Learn English in 3 hours ALL the English Basics You Need in 2020

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immersion is often hailed as the most

efficient and effective way to learn a

foreign language

in many ways it’s true with all the

language learning methods out there

nothing else comes close to having to

think and interact with your environment

in the language you’re learning

unfortunately though most language

learners wrongly assume that the only

way to experience language immersion

is to pack up and move to a foreign

country but not everyone can afford to

spend a summer abroad

just to learn a foreign language luckily

there are other ways to immerse yourself

these methods are less obvious but they

are effective in this video we’ll take a

look at five steps you can take for the

ultimate language immersion experience

at home

number one transform your digital world

into your target language

technology is an indispensable part of

modern life

we interact with phones computers

tablets and other electronic devices

throughout the day

why not take these interactions and use

them to practice your target language

most devices give you the option of

switching the language of the operating


switching your phone or laptop interface

to your target language

won’t make you fluent but it will help

you engage with the language in a very

practical way

multiple times every day another way to

transform your digital life

is to check which sites you use on a

daily basis and use them in your target

language also

a great example of this is switching

your version of google

using google in your target language

will allow you to search for things in

that language

and you’re more likely to get results in

that language as well

so if you’re looking for a popular band

a show or

food something that’s usually written in

your target language

it will actually be easier to find

information about it if you switch your

version of google

of course you can also change popular

social networks like facebook or twitter

you can even go to news sites for your

fill of global news

do you like podcasts try listening to a

couple popular podcasts in your target


number two write out a speech or

conversation in your target language

a surefire way to increase your ability

in a foreign language

is to write out a mock conversation or

speech in that language

pretend you have to give a speech on one

of your favorite topics

it could be anything from sports hobbies

or even your favorite movie genre

now take some time to write out your

fictitious speech

inevitably you will hit some roadblocks

but when you get stuck

research the words or grammar points you

don’t know

this is a highly effective and practical

way to increase your vocabulary

and it’ll help you practice thinking in

a different language

writing a long connected train of

thoughts exposes the gaps and weaknesses

in your language studying

once you know what these are you’re free

to practice them and use them to

continue on with your speech

this is also a great way to learn new

words in the context of your entire


context is king when you’re learning a

language learning words in the context

of other words and sentences

helps you surmise what new words mean it

also helps you get comfortable with how

these words are practically used

not to mention context helps you to

remember and recall new information more


number three practice with native


there are a lot of great learning

resources out there for anyone learning

a new language

however nothing quite comes close to

practicing the language with a real

person if you live

in or around a large metropolitan area

there’s a chance that there are some

native speakers nearby

check and see if your area has any local

language exchanges or language speaking


you’re likely to find a native speaker

there if you can’t make a connection

locally you can search online

just as there are language exchanges in

the real world there are also online


most of which are free number four

connect with other language learners

native speakers aren’t the only people

who can age you on your language

learning journey

practicing with other learners is also

helpful don’t worry if you practice with

someone who has a higher or lower level

in the language than you

if you’re the more advanced learner you

can learn a lot by teaching someone else

as you help someone else understand

difficult words or grammatical concepts

you’ll find that you start to better

understand them yourself

if your learning partner has a higher

level they can be the one to help you

overcome the hurdles you encounter as a

beginner after all

what better way to learn than from

someone who as a language learner has

been in your shoes

number five reward yourself in your

target language

at the end of a busy day we all love a

little relaxation and me time

one of the most enjoyable and effective

ways to develop your language skills

is to kick back and enjoy the language

while doing leisure activities

whether it’s listening to music watching

a movie or tv show

reading a book or even enjoying a good

online video binge

even spending just an extra 30 minutes a

day doing something you love in your

target language

can yield some serious long-term results

if you’re a beginner start with more

basic content

you might have to start out listening to

simple songs or even watching children’s


after a while though you’ll be able to

dive into the meatier stuff

and more engaging stuff as your

proficiency increases

learning a foreign language doesn’t mean

you have to spend your days straining

over grammar rules or textbooks

any way that you can take your learning

off the page and make it more enjoyable

will help you learn faster immersion is

a powerful way to learn a foreign


and now more than ever the immersion

experience isn’t limited to just world


with a little creativity and the right

resources you can experience the

language without ever having to leave

your hometown

many of these resources can be found

with our complete language learning


sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to immerse

yourself in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button

share the video with anyone who’s trying

to learn a new language and subscribe

to our channel we release new videos

every week i’ll see you next time

bye want to speak real english from your

first lesson

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to englishclass101.com to cook

