Phrasal Verbs HELP vs HELP OUT Basic English Grammar

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hi everybody welcome back to ask Alicia

the weekly series where you ask me

questions and I answer them

maybe first question comes from Karima

heigen Karima karema says hi Alicia

could you please tell me which one of

these is correct if I want to emphasize

an action in the past I did speak to him

or I did spoke to him thanks yes the

correct answer here is did speak so when

we’re using the verb do for emphasis we

use do and then we use the simple

present tense form of the verb that

follows it so the verb coming after it

in this case speak should not change so

your second example I did spoke that

would be incorrect we don’t change that

second verb we only change the verb do

so did in this case let’s look at some

more examples she doesn’t have time to

meet you I saw her schedule she does

have time so that’s a present tense

example do in this case changes to does

because the subject of the sentence is

she she does have time

so does emphasizes the fact that she in

the situation has time to meet with the

speaker let’s look at one more example

he didn’t give us a key to enter the


but he did give us a passcode okay so

here we’re seeing a past tense example

in this case did give did is past tense

and give is simple present tense so the

speaker here wants to emphasize

something that they received speaker a

says he didn’t give us a key to enter

the building

but speaker B wants to point out they

got something else the speaker wants to

say he did give us something else

emphasizing this other thing that was

given so we can use do or did for past

tense to emphasize things in this way

and you’ll also notice as I did with my

intonation will kind of emphasize that

key word with our voice too so that

makes it sound much more natural

I hope that this helps answer your

question about using do as an emphasis

word thanks very much for sending it

along okay let’s move on to your next

question next question comes from Reuben

hi Reuben Reuben says what’s the

difference between help and help out


let’s start by talking about help out we

use help out when we want to refer to

one person doing something for another

person to make life easier so it’s like

someone is assisting or aiding in

someone else’s life and we can only use

help out to talk about actions done by

other people so this is a key difference

with the verb help so because this is

used only to talk about people we can’t

use it for objects that means an object

cannot help out so like an object cannot

help me out with something let’s look at

some natural examples of using help out

my parents helped me out with the

paperwork when I bought my first car do

you think you can help us out with this

week’s homework so in both of these

examples sentences we see the sample

pattern help out with noun phrase so in

this case we’ve seen like help me out

with or help us out with so between help

and out we’re splitting that verb the

phrasal verb there and we’re inserting

the object so like who is receiving the

assistance in that case in the first

example sentence help me out with this

thing help me out with paperwork in the

second example sentence it’s helped us

out with homework so the person

receiving help is going in between help

and out there so help someone out with

so with introduces that thing the person

needs assistance doing let’s compare

this then to the verb help

so like help out we can use help to talk

about receiving assistance for something

yes but unlike help out we can also use

objects with this firm so that means an

in and

it’s something so inanimate means it

doesn’t move it’s just an object like a

textbook or like a camera these are

things that are not people so these

things can also help us and by that I

mean they make our life easier they make

our job easier or our studies easier we

can use objects with the verb help let’s

look at a few examples this textbook

really helped me understand English my

friends helped me move into my new house

can you help us make dinner so when we

use the verb help without out we follow

the verb help with the object of that

verb so that means the person who is

receiving assistance the person

receiving aid then we follow that with

the action so the thing that was

assisted or like the thing that was made

easier for that person so in the first

example sentence this textbook helped me

the person receiving help understand

English so that’s the thing that was

made easier in some way in the last

example sentence a question can you help

us make dinner so us that’s the person

or the people in this case needing

assistance and the thing they need

assistance with is dinner so to help

with something so remember you can use

help out for people but you can’t use it

to talk about things we can use help to

talk about people and to talk about

things so I hope that this helps you

understand the difference between these

verbs thanks very much for the question

okay let’s move on to your next question

next question comes from Michael hi

Michael Michael says hi Alicia could you

please explain the expression very next

day what’s the difference between this

and next day yeah we use the word very

as an emphasis word before nouns let’s

look at a couple more examples oh it’s

you the very person I wanted to see last

Christmas I gave you my heart and the

very next day you gave it away this

