Dont Be Shy How to Start a Conversation in English

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hi everybody my name is Alisha and

welcome back to top words

today’s topic is ten lines you need for

introducing yourself so let’s go hello

it’s nice to meet you hello it’s nice to

meet you you can only use this the first

time that you meet someone if you say

this to somebody after you have met them

already you’re going to see them either

a like you’ve completely forgotten

meeting them or be like you are a very

strange person for saying it’s nice to

meet you again

so when you use this the first time you

can shake hands with someone and say

hello it’s nice to meet you my name is

the next phrase is my name is blah blah

blah in my case my name is Alicia you

can use this again when you’re

introducing yourself or if you need to

reintroduce yourself you can use this

pattern when you meet somebody at a

party for example you can say my name is

blah blah blah my name is Barbara my

name is Stevens you can shorten this you

can say my names my name is blah blah

blah I’m from after you’ve said your

name after you’ve shaken hands you can

say I’m from the US I’m from Japan I’m

from Turkey

I am from your mom’s house I’m from I’m

from a cave in southern Europe I’m from

your country or I’m from your city I’m

from the future

I live in I live in blah blah blah you

can use your city you can use your

country you can use even maybe if you

live near a certain station you can use

the name of the station where you live

so for example I live in America it’s

fine I live in Los Angeles it’s fine I

live in New York it’s fine so your

neighborhood is fine if someone says

where do you live and you say I live in

an apartment it’s like what so please

use your the region or the location

where you live not the type of place

where you live i’muh if you hear the

question what do you do it it’s asking

about your job

in angle

people don’t say what is your job that’s

not the question that we ask instead the

question is what do you do and the

correct response to that is I’m a or I’m

n bla bla bla

followed by your job title so if someone

says what do you do you can say I’m a

teacher what do you do I’m an engineer

what do you do I’m donut shop tester

I’m years old when someone asks how old

are you you can say I’m blah blah blah

years old

don’t forget the S at the end of this if

you like you can shorten this phrase to

just I’m plus your age so I’m 65 I’m 13

whatever I’m this many sometimes

children will say that how old are you

they’ll say I’m this many it’s kind of

cute first time you meet someone you

might not ask how old are you if it’s in

a friendly case like a party after

you’ve spoken to the person a little bit

it’s okay but just try to be sensitive

to the context try to be sensitive to

the people around you and if you sense

that maybe there’s a very large age gap

between you it might be better just not

to ask the question at all I enjoy many

of my students say what is your hobby

but that’s not something that native

speakers will say no native speakers say

what is your hobby instead we ask what

do you like to do or what do you do in

your free time this is a much more

natural question than what’s your hobby

the answer to this then is I enjoy or I

like plus a noun phrase so for example

what do you like to do I like listening

to music or I enjoy listening to music

what are you do in your free time I like

watching movies what are you do in your

free time I like baking cakes what do

you do in your free time I enjoy tap

dancing what do you do in your free time

I enjoy making new friends oh one of my

hobbies is one of my hobbies is blah

blah blah with this one it’s probably

better to use a short easily or easy to

understand hobby if you’re explaining a

hobby people are gonna expect that it’s

gonna be something that they know about

like photography or cooking or dancing

or swimming or whatever

so try to pick something that will allow

you to continue the conversation that’s

why movies are cooking or books or you

know sports are a good thing to share

one of my hobbies is it snowboarding

I’ve been learning English for if you

are learning English if you’re studying

English you can use this expression if

someone asks you how long have you been

studying English you can say I’ve been

studying English for amount of time or

I’ve been learning English or I’ve been

practicing English or I’ve been speaking

English for a certain amount of time

I’ve been studying English since

elementary school is also okay to use

I’ve been studying English since I was

in college just be careful for is used

for a length of time and since is used

for a specific point in time at which

you started something so if you can try

and mix it up and use a few different

expressions there so I’ve been learning

English for a long time I’m still

learning English you should do that okay

I’m learning English at English class

this probably could be used in response

to where did you learn English or where

are you studying English or how are you

studying English you can respond with

I’m learning English at English class or I’m learning English at my

school I’m learning English at my

private teachers house for example so a