i’m going to cook dinner tonight to cook

is to prepare a meal using heat

tonight i’m going to cook chicken


i’m going to cook beef stew

to fry to fry

i don’t want to fry the chicken because

it’s too

unhealthy to fry something is to cook


in hot fat or oil french fries

are fried and fried things are unhealthy

so when you eat fried foods you want to

eat in moderation

i don’t because fried stuff is delicious


you should to add to

add before you eat you should taste the


and add salt if necessary

to add in this context means to add

something else onto a dish

to put more of something onto a dish so

you might add salt

to a dish or add some paprika to the


to cut to cut could you please cut up

that beef

to cut is to use a knife to cut food

to make it into smaller pieces usually

so you can

bite it or so you can mix it more easily

i cut my steak so i can eat it you make


smaller into more bite-sized pieces by


to mix to mix

mix all of the spices in a bowl before

putting them in your dish

to mix is to combine so you might

combine or

mix all of your ingredients together


cooking or doing something else with

them you might mix

ingredients together to create a dish

breast feed

all right the first word is breast feed


means uh feeding a baby

using the milk from the mother so

there’s like baby formula

which you can give to babies um or

there’s just natural milk

the mother’s milk which is breast milk

uh or what the verb that we use is to


feed a baby so in a sentence

many mothers choose to breastfeed their


in this sentence you’re not supposed to

drink alcohol while breastfeeding

change a diaper the next expression is

change a diaper change a diaper so

diapers are the

pieces of cloth or like the disposable

things that babies wear because

babies of course don’t have the ability

to use the bathroom like a grown

uh human or like even like children can


babies need diapers so to change a

diaper means

to take off a used diaper and put a new

clean diaper on a baby

in a sentence i had hoped that i’d never

have to change a diaper in my life

put on a bib the next expression is to

put on a bib

so a bib is any is like a protective

cloth that goes right here so actually

at some restaurants even for adults like

um where there’s a like a lot of

oil or even like ribbed restaurants i

think sometimes

they’ll give you like customers a bib

but for babies who are very messy eaters

you can put a bib on the baby to protect

the baby’s clothes while they eat

so in a sentence put on his bib and give

him some mashed carrots

change clothes the next expression is

change clothes again of course you can

use this for yourself

or or for adults this is not an a baby

only phrase this is not a baby only


so to change clothes if the baby’s

clothes are dirty or it’s just time to

i don’t know you just need to change the

baby’s clothes you can say

uh let’s see like let’s change the

baby’s clothes

that’s all so in a sentence after her

accident she had to change her clothes

that’s a weird out of context sentence

sing a lullaby ah the next expression is

sing a lullaby

sing a lullaby lullaby is a song that is

especially to help a child go to sleep

so they’re usually really like quiet

soft songs they have like a nice

like soothing sound to them so

singing a lullaby is like a classic way


calm an upset child down

so for example let’s see when i was

little my mother used to sing me a

lullaby before going to sleep that’s

true she sang me edelweiss from the

sound of music my mom used to sing me

lullabies that she’d made up on the spot

that’s that if i ever become a mom

that’s going to be me like i’m just

making up the lullaby i’m gonna be like

go to sleep i’m really tired i hope you


to sleep now i think you should

the first expression is i think you

should blah blah blah

i think you should is a very neutral not

so strong

not so weak way to give advice i think

you should

get a different haircut i think you


find a new job i think you should give


all your money can’t hurt i think you

should is a very typical

way to give advice or just i think is

okay or

you should is okay too in this sentence

i think you should find a new apartment

why don’t you the second expression

is why don’t you blah blah blah so

it uses the negative why don’t you

so that means it’s a bit softer it’s a

bit more of a weak way to give advice

so why don’t you uh

take a day off or why don’t you help me

with my homework

uh that’s sort of a sneaky way to give

advice and ask for help

at the same time why don’t you um

i don’t know find a new hobby for

example so these are kind of

weak ways to give advice in this


why don’t you get a pet have you thought


have you thought about blah blah blah so

have you thought about it sounds it’s

you’re giving your advice

but this is a question for the listener

so have you thought about blah blah blah

it’s sat you’re

you’re sharing your opinion but you’re

kind of making it

sound like uh maybe it was the

listener’s idea or maybe the listener

has thought of this thing before

so this is also a fairly soft way to

give advice

so like have you thought about going to

a different city

have you thought about moving in with

your friends something like that

so these these are probably going to be

um questions that are a little bit more

serious like i don’t feel like we would

use this for

really casual or really light questions

but maybe for something a little more

serious and a soft way to give advice

in this sentence have you thought about

looking for a new job

i don’t know if is a good idea

so this is um kind of a negative way to

give advice or to share your opinion


i don’t know if blah blah blah is a good


so you’re giving someone advice

not to do something so for example i

don’t know if getting a pet is a good


or i don’t know if starting a new

project is a good idea

these are different ways that you can

say uh you don’t

think or you think that the other person

should not do something but this

is a soft way to express it in this


i don’t know if taking a year off work

is a good idea

maybe you should try the next one is a

suggestion to try something so this is a

soft but

kind of encouraging expression maybe you

should try

blah blah blah maybe you should try blah

blah so

uh you are encouraging someone to

attempt something to try something maybe

not forever but just for a short period

of time

so maybe you should try volleyball maybe

you should try

playing sports maybe you should try uh

spicy food maybe you should try

something so it’s

encouragement to do something new this

is kind of positive but it’s a fairly

soft way

to give your advice here maybe you

should try

studying a new skill a table for three


a table for three please you tell them

the number of people that you are

total so that the host can bring you to

an appropriate table

a table for two please a table for

five please could i please see a menu

could i please see a menu usually

menus are given to you as soon as you

sit down at your table

but if that’s not the case and you need

to ask this is a polite way to do it

could i please see a menu i’d like to

try this dish

i’d like to try this dish when looking

at a menu

hopefully you’ll find something you want

to eat i’d like to try this dish

could you leave out the onions could you

leave out the

onions if there’s an ingredient in the

dish that you’re ordering that you don’t


you can always ask the waiter if it

could be prepared

without that ingredient so for example i

might say

could i get the burger but with no

cheese could you pass the salt

could you pass the salt when you’re at a

restaurant especially if you’re at a big

table with a lot of people

you might not always be able to reach

things so

you would ask could you pass me the salt

could you pass me the ketchup could you

pass me another napkin

sing along to a favorite song alright so

the first tip for improving your

pronunciation is to sing along to a

favorite song

so if you uh i should add though this

favorite song

should be in your target language so if

you’re studying english

pick a favorite english song and sing

along to that song

or try to sing to the song just from

memory too so singing along to your

favorite song can help you with

pronunciation can help you with the


sometimes of the language you’re trying

to learn

so it can be really fun and it can be a

good way to practice your pronunciation

in a sentence i like singing along to my


songs read out loud the next tip for

your pronunciation is to read out loud

so reading out loud you can choose

something that’s

interesting for you and you’re in

english if english is the language

you’re studying

so pick something maybe it’s a news

article or maybe it’s a

book you’re interested in maybe there’s

an author you’re interested in

find something in your target language

in english

and try reading it out loud so don’t

just read

in your mind but read the words out loud

speak them

so that you can get comfortable

pronouncing those words

and you can try reading the same passage

or the same sentence multiple times to

make it smoother

so this can be a really good tip um for

and it

i think it also improves uh your natural

ability to pick up grammar too because

if you’re reading something like in a

book for example you can kind of pick up

the natural rhythm of grammar and you

also slowly get a feeling for

the correct ways that words should

connect together so this i think is a

really good tip

in a sentence i sometimes read out loud

to practice pronunciation

that’s true repeat lines you hear in tv


the next tip is to repeat lines you hear

or the words you hear in tv shows or

movies things like that

so this means not only

words don’t only repeat single

vocabulary words yes maybe you find a

vocabulary word that is really


or it sounds funny or something like

that but

by repeating a full sentence or a full

line in a tv show or in a movie you’re

putting the words together so not just

one word but making a whole sentence so

feeling kind of the flow of your

language that you’re studying

so this can be a better way to actually


making sentences in repeating sentences

instead of just

words so you can repeat after characters

and tv shows i sometimes do this when

i’m like watching japanese tv

ah and then i try and spit it back out

it’s hard to do sometimes when it’s like

the first time you’ve heard a word or

the first time you’ve heard a grammar


but you can still understand that

sentence it’s interesting so try to say


and it’s kind of fun actually i think in

a sentence

try repeating lines from tv shows to


practice speaking in phrases not single

vocabulary words

the next tip this is very similar to my

tv show tip is to practice speaking in


not in vocabulary words not just single

vocabulary words

even if you’re not repeating lines from

tv shows

when you practice speaking don’t just

speak in

nouns so sometimes for example uh i’ll

hear people just use

noun like they’ll use a noun and maybe a


like i tomorrow beach

something like that and yes we can

probably guess

based on that how like the the meaning

the speaker’s meaning

but you need to practice making a whole

sentence so

yes you know those words i tomorrow and

beach and the listener can

probably guess what you mean but you

need to

practice all those little words in the

middle like

like i’m going to the beach tomorrow so

make a full sentence practice making

full sentences

don’t only practice single vocabulary

words make the whole line it’s really


sometimes i think my students get

irritated like they’ll

like i force them to practice full

sentences like so

i’ll say like have you ever been to

germany and they’ll say yes i’m like

okay for the purposes of practice

can you make a full sentence and they’ll

say i have been to germany like that’s

an extreme example

but like i try to push that you know

making the full sentence it’s

it’s silly sometimes but just trying to

do that

okay uh so in a sentence speaking in

entire phrases is helpful for practicing

the rhythm

of a new language speak a lot with your


and ask them to be strict with you

onwards okay

so the next tip is to speak a lot with

your teacher

and ask them to be strict with you so

this is kind of two tips in one

one speak with your teacher so if you

have a teacher

um make sure you’re speaking

in their class if you if wherever

possible sometimes i’ll have students

join my class and maybe they feel shy

or whatever and they don’t speak very

much but please speak with your teacher

so that your

teacher can correct you your teacher can

give you

at least if they’re a native speaker or

maybe even if they aren’t a native


your teacher can give you corrections

and if you don’t speak

your teacher cannot help you in most

cases so please speak with your teacher

and if you like you can tell them please

be strict about my pronunciation

so sometimes people will say please help

me with my pronunciation

specifically and then i can stop them

every time they make a mistake and we

practice that

sound especially th sounds like the

like using um using your mouth a little

bit differently

can be really uncomfortable for some

people but if

your teacher can point out those things

like th sounds

the this that these those those th

sounds ending er

sounds um practicing those with your

teacher can be a really good way

to work on your pronunciation so in a


speak a lot with your teacher they can

correct you and help you

improve concert the first word for

talking about music

is concert concert is a live show

concert is yeah the performance is

happening in front of your

eyes so uh concerts are really popular

worldwide i think

depending on where you live you might

hear them called live shows but

usually in american english we just say


a concert so in a sentence i’m going to

a concert this weekend

to see in concert the next expression is

the verb we use

for a live show so the next expression

is to see

in a concert or to see in concert so we


uh the artist’s name along with this

phrase so for example i’m going to see

coldplay in concert i’m going to see


in concert so you use i’m going to

see artist name in concert or

um in a concert what are you say in

concert or in a concert both are okay

so in a different sentence i’m going to

see my favorite band in concert

meaning live who do i want to sing in

concert i want to see michael jackson in


yeah i would have loved to see him in

concert he’s my favorite

to listen to music to listen to artists

the next word or the next phrase is to

listen to

plus music or to listen to an artist so

you can use uh this verb with

the type of music or with a specific

artist or band or group that you like so

i like to listen to rock music i like to

listen to

pop music whatever another sentence is i

like listening to

beyonce i like yeah so you can use to

listen to

or listening to both are fine here i

like listening to

funk it’s fine i like listening to funky

artists is fine i like listening to

queens of the stone age is fine all of

these are great

who do you listen to i listen to lots of


to write a song to write music the next

expression is to write a song

or to write music so if you want to make

music yourself you can say write a song

which just means

one song maybe three or four minutes


in popular music or to write music in


so um you can use both of these

expressions song is more specific

music is more general so in a sentence

my friends started writing

songs recently or in a different

sentence writing music is really fun

track the next expression is track

track so we can use song yes but

for example when you look at a an album

like on itunes or maybe like a cd for


each uh each song is assigned a number

that’s the track

number so we can say uh i like

track number three or track three we use

track to talk about a song so you can

say this is a good

song or this is a good track both are

okay to use song and track are both fine

so in a sentence i really like that

track from his album

happy the first word is happy as you

might have guessed

happy happy is a happy word when you


good when you feel positive when you are

excited you can say i’m happy

i was so happy to see my friend the

other day what makes me happy

food i’m happy right now energetic

energetic when you feel happy perhaps

you also feel energetic

you have that sort of like uplifting

feeling this chair is squeaking every

time i move up

i don’t really describe my friends or

people as energetic

i might say a dog or a cat is energetic

like wow

your dog is so energetic what is she

doing she’s running everywhere is she


maybe i would say about myself i’m very


today if i’ve had a lot of coffee like

now lonely

the next word is lonely lonely i don’t

want to talk about this word

maybe you’ve been spending a lot of time

alone or there’s someone that you really

want to see

or you want to see your family members

or maybe you’re working too much i don’t


whatever it is maybe you just you feel

like you want to

talk to people or you want to see people

be around people

but you can’t you can use the word

lonely to describe that feeling

i i’ve only been working for the last

few months i haven’t had a chance to

spend much time with my friends i’m

feeling kind of

lonely nervous the next word is

nervous nervous is used for any um


any anxiety excited but in a bad way

about something when i was a child

before my piano performances i would get


nervous i would be so nervous my hands

would start to shake and then i couldn’t

play the piece i’d been practicing for

months that’s why this is great because

you’re not here forgive me don’t be

disappointed in me

upset upset is a really really useful


anytime you feel sad angry

depressed disappointed unhappy in


you can say i’m upset or he or she is


it’s just a general unhappy word but it

doesn’t mean

unhappy it just means something is wrong

there’s a way a person usually behaves

but i’m upset means something’s not

right in a sentence i might say i’m

really upset about my performance last


i was too nervous and my parents were

disappointed in me i’m sad now

whoa yeah okay equation

the next math word is equation equation


uh up until now we’ve been talking about

a part of an equation but the whole

math problem uh everything there

is called the equation so the process

that you need to do

in order to solve an equation

an equation is something that you do to

solve a problem this this part is the

equation this part is the solution

the the ending the result is the is the


the problem is called the equation the

process the math process

you do to find a solution percent

percent this is very a very useful word

you can use

uh of course when doing math or math


but you can also use this when shopping

for example so a sale is five percent

off 10 percent off it represents a


you can also use percent to describe

effort levels for

example a sports team a coach might tell

his team

i need you to work at 100 today so it

it’s used to express the level of

something but it can also be used

in sales and in math related terms npc

npc means non-playable character there

are other characters within the game

that move the story forward

but that you cannot play as you cannot

become that character but you interact

with them

i have to talk to an npc in order to

move this quest forward

next is camper a camper is someone who

is waiting

for a creature to spawn

so a person who’s waiting for the

monster to appear is called the camper

you can use camping as a verb too to

talk about that like i’m camping

this monster really people camp other


i suppose so depending on the kind of

game you’re playing mmo is a massively

multiplayer online game

means you can play online with a lot of

different people essentially

the next word is sister a female sibling

is your sister you can also use sister

for a female person that you feel very


close with so i might call my female

friend who’s i’m very close to my sister

my brother likes to shorten it to sis

you might also hear sista

as well if you are silly

sister whoopi goldberg was in a famous

movie called sister act

the next word is brother brother is a

male sibling

you can also use brother to refer to a

close male friend

common variations of brother are brother


bra rosie broski depending on what kind

of person you are you can choose to use

any number of those

like i might sarcastically say to my

friend cool story bro

like if he’s told me a story that’s not

very exciting in mario for example the

name of the mario games is actually

super mario

brothers but brothers is abbreviated as

b-r-o-s super mario bros

yeah just be careful about your use of

bro because it sounds a little bit

like a college age boy uh that’s kind of

kind of the feeling of the word bro oh

brother where are though

sand castle the next word is sandcastle

sand castles are usually kids make them

they use like buckets

so kids will like put sand in a bucket

or like they

move sand into piles and design

castles or these really complicated

mazes or something they make things make

buildings out of sand we call those

sand castles um so in a sentence my

brother and i used to make sand castles

on the beach when we were kids that’s


in this sentence get the buckets and

we’ll make a sand castle

cooler so cooler is a noun in this case

cooler is the place you keep your drinks

and your food it’s a it looks like a

suitcase but it has a special

lining inside that keeps cold

things cold so you can put ice inside

and it will keep your food and drinks

cold while you are at the beach

in the hot weather so in a sentence uh

did you put a bunch of beers in the

cooler i forgot ice for the cooler

the next word is small small smaller

smallest small

and little are extremely similar i would

pretty much use them in the same way

however we don’t say when i was a small


we say when i was a little kid or you

could say when i was small

the next word is large large and big are

very much the same i will say though

that large is used on clothing sizes big

is not when we talked about big we

talked about how

big can be used to refer to something

that’s very popular large is not used to

refer to something

that’s popular large is used on for for

sizing i feel

only so like a house can be large but

it’s used to refer to like the physical

size of something

uh large and in charge large larger


this is the largest the bottom is in the


i have to go daughter daughter a

daughter is a female child

i wonder if i will ever have a daughter


brother-in-law so we use in-law to mean

our married partners family members

not my brother but my partner’s brother


is used after any family member’s

position or family member’s

title to show they belong to my


family originally but now they’re part

of my my extended family

as well i’m going out for drinks with my

brother-in-law tomorrow night

father-in-law father-in-law so we have

in-law here meaning

uh my partner’s father so my


is very kind the next word is

work be careful about using work as a

noun and work as a verb

your work refers to your job your

responsibilities your tasks at your

office or your workplace

you can use it in a phrase like i have a

lot of work to do or please help me with

my work

i like to go to work it can be used to

just refer to anything artistic in

general so it can mean it can

be a painting it can be a building it

can be a sculpture it can be

i don’t know whatever anything artsy can

be referred to as

work as in i really like that new work

by that

artist or did you see so-and-so’s new

work twerk

the next word is week uh week refers to

the seven day period that we have


is one week here in the modern world

commonly used in expressions relating to


activities as in i go to the gym once a

week or i see my friends twice a week or

i have to work every day of the week

monday through friday is referred to as


weekdays saturday and sunday weekend

next word is month month is um there are


months in a year my favorite month

depending on which country i’m in i

generally like

autumn months like uh october i think i

usually like the month of october

september october is good because it’s

not too hot not too cold and halloween

is coming and that’s my favorite holiday

hannah montana try oh my gosh

try is the next word ah i’m trying my


i try every day to work very hard have

you ever tried ramen

i tried ramen yesterday and it was

really good do you try to exercise every


i’m trying to sleep go away the next

verb is

leave leave leave me alone

leave your doors unlocked don’t leave

your doors unlocked

i have never left

a hot air balloon without

first taking a picture the next

verb is call call is the next friend

give me a call

please call me later call me maybe

call your mom on her birthday every year

she’ll be happy

call call you’re a seagull

have you ever called the wrong number

have you ever called

a dog by

another dog’s name

clothing clothing

cloud cloud

beard beard

beautiful beautiful

bed bed

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cut it out the next phrase is

