30 Beginner English Words Useful Vocabulary

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the first word is happy as you might

have guessed happy happy is a happy word

when you feel good when you feel

positive when you are excited you can

say I’m happy I was so happy to see my

friend the other day what makes me happy

food I’m happy right now

energetic energetic when you feel happy

perhaps you also feel energetic you have

that sort of like uplifting feeling this

chair is squeaking every time I don’t

really describe my friends or people as

energetic I might say a dog or a cat is

energetic like wow your dog is so

energetic what is she doing she’s

running everywhere is she okay

maybe I would say about myself I’m very

energetic today if I’ve had a lot of

coffee lonely the next word is lonely

lonely I don’t want to talk about this

word it’s maybe you’ve been spending a

lot of time alone or there’s someone

that you really want to see or you want

to see your family members or maybe

you’re working too much I don’t know

whatever it is maybe your you just you

feel like you want to talk to people or

you want to see people be around people

but you can’t you can use the word

lonely to describe that feeling I’ve

only been working for the last few

months I haven’t had a chance to spend

much time with my friends I’m feeling

kind of lonely nervous the next word is

nervous nervous is used for any tension

any anxiety excited but in a bad way

about something when I was a child

before my piano performances I would get

so nervous I would be so nervous my

hands would start to shake and then I

couldn’t play the piece I’d been

practicing for months that’s why this is

great because you’re not here upset

upset is a really really useful word any

time you feel sad angry depressed

disappointed unhappy in general you can

say I’m upset or he or she is upset

it’s just a general unhappy word but it

doesn’t mean unhappy it just means

something is wrong there’s a way a

person usually behaves but I’m upset

means something’s not right in his

sentence I might say I’m really upset

about my performance last year I was too

nervous and my parents were disappointed

in me I’m sad now yeah okay equation the

next math word is equation equation so

up until now we’ve been talking about a

part of an equation but the whole math

problem everything there is called the

equation so the process that you need to

do in order to solve an equation an

equation is something that you do to

solve a problem this this part is the

equation this part is the solution the

the ending the result is the is the

solution the problem is called the

equation the process the math process

you do to find a solution percent

percent this is very a very useful word

you can use of course when doing math or

math problems but you can also use this

when shopping for example so a sale is

five percent off ten percent off it

represents a discount you can also use

percent to describe effort levels for

for example a sports team a coach might

tell his team I need you to work at a

hundred percent today so it it’s used to

express the level of something but it

can also be used in sales and in math

related terms NPC NPC means non playable

character there are other characters

within the game that moved the story

forward but that you cannot play as you

cannot become that character but you

interact with them I have to talk to an

NPC in order to move this quest forward

next is camper a camper is someone who

is waiting for a creature to spawn so a

person who’s waiting for the monster to

appear is called a camper you can use

camping as a verb to to talk about that

like I’m camping this monster really

people camp other players

I suppose so depending on the

kind of game you’re playing MMO is a

massively multiplayer online game means

you can play online with a lot of

different people essentially the next

word is sister a female sibling is your

sister you can also use sister for a

female person that you feel very very

close with so I might call my female

friend who’s I’m very close to my sister

my brother likes to shorten it to sis

you might also hear sista as well if you

are silly sister Whoopi Goldberg was in

a famous movie called sister act the

next word is brother brother is a male

sibling you can also use brother to

refer to a close male friend common

variations of brother are brother bro

brah Rosie brewski depending on what

kind of person you are you can choose to

use any number of those like I might

sarcastically say to my friend cool

story bro if he’s told me a story that’s

not very exciting in Mario for example

the name of the Mario games is actually

super mario brothers but brothers is

abbreviated as BRS super mario bros yeah

just be careful about your use of bro

because it sounds a little bit like a

college-age boy that’s kind of the kind

of the feeling of the word bro oh

brother where art thou sandcastle the

next word is sand castles sand castles

are usually kids make them they use like

buckets so kids will like put sand in a

bucket or like they move sand into piles

and design castles or these really

complicated mazes or something they make

things make buildings out of sand we

call those sand castles so in a sentence

my brother and I used to make sand

castles on the beach when we were kids

that’s true

in this sentence get the buckets and

we’ll make a sand castle cooler so

cooler is a noun in this case cooler is

the place you keep your drinks and your

food it’s a it looks like a suitcase but

it has a special lining inside that

keeps cold things cold so you can put

ice inside and it will keep your food

and drinks cold while you are at the

beach in the hot weather so in a


did you put a bunch of beers in the

cooler I forgot ice for the cooler

the next word is small small smaller

smallest small and little are extremely

similar I would pretty much use them in

the same way however we don’t say when I

was a small kid we say when I was a

little kid or you can say when I was

small the next word is large large and

big are very much the same I will say

though that large is used on clothing

sizes big is not when we talked about

big we talked about how big can be used

to refer to something that’s very

popular large is not used to refer to

something that’s that’s popular large is

used um for for sizing I feel only so

like a house can be large but it’s used

to refer to like the physical size of

something large and in charge large

larger largest this is the largest

bottom is in the zoo to go daughter

daughter a daughter is a female child I

wonder if I will ever have a daughter

brother-in-law brother-in-law so we use

in law to mean our married partners

family members not my brother but my

partner’s brother-in-law is used after

any family members position or family

members title to show they belong to my

partner’s family originally but now

they’re part of my extended family as

well I’m going out for drinks with my

brother-in-law tomorrow night

father-in-law father-in-law so we have

in law here meaning my partner’s father

so my father in law is very kind the

next word is work be careful about using

work as a noun and work as a verb your

work refers to your job your

responsibilities your tasks at your

office or your workplace you can use it

in a phrase like I have a lot of work to

do or please help me with my work I like

to go to work it can be used to just

refer to anything artistic in general so

it can mean it can be a painting it can

be a building it can be a sculpture it

can be I don’t know whatever anything

artsy can be referred to as work as in I

really like that new work by that artist

or did you see so-and-so’s new work

twerk the next word is weak weak refers

to the seven-day period that we have

decided is

one week here in the modern world

commonly used in expressions relating to

your activities as in I go to the gym

once a week or I see my friends twice a

week or I have to work every day of the

week Monday through Friday is referred

to as weekdays Saturday and Sunday

weekend next word is month month is

there are 12 months in a year my

favorite month depending on which

country I’m in I generally like autumn

months like October I think I usually

like the month of October September

October is good because it’s not too hot

not too cold halloween is coming and

that’s my favorite holiday Hannah

Montana try oh my gosh try is the next

word oh I’m trying my best

I try every day to work very hard have

you ever tried ramen I tried ramen

yesterday and it was really good do you

try to exercise every day I’m trying to

sleep go away the next verb is leave

Leave leave me alone leave your doors


don’t leave your doors unlocked I have

never left a hot air balloon without

first taking a picture the next verb is

called call it the next breath give me a

call please call me later call me maybe

call your mom on her birthday every year

she’ll be happy

Cole Cole you’re a seagull have you ever

called the wrong number

have you ever called a dog by another

dog’s name clothing clothing

cloud cloud



beautiful beautiful

bed bed

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