Learn the Top 20 English Words Youll Need for the Beach in America

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Hi, everybody! Welcome back to Top Words.

My name is Alisha, and today we’re gonna
be talking about 20 words you’ll need

for the beach. Let’s go!


The first word is sunglasses.

Sunglasses are those dark glasses that
you wear on your face when it’s bright outside.

In a sentence, I forgot my sunglasses.
Hold on! I forgot my sunglasses.


Beach is the place near the ocean.
You might have a beach in your

city or in your country, the beach is
usually visited in the summertime. The

image is lots of sun, you can get a tan,
you can get a sunburn, but it’s usually a

fun place to spend time with family and
friends. In a sentence, I’m going to the

beach with my friends this weekend, I’m so excited!

and next sentence, she walked along the beach.


The next word is swimming.

Swimming is, of course, a popular activity
to do at the beach. I go swimming at the

beach every summer. Or in this sentence,
be very careful when swimming in the

Pacific Ocean. (Maybe sharks…)


sun is that big bright

thing in the sky that will make your
skin change color if you stay in it for

too long. So, the sun, in a sentence, the sun
is really bright, let’s get out of the sun.

palm tree

The next word is palm tree.
So palm trees are a type of tree, they

are usually seen in, like, tropical places,
like Hawaii has palm trees, any place

close to the equator, the middle
line of the earth, I think that’s where

palm trees tend to grow. It’s kind of an
image of the beach. So palm trees, there

are a lot of palm trees near the beach in California.

That palm tree is almost 60 feet tall.


The next word is seashell.
Seashell are those little

objects you find on the beach, like in
the sand or in the water. In some cases,

they’re like shells from, like, clams or
maybe oysters sometimes, too, depending on

what youconsider a seashell. But if you break the

word down, it’s “sea” and “shell”, so, like,
something from the ocean and the shell

are like the covering the outside of
something. So usually a small creature, a

small animal has lived inside the
seashell, and then you can collect them

and look at them or make something from
them; little kids like to collect them,

I used to collect seashells when I was a
kid. Oh my gosh! Look at this example

sentence! It says it’s bad luck to take
seashells from the beach. Oops!


Swimsuit is the clothing you wear to
swim in, your swimming suit. There are

men’s swimsuits, women’s swimsuits;
usually men’s swimsuits are like shorts,

sport shorts, or I suppose there’s the, like, speedo makes, like the men’s

swimsuits as well, the really small ones.
And then for women, they have one-piece

swimsuits, they have, and then they have
bikini swimsuits, the two-piece swimsuit.

So in a sentence, I hate swimsuit shopping.

And next sentence, I need a new swimsuit this summer.


The next word is ocean. Ocean is the big blue, the big

water, the big deep blue sea. In a sentence,
the ocean is so beautiful at night.

In this sentence, he dipped his feet in the ocean.


A lifeguard is a person at the beach.
“Life,” “guard,” so someone who guards lives.

If someone gets into trouble in the water, they start to

drown or they start to have trouble, if
there’s an accident at the beach, the

lifeguard at the beach is responsible
for handling that problem. So they’ll

call an ambulance or they know how to do
first aid, to save people. So in a

sentence, it’s important to go to beaches
where there are lifeguards available if

you need help. And next sentence,
there isn’t a lifeguard on duty here.


Next word is jetski. A jetski is a like a
water motorcycle, you can ride around it

on with your friends, alone. Riding jet
skis is a lot of fun. In this sentence, if

you have a driver’s license you can
drive a jetski.

beach towel

Te next expression is beach towel. Beach towel.
Beach towel is different from regular

towel because usually beach towels have,
like, a bright color a bright pattern, or

they are towels that you don’t mind, the
towels that are okay to get sand or dirt

in them. Usually, a towel you use in
your house, you don’t want to get your

towel really really dirty. So a beach
towel is a towel you use only at the

beach. In a sentence, I bought a new beach
towel and it has a picture of a

hamburger on it. And in this sentence, oh,
no! I got sand all over my beach towel.

That’s the point of beach towel.

beach chair

The next expression is beach chair.

As you can probably guess, it is a
chair you use only at the beach. So again,

this is a chair you don’t mind, it’s okay
if it gets dirty or sandy; usually a

beach chair is easy to fold or easy to
carry, too. In a sentence, I have a couple

of beach chairs that I’m going to bring
to the barbecue this weekend. In this

sentence, can we use these beach chairs?

sand castle

The next word is sand castle.

