Whats the difference ALL EVERY EACH Basic English Grammar

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hi everybody my name is alicia in this

lesson i’m going to talk about

all every and each i’m going to share

some differences

in how we use these words and a lot of

example sentences so let’s get started

okay i want to begin this lesson by

talking about

all all is a word we use to mean

100 percent of something

we can use all with the plural form of a


so let’s look at some example sentences

with all

the first one all students must purchase

the textbook all students so here i’ve


students the plural form of student

all students must purchase the textbook

this might be on like the class outline

for like a course of some kind at a

school all students must purchase the


in other words 100 percent of students

must purchase the textbook in this case

students means

students in this course or students

taking this course

all students in the course must purchase

the textbook

let’s look at the next example all the

gorillas escaped

the zoo so this is a strange example


but here you might notice yes i’ve used

the plural form

all the gorillas yes again uh s

form or rather uh plural form here

all the gorillas escape the zoo

so lots of students ask why the here

know the here

we use the as you’ll see in these other

example sentences

when we want to refer to something

specific to the situation

that we know about from like prior

to this sentence so before this sentence

we had some information

so here of course it’s an example

sentence so we don’t have

information but this is something you

might see

in the news so as a reporter or someone


sharing information about a story they

give a small detail like

gorillas in this case and then when we

want to talk about those same gorillas

later in the conversation

we would use the all the gorillas so


gorillas we talked about earlier in the


so that’s why you’ll see the use


and not used in other times like here

like i could say

all the students in the class must

purchase the textbook that’s okay

we just need to make sure we use the

when the person reading or

listening understands like which noun

you’re talking about

so this is an example of how it might be


so all meaning 100 100

of the gorillas in this situation


the zoo let’s move on to the next

sentence which also uses

the we weren’t able to recover

all of the files we weren’t able to


all of the files so here all connects


files again the plural form files so


all of the files or we weren’t able to


all the files it’s also okay you can

drop this of

if you like but you may hear it so again

we’re using

the files so in this situation

the we here they’re trying to recover

like regain

or find something that’s lost or damaged

so what are they looking for these

files in particular so there’s some

understanding between

the speaker and listener here and the

speaker in this case

we they want to indicate these files

specifically we weren’t able to recover

all of the files

so the files we were talking about in a

previous conversation for example

okay finally all 15

of the students graduated all 15 of the


graduated so again i’m using students


in this case i have the so all 15


graduated is also okay it’s

just a small nuance in conversation

if you’re talking maybe in a news story

about 15

students who made a special project

together or something

maybe interesting happened to these

students or maybe they had a terrible


but you want to report those same 15


graduated all 15 of the students


you would use the to talk about those

same students you introduced earlier in

your conversation

so saying something like all 15

students graduated is also okay

but we use the to really emphasize

those students we referred to earlier so

we use all to refer to 100

of something and we use it with the

plural form

of a noun as we’ve shown here okay

so with this in mind let’s continue to


every then every is used to talk about

all parts in a group so yes it means

all of something but we want to talk


all in terms of the parts of that thing

so i’ll show some examples of this in

just a moment

we use every with the singular form

of a noun we used all with the plural

form we’re going to use

every with the singular form of a noun

every also has this use we can use it


a time period to express frequency

so for example every day every month

every year

every summer that expresses frequency so

100 percent of days 100

of summers you can imagine it has that

meaning we cannot use all

in this way finally we can use every


single for emphasis every single


like every single and mostly some

examples of this

a couple of points i want to mention

here uh

first let’s look at this one regarding

this time period

point make sure when you’re writing that

you use a space

after every so when you write every day

for example i’ve noticed this is a point

for many learners when you write every


make sure to write every space day

why because every day is an adjective so

without without a space here every day

every day is an adjective

so that means regular or common or

something that’s typical

so for example what are your everyday

activities or this is an everyday task

meaning a regular or common task so

please be careful

every day and every day have different


so please keep this in mind okay

with that said let’s take a look at some


first one every single person in our


failed the test every single person in

our class

failed the test here i have single in


so this is just sort of like an optional

emphasis expression

every single person here i have the


i talked about how we have to use the

singular person here

every single person in our class failed

the test that means

we want to emphasize the individual


in the class so yes this means 100


of people but when i really want to

emphasize the individuals there

as parts of this whole i use every

and this adds to that emphasis every


okay let’s move on to the next one here

every team

member has his or her own specialty

so again i’m using the singular form

every team

member every team member so here

we have a team so we know that it’s a

group of people

and we want to talk about the

individuals in that group

as parts of the whole so every team

member has his or her

own specialty i use every to talk about


i could use single here if i wanted to

every single team member

and that would make it sound even

stronger but we use this

to emphasize again parts in a whole

okay the next example sentence is we go

jogging together every weekend

we go jogging together every weekend so


every is this time period one this

frequency one that i talked about