little bit of grammar in this sentence

why do we use the progressive tense I’m

learning English if you say I’m learning

it sounds like you’re still continuing

your studies if you say I learned

English at English class it

sounds like you’re finished like you

you’re finished studying there’s nothing

else for you to study so you’re done so

it’s it’s much much more natural to

actually use the progressive I’m

learning or I’m studying when you’re

talking about your studies when you’re

talking about your hobbies than it is to

say I learned or I studied and and and

and so those were ten lines that you

need to introduce yourself and to help

give the other person a little bit of

information and carry the conversation

forward so please try them please go

crazy with them make them your own

thanks very much for joining us for this

episode of top words and we’ll see you

again soon

by I’m from your neighbor’s doghouse

fish glub-glub oh yes I’d like to go

spelunking in North Africa every summer

hi welcome back to weekly words my name

is Alisha and this week we’re going to

talk about ways to say hi this should be

fun let’s get started first is yo this

one is a little bit casual in case you

couldn’t tell I used for close friends

maybe family members if you have kind of

a silly relationship with them just

quick short easy to do in a sentence

yo how’s it going howdy howdy

traditionally associated with cowboy

culture I suppose he should play a banjo

maybe or you’ve just gotten off a horse

I don’t know I use howdy from time to

time howdy howdy howdy howdy didn’t

that’s my banjo yeah in the sentence you

might say howdy folks

welcome to the barbecue party

next is hay hay is good friendly phrase

you can usually use hay with a wave and

smile look happy

if you don’t people might think that

you’re down in the dumps people might

think you’re not in a very good mood in

a sentence hey I heard you got engaged

last week congratulations something like

that it’s usually kind of a cheery happy

expression alright next is what’s up

what’s up is the long form of sup this

does not literally mean what is above

you right now if you want to be funny

you can say the ceiling or the sky but

that joke gets old really fast and

chances are the person you’re talking to

has already heard it before it just

means what are you up to what is going

on with you in a sentence what’s up did

you have a good weekend typical response

  • what’s up is not much find out some

more responses in English in three

minutes we didn’t Episode on this

nothing much how about you that’s pretty

good pretty good pretty good pretty good


the next one is a long time no see you

can use this one you haven’t seen the

other person for a long time you’re at a

party or at an event or whatever any

time it’s been a long break you can

decide how long long is not the day

before or the week before maybe a few

weeks or a month whatever is unusual for

you and this other person when you see

them you can say hey

time no see how have you been that’s the

end so those are a few different ways to

say hi in a few different situations I

hope that you have a chance to try them

out so the next time you meet someone or

you greet someone thanks very much for

joining us this week and we’ll see you

again soon sort of things up it likes

they seem like it’s up to imagine you’re

on a plane there’s someone next to you

what do you say hi Alicia here

introducing yourself in English is easy

in this lesson you’re going to learn how

with Gustavo and Henry who meet on a


Gustavo is moving to New York his family

is going to join him later in the month

Henry is in the seat when Gustavo gets

on the plane let’s watch excuse me sorry

about that

hi how do you do I’m Gustavo

nice to meet you Gustavo I’m Henry


I’m sorry can you say that again please

a bit slowly Henry Eddins Henry Eddins

that’s it but please call me Hank Hank

nice to meet you

now the lesson focus here’s how to

introduce yourself ready

do you remember how Gustavo introduced

himself hi how do you do I’m Gustavo

when Gustavo introduced himself he

started with hi and then used a set

phrase how do you do how do you do this

is a polite expression people often use

with an introduction it sounds like a

question but it has no particular

meaning and there’s no expectation the

other person will try to answer it next

he says I’m Gustavo the first part of

this sentence is a contraction of two

words I and am the am here functions

like an equal sign in math I’m I’m the

next word in the sentence is a named

Gustavo together it’s I’m Gustavo the

structure of the pattern is hi how do

you do

I’m plus your name now you try imagine

your name is John say hi how do you do

I’m John

hi how do you do I’m John now imagine

your name is ICO say hi how do you do

I’m Aiko

hi how do you do I’m Aiko now use your


okay there are two additional things you

need to know first there’s a shortcut

for giving your name

just drop the I’m from the final

sentence of the self introduction for

example if Gustavo just said hi how do

you do Gustavo Henry would have

understood it was his name

this would be especially clear if

Gustavo extended his hand for a

handshake while saying this in very

casual situations you can even drop the