cut it out now

this is usually what a parent would say

to a child

when they want them to stop doing


stop it in other words cut it out

really it’s any situation that you want

to have stopped

now let’s say my friend likes to

click her pen all the time

and i’m getting really annoyed i would

turn to her and say

cut it out michelle i’m upset

the next phrase is i’m upset

upset here means not happy

angry frustrated

i’m upset you can say this in many

different ways the intonation is

important if you’re trying to remain


what’s wrong becky i’m upset

i mean i’m really upset but i’m not

going to show you or you can really just

yell this like i’m upset with you

i’m upset who do you think you are who

do you think you are

so you say this to someone when you feel

that they’re being way too proud

maybe way too selfish they think they’re

number one

they’ve done something and you can’t

believe they

were so bold as to do that like who do

you think you are

superman you can’t run that marathon

tomorrow with no training

who do you think you are who do you

think you are the president of the


watch your mouth watch your mouth

we say this when someone is using bad

language or language we think is too


for the situation a lot of parents will

say this to their kids

or a lot of you know people fighting in

a relationship might

say that to each other so i’m not going

to use the language here but if i said


very strong very rude my mom or

my friend might say hey watch your mouth

be careful about what you say

you’re not listening to me the next

phrase is

you’re not listening to me pretty clear

right yeah you’re not listening to me

let me say it again i don’t

want to go or something like that you’re

not listening to me is used when we’re

getting angry

because we really don’t think that

person is listening to us

so we say hey you’re not listening to me

i’ve been saying it

many times but you’re not listening to

me let me say it again

i want a raise let’s stay together

loving you whether times are good or bad

happy or sad al green from

let’s stay together our first amazing

love quote is

from al green from his song let’s stay

together now first

i’m going to say it for you then i’m

going to sing it

okay let’s stay together

loving you whether times are good

or bad happy or sad

now for al green it’s very important

that you get very what we call

groovy you gotta get you feel the groove

and this chorus this comes from the


let’s let’s stay together

loving you whether times are good or bad

happy or sad thank you al green that was


al green love it every time nice slow

song playing on a friday night with your

girlfriend or boyfriend

so this quote i love it because it means


al green or whoever is singing it to you

is going to love you

no matter if it’s good times or bad


if you’re happy or if you’re sad and it

kind of reminds me of the classic

american wedding vows that we say

we say i will love you this is not exact

but we say i will love you in sickness

or in health till death do we part

i like this song a lot we should love

each other

in good times and bad right it’s not

true love if you’re just loving in good

times right

i want you there in the bad times too

bette midler

from wind beneath my wings our second

amazing love quote is you are the wind

beneath my wings we first heard this

from bette midler

in her song wind beneath my wings

now this is a very beautiful song about

it comes from a movie

called beaches that was about two


best friends so she’s singing this to

her best girlfriend

and she’s saying you are the wind

beneath my wings in fact you are the

person who

gives me this feeling that i can fly and

you support

me so that i feel like i can fly so

you’re the wind kind of

beneath my wings and it’s this

line is in the chorus repeated many

times in the song

and it goes like this did you ever know

that you’re my hero

you’re everything i would like to

be i can fly higher

than a knee goal

for you are the wind beneath

my wings something like that i love that

that movie will make you cry by the way

girls get the tissues ready

oh and then the spell was cast

and here we are in heaven for you are


at last edda james from

at last okay our third amazing love

quote is

edda james this is from her song at last

oh and then the spell was cast

and here we are in heaven

for you are mine at last now let me talk

for a minute

about the phrase the spell was cast

it’s kind of like a witch that can cast

a spell

on you and so if you have a spell

cast on you it’s like you are

under this like this um command

from someone else and you are acting


because they made you do something but

it’s like

you’re so in love with this person that

it’s like you’ll do anything for them

you’re under a spell you know we might


and so it’s like we’re in heaven

together it feels like we’re in heaven

i’ve been waiting so long to be with you

here we are

you are mine at last now this may

not surprise you but this is a popular

wedding song

eddie james sang this i want to say back

in the 1960s i might have that wrong

but it also became popular from the

beyonce movie

a few years ago where she played etta

james and

beyonce sang this song as well this

quote is right in the middle of the song

so don’t be

don’t be surprised when i start very

strong here here we go

oh and then the spell was cast

and here we are

in heaven

for you a man

at last there’s a lot of quaver

in the voice in that song actually

it does come at the end of the song

sorry not the not the middle but

beautiful song recommend that song at


check it out by etta james i keep the

ends out

for the tie that binds because you’re


i walk the line johnny cash

from i walk the line our next amazing

love quote is

from johnny cash one of my favorites the

quote is a little

difficult i think so listen closely i

keep the ends out

for the tie that binds because you’re


i walk the line the tie that binds

means a like a tie or a connection to


you’re bound to that person and johnny

actually wrote this song

for his first wife vivian as kind of a

promise to her that he would not

cheat on her on the road so by this


uh he’s saying i keep my eye out

in case anyone i keep the ends out here

he says which is like his eye

i keep the i my ends out for any

potential connection i don’t want to be

connected to anyone else

because you’re mine i walk the line now

walking the line means like to follow a


line or path and not go out or away from

that line to follow the rules

basically because you’re mine i’m

following the rules

i am keeping my eye out in case i make


connections that i’m not hoping or

wanting to make

i keep the ends out for the tie that


because you’re mine i walk the line

sorry johnny had to go high on that one

johnny did not follow those rules in

fact when he met his second wife june

carter cash

who turned out to be the love of his

life and on the day he met her he said

you’re the woman i’m gonna marry someday

my baby don’t care for shows

my baby don’t care for clothes my baby

just cares for me nina simone

from my baby just cares for me

oh my god i love this song oh my god oh

my god i love this song

the next amazing love quote is i’m gonna

say it’s my favorite i

just love this song it’s by one of my

favorite singers of all time nina simone

absolute legend wonderful pianist

okay here’s the quote my baby don’t care

for shows my baby don’t care for clothes

my baby just cares for me now

maybe by the end there you realize my

baby is not

her actual baby like baby no no this is


lover her love interest so she’s saying

my baby don’t care for shows my baby

doesn’t care about going to plays

or maybe movies my baby don’t care for


my baby doesn’t my lover doesn’t care

about buying the latest fashion trends

my baby just cares for me my lover just

cares about me so we don’t need anything

fancy we don’t have to do anything


we just need to care and be with each

other and so

it’s a it’s a great it’s a great quote

also notice here the grammar is

completely wrong

my baby don’t you should say my baby


but this is for a stylistic flair if you


so here is part of this amazing song

here we go

my baby don’t care for shows

my baby don’t care for clothes

my baby just cares for me

oh where is my piano back up that song

is gorgeous please check out the whole


phrase number one i get to check this

off my bucket list

in english we have this phrase to kick

the bucket

which means to die so to make a bucket


is to make a list of things to do before

you die

now for me one of mine was to go in a

hot air balloon

i had tried to do it for the first time

in 2009

but the morning i went the trip was


so here i am again uh more than

six years later and i’m trying again and

this time it was successful

so i get to check it off my bucket list

i get to do this thing

before i die and i did it english class

101 listeners it was so exciting

so you should make a list of things to

do before you die your own bucket list

phrase number two will you marry me

so today is actually valentine’s day and


very popular on valentine’s day and

anytime you’re planning to

propose to your special someone to

go to a special place and i can’t think

of a more special place than in a hot

air balloon

there’s enough space trust me in the

basket to kneel down

at least from my country the usa it’s

customary to

get down on one knee it doesn’t really

matter which knee at least i’ve never

thought so

and you get down you kneel on one knee

and you say will you marry me

now unfortunately listeners i did not

see any marriage proposals on

my balloon yesterday but i bet you today

there are over 30 balloons that go off

here in bagan myanmar i bet you

someone proposed oh it would have been

such a beautiful moment

will you marry me that is phrase number

two phrase number three

this is a first for me so going in a hot

air balloon as i said i had never done

it before

so it is a first for me a first being

the first time

i have done something i’m sure there are

many firsts that you can think of in

your life that you’ve had

and maybe many more firsts that you’d

like to have so

this was a first for me or this is a

first for me

phrase number three maybe a first for

you could be the first time that you’ve


had sushi or the first time that you’ve


climbed a mountain i mean there are so

many firsts that you can have

this is a first for me getting in a hot

air balloon

phrase number four the view is

incredible from up here

now this is something that we use in

english to say whenever we’ve gone to

the top of an observation tower

the top of a mountain the top of a

temple like i went to this morning

or really any high place that you go to

to take a great photo or to get an

incredible view

we say the view is incredible from up


phrase number five what a ride champagne


so at the end of my balloon ride

yesterday as soon as we dropped into

the field below we had a beautiful

picnic basket

unfurled on the field in front of us and

we got to enjoy

a glass of champagne to celebrate and

when we finished something

some incredible ride some maybe could be

in the car on a bus

it could be from a bad experience or a

good but we say

what a ride what a ride and

when we’re about to drink champagne we

say champagne time

this expression from after riding in a

hot air balloon

originally came from the pilots of these

balloons wanting to make sure the


in the fields where they landed didn’t

get too upset

so they would offer the farmers some

champagne along with any guests they may


in their balloons and that’s where the

tradition first came from so

what a ride champagne time phrase number


how much is it to how much is it to

how much is it to the airport you might

ask this

question to find out how much it costs

to take a train

or a bus or a taxi to where you need to


if you get into a taxi for example and

you ask

how much is it to the airport the taxi

driver will tell you

thirty dollars he’ll tell you the price

you need to pay to get to the airport

if you’re taking a train you might ask

the ticket seller

how much is it to the airport and the

ticket seller will tell you

the train to the airport costs ten

dollars for example

that way you know how much it costs to

go to where you need to be

does this bus go to does this

bus go to does this bus go to the


does this bus go to is a way of asking

whether or not the bus that you’re

looking at

has the destination that you need so you

might get on the bus

and ask the bus driver does this bus go


the suburbs whatever destination and the

bus driver will answer and tell you yes

get on or no you want a different bus

what time is the next bus what time is

the next bus

what time will the next bus arrive by

asking what time is the next bus

you’re asking when the bus is going to

come to the bus stop

or whatever station the bus will stop at

this way you know what time you need to

be at that bus stop

the train is running late the train is

running late

the train is running late again

this is something i say all the time in

new york city

the train is running late if the train

is running late

that means you will probably be running

late when you get off the train

where are the ticket machines where are

the ticket machines where are the ticket

machines in this station

a ticket machine is a machine that you

go to to purchase your tickets

you might see this in any station

whether it’s a subway station

or a regular train station or sometimes

even a bus station there will be kiosks

that you can go to

to enter the information and purchase

your ticket

by watching english movies and tv shows

and enjoying the feeling when you can

understand a word or a sentence

yeah i do this too when you

enjoy something when you find

entertainment value in something like


movies tv and you there’s that moment

when you pick up

or when you understand what your

favorite character said or you


like a key point in the story it’s a

really really good feeling

it makes you want to continue watching i


so that’s a really really nice feeling i


and you can do that by enjoying media so

it’s a fun way to learn and it’s a fun

feeling to experience

okay the next way to motivate yourself


by reading english news articles blogs

and magazines to get a feel for formal

and casual language so the style that we

use here like in english class

101 and this on the videos on this

channel is quite casual most of the time

or at least

in these videos it’s very casual but the

way that i speak in the way a newspaper

is written the way a magazine is written

the way a

a newscaster presents the information

these are all different ways of


we’re using the same language yes but

they are different styles so it’s

important to try to understand those


and to become familiar with them so try

to find a few different things that you

can enjoy

the next way to motivate yourself is

after dinner

you write about your day in a journal

in english okay this is an interesting

idea so just take a few minutes after


or before you go to bed to write

something in english about what you did

that day or maybe

so you have a chance to talk about

future tense or to use the future tense

you can use

you can talk about your upcoming plans

or the things you’re going to do the

next day

so you can talk about past tense what

you did that day

maybe present tense how you’re feeling

as you’re writing your journal for the


and future tense to talk about your

upcoming plan so journaling can be a

really effective exercise for motivating


okay the next way to motivate yourself

is by practicing with flash cards of

useful words and phrases for 15 minutes

every day on the train i actually do do

this i use but i use an application to

study in japanese to study kanji

and 15 minutes every day adds up over

the course of a week

you can learn a lot of information in a

short period of time

and if you live in the country where

your target language is spoken then you

might even find the word you studied on

the train

you see it like after you leave the

train you might see that word later on

in your day so you can immediately

feel like an extra sense of motivation

by knowing that

this thing you’re studying is applicable

it’s something you can use

right away it’s a really cool feeling so

this is a tip i

honestly i use this last i make sure to


anyone and everyone who corrects my

english uh yeah

i i think this is really important

because people are really nice they

don’t want to correct you when you make

a mistake

but sometimes people do they’re really

polite about it and they tell you the


tell you a more natural way or they give

you a suggestion for how to improve your


make sure you say thank you like repeat

after them

and then say thank you so that you know

it’s motivation for them

to tell you again in the future to help

you again in the future so make sure to

say thank you

to anyone who helps you with your

english personally

i think that or i would just use i think


personally makes it sound a little bit

more polite i think

you can use this to introduce an opinion

for example

personally i think that pizza is amazing

personally i think that dinosaurs

would have been delicious personally

i think that cars should

be made

to enjoy

with okay i’m friends

end it there personally i think that you

shouldn’t worry about it

yes that’s probably a much more useful

sentence than dinosaurs would be


the next expression is what does blah

blah blah mean

so where here is the word you don’t know

so for example

what does pasta mean what does

stegosaurus mean so a word like

stegosaurus is a really strange

word that you probably don’t know

stegosaurus is a type of dinosaur we’re

on a very dinosaur

i don’t know jurassic we’re on a

jurassic adventure at the moment

so this is a pattern you use when you

don’t know

uh when you don’t know the meaning of

the word and you would like someone to

explain it to you so if you say what

does stegosaurus mean

then someone can say oh it’s a dinosaur

it’s kind of like

it’s a sort of short guy it has a bunch

of spikes on its back and it has a long

tail and it gets into a fight with the

tyrannosaurus rex if you saw the movie


by disney okay

so in this sentence what does


mean it means problem okay the next

pattern you can use

is can you tell me more about blah blah

blah so on a topic that you would like

more information about you can say can

you tell me more about the soccer game

last week can you tell me more about the

plan for the party next week so

something you would like

more information about you can say can

you tell me more about

this thing okay so in a sentence can you

tell me more about your

sandwich options that is a useful


that is a useful sentence okay in this

sentence here

we don’t have that back home can you

tell me more about it

this is use the reverse pattern okay uh

the next expression

is if it were up to me if it were up to

me i had to teach this in a class a

couple weeks ago actually

if it were up to me means if i could

make the decision

if this was my if this were my decision

uh blah blah blah so meaning if i could

make the

choice this is what i would do but one

point here is

the nuance is it is not my decision

this is not my decision but if it were

my decision

i would do blah blah blah so for example

if it were up to me every day would be


but it’s not right so um

that’s that’s always the underlying

that’s always the

kind of basic nuance of this phrase

some this decision is not mine okay here

the example is

if it were up to me i would

take my boss to dinner oh my

things just got scandalous

the next pattern is i feel like blah

blah blah

you can use i feel like when you


a suggestion or something that you would

like to do especially for food

drinks or activities so for example i

feel like coffee

i feel like italian food i feel like an

action movie

there’s some activity or something you

would like to do

at the end of this pattern i feel like

bowling this afternoon

something needs to go here some sort of


of course you can use this expression to

talk about your feelings

i feel like something but this something

must be a noun it must be a noun like if

you feel really great

i feel like a million bucks for example

if you feel really bad i feel like

garbage that’s a nice expression that

somehow just came out of my head anyway

you can use this in two ways but

this must be completed with a noun

phrase at the end of the sentence

hi everybody my name is alicia today i’m

going to talk about how to pronounce the


ed sound in past tense regular verbs

so i’m going to talk about how to make

the three different sounds that we use

when we’re using the past tense forms of

these verbs so let’s get started

okay so as i said this is for

uh regular past tense verbs so verbs

which take an

e-d ending um verbs which don’t take an


ending in the past tense i’m not going

to talk about those in this lesson

just e-d ending verbs so past tense


okay so there are three different

pronunciations that we use

for this ed sound i’m going to talk

about each one and kind of a rule

that can help you as you try to decide

the best or the most

correct pronunciation okay let’s first

look at a

t ending sound so by this t i mean a t

sound at the end of the verb so a few

examples uh

first is walked second talked and typed

so walked talked typed you can hear the

e d

sound at the end of each verb it’s


e d but the pronunciation is a t sound

so walked talked typed

we make a t sound so the rule for this

why do we use the t

sound here when we’re looking at the

infinitive form of the verb so remember

the infinitive form is like the basic

form of the verb

i have it underlined in black here if

the infinitive

ends in an unvoiced sound we use this

t pronunciation so i’ll talk about

unvoiced in just a moment here

but in this case the infinitive forms

are walk talk

and type walk talk and type so the

ending sounds are k

and here so these are called unvoiced

sounds so for this point and for some

points in the rest of this lesson

it’s useful to know the difference

between a voiced sound and an

unvoiced sound so a voiced sound

is a sound that we make using our vocal

cords so

the if you put your hand on your throat

and you can feel your vocal cords

moving like activated that’s a voiced


an unvoiced sound however is a sound we


without using our vocal cords something

that doesn’t require

us to activate our vocal cords so

i said in this case for the t sound

we use this sound for infinitives which

end in an unvoiced sound

meaning our vocal chords are not

activated so here as i said

walk ends in a sound talk ends in a

sound and type ends in a sound

so for k sounds and sounds our vocal

chords are not activated we’re not using

our vocal chords to make this sound

so we apply a t sound for the end of the


uh when we’re conjugating into past

tense so this is the first type of


for today okay let’s look at the second

type for today

the second type is this d ending sound

and by d

i mean it like a soft d sound so a few


i have smelled breathed whispered

lied booed and kneed

so in each of these you can hear there’s

this soft d sound for the ending not an

e d sound ed but a d sound a soft d

sound so in this case how do we know

that we should use a

d sound at the end of these

in this case we should use this sound

for infinitives which end in a

voiced sound so as we learned up here

voiced sounds are sounds that require us

to activate our vocal chords

so in this case uh the end of the

infinitive form

here smell is the infinitive so the

ending sound

requires vocal chord activation so i’m

using my vocal cords to make a

uh sound here same thing with breathe

this th sound at the end the i have to

use my vocal cords to make this sound

next one whisper the er sound here

uses my vocal cords so i’m using the d


we see the same thing the last three

examples i have here use vowel sounds at

the end so lied

booed need these are voiced sounds so

we need to use a d sound to end uh

to end the word so this is when we use


ending okay let’s look at the last type

over here the last type is this

id ending it’s like an id sound

let’s look at some examples so here i

have wanted

pleated and started

these are all examples of infinitives

that end in a t

or a d sound so here the infinitive form

of my first example want ends in a t


my second example plead ends in a d


and my third example uh start ends in a


sound as well so for infinitives which

end in a t

or a d sound a t or a d sound we use


id ending so wanted pleaded

started so these are the three types

of ending ed sound uh pronunciations

so if you’re having trouble uh trying to

decide how to pronounce

an ed sound you can kind of think of

these rules

to help you i hope um but if you want to

know like

which sounds are unvoiced or which

sounds are voiced if it’s hard for you

to determine like when

you are using your vocal cords or when

you’re not using your vocal cords

here’s a quick tip so here are some

or here are the unvoiced consonant


so the unvoiced consonant sounds meaning

the consonants that we make

without using our vocal cords are ch

and the th sound in think think

so all of these sounds are unvoiced if

we make these sounds

we’re not using our vocal chords to make

them so sh

for example and and these are common


but we’re not actually using like our

voice to make them

so that means that voiced sounds are the

other sounds

so if it’s not in this list it’s a

voiced sound

one thing to be careful of here though

is that the th

sound in the word like they uh is

actually a voiced sound so we have a


they th sound they they and we have an

unvoiced th sound like in think think so

in the word

think i’m not using my vocal chords in

the word

they or the for example i am

so th has a voiced and an unvoiced


so this is something to keep in mind and

maybe to help you as you practice

but these are the three pronunciation

types for ending ed sounds i hope that

that was helpful for you

if you have any questions please let us

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thanks very much for watching this