program keeps crashing this is the very

problem I’ve been having

ok so very is you

used in these ways to show emphasis for

the noun that follows it so in my first

example sentence I said oh you’re the

very person I’ve been looking for or the

very person I’ve been wanting to see

that means like you are exactly you are

just the person I wanted to see in the

second example a lyric from a well-known

Christmas song the very next day like

the speaker is emphasizing right away

like just the next day after this thing

that happened in the third example

sentence it’s like saying just or

exactly again like that’s just the

problem I’ve been having that’s the very

problem I’ve been having so very can

sound a little bit formal a little bit

on the formal side but if you want to

emphasize like a person or a time period

in this way using very you can do that

very simply with this word so it doesn’t

just mean very as in like extremely or a

lot of something it can also have just

this emphasis word like exactly or truly

or really so I hope that this helps you

understand this use of very thanks very

much for the question ok let’s move on

to your next question next question

comes from Rafael Santana hi Rafael

Rafael says hello could you please

explain do fine and to make do Thanks ok

so let’s start with do fine we use do

fine most commonly in the progressive

tense and it’s usually to respond to the

question how are you doing I’m doing

fine so we typically don’t say like

please do fine or are you doing fine we

don’t really use it in questions or to

talk about ourselves in any other way

other than to respond to that question

how are you doing I’m doing fine so

that’s do fine it’s not so commonly used

in everyday speech to make do however is

a very interesting expression so to make

do means to use something that’s maybe

of lower quality even though you want

something of higher quality or it means

like living without or going without

something that you really wish

you had let’s look at some examples of

this in a sentence we don’t have a very

big budget so we have to make do with

the small team for this project I didn’t

have time to go to the store today so

for dinner I’ll make do with what I have

in the fridge my camera isn’t great but

I think I can make do with it for this

video project so in each of these

example sentences we see make do with

and then we have a noun phrase so make

do with that thing like make do with a

small team or make do with what’s in my

fridge or make do with it so it’s that

thing that follows make do make do with

that thing that’s maybe of lower quality

or maybe it’s not exactly the thing that

we want but we’re going to do our best

with that thing

so to make do with something is kind of

like to continue on even though it’s not

maybe the best or like the highest

quality or exactly the perfect solution

so I hope that that helps answer your

question thanks very much for sending it

along let’s move on to your next

question No next question comes from

Khan Tron haikon Khan says hi Alicia can

you explain the way to use no longer

does it sound weird if you say I no

longer have the ability to fulfill my

responsibilities Thanks yeah so no

longer just means not anymore we use it

for something that was true in the past

like it was true until this point and

then in the future it’s not going to be

true so it’s something that’s not going

to happen in the future so no longer and

not anymore mean the same thing but no

longer kind of sounds a bit more formal

and we use it in a slightly different

sentence structure so let’s look at some

examples son we can no longer pay your

rent for you we no longer allow pets in

the building I no longer have to commute

by car so we could change each of these

sentences to use anymore this is

probably a little bit more common in

everyday speech than using no longer as

I said no longer tends to sound a bit

more formal just keep in mind that if

you want to change your sentence you

need to change

a grammatical structure of your sentence

so for example son we can’t pay for your

rent anymore we don’t allow pets in the

building anymore I don’t have to commute

by car anymore so when you’re using

anymore the anymore pattern you’ll

notice that there’s a negative that

comes before the verb and then anymore

comes at the end of the sentence this is

different from the no longer pattern

where we just use no longer before the

verb and then there’s nothing at the end

of the sentence

so just remember both of these yes both

refer to the same thing like something

that was true in the past that from this

point forward will not be true but no

longer sounds a bit more formal than not

anymore so it doesn’t sound weird to

answer your question no it doesn’t sound

weird but it might just sound very

polite if you’re just talking to someone

close to you so if you’re speaking with

friends I might use anymore I might

recommend using anymore

if it’s a more formal situation maybe

you could think about using no longer

instead so I hope that that helps answer

your question thanks very much all right

that is everything that I have for this

week thank you as always for sending

your questions please remember to send

your questions to me at English class slash ask - Alicia also if you

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thanks very much for watching this

week’s episode of ask Alisha and I will

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