hi and the how do you do all that is

left would be your name the second thing

you need to know is you can use I’m with

just the first name or your first name

and the last name together

I’m Henry Eddins Eddins

is Henry’s family name using both your

first name and your last name is a

little more formal it also gives you

less privacy for example if people know

both your first and last name they can

find you on the internet more easily so

it may be more common for strangers to

say just their first name than people

meeting in a more friendly environment

next you’ll learn how to tell people to

call you by a nickname just like Henry

did in the scene but please call me Hank

but please call me Hank the first word

in the sentence is but this word is not

necessary but it makes the transition to

the rest of the sentence smoother Henry

uses this to introduce a new piece of

information and this information changes

something about what he said before but

makes this clear the next word

introduces the polite request please

PLEASE next is a request to use a

certain name call call

this is the word me me last is a common

nickname for men named Henry Hank Hank

please call me Hank the sentence

structure is please call me plus your

nickname now you try imagine your

nickname is Matt say please call me Matt

please call me Matt now imagine your

nickname is Lulu say please call me Lulu

please call me Lulu now use your own

nickname say please call me and then use

your nickname

finally when you meet someone for the

first time it’s polite to say a set

phrase at the end nice to meet you nice

to meet you usually both people will say

this or something similar to it now you


nice to meet you begin hi everybody

welcome back to weekly words my name is

Alisha and this week we’re going to look

at some common English idioms let’s

begin the first word or phrase rather is

about - about - means you’re going to

start something you’re going to begin

doing something for example I’m about to

start explaining this idiom to you

hey okay the next word or phrase idiom

the next idiom is by the way the word

here they’ve used is incidentally it’s a

way to transition to another topic

that’s related to what you’re talking

about for example this week I’m going to

a party by the way did you hear about

the party happening next week so there’s

someone related mm-hmm okay the next

idiom is in a way in a way this is kind

of in a way it was a good thing that the

burrito shop was closed because

otherwise I would have eaten way too

much and you can use this to show that

there may be two sides to a situation

maybe some things are negative maybe

some things are positive next is on the

other hand I hear this a lot on the

other hand is a way of just saying

however or to share two different sides

to a story for example I think my

coworker is really irritating on the

other hand at parties he’s really funny

so you can show two maybe different

sides to a point with this phrase next

is a matter of fact as a matter of fact

as an idiom this is a long way to just

say actually or really it’s a little bit

more formal sounding so you might use it

in a business meeting for example

everybody at the business meeting might

feel a little bit unsure about the

previous month sales and you can begin

your presentation by saying something

like I know everybody was a little bit

unsure about last week’s or last month’s

sales performance but as a matter of

fact things improved and that’s the end

those are some common idioms that you

might hear in English give them a try

they’re pretty useful and you might hear

a lot of them in conversation thanks

very much for joining us this week and

we’ll see you again next time for more


bye hi everybody my name is Alisha and I

am joined again in the studio by Michael

hello and today we’re going to be

talking about English conversation

strategies so let’s get right into it

let’s start with Michael what is your

first strategy for keeping an english

conversation going

this is very important don’t say I’m

fine thank you and you you hear this all

the time from second language English

learners or non-native speakers you

learn this it’s one of the first things

you learn in an English class it’s easy

it’s good its basic its foundation okay

that’s fine but as soon as you can

switch it up because to me when I meet a

foreigner and they come up and if they

say hey how are you say oh I’m fine you

know I’m good whatever how about you and

they say I’m fine thank you and you and

it’s just it’s almost robotic because

I’ve said it so many times and when I

hear that I think their English isn’t

that good and inside I’m just gonna be

really polite and say hello and talk

slowly and try to get out of there as

quick as I can

so really impress the foreigner in my

opinion I think the best way to do it is

say something you know you use a big

word or just like a slang word something

like that when I hear that I go wow man

I want to know what this person thinks I

want to get their point of view and I’m

really excited and then I’ve had great

conversations because of that um yeah

that’s a really really good one and

actually I think on this YouTube channel

actually from a couple years ago there’s

a video all about better answers to the