episode and i will see you again soon

bye-bye hi everybody welcome back to

know your verbs my name is alicia and in

this episode we’re going to talk about

the verb

follow let’s go

so the basic definition of this verb is

to move behind someone

or something and to go to the same place

that that person

or thing is going to examples i’ll

follow you to the park

follow me i know where we’re going

the conjugations of this verb now


follow follows past

followed past participle followed

progressive following

now let’s talk about some additional

meanings of this verb

okay the first additional meaning is to

understand to understand

examples i don’t follow you do you


so we can really just replace the word

follow with understand here in the first

example sentence

i don’t follow you we can say i don’t

understand you

it means i don’t understand what you’re

saying or i don’t understand what you’re


i don’t follow you it sounds more casual

like i don’t follow your

train of thought train of thought means

like the path you took to arrive at your

destination thinking wise

follow you just sounds more casual it’s

like i can’t understand i can’t

follow the path of your logic in other

words so i don’t follow you

in the second sentence it’s a question

do you follow meaning

do you understand do you understand what

i’m saying so follow can mean

understand quite simply okay let’s go to

the second

meaning for this verb so the second one

is to happen

after something else to come after

something else

examples of this a delicious dessert

followed the roast chicken

a luxurious hot spring experience

follows a massage on this one day tour

in these example sentences we see follow

is used to describe

something that happens after something

else in the first example sentence i

mentioned a dessert

that followed a roast chicken so yes

dessert is being presented first in the


so i said a delicious dessert followed a

roast chicken

so that means a delicious dessert came


a roast chicken so followed yes followed

shows the thing that came

after the other thing so we see the same

thing in the second example sentence a

luxurious hot spring experience

follows a relaxing massage so

yes luxurious hot spring experience is

first in the sentence

however we’re using the verb follows so

that means it comes

after a massage in this case so yes it’s

presented first in the sentence but

this use of follow means come after

so that means we’re presenting a

sequence in this way let’s go to the

third meaning

which is to obey to obey

so to obey something okay examples of

this to obey

did you follow the instructions on the

instant ramen she decided to follow her

manager’s advice

so in both of these sentences we’re

meaning obey with the verb

follow so we could say did you obey the

instructions on the instant ramen

but obey sounds quite strong we use obey

for like people who are in positions of


above us so in this case uh with ramen

it’s packaging so we usually say follow

the instructions on the packaging so

meaning obey the instructions on the


but obey is quite a strong word we use


instead in the second sentence she

followed her manager’s advice

it’s like she obeyed her manager’s

advice so yes a manager is in a position

of power above you

sure obey is typically used when we

are given like strict orders for

something like

like military or like something from the

president something from very high up

and like very strong orders like

like obey your commanding officer or

something like that

in this case it’s advice meaning that

it’s probably not so

serious it’s like a suggestion and it’s

a manager

so she has probably like a workplace


so we would probably use follow

someone’s advice

in this case so follow means obey but

it’s not

quite as strong not nearly as strong

much softer so the fourth meaning

is to be very interested in something

and to watch that thing

closely examples of this i don’t really

follow sports

she’s been following the news very

closely so the first example sentence is

a negative

i don’t really follow sports meaning i

don’t really have much interest

in and therefore i don’t really watch

much sports

in the second example sentence she’s

been following the news very closely

it means she’s been very interested in

and watching a lot of

news lately so this use of follow is

quite convenient it it includes meanings

of being interested in something

and watching something carefully or


so to follow a topic or to follow

an activity so this means being

interested in that activity

and doing or seeing or reading about a

lot of


variations let’s look at some variations

of this firm the first variation is

to follow suit to follow suit this means

to do the same thing

as the person previously mentioned in

the sentence or

in the situation examples my manager

just quit the company

i think i’m gonna follow suit her

boyfriend decided to leave the party so

she followed suit

so in both of these examples we see one


makes a decision or takes an action and

the other person

does the same thing we show that with

the expression

follow suit so in the first example my

manager quit the company

i think i’m gonna follow suit so i think

i’m going to do the same thing as the

person i just mentioned

so my manager quit the company i think

i’m going to do that as well i think i’m

going to follow

suit in the second example sentence her

boyfriend decided to leave the party

so she followed suit so he left the


she decided to do the same thing he did


followed suit past tense she did the

same thing he did

so follow suit means to do the same

thing as the

person previously mentioned the next

variation is to follow

through to follow through we often use

to follow through

on or to follow through with something

this means to keep a promise or to do


you said you were going to do examples i

hate it when people don’t follow through

with their plans

that’s true that’s called flaking okay

example sentence number two

i’m going to follow through on my

resolution to find a new job

okay so here we see a couple examples so

the first one is sort of a negative

statement i hate it when people don’t


through with their plans meaning i hate

it when people

don’t do the things they say they’re

going to do

so i hate it when people make a plan and

break the plan

or make a suggestion and don’t do that

thing so

they don’t follow through with their

plans in the second example the speaker

previously made a resolution a

resolution is a kind of

goal so the speaker previously made a


the speaker has decided to follow

through meaning to

uh to try to achieve that resolution to

try to

do that action so that means that the

speaker is going to find

a new job so the speaker is going to do

the thing

he or she promised to do the last

variation for

follow today is to follow in someone’s

footsteps to follow in someone’s

footsteps this is kind of an easy one to

imagine so

to follow in the same footsteps as

someone who walked

before you however that person who

walked before you

is typically a parent or maybe a

grandparent or someone

senior to you that you admire example


he’s following in his father’s footsteps

and becoming a lawyer

she decided not to follow in her

mother’s footsteps after all

so to follow in someone’s footsteps

typically refers to a career choice

so in the first example sentence we saw

lawyer so he decided to follow in his

father’s footsteps meaning he decided to

do the same thing

his father did as a career

become a lawyer so meaning chose the

same thing as his

parent in the second we see a different


she decided not to follow in her

mother’s footsteps meaning she chose a

different career path

from her mother or she chose a different

life path from her mother

so to follow in someone’s footsteps

means to do the same thing

usually the same career as their parent

or their grandparent so those are a few

new ways to use the verb

follow i hope if you have any questions

if you want to try to make a sentence or

if you know some other ways to use


please feel free to try it out in the

comments great so

if you liked the video please make sure

to give it a thumbs up subscribe to the

channel if you haven’t already and check

us out at englishclass101.com for some

other good study tools

thanks very much for watching this

episode of know your verbs and we’ll see

you again

next time bye-bye

good for some uh

i really have to sneeze hi everyone my

name is bridget and welcome to today’s


the topic for this lesson is top 10

must-know verbs when cooking

let’s get started to cook

to cook i’m going to cook dinner tonight

to cook is to prepare a meal

using heat tonight i’m going to cook

chicken marsala i’m going to cook

beef stew to fry

to fry i don’t want to fry the chicken

because it’s

too unhealthy to fry something

is to cook something in hot fat or oil

french fries are fried and fried things

are unhealthy so when you eat fried

foods you want to eat in moderation

i don’t because fried stuff is delicious


you should to add to

add before you eat you should taste the


and add salt if necessary

to add in this context means to add

something else onto a dish

to put more of something onto a dish so

you might add salt

to a dish or add some paprika to the


to cut to cut could you please cut up

that beef

to cut is to use a knife to cut food

to make it into smaller pieces usually

so you can

bite it or so you can mix it more easily

i cut my steak so i can eat it you make

food smaller into more bite-sized pieces

by cutting

to mix to mix

mix all of the spices in a bowl before

putting them in your dish

to mix is to combine so you might

combine or

mix all of your ingredients together


cooking or doing something else with

them you might mix

ingredients together to create a dish

to season to season

to season is to add spices to a food

to make it taste better usually you


every dish with salt and pepper to

mash to mash for great mashed potatoes

you should add garlic to the potatoes

to mash is to crush food so that it

becomes almost

paste like so mashed potatoes is a very

common example of this

also in the uk you might find mushy peas

which are

sort of mashed to saute

to saute i sometimes like to saute

asparagus instead of boiling it to saute

is to quickly fry something in hot fat

to put to put put

cold water into the mixture or you’ll

get lumps

in the stew to put in this context

means to add to something or to move

into place

i put salt in the stew and i put the


in the oven to slice to slice

if you want them to cook evenly you

should slice the carrots to be the same


to slice means to cut i sliced the apple

i sliced the pizza i sliced the cake

and that brings us to the end of today’s

lesson if you guys enjoyed this lesson

please don’t forget to give us a thumbs

up and subscribe to our channel

if you have any questions or comments at

all leave them below

and don’t forget to go to


to learn more english hi everybody

welcome back to ask alicia the weekly

series where you ask me questions and i

answer them

maybe first question this week comes


puallam hi pualam pualam says hi alicia

i would

like to know the differences between the

verb to be

and to become for example which one is


i want to be a teacher or i want to


a teacher thanks um both of these are

correct actually so in this case to be

and become have the same meaning but

become tends to sound more formal like

if you say i want to become a teacher

it sounds a bit more formal than saying

i want to be a teacher

it’s also easier to say i want to be a


so you can use them in the same way when

you’re talking about

becoming something else or when you’re

talking about something

turning into something else i want to be

can be used uh in more casual


another example would be like i want to

be rich someday

or i want to become rich someday so

i want to be rich sounds more casual

it’s more commonly used than i want to

become rich but they communicate the


idea so i hope that this helps you

thanks very much for the question

okay let’s go on to your next question

next question comes from israel diaz hi


israel says what’s the difference

between used

to or used to and used for

okay well it kind of depends on your


so used to or used to like i said that

when i read the question

so depending on the sentence this word

or this phrase rather can take different


so used to can mean

something that you did in the past like

i used to play golf

or i used to eat pancakes for breakfast

every morning or i used to go to

the forest to go hiking with my family

every summer

i used to do something that refers to a

past activity that’s no longer true

used to however talks about the purpose

of something

so like this phone is used to make

calls or like this camera is used to

record video

so we use used to before a

verb so this thing is used to do

that so that’s talking about the purpose


something then used for is similar it’s

also talking about purpose but we’re

following the expression with a noun

instead of a verb so like this phone is


for phone calls this camera is used for

videos so we’re following the expression

with a noun instead of a verb

so depending on the sentence used to or

used to they’re spelled the same

will be read differently and it will

have different grammatical functions

used to and used for have the same


but we have to make slight changes to

our grammar after

that expression so i hope that this

helps you understand the differences

thanks very much for the question

okay let’s move on to your next question

next question

comes from dongfang again hi dongfang

dongfong says hi alicia i’m an english

learner from china

what does it mean when someone says i’m

not practicing the law

anymore i heard this sentence in one of

my favorite dramas called

better call saul i understand the


but i’m a little confused about the word

practice here is this a common use

yeah this is a really nice question

great catch

so practice is a very special verb

that we use in certain jobs certain


so commonly this is doctors and

lawyers that use this word so they use

the word

practice before their field of expertise

and it just means do or to be active

in their practice so in this case and

better call saul

it’s practicing law or i’m not

practicing law

that means i’m not actively doing like

legal work right now i’m not

active as a lawyer right now a doctor

could say like

i’ve been practicing medicine for six

years that means

i’ve been active as a doctor for six


so practice here does not mean like

practicing doing something it means

actively participating in that

job so again this is very specific for a

couple of different jobs like lawyers

and doctors so

very specific word nice catch and thank

you so much for this question

hope that helps you okay let’s move on

to your next

question next question comes from

silverway hi again silverway silverway

says hi alicia

what does i’m blown away mean oh yeah


i’m blown away can mean i’m surprised or

like i’m shocked

so it’s kind of it tends to be more of

like a positive expression like i’m

blown away by all the questions you guys

send or like i was blown away by how

good that dinner was or like

i was blown away when i saw that

my best friend had decided to get a


so it’s like something is surprising or

shocking or

both maybe and you can actually use it

for negative situations

as well you can also use this in past

tense like whoa that blew me away that

movie blew me away

so it just means shock surprise um if

something bad happens like someone is

really rude you could say like wow that

person just blew me away or like i was


surprised at how rude that person was so

i hope that that helps you understand

the phrase to be blown away thanks very

much for the question

all right let’s move on to your next

question next question

comes from proof fee johnny hi pruthvi

pruthfi says hi alicia what is the

difference between

lot of and plethora of um

plethora is kind of a formal and rarely

used word

so a plethora of something means lots

and lots of something yes

but we tend to use it for like


situations so like for example the

researchers discovered a plethora of

treasures in the egyptian king’s tomb

we really don’t use this so much in

everyday speech

it sounds too formal in most cases but

again if you’re talking about something


like really kind of big and extravagant

you might use the word

plethora to describe that a plethora of


so i hope that this helps you understand

the word plethora thanks very much for

the question

so that’s everything that i have for

this week thanks as always for sending

your questions

remember you can send them to me at


ask hyphen alicia of course if you like

the video please don’t forget to give it

a thumbs up

subscribe to our channel if you have not

already and check us out at


for some other things that can help you

with your english studies thanks very

much for watching this week’s episode of

ask alicia and i will see you again

next week bye bye have you seen the

movie the three amigos

steve martin yeah do you remember

a plethora of pinatas there’s a whole

scene there

where they talk about they’re talking

about a party that’s coming up

and they’re like did you get the pinatas

for the party and they’re like see

see and then and then they’re like how

many pinatas did you get would you say

that you got a plethora

of pinatas and you’re like oh it’s a


hi everybody welcome back to ask alicia

the weekly series where you

ask me questions and i answer them maybe

first question comes from

habib azadani hi habib habib says

what does let alone mean oh yeah nice


okay let’s start by introducing two

examples he can’t drive a car let alone

teach someone how to drive