Sand castles are usually kids make them
they use, like, buckets. So kids will like

put sand in a bucket or like they move
sand into piles and design castles or

these really complicated mazes or
something, they make things, make

buildings out of sand, we call those sand
castles. So in a sentence, my brother and

I used to make sand castles on the beach
when we were kids. That’s true. In this

sentence, get the buckets and we’ll make a sand castle.


So cooler is a noun, in
this case cooler is the place you keep

your drinks and your food. It’s a, it
looks like a suitcase but it has a

special lining inside that keeps cold
things cold, so you can put ice inside

and it will keep your food and drinks

while you are at the beach in the hot
weather. So in a sentence,

Did you put a bunch of beers in the cooler?
I forgot ice for the cooler!


The next word is tide. Tide is the level of the water,

the level of the ocean water at
different times of day. So if you are

interested in this sort of thing, you
might know about high tide and low tide.

High tide means the water level at the
beach is high low; tide means the water

level at the beach is low. So tide is how
high or low the water is. In this

sentence, the tide ebbed and revealed a
starfish. Ebbed means it went away a little

bit. So tide is the flow of water.


So tan is, we use it as a noun like “to get a

tan” in a sentence. It means that your
skin turns a darker color. So be careful

there are two words we use in English,
“tan” means your skin gets a little bit

darker, and we also use the word “sunburn”
or just “burn.” Burn means your skin gets

red, it means like it’s damaged, it maybe
your skin peels a bit. So in America

anyway, in the US anyway, a tan is usually
considered a positive thing, many people

want tan skin; but sunburn where your
skin is red and damaged is bad. So be

careful, those are two different words we
use to talk about this the changing skin color.

I got a tan last summer at the beach.
In this sentence, you got such a

nice tan in Florida.


The next word is snorkeling.

Snorkeling is really really fun.
Snorkeling is swimming but you have a

like a hose you have a pipe that you can
breathe through as you swim, so you can

you usually put goggles, you wear goggles
as you’re swimming in the ocean, you can

look down and see fish, or you can see
things in the ocean, but you can still

breathe. So this is a really fun thing to
do, to look at fish or just just to hang

out and see a different point of view.
I went snorkeling for the first time,

maybe when I was 22, 23?
In this sentence, she bought goggles so that she

could go snorkeling in Hawaii.

flip flop

The next word is flip flop. Flip flop is

a very common beach sandal. Many people
like to wear flip flops in everyday life, too,

some people prefer not to, it’s up to you. Like in

California I know, especially in beach
towns, everybody just wears flip-flops

it’s very comfortable.
So flip-flops kind of have an image of

being a little bit cheap or just very
very simple, it’s it’s the most basic

possible sandal. Why are they called
flip-flops? I always thought it

was because of the sound that they make…
sound I guess, maybe it sounds like flip-flop.

In a sentence, I usually don’t wear flip-flops.
In this sentence, these flip-flops keep breaking.


Next word is sunscreen.

Sunscreen or you might also hear sunblock.

These are products you can put on your skin to prevent

a tan or to prevent a sunburn. Sun-screen,
so it’s a protection, it’s a protection

against the sunlight. I just hit this
screen. So sunscreen is quite important,

like, it is said that you should use
sunscreen to prevent, to help prevent

skin cancer. In a sentence, I’m out of
sunscreen I need to buy more. In this

sentence, mom, I don’t need sunscreen.


The next word is bikini.

We talked about swimsuit a little bit
earlier, but bikini is usually a swimsuit

for women, and it’s two pieces; there’s a
bottom half and an upper half. And

oftentimes the the top half of the
bikini, or sometimes the bottom half, you

have to tie a knot, or you have to latch
something. I suppose if you don’t tie it

carefully it can create a problem, like
you could fall off. So bikini it’s a

popular style of swimsuit for women.
Are you going to wear your bikini to the

beach tomorrow?
in this sentence, my bikini came undone

in front of everyone, it was so

End! Alright, that’s the end

so those were 20 words that you can use
to talk about the beach, this has me

really excited for summer actually, this
is a lot of fun. If there are some other

words that you think about when you
think about the beach, let us know in the

comments. I hope you get to use these
words a lot this summer and enjoy.

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and we’ll see you again soon, bye!
I went snorkeling and I saw an octopus!

He was just like, he, I don’t know why it’s a he, look like a dress like…

Woh! That’s really cool!