question how are you then I’m fine thank

you and you or if someone says hey how

are you I’m good you are fine you never

I’m fine thank you and you never but try

to actually use you know afraid that a

native speaker would use and then that’s

a clue to the native speaker that oh

maybe this person is ready for a

conversation beyond you know basic

English so that’s a really good point I

like that I didn’t think of things not

to do I only thought of things to do oh

okay cool um let’s see let’s go to my

first one oh so this strategy in general

is just ask the other person a question

I think and I’m guilty of this too when

I’m learning another language I tend to

only get input like somebody else is

always asking me the questions and then

I forget myself to ask the other person

a question so one question that I like

to ask or you know a variation any kind

of WH question is good like a food

question what where something like this

if you’ve been paying attention you can

use any way to transition in your

conversation this was in a previous


you can ask something like anyway up to

anything fun this weekend this is a

pretty casual conversational question

than she can ask just about anybody

whether you’ve just met them or whether

you’ve known them for a while but just

just get in the habit of asking other

people the question don’t wait for

someone else to ask you the question so

that that’s one’s try to do that I try

to use to keep things going yeah me too

I agree and I’m gonna say samesies

because actually two of my questions

were exactly what you said agree 100%

this is kind of cheating these should be

one but so always ask questions so you

know again you forget it’s really easy

I’m really guilty of this English non

English whatever I’m guilty of this and

the other thing is ask deep open-ended

questions so if you ask a yes-or-no

question so again like Alicia was saying

it just dead ends you can’t just say you

know do you like cheese yes or no right

so you want to say what do you think

about cheese what is your favorite kind

and kind of open it up to something else

and let it let it just kind of snowball

yeah I think I think that’s that’s

really a key like I have another

variation I wish I guess I’ll just

continue on to because it kind of

relates to what you’re talking about

like he’s saying always ask questions

always ask deep open-ended questions so

like you meant you just said don’t ask a

yes-or-no question because yes or no

ends with the yes or the no so one of

the things that I’ll do is use a pattern

similar to this like hey did you see or

hey did you hear about blah blah blah so

you can use this little blah blah blah

as your you can ask about the news you

can ask about something funny you saw on

the Internet you can ask about you know

some something that you heard from

another friend of yours whatever it’s

just a way to check in with the other

person and say oh did you also

experience this thing that I experienced

let’s talk about that so that might be

another question that you can use with

people I like that one I really like

that one because you got to stay within

people’s comfort zone so maybe you asked

and maybe they don’t want to write so a

good thing is did you hear about it

that’s up to them maybe they don’t want

to talk about it they can say oh yeah I

heard about that and you can kind of

feel the the atmosphere and and realize

maybe I shouldn’t talk about this change

the subject or they get passionate and

they start talking about it and there

you go and just let it go

absolutely one thing again I’m guilty of

is is you do got to keep keep returning

it right don’t let it don’t just say oh

yeah and what I think about that ah

bring it back ask them what about you

that’s a common thing I forget about

yeah yeah yeah okay um good I have one

more this one um use when you see fits

don’t I guess

just okay I’ll just introduce it

complement the other person or

complement the other persons this can be

a nice strategy just to show that you’re

enjoying the other person’s company it

can be as simple as oh I like your shirt

today or oh that’s a nice dress you’re

wearing today or oh did you get a new

haircut that looks good on you something

like that so this is a nice a nice way

to make the other person maybe you want

to spend more time with you I think yeah

I agree 100% two things one I think it’s

a good conversation starter sometimes if

you got to be careful with the stranger

it can be creepy it can be a little

uncomfortable what you’re complimenting

right but if it’s something like if they

have a t-shirt and it’s a band that you

both like that’s a great conversation

starter and you feel wow we’re connected

you know number two the second thing I

was thinking about is that keep it

honest I love I love a sincere

compliment it really means a lot more

and it really does butter them up kind

of get them open to having more

conversations deeper that kind of thing

but one of the things people do which

which I don’t like is let’s say they say

hey nice shirt and then the person out

of habit will say oh you two I like your

shirt too just my opinion I don’t think

this feels really natural doesn’t really

feel sincere so I would I would save it