she doesn’t have time to cook let alone


okay so in these two examples we see in

the first part of the sentence there’s


impossible situation introduced so

he can’t drive a car and she doesn’t

have time to bake so these are like

impossible or really difficult


then we introduce another impossible

situation in the second part of the


and we emphasize that that too is


by using let alone so in this case

the even more impossible thing is

teaching someone else to drive

in the first sentence and baking in the

second sentence

so we often see these kinds of patterns

when we’re like

asking for help with something or like

we’re making a request

for something for example can davy teach

me how to drive

he can’t drive a car let alone teach

someone else how to drive

can you ask alicia to bake me a cake


she doesn’t have time to cook let alone


so you see that there’s like this other

impossible situation

emphasized and introduced with let alone

so that’s what it means it doesn’t mean


leaving someone alone but we use let


in front of verbs this way to show

totally impossible situations

so i hope that this helps you thanks

very much for the question okay

let’s move on to your next question next

question is from

nayef hinayev nayef says hi alicia

what’s the difference between

possibly and probably okay here um

possibly means that something can be

done it is

possible something we are able to do

you can think of possibly as meaning


maybe so some examples sorry for the

last minute request but can my friend

join us at the restaurant

possibly let me call the restaurant will

you have time for a meeting later

possibly i have to do some paperwork so

probably on the other hand indicates a


level of potential of something so

possibly is very

neutral possible is also very neutral

it’s just

something that we are able to do it can


done probably however

refers to like an actual chance of

something and a very

good chance of something so like there’s

a 70

chance something is going to happen so

if we take the same example sentences

as in can my friend join for dinner

probably let me call the restaurant

and will you have time for a meeting


probably i just need to finish some

paperwork we can see

that the level of certainty in the

situation changes

with possibly it’s like maybe i don’t

know there’s a chance

could be i don’t know with probably it’s

like there’s a very good chance that

that thing is

okay so i hope that this helps you

understand the difference between

possibly and probably thanks for the

question all right

let’s move on to your next question next

question comes from antonio lopez hi


antonio says what’s a tag question cool


tag questions are like tiny tiny

questions that come

at the end of a statement examples you

weren’t serious were you

he’s coming to the party isn’t he we

forgot our passports didn’t we

i’m late aren’t i so at the end of each

one of these sentences is this tiny

little question

so it’s like something that we finish

our sentence with in order to confirm

the first thing we said in the sentence

so you’ll notice in each of these


if the beginning statement is in the


the tag question will be in the positive

and vice versa

if the beginning statement is in the

positive the tag question will be


so we use tag questions just to confirm

what we said in the beginning part of

the sentence i hope that this helps you

thanks very much for the question okay

let’s move on to your next

question next question comes from

felipe yakomosi hi felipe

felipe says what’s the usage difference


two also and as well

okay um for the purposes of this answer

i’ll talk about just one use of the word

to which means in addition so we see

two a lot at the end of a phrase or at

the end of a sentence like in

me too or you too or he wants to come to

or i like that too we see that there at


end of the phrase let’s move on then to

talking about also

we use also before verbs usually in the

simple present tense or in the simple

past tense you can see also at the

beginning of a sentence

as well and we use it in this position

when it affects the whole sentence

so some examples we should get some


we should also get drinks today i’d like

to talk about sales

i’d also like to talk about growth going


and then when you see also positioned at

the beginning of the sentence it affects

the whole sentence

so for example hey can you pick up

dinner on your way home

also put some gas in the car will you

please finish this report by today

also stop stealing pens from my desk

so in these ways we see also used to

mean and and it tends to come before

verbs or it can come before a full


finally as well as well tends to

function in the same way as

two we use it a lot at the end of a

phrase or like at the end of a list of


but it sounds more formal than two okay

so thanks very much for the question i

hope that that helps you

all right let’s move on to your next

question next question comes from

benny hi benny benny says what does it

mean when someone says

cut it out and when can i use this

phrase oh cut it out means

stop we use this when someone is doing

something that’s like annoying or


so it’s like if someone’s poking you or

maybe if like someone keeps throwing

things across the room at you

it’s something small and annoying and

you want them to stop

doing that you can say cut it out cut it

out it’s usually in that way

if you just say cut it out it doesn’t

sound so like strong

so usually we make it sound like cut it


so it sounds like you’re irritated

another way that we

express the same thing is by saying

don’t don’t

so especially young kids will use don’t

or maybe cut it out

to mean stop doing that thing don’t

means like don’t

do that thing like don’t throw things at

me or

don’t poke me whatever it is but we’ll

say don’t

so cut it out is just a casual way to

say stop i hope that that helps you

thanks for the question

all right that is everything that i have

for this week thanks as always for

sending your questions and remember you

can send them to me at


ask hyphen alicia also if you like the

video please please please don’t forget

to give it a thumbs up

subscribe to our channel if you haven’t

already and check us out at


for some other things that can help you

with your english studies thanks very

much for watching this week’s episode of

ask alicia and i will see you again

next week bye hi everybody welcome back

to ask alicia the weekly series where

you ask me questions and i answer them

maybe first question comes from

silverway again hi again silverway

silverway says hi alicia could you

please tell me the meaning of the word

you use so much in your lessons

nuance does it mean difference or

something else oh yeah sure

so nuance means small difference

or for like vocabulary for language

learning it means like

suggested meaning so another way to

think about

nuance is like like it’s a color so if

we imagine the color

red we can understand what red means but

inside red there are many different

types of red right

so we can imagine a nuance is like one

of those

types of red it’s like one way of


something so a sentence like i’m not

interested in him or i’m not interested

in her

this means like interest yes we see

interest in that word

but the nuance of this phrase the

feeling of this phrase is like

romantic interest i’m not romantically

interested in him i’m not romantically

interested in her

so that’s an example of nuance so we

understand like the category

interest but the nuance the small

difference in

meaning is about like romantic like

relationships in this case

so yes nuance means small difference in


uh for this channel um it can also mean

small difference in

flavor in food for example or like small


in facial expressions so another example

sentence might be

we can communicate nuances through our

body language and facial expressions

so nuance means small difference in

meaning i hope that that helps you and

yes that word gets used a lot on this


thanks very much for the question let’s

move on to your next question

next question comes from agains elland

hi again

again said hi alicia can you explain the

difference between

seams and looks like yeah sure um let’s

start with

looks like there are actually two

patterns for looks like

i want to talk about this a looks like b

pattern first we use this when we want

to talk about something that has

a similar or the same appearance as


else a looks like b so

like that cloud looks like a rabbit your

brother looks like a mouse

so these patterns mean that thing a or

person a

has a similar appearance to thing b

or person b so that’s the first meaning


looks like the first way we use it the

second way that we use

looks like is to talk about guesses that

we make

based on visual information so

information we get with our eyes

so when we can see something and make a

guess about it

we can use looks like for example

it looks like it’s going to rain or it

looks like your dog is pretty hungry

so we can see something that gives us


about what might happen next or we can

make a guess about the situation

using something we can see okay so with

that in mind let’s continue to

seams we use seams yes to make

guesses sure just like with looks like

the second meaning of looks like

but we use seams for things that we

cannot quickly

check we cannot quickly confirm his new

girlfriend seems nice

are you okay you seem really tired today


you can use seams for guesses that you

make based on things you can see

yes but i think it sounds more natural

to use

looks like in those cases so seams is

used for stuff that we

can’t quickly check but maybe we don’t

get that information

based just on stuff we can see so i hope

that this helps you thanks very much for

the question

all right let’s move on to your next

question next question

comes from felipe yakomozi again hi


felipe says could you explain the

pronunciation differences between the

following words

one then and than

and two sure and sure

okay sure so let’s start with the first

pair of words

then and then then

then so maybe it’s a little easier to


when speaking slowly the differences


than but actually another good way that

you can

kind of discover which word is being

used is to consider the way the word is

used in the sentence

so it’s not that native speakers are

listening to each word

separately we’re listening to the whole

sentence so we’re not

just paying attention to one sound but

we’re thinking of the way the sentence

is made

so you’ll see than used a lot in

comparative sentence structures

examples i like dark colors more than

light colors

we should buy more drinks than snacks

she said your dessert was better than

all the others so you can see here that

all of these sentences use a comparison

we’re saying something is better than

something else so we know that than

is being used there but even though

we’re saying it really quickly and it

sounds like

then we understand the correct spelling

because of the grammatical structure of

the sentence

let’s compare this to how then is used

i have to go to the office this morning

then i’m going to the airport

we saw a movie then ate dinner he broke

up with his girlfriend last week

he seemed pretty sad since then okay

so you can see that these are not

comparative sentences

the first two examples are like sequence

examples so one thing happened

another thing happened after that so we

use then

to show that in the last example

sentence we’re using then to refer to

a period of time so you’ll notice then

that like the positioning of the words

the grammatical function of the words

these are different

so again you can listen rather to the


structure like the way the sentence is

made instead of focusing just on those


than and then regarding your second

question about

shore and sure these have different

sounds in american english

though they could have very similar

sounds in british english

again just listen for the ways these

words are used

shore is a word that would probably be

used when talking about the beach or


near a body of water sure is used to

express agreement or to ask a question

like are you sure

sure so think about the ways these words

are used not

just their individual pronunciations i

hope that this helps you thanks for the


okay let’s move on to your next question

next question comes from diana hi diana

diana says hi alicia could you explain

the subjunctive mood

oh yeah subjunctive mood is a pretty big

topic actually to speak about it quite

generally we

use subjunctive mood to talk about like

unreal situations so like wishes

possibilities suggestions like making


also an important point to note is that

the subjunctive mood is not

a tense it’s not a tense it’s rather


kind of a a way of communicating

unreal information it’s uh sort of uh

like it follows its own grammatical

rules so let’s look at a few examples in

the subjunctive mood

i wish i were there to celebrate your

birthday with you

if i were you i would look for a new job

we demand he give us a refund

so in each of these example sentences

the subjunctive mood is used to

communicate something that’s

not real so we see a wish in the first

example sentence

an unreal situation in the second one

we’re seeing like a piece of advice

for an unreal situation and the third

one is a request or a demand

this is considered unreal because the

demand like the thing

being requested or demanded has not

happened yet or it may not

happen so subjunctive mood is

not so commonly used actually because it

is kind of difficult to use for many


it has like its own grammatical rules

which you can see a good example of in

the third example sentence here

like we demand he give us a refund

like there in most sentences we would be

required to conjugate the verb to

gives like he gives something but when

we’re using the subjunctive mood

it takes on this kind of grammar he give

us a refund

so it is kind of tricky it is a bit

complex the subjunctive

i would suggest if you’re interested in

learning more about the subjunctive and

how to make statements like this

start by learning a few of the common

patterns so

by that i mean like the if i were or i

wish i were so those are the first two

example sentences here

those are some great patterns that you

can use to start making

subjunctive mood sentences um other


can get a little bit uh trickier uh

getting into like some future

perfect tense statements in the

subjunctive mood uh but maybe i can make

a whiteboard video or two about that in

the future

so i hope that this gives you kind of an

introduction to the subjunctive mood

thanks very much for the question all

right let’s move on to the next

question next question comes from

wajahat khan hi wajahat

says hi alicia what is the meaning of

the word

g-whiz and how can we use it in our

everyday life

situations sure so uh g-whiz is

an old-fashioned word that means wow

cool amazing but it’s very old-fashioned

it sounds like something

people said in like the 1950s in the u.s

we really don’t use this word now it’s

something we would only use if we want


sound sarcastic or if we want to make a

joke so if you use this now you’re

probably going to sound sarcastic

like a raise gee whiz thanks

free tickets to disneyland gee whiz like

it just sounds

really silly it sounds silly even giving

these example sentences

so i wouldn’t really recommend using

this in everyday life these days just

because it does sound old-fashioned and

it sounds more like a joke

but it really means wow or amazing or


so i hope that that helps you thanks for

the question okay that’s everything that

i have for you for this week thanks as

always for watching

of course if you want to send your

questions to me send them to


ask hyphen alicia also if you like the

video please don’t forget to like it and

subscribe to the channel if you haven’t


thanks very much for watching this

week’s episode of ask alicia and i will

see you again

next week bye-bye hi everybody my name

is alicia

in this lesson i’m going to talk about

the difference between who

and whom two commonly confused words so

let’s find out

how to use them and a few hints for how

you can decide which

is the correct word to use in a sentence


let’s begin with the word who so we use

the word

who when we refer to the subject of a


so let’s look at a couple of examples


in red i have who is he who stole my


and who is using my computer so i have a

few questions here

in this uh set of examples who is used

to refer to the subject

of the sentence so each one

serves as the subject here all right and

we can answer these questions

with a simple reply so who is he we

could say

he is my friend who stole my drink we

could say she stole your drink

who is using my computer he is using

your computer

so here again we have he she and he

as the answers for these questions i’ll

come back to this point in just a moment

for now though let’s contrast this point

with whom

when we use whom so we use whom to refer

to the

object of a verb or a preposition

so let’s look at a couple examples here


should i speak to regarding this inquiry

whom does this book belong to

to whom do i submit my report

so in each of these sentences

whom serves not as the subject of the


but as the object of a verb or a

preposition here

so again i have a couple of example

answers for this point

here i have uh for this first example

whom should i speak to regarding this

inquiry the answer could be something


you should speak to him for the second


whom does this book belong to this book

belongs to

her to whom do i submit my report

we can answer with submit your report to

him okay so the reason that i’ve

included these example answers

is because these can give you a really

