Topics talk about Household Chores in English Basic English Conversation


talking about household chores

do you understand what is household

chores who will take responsibility to

do household chores

let’s watch this video with three

situations to learn about household


situation 1 a normal sunday


cliff can you turn a song on please

i like maroon 5. adam levine is the best

hey anna how about me you forgot me at


you are the second darling


tom do you hear me sweetie

tom wake up what are you doing now

mommy mommy i am playing this game it’s

so funny i’m getting a gold trophy i

will did you wash your face and brush

your teeth

yes mommy i did

so do you know what you have to do now

what do you have to do on sunday morning

tommy please mommy i don’t want to do



okay mom i will do them after finishing

this round


i will give you five minutes do you

remember what you have to do

i have to do the laundry and make the


do you forget plum

oh my sorry plum

i will feed plum and then walk him in

the park

okay so do it now plum is so hungry

i see mommy plum let’s go i will take

you some food first

honey what are you doing can you help me

to take out the rubbish

i’m washing the car babe i will do it


okay don’t forget i have to go to the

supermarket now

which do you want for lunch honey

we shall have barbecue on sunday babe i

will have beef and chicken buy me some

beers as well

well i will try to be back in one hour

remember to fix the faucet in the

kitchen honey i think we need a new one

to replace it

okay i’m going to check it it’s late you

should go now babe

jesus 10 am already bye honey tell tommy

to do his homework after going to the


got it honey

bye babe


situation two

one day on the weekend


bobby can you give me some ketchup


there you are honey this bread is so

soft where did you buy it honey

it’s a new one from bs bakery i know you

will love it babe

the us bakery is at the end of this


yes it is what’s up

nothing the security man just moved to

the house next to ours

i just spoke with him yesterday when i

was doing exercise and he was raking the

leaves in the garden

should i come and say hello

maybe what is the plan for today honey

i don’t know yet babe maybe we should do

some household chores together

oh it’s so weird today is the weekend


but we don’t have time to do it together

all week it won’t take a long time babe

okay what should i do now honey

first wash the dishes we finished

breakfast already

easy peasy lemon squeezy

do not break them anymore

do you remember you broke our couple of

cups two weeks ago

no it’s just a small mistake honey then

can we go to the supermarket i wanna buy

a new shampoo mine ran out two days ago

yeah i see i’m going to order it for you

but it’s okay we can go to the

supermarket today

wait a minute babe so you were using

mine the two days aren’t you

a little bit but yours is a really nice

smell can i use it with you from now on

no way babe

i will mop the floor while waiting for


you should clean the microwave first

then when you’re done we can clean the

house together

well but i just mop the floor and you

dust the furniture and clean the windows

they are too high so i cannot reach them


then we can go to the supermarket huh

remind me to take out the rubbish when

we leave home

let’s go to the mall everybody ha go

bob do you hear me

yes i know

let’s go to the mall everybody ha go


situation three anna and thomas do their




thomas what are you doing now

oh morning mom

i just woke up and made the bed but

thomas is still sleeping

really did you try to wake him up

yes i did but he didn’t listen to me i’m

so hungry mama

i just did the cooking you can have

bread or soup i will wake thomas up then

go to work there are some household

chores that the two of you have to do

before i come home

yes i see mom bye bye

anna what do we have for breakfast

i have bread and an egg

mom said you can eat soup as well it’s

still warm

okay i will have soup

what are you doing anna

i am watering these trees they look like

they are going to die in some days

thomas mom said we have to do some

housework before she comes home

i will sweep the yard and you should

hang up the laundry

but i’m afraid that i cannot reach the

close line anna

so what should you want to do it’s the


i can vacuum the floor and feed the dog

okay after vacuuming you should take out

the rubbish as well mom will be angry if

the rubbish bin is full

i’m not a baby anymore i know what i

have to do anna


do not forget to wash the dishes when

you finish your breakfast

well it’s not fun i hate washing dishes

what is that noise thomas

i don’t know the vacuum cleaner is not

working its machine is hot

turn it off thomas it may be broken you

should use the broom in the garage

it’s heavy anna and it’s hard to use you


no more reasons thomas i know you just

don’t want to do it

sweep the house and i will help you to

mop the floor

perfect deal

quickly mom will be home soon

jesus i forgot to fold my blanket i will

do it first i will come back soon

quickly thomas i give you 10 seconds

i know anna just a few minutes wait for



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