make a mental note and go hmmm I need to

return the favor I need to give them a

compliment but wait until you notice

something you really do like and say hey

actually I love blah blah blah yeah I

think that’s a great point like when you

you can sense whether someone is being

sincere or not what is your next

strategy for continuing an English

conversation well don’t be afraid to

open up I like this one I think this is

good a lot of people will be kind of shy

they won’t open up too much again within

within your comfort zone but I like this

one because people will return the favor

because if you’re just having small talk

and you say you know the weather is nice

today blah blah blah you can only go so

far so don’t

be afraid to say something personal

again trust your judgment there’ll be a

creeper don’t go we don’t want to hear

certain things about your life don’t

don’t be a creep don’t be a creep don’t

be weird don’t be strange and like what

you’re saying about opening up open up

is just a phrase that means share

something about yourself so it can be as

simple as what you did last weekend or

what you’re going to do this weekend or

a project that you have coming up it

doesn’t mean that you have to spill all

of your life secrets to the other person

but just showing that you’re willing to

share something more personal about

yourself can help ingratiate yourself or

it can help you know make the other

person help the other person understand

you a little bit better that’s a good

tip I like that tip that’s hard to do

though it’s hard it’s a little bit scary

I think to share parts of yourself but

it’s been it’s good way to meet people

and make friends all right I think

that’s all is that all that you have

yeah that’s all I got

okay all right well those are some

interesting strategies to keep an

english conversation going so give them

a try if you’re ever at a loss for words

and don’t know what to say you can try

one of these strategies and hopefully it

will help you out please let us know if

you have any other strategies or

anything else that you would like to use

or you try to use when you are having

trouble keeping a conversation going

leave us a comment and let us know what

it is we will see you again next time do

you have anything else you’d like to add

that’s about it all right so thanks very

much for joining us and take it bye bye

hi everybody and welcome back to top

words my name is Alisha and today we’re

gonna be talking about ten compliments

that you always want to hear let’s go I

love your cooking this is my personal

favorite compliment oh my god I love

cooking like I’m always posting like

pictures of things that I cooked on

Twitter I’m just like crazy about food

so this would be a compliment that I

would love to get like the ultimate

compliment for me that would be will you

make my birthday cake that would be such

a compliment like it’s a question but

it’s in there’s so much behind that will

you make my birthday cake you would give

that to me so maybe after you can use

this after a meal for example I love

your cooking and the other person will

be like

next is great job great job this is a

compliment that you can use anytime you

can use it to your with your friend with

your not with your boss your boss might

use it with you an employee a co-worker

or colleague pet even whatever it’s it’s

just a very small scale very easy to use

compliment it means you think whatever

has just happened is good I use great

job all the time I use great job and I

use good job sometimes when I make a

mistake or something funny happens and

I’m alone at my house and I want to make

fun of myself I’ll be like yeah great

job Alicia but if I’m if I’m trying to

be positive about a failure or laugh at

myself a bit but in general it’s just a

good easy compliment to give someone

great job you have a way with words you

have a way with words this can be

speaking this can be writing it means

you think that the other person is a

good communicator or maybe even more so

than just a good communicator you think

that the way they speak or the way that

they write is particularly good so that

could mean funny it could mean romantic

it could mean dramatic something about

the way they speak or the way that they

write you really enjoy that you can say

you have a way with words it’s quite a

nice compliment I think it’s kind of

like a you know it’s smart it’s a bit of

a smart thing you have a way with words

or you can say you’re good with words

you’re really good with words

yeah all right next one you look


you look gorgeous very nice compliment

to give just be very careful with the

way that you say this for an everyday

compliment I tend not to say

you look nice or you look gorgeous today

or something like that because the

underlying comment there is on the other

days that person doesn’t look nice like

so if I want to compliment someone’s

appearance I try to pick a specific

thing I’m like oh I’ve never seen you

wear that sweater before it looks nice

on you something like that like

yesterday my friend had a new dress on

and like is that a new dress and because

I thought she looked nice but I didn’t I

didn’t want to make it sound

like I don’t think she looks nice

everyday so I said is that a new dress