good hint

for how to decide whether you should use

who or

whom so i have up here this hint the

first hint really

is to try substituting he or she and her

or him in your original sentence so for


in this sentence who is he or who stole

my drink or who is using my computer

if i substitute he or she in one of

these sentences for example here

he is using my computer or she is using

my computer

the sentence is correct grammatically so

that means

i can use who and that’s the correct

choice again

who stole my drink uh she stole my drink


he stole my drink the sentence is

grammatically correct

so i should use who however down here

if i say he should i speak to regarding

this inquiry

or to he for example like these these

don’t make grammatically correct

statements so we can’t use he or she


though these questions get a little bit

more complicated

these sentences it might be a little bit

difficult to decide then am i am i using

he or she should i use

him or her it’s not so clear in those

cases where you’re not clear again

using the original sentence we can take

a look at the answer for the sentence

so try to make a sample answer for the


if you can answer the question using he

or she

as i’ve done here he she and he you

should use the word

who if you can answer it with her or him

use whom use whom so down here you

should speak to

him this book belongs to her submit your

report to

him if you look at the answer for the

question or a sample answer for the


and you use him or her in the answer you

should use whom

if you look at a sample answer and you

use he or she in the answer you should


who so this can be a really helpful tip

to decide whether you should use who

or whom if it’s difficult to remember

you can kind of think about focusing in

on the word

him because him ends in an m

sound just like whom ends in an m sound

so if you kind of remember in your brain


matches with him sort of so those m

sounds uh her and him therefore make a


so if you have trouble remembering

between he and she and her and him

you can use that m rule to remember that

the m sound in him

fits with whom just one other point


use of who and whom um typically at

least in american english

we tend to use who more often

in everyday speech not as many native


are so like strict about their use of

whom in everyday conversation

of course some people are for sure but

if you focus

too much on using who and whom correctly

in your speech

you might come off you might sound a

little bit like pretentious to some


again it depends on the kind of people

you’re speaking with but in general

casual conversations most people or i

should say

many people just use who in almost

every sentence even if whom is probably

grammatically correct

we tend to rely more on who in casual


so you will find the native speakers

technically do make mistakes with this

i’m sure i do as well

so i would say don’t be too concerned

about always getting the difference

between these two correct

especially in speech if however you’re

writing something formal or if you’re


a formal presentation it might be a good

idea to consider this

so just for your reference this is a

couple of or these are rather a couple

of examples

and a couple of ways that you can try to

decide which of these words to use so i

hope that this

was helpful for you of course if you

have any questions please let us know in

the comment section below this video

if you like the video also please make

sure to like it with the thumbs up


subscribe to the channel if you have not

already and check us out at english

englishclass101.com for some other good


thanks very much for watching this

episode and i will see you again

soon bye-bye hi everybody my name is

alicia welcome back to top words

today we’re going to talk about 10

phrases for

gossip let’s go oh my god

so the first phrase is

oh my god so so oh my god

so is a introductory phrase you can

use to start your topic with like a

surprise factor so you say oh my god

and then so is your transition phrase so

for example oh my god so i have to tell

you about this movie i saw

or oh my god so i saw my neighbor

in the shopping mall this morning or oh

my god so

did you see my new dog it’s kind of a

weird one

usually it’s about a person not about a

dog but who knows

you won’t believe what happened to me

the other day

the next expression is you won’t believe

what happened to me

the other day you won’t believe what

happened to me the other day

meaning something happened to you

and you think it’s going to be a

surprise to the person

listening to you you won’t believe what

happened to me the other day so it’s a


fast phrase because it sounds like you

want to share

very quickly like you won’t believe what

happened to me you can drop the other

day if you want or you said you can say

you won’t believe what happened to me

this morning you won’t believe what

happened to me last night you won’t

believe what happened to me this weekend

you won’t believe what happened to me

over my winter vacation so that you

won’t believe what happened to me gets

very very quick

and short so examples uh you won’t

believe what happened to me the other


i ran into my ex-boss or you won’t

believe what happened to me the other


i tripped and fell down a flight of

stairs or

uh you won’t believe what happened to me

the other day i got

a new parrot sure

i don’t know maybe one of you can use


guess what the next phrase is very short

the next phrase is like an

exclamation so an excited statement and

a question

guess what guess what so

guess what is inviting the listener to

guess what happened to you

guess what the full question would be

guess what happened or guess what

happened to me

but we only say guess what so guess what

and sometimes the listener guesses

and sometimes the listener just says

what usually the listener just says

what uh as so meaning you should

continue the story

so if you say guess what i quit my job


guess what i saw my best friend

with a new guy i haven’t seen before

another example uh guess what i got a

new car

something like that so some kind of

shocking like

um difficult to guess situation

i haven’t told you about this yet the

next expression is

i haven’t told you about this yet i


told you about this yet so have not


haven’t i haven’t told you about this

yet so maybe

you’ve told you have told other people

but this specific person maybe you have

not told that person your news or some


yet but this yet implies

you are planning to or you want to tell

them this so

uh it’s it’s kind of creates a little

suspense i haven’t told you about this


so we could use this like i haven’t told

you about this yet i’m going to france

next summer or i haven’t told you about

this yet but i broke up with my

boyfriend last night

or i haven’t told you about this yet but

i’m throwing a big party for my

co-worker this weekend can you come

other examples i haven’t told you about

this yet i saw my boss

out for dinner with someone who’s not

his wife oh oh my god that’s not true

that’s not true or i haven’t told you

about this yet

i heard that the company is gonna

go bankrupt also not true

okay so those are some pretty juicy

juicy gossip that’s an expression we use

we say

juicy gossip is something that’s like

really really interesting

gossip or really interesting story about

people we say

juicy gossip for that have you heard


the next expression is have you heard

about blah blah blah

have you heard about can be followed

with a noun phrase have you heard about

a person you can use a person or have

you heard about

a situation you can use both you can use


an object too so have you heard about

the new iphone or have you heard about

the new

office policies um you can use that

um for pretty much anything um you want

to inform your listener about

so have you heard about is usually said

very quickly

have you heard about so the you becomes

shortened to yeah

have you heard about have you heard

about blah blah blah so

have you heard about the new secretary

have you heard about our new boss or

have you heard about

my co-worker quitting his job have you

heard about

the neighbors above us they’re moving so

you can use

people here for gossip expressions or

you can use

objects um in this expression just to

introduce something new

very useful phrase have you heard about

my mom

sorry mom i don’t know why you came into

that one okay

so the other day the next expression

is kind of like the beginning to a story


maybe this can be for gossip maybe it

can just be

like a story something interesting or

maybe boring

that happened to you the expression is

so the other day

so the other day so the other day

the other day here means not today some

other day

which day it doesn’t really matter it’s

not really important but we say

the other day someday in the past this

expression is used for it

so we can say so the other day i was

sitting at my desk in the office when

my manager came and asked if he could

speak to me

or so the other day i was shopping and i

ran into my ex-boyfriend

or so the other day i was renting a car

and the former president

of the united states came into the car

rental shop

what all right so the other day just

some day in the past

so i was talking with and

the next one you can use um maybe for


sometimes but also you can use for

making plans

it’s so i was talking with someone

and blah blah so i was talking with

someone means you were having a


uh at another time with a person

and you want to kind of report

information or

share something from that conversation

with the person listening now

so i might say so i was talking with


and i think that we should plan a party

for this weekend what do you think so i

was talking with

my team about this and i think that we

should make some changes

so that’s a very kind of everyday work

situation use of this phrase

um but you can also use it for gossip

like so i was talking to my best friend

and i think i’m gonna move or i was

talking to my parents

and i think it’s best if we break up

oh so it can be for plans it can be for

gossip it can be for just

any conversation plus a report

what’s up with the next expression is

kind of a little like mysterious

then the expression is what’s up with

blah blah blah

usually what’s up with person for gossip

meaning there’s like the nuance here is

there’s some

problem where it seems like something’s

wrong with this person they’re unhappy

they’re sad they’re angry

some kind of negative emotion we use

this so it’s like

what’s up with stevens i haven’t heard

from him lately what’s up with your

brother he seems really upset or what’s

up with your

neighbor why is he so noisy or what’s up

with your

boss he’s so strict so it sounds like

there’s some problem we usually use this

intonation what’s up with what’s up with

to introduce somebody who has a problem

we don’t say

what’s up it’s not that it’s not that

sort of hello

um expression it’s a it’s an expression

for a problem you can also use a noun

phrase that is not a person here like

what’s up with this new office policy or

what’s up with this new rule at work or

what’s up with this new item on the menu

at this restaurant it’s super weird

so what’s up with blah blah blah has

sort of a negative nuance you can use it

for people

to talk about strange behavior what’s up


you have you heard from

lately the next expression is have you

heard from blah blah blah

lately have you heard from person lately

have you heard from stevens lately i

haven’t seen him

have you heard from your mom lately have

you heard from your dad lately have you

heard from your brother lately

have you heard from your landlord lately

i don’t know why you hear from your

landlord but

have you heard from someone lately there

is sort of an ex

like a little bit of an expectation that


are in contact with the person involved

in this sentence like you have some

relationship maybe it’s a family

relationship romantic relationship

professional relationship

there’s some relationship with this

person and lately it’s like

have you heard from them recently lately

in the last few days in the last few

weeks so you can use this

if for example you are looking for


or you’re worried about someone you can

use this here

you can also use it just just to check

in about some other person

without asking that person directly so

like if i want to ask about

i’m using risa in my example risa is our

japanese channel host

um if i want to ask about how risa is

but i don’t want to ask risa i know

maybe she’s busy

or i don’t know for some reason i it’s

difficult to talk to her

i can ask like my co-worker i can say

hey have you heard from risa lately

it seems she’s really busy or have you

heard from so and so lately it seems

they’re busy

so if i want to ask about another person

but i don’t want to bother this person

or that something makes it difficult

i can use have you heard from blah blah

blah recently or

lately to ask about them very useful


i have to tell you about next expression

um the next expression is i have to tell

you about

blah blah blah i have to tell you so

have to becomes hafta

i have to tell you about it has a nice

sound i have to tell you about blah blah

or i have to tell you about

something so i have to tell you about my

weekend i have to tell you about stevens

i have to tell you about my mom

i have to tell you about my boyfriend i

should tell you about my girlfriend

whatever it is some person used at the

end of this sentence

creates a nuance like there’s exciting

news about that person

or i have to tell you about this thing

that happened you can use a situation at

the end of the sentence too

but you’re using i have to at the

beginning of this sentence

so that sounds like it’s really

important like i feel

it’s so important it’s my responsibility

to tell you

because this is so exciting of course

you can use this in more boring

situations as well like i have to tell

you about the new

office policy you can use it in that way

with a very flat intonation

but for gossip purposes use i have to

tell you about blah blah blah

that sounds really good so what do you

have to tell somebody about i have to

tell you about this new idea i have for

a business

or i have to tell you about what

happened to me last night

okay so there are these really exciting

ways that we can introduce

things that happened or that we can talk

about people or whatever

okay so those are 10 phrases that you

can use for

gossip i hope that those are useful i

hope you don’t gossip too much i don’t

really like to gossip

that much but sometimes it’s a little

bit useful so

give them a try if you want to try them

out a little bit you can do so in the

comments section below the video for


if you liked this video please make sure

to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to

our channel too

check us out at englishclass101.com for

more good stuff

as well thank you very much for watching

this episode of top words and i will see

you again soon

bye hi everybody welcome back to know

your verbs my name is alicia and in this

lesson we’re going to look at the verb

watch let’s get started

so the basic definition of the verb


is to focus the eyes on something that


moving usually we expect it to move so

like now you’re watching

this video in a sentence

let’s watch a movie later can i call you

back i’m watching a baseball game

so let’s look at the conjugations for

this verb

present watch watches

past watched past participle

watched progressive watching

now let’s talk about some additional

meanings of this verb

the first additional meaning is to stay

with someone or to stay with something

to ensure safety like to kind of guard

that thing or to protect

that thing examples i have to watch my

neighbor’s kids for a couple hours

can you watch my plants for a while next


okay so in both of these sentences we

see the verb

watch is used to mean ensure

the safety of something in the first

example sentence

it’s i have to watch my neighbor’s kids

so we’re ensuring the safety of the kids

in the second sentence we use plants can

you watch my plants it

doesn’t mean like forever like watch the

plants grow

it means just make sure my plants are

okay while i’m out of town for something


it doesn’t mean watch my plants forever

it just means

to make sure my plants are safe like to

take care of my plants

while i’m out of town for example so

also the nuance here the feeling here

is that this is just a temporary


so when we’re watching someone’s kids or

like watching someone’s pet while

they’re away

it’s just a temporary situation okay

let’s go to the second

extra meaning for today uh the second


the second meaning of watch is to be

careful of something

to be careful of something examples

watch your language he needs to watch

his weight

so in both of these we could replace be


with watch so in the first one we could

say be careful

of your language in the second one be

careful of your weight

so in other words there’s some kind of

danger or you need to be careful because

something about your behavior or

something you’ve said

something you’ve done is maybe not a

good idea

so be careful of that thing but we say

watch instead watch that thing instead

of be careful of

that thing in addition so we can also

just use

watch out as a set phrase which means be


in general so if we’re in a situation

where we

quickly want to warn someone of

something like danger

something bad might happen we can say

watch out

really quickly so watch out doesn’t mean


look or watch something it means be


we always say watch out if you have time

and if you want to be specific you can

say watch out

for something like watch out for that

