Do you like parties English Conversation Practice Easy


talking about

a party beth

and tim are about to celebrate anne’s

birthday party

at the weekend watch the video

and know how to prepare to have a happy

birthday party

hey tim how often do you go to parties

parties well i go to most of the parties

that i’m invited to

but when i’m busy or if it’s a school

night i’ll stay home

why did you ask do you need any help

well ann invited me to her birthday

party this weekend

i’m free so i agreed and i only really

want to go but i’ve never

gone to any party before

really then it’s about time you go out

and experience

life so how do we start

first of all i don’t know what to wear

i have a prom dress but i’m afraid it

might be too formal

you’re right we are planning to have an


barbecue party so a prom dress is


it’s too inconvenient

then what should i wear well

you can’t dress casually since it’s a

party after all

so i think a sophisticated blouse and

skirt would be perfect

if you want to i can come to your house

before we go to the party to help you


i would love that thank you

all right next what should i get as a

present for anne i’m not close to her so

i really don’t know what she likes

hmm you can buy her some type of plushie

toy perhaps

tim ann isn’t a five-year-old kid

but girls still like it when they’re

given plushies

even you like it too yes

but carla is getting a present for anne

not me well she is really into plants

oh but i don’t think i have enough money

to get her a plant

well then how about a book about plants

or gardening

i think she will love it yes that sounds


thanks for the suggestion beth anything


um what usually happens at parties like


i’m afraid i might be a little awkward

and lost

some parties can be very chaotic but

this is a birthday party

and anne only invited a limited amount

of people

since her parents are there too you only

have to come

eat have a drink talk to people and wait

until they bring out the cake

after the birthday ceremony it’s time to

dance and just have a great time

sounds fun i’ll be looking forward to it

i have to go now see you guys at the


see you


okay now we have to discuss organizing

anne’s birthday party

okay so we all agreed that it will be an

outdoor barbecue party right

yes all right about the food

what are we going to prepare beth

you are the best cook we have do you

have any recommendations

well i’m thinking pork kebabs

we can chop up pork bell peppers and

cherry tomatoes

put them through sticks and roast them

it’s convenient delicious and filling


that’s a great idea anything else

chicken wings and sausages might be


i mean who doesn’t love them right

and i recommend bacon and beef steak

we should also have some more vegetables

other than peppers and tomatoes from the


okay i’ll add those to the menu

for vegetables are you all okay with


celery and some salad we can bring some

corn to grill

all right that’s it for the menu

anne said that her parents will prepare

the drinks to make sure we don’t consume

anything with alcohol so we don’t need

to worry about that

great so what about decorations

me and tim kind of had a design here

we drew it out you guys can take a look

wow it looks great you really put your

effort into this

decorating is what i do best but thank


so after we’re done discussing the two

of us will go to walmart to get some


is that okay yes of course

then i’ll take care of the cake i still

have some work to do

so unfortunately i can’t bake it myself

even though i

really want to i guess i will just order

it somewhere

don’t forget the candles haha

thanks for reminding me but i won’t

candles are important

i think that’s everything we need to

take care of anne’s parents will prepare

the rest

so what time should we arrive at her

house to help with preparing

the party starts at seven we have quite

a lot of things to do

so let’s be there before five

does everyone agree absolutely



bella hello oh hello carla

god it’s been a while i haven’t seen you

since we finished the basic chemistry


don’t be over dramatic bella it’s only

been a week

that’s a long time for me

um do you have a minute i just want to

ask you something

cher go ahead well ann

invited me to her birthday this weekend

anne you mean annabelle johnson


yes that’s her she told me that i can

bring someone along

so can you come with me to the party

i’ve never been to a real party before

and i don’t want to feel lost

wait you have literally never gone to a


ever i know it’s hard to believe but yes

oh dear you really need to learn to

enjoy life more

of course i’ll come with you i know anne

but we’ve never officially met maybe

this could be a chance

i’ve always admired her thank you so


well tim told me that we can’t dress

casual but

don’t be too formal don’t worry

i know how to dress up for parties like


oh and also beth mentioned something


dancing i’m a little bit worried about

that i don’t know how to dance

it’s a party carla not a talent show

dancing is simply just feeling the music


doing whatever you want

not everyone at the party knows how to

dance i don’t know either

so relax no one is going to judge you

well i’m relieved to hear that i’m

afraid that i was going to be a complete

joke on the dance floor

so what time does the party start

it’s at seven you don’t have a car

right no i don’t

then i’ll come and pick you up i’ll

arrive at your house by

6 30. is that okay with you

i think it’s fine cool

we’re going to have a very good time

i hope we will now that i’m also invited

i think i should go look for a present

do you want to come with me

of course let’s go


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