How to use SUCH A in English Expand your vocabulary

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today is such a beautiful

day let’s talk about it in this video I

want to help you use the intensifier

such ah we can add this at the beginning

of a great expression like such a

beautiful day it was such a hot summer

it was such a cold winter this is a

great intensifier to help expand your

vocabulary and also help you express

yourself better because in the end this

is the goal I want you to be able to

express yourself just like you’re

speaking your native language so with

this expression such up you’re going to

be able to say exactly what you want to

say let’s talk for a moment about the

construction of this expression when I

said it is such a beautiful day after

such a there is an adjective beautiful

and then we have the noun day such a

beautiful day it’s not just any

beautiful day it is such a beautiful day

so we want to make that adjective

beautiful even stronger how can we say

this in a negative way

maybe it’s raining outside and you had

some plans to have a picnic or go on a

hike maybe when you look outside you

could say it is not such a beautiful day

it is not such a beautiful day I wish

that it were sunny today we can simply

add not at the beginning of this

expression it’s not such a beautiful day

but we often add another word at the end

to make it sound a little more natural

so in this sentence I would say it’s not

such a beautiful day after all because I

added after all it means that I had some

kind of expectation

I expected it to be a beautiful day but

when I woke up this morning it was rainy

it was cloudy it was too hot some kind

of negative weather so I might say it’s

not such a beautiful day after all so

maybe I’ll just go to my friend’s house

instead this is showing you had an

expectation but your expectation was not

met I hope that this expression is

useful to you and that you can use this

a lot so my challenge to you is to use

such a in the comments below this video

in the comments below this video I

expect to see lots of beautiful

sentences great sentences and I hope

that this was such a helpful video for

you thanks so much and I’ll see you the

next time bye if you enjoyed this video

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so much for learning with me bye