car or watch out for that child

watch out for those bees watch out for

your computer it’s going to fall

something like that we always say watch

out for

or just in quick situations watch out

just means be careful

as well

all right let’s go on to the first

variation so the first variation is

watch it watch it so watch it also means

be careful like watch out or just the

regular watch

your something but watch it is very


and actually kind of aggressive so watch


implies like if you don’t take care

i might do something bad to you like

it’s so it’s quite an aggressive phrase

examples watch it i’m walking

you better watch it kid you better

watch it or else i’m gonna

do something bad to you i don’t know so

it’s aggressive it’s an aggressive


and you should not use it with people


are above you you should not use it in

polite situations

i would not really recommend using this

but you might see this in tv shows

in other media watch it it means be


but it’s aggressive okay let’s go to the

next variation

the next variation is to keep watch to

keep watch

this means like to stand guard to guard

against like to protect something

this expression means like to guard

against danger and it often means

alone like often you’re doing it by

yourself while someone else like

sleeps so examples i’m going to keep

first watch tonight

you keep watch i’m going to get some


so to keep watch means like to stay

awake or to stay

alert looking for something that might

be dangerous

so you can see this in movies where like

people are traveling somewhere and

they’re camping out on the side of the


like maybe in lord of the rings or

something where everybody’s sleeping but

one person is awake

near the fire watching to see if

anything dangerous happens and then they

wake up other people

if something dangerous is coming so

they’re sort of the guard

in that case so to keep watch in that

case okay

let’s go to the last variation ah the

last variation

okay the last variation is to watch


back to watch one’s back

so to watch your back let’s use that to

watch your back means to be cautious

about your safety to be cautious about

your safety so to be careful about


not because of some like physical object

like a bus is gonna come and get you i

don’t know

no it means like someone uh an enemy

might try to do something bad to you so

watch your back

examples of this you’d better watch your

back stevens

uh one more example hey watch your back

you’re making enemies

so in these cases watch your back is

said rather seriously and

with the meaning that you need to be

careful someone might try to hurt you in

the future

it could be physically it could be

financially it could be like your


whatever watch your back mean be careful

like someone might try to hurt you

in some way however be careful

um this expression watch your back is

totally different from

got your back so watch your back and got

your back totally different

got your back is a support phrase like

i’ve got your back

means i’m supporting you no problem i

will try to help you

or i’ll try to support you i’ll try to

keep you safe i’ve got your back

no problems watch your back means be


you might be in danger you should be

careful you have enemies so

quite different watch your back got your

back alright so i hope that you got a

few new meanings for the verb

watch that you can use there if you have

any questions comments or if you want to

try to use the verb watch please feel

free to do so in the comments section of

this video

of course if you liked the video please

give us a thumbs up

subscribe to the channel and check us

out at englishclass101.com for other

good study resources

thanks very much for watching this

episode of know your verbs and we’ll see

you again

next time bye hi everybody welcome back

to know your verbs my name is alicia and

in this episode we’re going to talk

about the verb

follow let’s go

so the basic definition of this verb is

to move behind someone or something

and to go to the same place that that


or thing is going to examples i’ll

follow you to the park

follow me i know where we’re going

the conjugations of this verb now


follow follows past

followed past participle followed

progressive following

now let’s talk about some additional

meanings of this verb

okay the first additional meaning is to


to understand examples i don’t follow


do you follow so we can really just

replace the word

follow with understand here in the first

example sentence

i don’t follow you we can say i don’t

understand you

it means i don’t understand what you’re

saying or i don’t understand what you’re


i don’t follow you it sounds more casual

like i don’t follow your

train of thought train of thought means

like the path you took to arrive at your

destination thinking wise

follow you just sounds more casual it’s

like i can’t understand i can’t

follow the path of your logic in other

words so i don’t follow you

in the second sentence it’s a question

do you follow meaning do you understand

do you understand what i’m saying so

follow can mean understand

quite simply okay let’s go to the second

meaning for this verb so the second one

is to happen

after something else to come after

something else

examples of this a delicious dessert

followed the roast chicken

a luxurious hot spring experience

follows a massage on this one day tour

in these example sentences we see follow

is used to describe

something that happens after something

else in the first example sentence i

mentioned a dessert

that followed a roast chicken so yes

dessert is being presented first in the


so i said a delicious dessert followed a


chicken so that means a delicious

dessert came after

a roast chicken so followed yes followed

shows the thing that came

after the other thing so we see the same

thing in the second example sentence

a luxurious hot spring experience


a relaxing massage so yes luxurious hot

spring experience

is first in the sentence however we’re

using the verb

follows so that means it comes after a


in this case so yes it’s presented first

in the sentence but

uh this use of follow means come after

so that means we’re presenting a

sequence in this way let’s go to the

third meaning

which is to obey to obey

so to obey something okay examples of

this to obey

did you follow the instructions on the

instant ramen she decided to follow her

manager’s advice

so in both of these sentences we’re

meaning obey with the verb

follow so we could say did you obey the

instructions on the instant ramen

but obey sounds quite strong we use obey

for like people who are in positions of

power above

us so in this case with ramen it’s


so we usually say follow the

instructions on the packaging so

meaning obey the instructions on the

packaging but obey is quite a strong


we use follow instead in the second

sentence she

followed her manager’s advice it’s like

she obeyed her manager’s advice

so yes a manager is in a position of

power above you

sure obey is typically used when we

are given like strict orders for

something like

like military or like something from the

president something from very high up

and like very strong orders like

like obey your commanding officer or

something like that

in this case it’s advice meaning that

it’s probably not so

serious it’s like a suggestion and it’s

a manager

so she has probably like a workplace


so we would probably use follow

someone’s advice

in this case so follow means obey but

it’s not

quite as strong not nearly as strong

much softer so the fourth meaning

is to be very interested in something

and to watch that thing

closely examples of this i don’t really

follow sports

she’s been following the news very

closely so the first example sentence is

a negative

i don’t really follow sports meaning i

don’t really have much interest in

and therefore i don’t really watch much


in the second example sentence she’s

been following the news

very closely it means she’s been very

interested in

and watching a lot of news lately so

this use of follow is quite convenient

it it

includes meanings of being interested in

something and watching something

carefully or closely so to follow a

topic or to follow an activity so this

means being interested

in that activity and doing or seeing or

reading about

a lot of it

variations let’s look at some variations

of this verb the first variation

is to follow suit to follow suit

this means to do the same thing as the


previously mentioned in the sentence or

in the situation

examples my manager just quit the

company i think i’m gonna follow suit

her boyfriend decided to leave the party

so she followed suit

so in both of these examples we see one


makes a decision or takes an action and

the other person does the same thing

we show that with the expression follow

suit so in the first example my manager

quit the company

i think i’m gonna follow suit so i think

i’m going to do the same thing as the

person i just mentioned

so my manager quit the company i think

i’m going to do that as well i think i’m

going to follow

suit in the second example sentence her

boyfriend decided to leave the party

so she followed suit so he left the


she decided to do the same thing he did


followed suit past tense she did the

same thing he did

so follow suit means to do the same

thing as the

person previously mentioned the next

variation is to

follow through to follow through we

often use to follow through

on or to follow through with something

this means to keep a promise or to do


you said you were going to do examples i

hate it when people don’t follow through

with their plans

that’s true that’s called flaking okay

example sentence number two

i’m going to follow through on my

resolution to find a new job

okay so here we see a couple examples so

the first one is sort of a negative

statement i hate it when people

don’t follow through with their plans


i hate it when people don’t do the

things they say they’re going to do

so i hate it when people make a plan and

break the plan

or make a suggestion and don’t do that

thing so

they don’t follow through with their

plans in the second example the speaker

previously made a resolution a

resolution is a kind of goal

so the speaker previously made a

resolution the speaker has decided to

follow through meaning to to try to


that resolution to try to

do that action so that means that the

speaker is going to find a new

job so the speaker is going to do the

thing he or she

promised to do the last variation for

follow today is to follow in someone’s

footsteps to follow in someone’s

footsteps this is kind of an easy one to


so to follow in the same footsteps as

someone who walked

before you however that person who

walked before you

is typically a parent or maybe a

grandparent or someone

senior to you that you admire example


he’s following in his father’s footsteps

and becoming a lawyer

she decided not to follow in her

mother’s footsteps after all

so to follow in someone’s footsteps

typically refers to a career choice

so in the first example sentence we saw

lawyer so he decided to follow

in his father’s footsteps meaning he

decided to do the same thing his father


as a career become a lawyer so

meaning chose the same thing as his


in the second we see a different


she decided not to follow in her

mother’s footsteps meaning she chose a

different career path

from her mother or she chose a different

life path from her mother

so to follow in someone’s footsteps

means to do the same thing

usually the same career as their parent

or their grandparent so those are a few

new ways to use the verb

follow i hope if you have any questions

if you want to try to make a sentence or

if you know some other ways to use


please feel free to try it out in the

comments great so

if you liked the video please make sure

to give it a thumbs up subscribe to the

channel if you haven’t already and check

us out at englishclass101.com for some

other good study tools

thanks very much for watching this

episode of know your verbs and we’ll see

you again next time



good for some uh

i really have to sneeze hi everybody

welcome back to know your verbs my name

is alicia and in this lesson we’re going

to talk about the verb

stop let’s go

so the basic definition is to finish

doing something

to stop example sentences stop hitting


i need to stop laughing so much

now let’s look at the conjugations of

this verb present

stop stops passed

stopped past participle stopped

progressive stopping

now let’s talk about some additional

meanings of this verb

the first meaning here is to pause

during an activity examples

let’s stop for lunch they’re stopping at

the supermarket on their way to the


so each of these example sentences shows


pause in an activity the first example


let’s stop for lunch could mean like

maybe people are working

let’s stop meaning let’s take a break

eat lunch and come back to the activity

so let’s pause

do this thing come back later let’s

pause let’s stop

for lunch the second example sentence

they’re stopping at the supermarket on

their way here

means they the people here are coming

to some location coming to a party maybe


on the way in the act of coming they’re

going to

stop at the supermarket so pause the

activity of coming

and go to the supermarket to get

something and then continue

coming to the party or continue coming

to the event so

there’s some pause we can use stop to

mean pause

in some other activity the next meaning

is to block

something to block something we often

use this for like a hole or a leak

or we need to keep something out of

something else like

rushing liquid like water for example


we stopped the leaky pipe with special


we stopped up the hole with old fabric

so you’ll see in the second sentence

there i used the preposition

up to stop up something when you’re


stop to refer to fixing a hole so


putting things into a hole to fix a hole

we typically use the preposition up step

up a hole step up a leak

stop up a crack i suppose mostly for

whole though

so when you want to talk about blocking

something else out we can say to stop

something like to stop the water as well

means you block the water

but if you’re talking about um like

filling a hole

like to stop something from coming in um

you can use stop

up the hole so it means you block

something so we could say

uh stop the water from coming into the

river or like

stop the bugs from coming into the house

by putting a screen

on the door for example you’re blocking

them from coming in

the third meaning for this lesson is to


not to move to cause not to move


can you stop the car i feel sick stop


i’m trying to take your picture so to

cause not to move

means to maybe seize the operation

c’s means stop but seize means to make

something come to an

end so like in the first example

sentence stop the car

it means i want the car not to move i

feel sick

so to cause something not to move is to


that thing the fourth meaning of this

verb for this lesson is to

not operate to not operate this is

especially used for like machines

examples uh oh my computer has stopped


they’re stopping work at the factory

early today so this means some

operation is not happening so some

something is not operating it’s not


so in the first example my computer has

stopped working i used the past tense

stopped stopped my computer has stopped

working means like oh

it’s not working so it was working now

it’s not

it’s stopped it is no longer operational

in the second sentence it’s about a

factory uh in the second sentence i’m

using the progressive form they’re

stopping work at the factory early today

so this sentence means there’s a plan at

the factory

to stop work early today so we use the

progressive form

they’re stopping work early to refer to

a determined plan

a plan that’s been determined prior to

the conversation they’re stopping work


so that means operations will cease

they’re not going to continue

let’s continue on to some variations now

the first variation of the verb

stop is to stop by to stop by it means

to visit

for a short time so to stop by the house

to stop by the store to stop by the


other examples stop by the house

sometime and say hello

we’re going to stop by the bar later it

just means to make a short visit

we’ll stop by a place or you can just

say we’ll stop by later

it means if the if the place is

understood by the listener

you can drop the place we’ll stop by

later it’s fine

the next variation is stop at nothing

stop at nothing interesting phrase

this expression means someone is willing

to do

anything in order to achieve

something willing to do anything so

we’ll stop we’ll we’ll cease

for no reason we’ll stop at nothing in

order to achieve something

examples i’ll stop at nothing to get a

date with that movie star

he’ll stop at nothing to get that boat

he wants so meaning

these people will do anything to achieve

their goal they will stop at nothing to

achieve their goal

right so those are a few maybe new ways

to use the verb stop

for you i hope you got something new out

of this lesson if you have any questions

comments or if you’d like to try to make

a sentence using the verb

stop please feel free to do so in the

comments section

of course if you liked the video please

make sure to give us a thumbs up

subscribe to the channel and check us

out at englishclass101.com for other

good study resources

thank you very much for watching this

episode of know your verbs and we’ll see

you again

next time bye bye don’t stop

believe and there we go we got one we

got one

we have a total of three out of twelve

whoa three out of 13 now i think we’re


want to speak real english from your

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lifetime account at englishclass101.com