and she goes yeah and I said I think

that color is really really nice on you

it looks really good and she was so

happy about that

so yes there there are these compliments

like you look nice you look great you

look gorgeous and so on but I personally

kind of prefer to level them up a little

bit and just say pick a specific thing

like did you get a new haircut did you

dye your hair or you did you get


did something happen like what whatever

it is try to pick up on a specific thing

because then that shows you’re paying

attention to the other person and you

think that whatever they have chosen to

do whatever like clothing or whatever

haircut whatever it is you think that

they have good sense there too or good

style so it’s kind of like a double it’s

a very subtle double compliment yeah the

next word is you have good tastes you

have good taste this can be for food

fashion style for decorating sense music

in movies whatever if you think that

that person’s artistic selection is in

whatever capacity if you think that that

person makes good choices with their

their appearance or their hobbies or

whatever you can say you have good taste

this is a fairly sophisticated

compliment I think we use you have good

taste for something like it’s it sounds

a bit more sophisticated maybe if you

both choose the same bottle of wine

perhaps like it has kind of a more

formal adult dish sophisticated feeling

about it this compliment so yeah maybe

maybe wine is a good example of that

yeah oh nice bottle choice like I really

like that you have good taste

you can follow this by the way you have

good taste in blah blah blah you have

good taste in movies you have good taste

in music if you want to be specific

about something that you think that

person is really good at choosing you

have good taste in now okay okay um next

one is you have a great sense of humor

you have a great sense of humor this is

the this is the underlying compliment in

the phrase you’re so funny

this is the underlying compliment you

have a great sense of humor means the

other person thinks you are funny

you are good at telling jokes or you

make them laugh this is actually one of

my favorite compliments to get you have

a great sense of humor yeah because I

think that like you know people like to

laugh so it’s an it’s an if someone

makes you laugh you can say this you

have a great sense of humor or you’re

very funny yeah it’s a good one it’s a

really good one

so you could say after a joke for

example or after maybe you’ve you’re you

finished laughing it’s something the

other person has said you can say ah you

have a great sense of humor good next

one is your resume is impressive this is

a weird compliment to say to your

friends unless you’re like reviewing

your friends resume it’s a bit weird

this is something that perhaps someone

interviewing another person for a job

would say the candidate comes in for the

interview the interviewer says well your

resume is very impressive I’d like to

ask you a few questions about it so this

is good to hear in a work situation yeah

you really probably won’t need to use

this with your friends if you do it’s

kind of weird oh wow this next one is

quite a compliment

nobody’s ever says this yeah

to be fair if somebody said this next

one to me I would feel a little bit of

like pressure the compliment here is you

make me want to be a better person this

is something that I think you see in

movies from time to time first yeah I’ve

had I had one person say like like oh

that something you did inspired me and

that was like really like wow that was

really exciting like somebody was

inspired by something like wow that’s

great I want to be like you that’s a

really cool compliment but if someone

says you want to make me be a better

person it’s like oh wow like that means

I’m really important to that person

which is really flattering but at the

same time if someone said that I would

also be like if it’s like my friend I’d

be like but I want you to be you

like I think you’re a cool person

already yeah it’s like oh you make me

want to be a better person like in that

person the viewpoint you’re like somehow

above them and that’s uncomfortable yeah

just I would rather say

you inspire me I think that that or like

this thing that you did really inspired

me like if somebody said like I saw that

picture that you posted on Twitter of

that pizza today Alicia and it really

inspired me and I made my own pizza

I’d be like yay Oh next one is nice

actually I say this to my friends quite

a bit you are an awesome friend this is

really really good to use after your

friend has helped you with something

maybe you’re moving to a new apartment

or new house or maybe you’ve had some

trouble and your friend gave you some

good advice or your friend just listens

to you when you really needed to talk to

someone after that experience you could

say thanks so much you were an awesome

friend or maybe your friend did

something really really cool and you

just want to like tell them like I think

you’re really awesome just say you are

an awesome friend they’ll be happy to

hear that or just you can abbreviate it

to you are awesome not just you’re an

awesome friend just you are awesome

you’re a cool person you are awesome

