Farm Animals Learn Basic English Conversation


farm animals

today we will study farm animals let’s

watch this video and learn how to

describe an animal

situation one have you ever been to a



hi ben what are you doing

hello tim i’m reading a science book

it’s right about popular animals around


that sounds interesting could i lend it

for a bit

of course tim here you are

thank you ben


by the way have you ever been to a farm

no i have never visited a farm how about

you tim

yes ben i have come to a farm many times

my father just took me to my uncle’s

farm last week


you’re so lucky tim

i always want to visit a farm in real

life are there many animals on your

uncle’s farm

yes ben it’s summer now so that my uncle

feeds a little more animals on his farm

can you tell me some of them

of course ben do you want to know about

the sheep in there

yes please

my uncle has a flock of sheep there are

about 20 sheep


how do they look like

they have white and thick fur their fur

will be collected to make clothing our


are they big or small

they are quite big ben

i also saw two dairy cattle they are

bigger than sheep plus they have black

and white fur

have you drunk their milk

i haven’t but i may try it next time is

there any chickens or ducks

yes there are a lot of chickens

they lay a lot of eggs

this farm is so great

do you want to visit my uncle’s farm

next week i’ll go there with my dad

yes i’d love to

let me ask my dad first

okay ben this trip will be exciting i

have to go out now goodbye ben

bye bye tim see you next time


situation two

animals on the farm


look mom what a cute rabbit

yes john do you love rabbits

of course mom they are small

they have white fur and two pink eyes

plus their tail is very short they look

so lovely

your grandfather feeds many rabbits on

his farm have you seen them

yes i see dad i love them so much

do you love any other animals on this


i also love the cow too

grandfather keeps it in the cage at the

end of the farm

its hair is brown it is very big and it

eats a lot of grass

grandfather let him out every afternoon

it is quite shy

dad does my grandfather feed pigs

yes son he feeds many pigs

your grandfather let the pigs eat too

much they are too fat

the pig sound is very loud they scream

every morning

are they black or white dad

they have white fur and pink skin they

also have a pink nose

their tail is very short and curly

they are bathed by grandpa every day to

stay healthy and clean

oh they are so cute

how about the black horse do you love


of course dad he looks so strong

besides he runs so fast

yes drawn i wrote him when i was young

he is very smart too it was easy to ride

him in a long way

i want to ride him too could you take me

to your grandfather’s farm on the


okay john i’ll do it

thanks dad i love you


situation three the first time ben

visits the farm


wow this farm is so big

it is the first time i see a big farm


this yes it is enormous

let’s go and explore your uncle’s farm


okay then

look tim is that a rabbit

you’re right it is a rabbit oh it’s

harris brown i didn’t know that rabbit

fur includes this color

on this farm my uncle feeds both white

and brown rapids

keep going and i’ll show you where white

rabbits are in

that sounds great tim i’m so excited now

ben can you see a dog over there

yes i see it this dog is so cute

i love its yellow fur i want to touch it

yes you can pet it whenever you want do

you see those ducks in the lake over

there they are so lovely too

wow there are so many ducks can they

swim all day

no they just swim for a little time

after that they walk on the grass and


oh ben it’s time for lunch now we should

go to my uncle’s home and have lunch

you can continue to visit our farm in

the afternoon

okay tim let’s go eat something


situation four

the interesting trip on the farm


finally we arrive at the farm i’m so

excited now

i feel quite tired now but i still want

to go into the farm

let’s get started everyone

dad what is that woman doing

hmm let me see

she is picking the apples

i want to eat an apple could we stay

here and wait until she finishes her job

we may buy some apples to eat

that’s a good idea

okay we take a rest here for a while

look a horse is running over there he

runs so fast

i see him too he is so beautiful and big

oh no i see a dog it is coming i feel so


don’t worry son i think this dog will

not bite you he just wants to welcome


i think we should go now we can come

back here and buy apples later

yes i forgot we have to meet the farmer


dad there are many sheep one


three i can’t count on them

their fur is so beautiful

i love sheep

who knows how the sheep sound


here i can see the farmer he is waving

at us

hello everyone you look quite tired

yes we have walked for a long time

i have some carrots for you you can eat

them or feed them to the horses

they love carrots so much

thank you we have food here we’ll use

this carrot for horses

okay let’s enjoy the fresh air here i

hope you love it

of course we will feed the horses now

i’m so grateful to you

we thank you

you are welcome


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good bye