we go jogging together every weekend so

every comes before my time period

this means 100 of weekends we go jogging


we go jogging together every weekend we

could change this to

every summer or every tuesday or every


for example but again make sure to keep

a space

between every and the following word

especially when you’re using

day okay finally i listen to music

every single day so again i’m using this

as a frequency expression i listen to


every day i can use single here as well

so i’m

emphasizing every day in this case i

really want to make it clear like i love

music so i listen to it every single day

like without fail so we can combine this

frequency expression

every something with a single to


okay great so this is an introduction to

every let’s move on now to each so

each is used again similar to every

when we want to talk about the

individual units in something

so the slight difference in feeling here

is that when we’re using every we’re

talking about parts

in a hole so like every team member for

example or every student in the class

there’s some whole like some larger


we can imagine with each yes

there maybe is like a larger group but

we really want to

focus on individuals we really

want the emphasis to be on the

individual unit

of something second point we use

each when there are only two of


so i’ll show you some examples of when

this can be important but if there are

only two

of the thing you’re talking about use

each to describe that not

every okay finally we can use this with

the plural and the singular forms of

nouns so both are okay

and there are a few different patterns

that we can take

finally you might see this expression


and every each and every is a set phrase

we cannot use every end each we don’t

use that

please use each and every we use this


a noun or again we could use this before


day or weekend to emphasize so this is

another emphasizing phrase each and


okay let’s look at some examples of

using each

first each of the computers

crashed each of the computers crashed so

this could mean

two computers and both of them crash

that could mean it

or it could mean like each computer in

like a computer lab crashed we could use

it in that way

so sentences like these maybe don’t

always give

all the information we need to know a

little bit about the situation but this

is an example of how we could use each

with a plural noun each of the computers

crashed we cannot say each computers

crashed we could say each computer


but we cannot say each computer is

crashed each of the

computers is okay okay next one

each one of the companies donated

to charity each one of the companies

donated to charity

that means in some situation like an

event for example

and all of the companies that attended

the event uh so

each one of those companies we want to


uh the individual companies there so

each one of the companies donated to


so again i’m using the plural form so

i could say each company donated to

charity as well

that’s okay all right let’s move on to

some more examples with the singular

form so

each person helped clean the parch each

person helped clean the park

so maybe it’s a volunteer organization

and many people come

and you can say each person helped clean

the park so

again emphasizing the individuals there

finally marathon participants

will each receive a t-shirt

marathon participants will each receive

a t-shirt

so that means if you participate in the


you will receive a t-shirt and that’s

true for 100

of marathon participants so we could use

maybe all to talk about this or maybe

even every

to talk about these situations we would

just need to make some changes

like for example all marathon

participants will receive a t-shirt is


as well or what’s another good example

like all of the companies

donated to charity that’s okay too so

the difference in those cases is just


each gives more emphasis to an


all is more about like a large number

of something so to finish this lesson i

want to look at a few

example sentences and point out why

they’re natural or

unnatural so i hope that this helps you


actually you’ll notice these are very

similar first one this sentence is okay

she wears earrings on each ear

she wears earrings on each ear so i’ve

used each in this sentence

and it sounds natural because there are

only two in most situations i think

people probably have just two ears so


means one two both of them she wears

earrings on each ear sounds

very natural the next example sentence

is not natural though she wears earrings

on every ear

this sounds strange because every is

used to refer to

part of a group so we use two

for each and we only have two ears for

most of us

so every refers to something with like

more than two

in this case it sounds really strange

because we don’t expect someone to have

more than two ears so every sounds


i don’t recommend it same thing with the

next one

she wears earrings on all ears

so again all refers to a large number of


so all ears does not sound natural

because we have just

two ears so in cases like these like

maybe you’re talking about body parts

for example

it’s going to sound much more natural to

use each when you’re talking about


you have only two of however let’s go on

to these next three sentences which all

sound natural

she wears a ring on every finger

she wears a ring on every finger this

sentence sounds fine because

for most people we have 10 fingers it’s

a large number

and so we want to say in this case she


a ring so one ring on every finger so

we’re emphasizing

these individual parts of the hole of

all of our fingers this group that is

our fingers

the next one is also natural she wears


on all her fingers you might hear some

people drop

her she wears rings on all fingers so

that means

we’re emphasizing like the total here so

we’re not talking

so much about the individual fingers but

just all

she wears rings on all her fingers


she wears a ring on each finger is also

okay to use so she wears a ring on each

finger if you really want to emphasize

one by one these individual fingers

so this one has the strongest feeling of

like individuality one by one every

would be

next she wears a ring on every finger

and then when you want to emphasize like

a group

feeling she wears rings on all her


so just keep in mind sentences like

these are definitely not

natural and i don’t recommend you use

them because it’s going to sound really


so try to focus on sentences like these

i hope that this helps you okay but if

you have any questions or comments

please feel free to let us know in the

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much for watching this lesson and i will

see you again

soon bye-bye