to go there


i will come one day

because it’s late today

thank you so much for your help

you are welcome



how can i help you sir

i would like to buy a ticket to



when do you come back

would you like to buy a round ticket or

a one-way ticket

a one-way ticket please

when does the next train leave

the next train departs in about 15



how much does it cost

it’s 20


here you are

train stations are always busy huh

it’s depended on the time and the day

thank you

have a good day


enjoy your trip


where is my train coming in

left over there

thank you

my pleasure


invite someone to pair up to prom


hey mia are you interested in the school

prom this weekend

what’s up william who doesn’t like prom

of course i like it prom this year

sounds like lots of fun


i heard there will be special activities

that are totally different from prom

last year

yes so nice though


have you had a date

i would like to ask if you can go to the

prom with me mia

i would love to william

unfortunately i have a family reunion on


so i can’t join the prom

my sister will study abroad soon i’m

very sorry

that’s totally fine mia i will tell you

what is special this year it’s just

i may have to go to prom alone

amelia told me she still hesitated to go

to prom because she has no one to pair

up with

you may try to ask her

oh really

thanks a lot mia let me ask her

you’re welcome

please take lots of photos and tell me

what happens at the prom i’m extremely

sorry that i can’t go

don’t worry i will

at least you will have a wonderful time

with your sister before you are apart

thanks william


invite someone to a birthday party

hey james

hi amy what’s up

james this friday is ben’s birthday our

class is planning to hold a surprise

birthday party for him

you know he is very sorrowful after his

parents divorce

so i want to ask if you can join ben’s

birthday party this friday and give us a


sure he’s my best friend

even when i’m in different classes i

know all guys in your class though

what can i help

everything was planned we only need

someone to take him back to class 30

minutes after school break time

we will be ready at the time


a bit difficult but i will find a way i

may need your help on this

if you have any plans or need my help

just tell me before friday


is there anything else i can help with


do you have any photos of him when he

was young

we may need those for the birthday cake


i think i have let me find them tonight

and send to you

thanks a lot james

not at all but i want to confirm again

about where and when

the party will be at your class 30

minutes after school break in the


won’t it

right that’s all you have to remember

we’ve got the

rest okay amy i will tell you my plan


okay james see ya bye

see you bye

mini garden of herbs and spices



hi jane welcome to my home

hi linda

come here come here i want to show you

an interesting thing

you make me curious what is that

it’s in the kitchen

is that a dish you make

no more interesting than that



is that a mini garden of herbs and


yes i did it last week i thought and

decided to make a mini garden like this

what do you think

it’s really great


how could you think of growing herbs on

the windowsill

that’s really smart linda

because my house is on the fifth floor

there is no garden planting them here

will save space

of course the kitchen area looks very



let me see what did you plant

a lot i have parsley


here is chili and some turmeric as well

you can save a lot of money when you

plant them yourself

it’s my purpose too and is this rosemary

or mint

it’s mint it is used to decorate

desserts or to mix drinks

yes i love that oh what is this i have

no idea about this one

it’s nutmeg

ah i’ve heard that but this is the first

time i see it

very nice

next week i’m going to plant some others

such as ginger and garlic

that sounds interesting you are like a


i’m a big fan of herbs and spices

herbs and spices for health

jane what’s wrong with you you look not


yes i’m a bit tired maybe because of the

weather changes last week

how do you feel

sometimes i feel nauseous

for the past two days my nasal

congestion has been getting worse

i feel extremely tired because i can’t


too bad you should go to the doctor

right now

i don’t want to use medicines because it

has some side effects

for example drowsiness and in long term

will lead to drug resistance

ah how about using herbs to reduce these


really does it work

yes of course my mother tried it before

that sounds great how

peppermint can reduce nausea

significantly you can use menthol in the

room it has a great anti-nausea effect


yes my mother had the same symptoms as

you she has used menthol and is no

longer nauseated

but actually i don’t like the smell of


so you can use ginger instead


yes one gram or more of ginger can

successfully treat nausea

i will try it

and to deal with nasal congestion

rosemary is the best treatment

the rosmarinic acid in it can treat this

kind of symptom

some people told me cinnamon can also

reduce nasal congestion is that right

to be honest i have known that cinnamon

lowers blood sugar levels and has a

powerful anti-diabetic effect but as far

as its effect on nasal congestion

i don’t know

okay thank you so much linda

you’re welcome hope you get better soon


single lifestyle


hi jenny long time no see how are you

hi jessica i’m fine how are you

never better jenny how was your life

after marriage

we’re very happy you know we had been

together for five years before marriage

how about you jessica any news

i’m glad to hear you are happy

i’m still very into my single life

i know i know but do you have any plans

for the near future what do you think

about marriage

to me getting married is not a priority

right now

you know i’m pretty ambitious i want to

focus on my career and achieve certain

results first

yeah but do you think you can actually

develop your career even after you get


i know but it won’t be possible to

concentrate 100 percent

getting married then having children

parenting will take a lot of time and


also raising children is expensive

what i want is to achieve financial

stability before having children so that

i can provide the best things to them so

it’s best to not get married early

yeah that makes sense

moreover the previous betrayal made me

no longer believe in love

in addition the divorce rate is high in

our country 3 out of 10 people get

divorced this really makes me have to

consider marriage

i got it but you should open up to

people too

not everyone is as bad as your ex i

believe you will soon find the man of

your life

thank you very much jenny

you’re welcome


don’t drink while driving


check equipment walkie-talkie police

card gun drug tester alcohol tester

look at this motorbike

first case

motorbike ahead move across the

motorcycle’s lane and pull over

hello officer how are you


do you know why i asked you to pull over

because my car is so beautiful

car you are riding a motorbike

oh let’s be fun sir

show me your driver’s license and

registration id card and proof of


why sir what was wrong with me

i reserve the right to ask you to show

your personal documents to check and you

drive a motorbike but you cross the lane

for cars

okay sure officer i’m just kidding

i will test your alcohol now you have a

smell of alcohol

i actually had a drink a little very


now keep your hand down and i want you

to blow hard into port

your alcohol level didn’t exceed the

legal limit

luckily i told you

here’s your violation record and your

ticket you can pay the fine online if

you have any questions or you see

something wrong you can appeal to the


i almost had the turn left so i went to

the car lane but i got there too soon it

still has a long road to turn

whatever no matter how much you drink do

not drink while driving


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