you’re fantastic you are an awesome

foreign you’re an awesome friend

compliments that I want to hear quite

honestly I feel that the any physical

appearance compliment is sort of boring

to me honestly when people yeah really

I’m just like okay great

I didn’t do anything to be have this

body or face or whatever it’s just it’s

like okay that doesn’t mean anything

like what are we gonna do with that it’s

like if you’re one if you want to

compliment somebody I feel like you

should compliment them on their skills

something that they have done or

something that they have created or

something about their personality that

is valuable to you I think that that’s a

much better compliment so for me I like

this is delicious because I love cooking

so when somebody tells me this is so

good like when they say it in just that

right way and you can tell that it’s

real you can tell that it’s true I’m

just like yes when people go oh my god

this is so good like I’ve cooked

something really really well they say oh

my god amazing or I want to eat your

food that sort of thing when people say

that I’m just like yes like that makes

me so so happy because it’s something

like that’s one of my favorite things to

do it’s a skill and it’s something like

I’ve worked hard to try to do well

so when someone compliments me on that I

get really excited alright so um those

are compliments you always want to hear

what compliments do you want to hear I

don’t know we’ve talked about we’ve

talked about personality complements and

we’ve talked about skill compliments but

if there if you have a favorite

compliment leave it in the comment box

we can start a compliment

mayhem among the commenters anyway

positive feelings after this video

everybody’s cheery I think thanks very

much for watching this episode of top

words and we will see you again soon bye

hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is Alisha and today we’re gonna

be talking about ten different phrases

that you can use to respond to the

question how are you so let’s go I’m


the first phrase is I’m great if someone

says how are you you could say I’m great

try to say I’m great with a kind of an

upbeat voice so something you like how

are you I’m great I’m feeling bad I’m

feeling bad if you say I’m feeling bad

the other person is probably if they’re

a friend of yours or a co-worker going

to ask you why what happened so if you

want to use I’m feeling bad make sure

you have an explanation ready

anyway somebody says how are you and you

go I’m feeling bad maybe I went out for

drinks last night with my coworkers oops

I’m okay I’m okay I feel like this is

one of those intonation practice ones

I’m okay with that

ah I’m okay it’s like sort of upward

intonation you’re like cool but if

someone says how are you you’re like I’m

okay they’re like oh no what happened so

you can use your intonation with I’m

okay to make it a good thing or not a

good thing but either way it’s not like

a very sick super serious response thank

you for asking

yeah I imagine this would be in a more

formal situation like if my friend said

to me how are you and I was like thank

you for asking they’d be like what I

would say I’m fine or I’m doing well I’m

doing great

plus thank you for asking so today how

are you I’m doing very well thank you

mmm oh that’s how I would use it and you

the next one is and

you liked the least natural response -

how are you is I’m fine thank you and

you like just get out of put just take

it out of your head nobody says that I

always say how about you that’s a much

more natural thing how are you how are

you how are you can be a response again

after you have given your answer to the

question how are you I’m great how are

you how are you I’m good how are you I’m

great how are you I’m okay how are you

how have you been recently how have you

been recently this is only useful if you

haven’t seen the other person for a

while I’m not bad I’m not bad I’m not

bad how are you I’m not bad no I’m not

bad hmm

things could be worse I would probably

do this I’m sleepy the next expression

is I’m sleepy Hey it’s like so specific

if someone said how are you I would

probably say I’m okay but I’m a little

sleepy I don’t know that I would just

say I’m sleepy

unless it’s a really good friend of mine

it’s a person close to you you can say

I’m so tired I’m I would say I’m super

tired or I’m really tired and I feel

like that’s a little bit more natural

than just I’m sleepy I’m good one that I

use a lot if someone says how are you I

say I’m good that’s just probably my

go-to response yeah I’m good I’m good

maybe I’ll repeat it while smiling I’m

good I’m good yeah thanks for asking

that is the end those are ten phrases

that you can use to respond to the

question how are you if there’s one

takeaway from this and from other things

that we’ve done over the last few years

in this channel just get rid of that I’m

fine thank you and you and pick one of

these that we’ve talked about today of

course if there’s another expression

that you use for a response to how are

you I’d be very interested to learn

about that but in general you’re pretty

safe if you

so thanks very much for watching this

episode of top words and we will see you

again soon bye