hi everybody my name is alicia and today

we’re going to be talking about 10

of the hardest words to pronounce

according to you guys so we collected

some information from you on facebook

thanks very much for sending in your


and these were the top 10 uh most

difficult words

for you to pronounce so let’s get

started absolutely

absolutely absolutely might be tough to


absolutely means 100 absolutely is uh

an agreement phrase are you going to

that music event next week

absolutely yes 100 definitely absolutely

loot like a loot l-u-t-e

b grime the grime apparently means dirty

i’ve never heard

nor used this word before but perhaps

it’s difficult to pronounce

begrime the door to my apartment was


in the storm last week breakfast

the next word is breakfast breakfast is

hard to pronounce

but that is the meaning of breakfast

you’re breaking the fast so a fast is a

period of time without eating

and to break means to just well in this

case breaking something it doesn’t refer

to like

crushing a thing but um stopping

something to break the fast

of the night in other words so you’re

fasting during the night you’re not


so you wake up in the morning you break

the fast but we don’t say breakfast we

say breakfast

in a sentence this morning for breakfast

i ate

a bowl of cereal with grapes and i had a

coffee too

colleague colleague yes colleague many

of my students struggle with this they


colleague or they say call you

or something because the spelling of

this word is really really strange

there’s that g-u-e

at the end or more commonly i feel it’s

just co-worker

colleague sounds slightly more formal to

me than co-worker somebody who you work

with or somebody who

you have a business relationship with in

some sense could be a person from

another company could be somebody from

your own company

anyone who you do business dealings with

is your colleague can be your colleague

in a sentence i’m going to a networking

event with my colleagues next week

miscellaneous that misc miscellaneous

it’s just

the spelling i think maybe is confusing

for this word miscellaneous

miscellaneous just means other stuff or

just other

uncategorized stuff i keep a lot of

miscellaneous items in a drawer in my


maybe they don’t they don’t really fit

into one category like it’s not kitchen

things it’s not

clothing it’s just sort of a mixture of

of things miscellaneous things

negotiation the next word is negotiation

negotiation yeah there are two

t’s in this but neither t is a hard t

they’re both very soft that sh

sound because they’re followed by the i

and another vowel that she

a negotiation negotiation refers to

a compromise between two people you’re

trying to make a decision and

you negotiate in this case it’s a noun

form negotiation

business negotiations continued for more

than a month with this important deal

realm realm i see why this one’s hard

it’s that rome

part little realm it’s a weird word

isn’t it it’s used to talk about just


the kind of a fantasy world is sort of

the nuance of this phrase the realm uh

in a sentence

let us go to the realm where the elves


and eat their bread unfortunately

the next word is unfortunately


unfortunately just means too bad uh you

can use this to

to start bad news for example like

unfortunately i can’t come to work today

because i’m sick or

unfortunately i broke my arm at the

basketball game last week

or unfortunately my haircut is

bad vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary

vocab vocabulary vocabulary

vocabulary vocabulary just refers to

the uh words in a language my vocabulary

in my second language is really really


i need a bigger vocabulary so that i can

express myself more clearly

world world ah i see why this one’s hard

world world hard to pronounce that rld i


uh together is tough plus that w at the

beginning as well it’s such a short word

but you have to say

so many weird things at the same time


your tongue is going like this

in a sentence i have traveled all over

the world and the best food is

in my stomach

that’s the end so those were 10 hard to

pronounce words

give them a try slowly at first and just

kind of try to work up to

saying it at a more natural speed if you

like thank you so much for sharing your

opinions with us on facebook

and please make sure to subscribe to our

channel so that you don’t miss out on

any of this fun information

so thanks again for watching today and

we’ll see you again next time bye

you don’t need new

shoes you need new feet hi everybody

welcome back my name is alicia

and today we’re going to be talking

about some english tongue twisters i’m

joined again by

michael hey everybody so today we’re

going to be talking about some things in

english that are difficult to say that

might be difficult for you and they’re

probably going to be difficult for us to

explain so let’s get right into it

michael what is your first tongue

twister my first tongue twister is

how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if

a woodchuck

could chuck wood one more time a little

bit faster

how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if

a woodchuck could chuck wood excellent

and there is a traditional response to

this one you’re familiar with the


once you tell me it’s a question right

this this is it ends in a question

there’s a question mark on your car and

the traditional response is

it would chuck all the wood that a

woodchuck could if a woodchuck could

chuck wood

ah yeah i have it on one of my cards

actually i think too

this was totally unplanned i would like

to point out yeah here it is

it would chuck all the wood that a

woodchuck could if a woodchuck could

chuck wood

so you can you can use this with your

friends if you want all right let’s do

it real quick ready okay

how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if

a woodchuck

could chuck wood it would chuck all the

wood that a woodchuck could if a

woodchuck could chuck wood

all right there’s one down okay uh

let’s see we’ve talked about that one

already so i guess i’ll go with another

classic one

that i’ve known since i was little this

one uses the p

sound a lot peter piper picked a pack of

pickled peppers

lots of p sounds in this one can you

speed it up for us

well i don’t know if i can say it in the

first place peter piper picked the

have you not heard this one before i

have it okay peter piper

picked a pack of pickled peppers hold on

one more time peter piper picked a pack

of pickled peppers for me it helps if

you snap

okay peter piper picked a pack of

pickled peppers peter piper picked a


oh my god i can’t do it maybe it’s

better if you don’t read it those are

peter no no you i can’t do it peter

piper picked a fact of pickled peppers

that wasn’t very good i wasn’t perfect

one more time one more time peter piper

picked a pack of pickled peppers

one more three more times peter piper

picked a pack of pickled peppers

peter piper picked oh dude i i can’t do


peter piper picked a pack of pickled

peppers there we go peter piper picked a

pack of pickled peppers peter piper

picked a pack of pick

oh man that’s tough the piece man i

can’t do the piece

oh wow these can’t do you either okay

go to your next one what’s your next one

uh no my

brain is frazzled now okay uh oh i just

like this one i’ve actually never heard

this before

but i like it because there’s a lot of

th’s in it and a lot of

foreign people who are learning english

let me say that

a lot of non-native english speakers

have trouble with th that’s been true

for a lot of my students regardless of

where they’re from what their native

language is so

the 33 thieves thought that they

thrilled the throne throughout thursday

well i’ve never seen this one yeah me

either but i just thought it was good


i remember th so the 33 thieves thought

that they thrilled the throne throughout


want to give it a try yeah i’m gonna try

the 33 thieves thought that they

thrilled the throne throughout thursday

that’s a good one that’s a really good

one for th sounds i think

it’s not it’s i think the consonant

sounds like the hard consonant sounds

like the p

sound or the well maybe even the w sound

a little bit like it’s easy to say that

quickly but this one’s really tough to

say quickly i think and clearly

the 33 thieves thought that they throw


it just doesn’t come out as smoothly

maybe spitting a lot maybe

maybe so okay i guess i’ll go to my next

one i really have

no faith that i’m gonna be able to say

this at all this is like the hardest

thing that i think

i was able to find i’m gonna have to

read it slowly the six

sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick

yeah what okay yeah the sixth sick

sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick yeah the


six oh like the second word you can’t

even say it

it’s really hard one more time all right

this the sixth sick chic

sixth cheap sick the sixth oh that was

good that was good

that was way better yeah we’ll just

leave it on that one that’s six i did it


the sixth sixth chic sixth sheep sick

that’s really hard it’s really i don’t

think i can say it any faster than that

the sixth sixth sheik’s sixth oh oh

i can’t i’m i’m the loss of words

okay one more time okay

the sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s

sick the sixth

sick oh one and one says two two got it

out the one time

i was solid i’m sorry i gave it up i

give up okay

what’s your next one my next one is

the soldier’s shoulder surely hurts

another one i’ve actually never heard

but i liked it because everyone knows

sally sells

seashells down by the seashore the s and

the sh is confusing

and many times in english like surely

there’s no sh but it makes that that sh

sound so it’s a fun one

yeah the soldier’s shoulder surely hurts

the soldier’s shoulder surely hurts

wanna give it a try the soldier’s

shoulder surely hurts this is the tough

part here for me anyway is this the


shoulder making that sound really

clearly is that the soldier’s shoulder

surely hurts

yeah yeah you make it sound so easy wow

professional not really

okay uh on to the last one this one

is really short actually it’s only two


but it’s tricky it’s really tricky i

can’t say this fast

irish wrish wrist watch

okay irish by itself is fine wristwatch

is fine but together they’re really hard

to say


i can’t say it irish wrist watch

really hard irish wrist watch yeah

very slow okay irish oh wow it’s really

hard it doesn’t it seems easier than it

is yeah i was saying i thought come on

okay i irish wristwatch irish


irish wristwatch irish wristwatch irish


nice there we go okay irish wrist

can’t sing this one irish wrist

i can’t try it this one’s hard this

one’s really hard for me but yeah only

two words

it’s just it’s just that combination of

the sh and the r

that’s just i can’t i got nothing on

that one

all right do you have any more no i

think that’s it oh wow

that was a good one that was really

tough that was really tough okay we’ll

give them a try

please give them a try and if you have

any tongue twisters preferably in


please share them with us in the

comments there are great ways to

practice your pronunciation

and you can impress your friends if you

can do them quickly thank you again for

joining us and we’ll see you again soon

bye top essay oh hi sorry i forgot to

say hi again

hi everybody and welcome back to weekly

words this week

the topic is going to be s-a-t

words words that students who are

studying for the s.a.t

the s.a.t is a kind of college

preparatory test or a test that students

take usually to

apply for colleges the words are

typically fairly challenging

for high school students and these are

some of the words that

might cause trouble for some people

so let’s begin the first word is


assiduous is a word that means somebody

who is a persistent or who is

always trying to do their best to work

really really hard

you might have a co-worker who is

deciduous i suppose you could also use


if you’re just describing anything

that’s hard working like ants for

example you might say ants are very

assiduous creatures they work hard they

can lift more than their own body weight

okay that’s pretty good next intuitive

intuitive someone who is intuitive is

someone who has a good

instinct or they’re able to sense what

the right thing is to do without you

know having to

be taught what the right thing is so

uh let’s say maybe you’re going surfing

for the first time and it comes to you

really really easily

uh after just your first couple tries

your friends might say like wow

you’re really intuitive you know how to

do this without you know having to take

a lesson or anything

great job a good trait to be intuitive

precocious precocious is another usually

a positive word

precocious is usually used for children

children who

are kind of strangely talented at


even when they’re very very little so

maybe you’ve seen on youtube a kid who

can play the piano

extremely well even though he or she is

five years old

we might say he’s precocious or she’s a

precocious child she can do so much but

she’s so

young it’s usually a very impressive

thing that the kids are able to do

all right the next one is evanescent


evanescence evanescent is another

adjective which means something that

fades away rather quickly or something

that’s very short-lived

oh to be very romantic about it you

might say the scent of her perfume was

very evanescent you could smell it

for a brief moment and then it faded

away yeah that was kind of nice

the next word is anecdote an anecdote is

usually some kind of a short

funny story that’s a retelling of an

event that happened to you

it might be a written story or a spoken

story oh

want to hear an anecdote about my last

trip to bali it was hilarious

i don’t know that i’d ever say that

though it’s not something you’d use so

much in casual conversation i feel like

a critic

might write this word about someone

else’s writing the anecdotes she chooses

to include in her writing are very


for example okay well we’ve learned a

few sat words that

students might have trouble with when

they’re studying for the test in their

high school years

i hope that you find some of these words

useful and can use them in your daily

life as well

thanks for joining us this week and i

will see you again next time bye bye

okay welcome back to weekly words

weekly words uh i’m alicia and today

we’re going to talk about

words that make you sound smart oh i’m

all over this one

first word is esoteric when something is


it’s all right so the word esoteric

refers to

um something that requires specialized


so in a conversation somebody might use

this word to say sorry to be esoteric

and then they’ll continue talking about

some subject or some concept that

requires a certain level of knowledge in

the given field

next word superfluous superfluous just


extra really so can a person be


so superfluous yeah just just refers to

stuff that’s

um maybe not necessary or the x the

extra just stuff or extra

extra things uh in a given context so

maybe you know

oh i have so much superfluous stuff in

my kitchen of course

using superfluous in such a casual way

like that is very unnatural but you

could do it

if you really wanted to sound smart

acquiesce acquiesce

means to um like you might have oh like

can i say a line from pirates of the

caribbean something like

he will not acquiesce to your request or

she will not acquiesce to your request

just means she won’t obey or listen or

do as

told um but that’s it’s the same exact

meaning to acquiesce to

accept something uh yeah to go along


angst angst refers to just kind of this

like that that unhappy feeling this sort

of angry or maybe melancholy

or just feeling like you know you’re

misunderstood so a teenager

or i suppose a teenager themselves might

not use this word but the parents of the

teenager might say

oh my teenager is so filled with angst

kitsch kitsch kitsch refers to in my

mind anyway

just um junk honestly it’s the little

things that you know

might crowd your house like a snow globe

or special little ornaments or just um

you know decorative knickknacks

you might say oh my aunt’s apartment is

really kitschy

it means she has maybe like a lot of

knickknacks or the style is just kind of

all right that is the end so those were

a few words to make you sound

smart i hope that you learned something

i certainly did and i’ll see you again

next time thank you

bye all right welcome back to weekly

words i’m alicia

and this week we’re going to talk about


mispronounced mispronounced wow

this week we’re going to talk about

commonly mispronounced words words that

are often

pronounced incorrectly this is funny

i enjoy mispronouncing this first word

the first word is

hyperbole hyperbole um it’s not


though it does sound very funny to say

that hyperbole just means

to exaggerate something um or to make to

blow something up make it

uh really extreme my friend uses a lot

of hyperbole when she talks about her

life stories i really don’t think some

of those things happen to her

hyperbole not hyperbole next

antarctic not ah

oh i see antarctic is the correct

pronunciation of this word

some people say an antar antarctic


oh i guess when you’re saying this word

quickly you might leave out that

first c in the antarctic so don’t say

that don’t do that say antarctic

the the very very cold region the arctic

is the north cold region on the planet

earth the south is the ant arctic

they’re sort of like almost a hiccup in

the word they’re antarctic

oh uh in a sentence i’m thinking about

taking a cruise to the antarctic what do

you think i need

a penguin suit etc not

etc oh yeah okay i’ve heard i hear this

ek x thing a lot etc is just used at the

end of a list

to imply that you mean other things

so the list is not exclusive to the

things that you’ve listed

other things can also be included in it

so in a sample sentence

types of fruits are apples oranges

peaches etc

there are others as well so don’t say

etc that’s not correct

etc it’s good the next word is

jewelry what not mones

the next word is jewelry jewelry i think

i’m probably guilty of this


i can’t say that word mispronunciation

where the word kind of gets a little bit

smushed together

and we say jewelry instead we miss that


second e sound in there it should be jew


uh in a sample sentence maybe you would

say i’m shopping for some jewelry for my

mother for her birthday

jewelry we’re too lazy prescription

not prescription okay a prescription is

something that

a doctor gives you when you’re sick and

you require medicine the doctor will

write you a prescription

some people might say prescription

wow okay i didn’t even notice and i was

doing it while i was telling you guys

not to

do it that’s embarrassing prescription a

doctor writes you a prescription not a


uh when you go to the doctor’s office

the doctor might say here is your


end all right well we’ve learned that i

apparently can’t pronounce some words

the way that they’re meant to be


so please work on your pronunciation i

will work on my pronunciation too

thank you for joining us on weekly words

this week i will see you next time


want to speak real english from your

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englishclass101.com welcome back to

weekly words my name is alicia and today

we’re going to talk about

words with weird silent letters i like

the title of this one let’s get started

the first word is pterodactyl a


is a dinosaur this was a flying dinosaur

from the late jurassic period i totally

knew that on my own

pterodactyl begins with a p but we don’t

say the ps

just starts with a t sound in a sentence

you might say the pterodactyl is my

favorite dinosaur

the next word is mortgage ah my students

messed up this word mortgage like last

week in class

mortgage has a t in it but we don’t say

the t it sounds like mortgage like

there’s no t

at all a mortgage is um the payment that

you make on your house

every month if if you’ve had to take a

loan from a bank

in a sentence my mortgage payments are

very reasonable i hope the next word is

isle isle is a weird word

so yes there’s an s in the word isle but

it is not pronounced i slay it’s

pronounced i’ll

isle with an a in front is the space


uh rows of seats on an airplane for

example or the space between

shelves and a supermarket any sort of

pathway is an

aisle in a sentence please keep your

feet out of the aisle on the airplane

because the cart might bump you

the next word is fo faux has an x at the

end when it’s spelled on paper but we do

not say

folks we don’t say that we say

fo fo means fake faux means something

that’s not real

uh very commonly you’ll hear this in

terms of faux fur

as in i prefer to wear faux fur because

i don’t believe

that we should kill animals all right

the next word is asthma

we were just talking about how i have

asthma asthma is uh spelled very weirdly

there’s a th

in there but we do not say the th it’s

it sounds like asma

asthma asthma is a respiratory condition

you might have asthma it’s very common

where it might be difficult for you to

breathe sometimes you need to take


in a sentence i carry my inhaler

everywhere because i have asthma

and that’s the end of words that have

weird silent letters so be careful when

you come across these in writing because

they sound a little bit different than

the way they’re spelled thanks again for

watching weekly words this week we will

be back with

more fun stuff next time take care bye

i don’t know how to end this hi and

welcome back to weekly words i’m alicia

and i don’t know what i’m going to talk

to you about yet but let’s start

today’s topic is words that vary by


creek i say creek you might hear the


crick qrik the word creek means

uh a small river essentially uh there’s

a creek in my backyard

for example um sure the next word is

coyote i say coyote

how do other people say this word coyote

oh yeah coyote i don’t say that a coyote

is kind of a

dog-like animal it’s a wild animal about

the size of a dog with a howl at night

we had them in oregon where i’m from

uh i definitely heard them at my house

last night i heard the coyotes out in my

pasture okay the next word is

root r-o-u-t-e root

it’s how i say it you might also hear

the word pronounced

route root r-o-u-t-e means the way

through um a city or a town or some kind

of path

in other words um r-o-o-t which this

word sounds like is the system that’s at

the bottom of a plant that plant uses to

get nutrients you know with little

hairy fibers i’m so good at explaining

plant biology

oh i know a good route to get from

school to the park later let’s take that

on our bicycles

that was oddly specific the next word is


or you might hear apricot as well it’s a


um so you might say hey did you bring

any apricots to the picket

pick it to the bacon apricots no

it’s not picket on the other hand is a

word that means protest

there’s a freebie in there uh for

example you might say hey i really like

those apricots you brought me the other

day they were delicious

okay the next oh the next word is


i say i think i say caramel oh this is

making me doubt myself

there’s caramel and there’s caramel they

both refer to

a sugary sweet substance that’s often a

type of candy or often inside a type of

candy it’s really really delicious

so you might say oh my favorite kind of

candy is caramel

or my favorite kind of candy is caramel

uh just depends on where you’re from

apparently in the east

the east coast they say caramel on the

west coast it seems we say

carmel that sounds about right to me you

can choose

end hooray what was this one called

ah this has been words that vary by

region you can choose which region

you’re from perhaps but it’s probably

best for you to be consistent when

you’re speaking so that you don’t

confuse the person listening

to you hope you enjoyed and i will see

you again next time bye


hi everybody my name is alicia and today

we’re going to be talking about the top


english verbs by frequency so let’s get

into it

b is the first english verb b refers to


i want to be an astronaut i think you

would be

a great person for this job be yourself

let’s be friends

i could have been a writer if i wanted

to be

the next verb is have i have a dog

i have an idea what do you have how many

do you have how much money do you have

do you have any friends how have you


have you seen my mom i can’t find her


yourself a merry little christmas the

next verb is

do do you want some pizza do you have a


to do dooby dooby do if you’re frank


i do the things that you do

better say say say

say what you want same names

say you love me do you know what i’m

saying know what i’m saying

the next verb is get get a life get a

job get a haircut

get a better suit stevens what you got

i could have gotten a pony but i went

with a lizard instead

i’m getting tired that’s not true

the next verb is make make a cake make

your mother proud

someone outside is making a strange face

at me through the window at the moment

that is a true story

make a living

through legitimate means

the next verb is go go big or go home

i’m going to the beach you should go to

the beach you should go to the forest

go to a baseball game with me

past tense of goes went i went

spelunking on my holiday

the next word is no this is an

interesting word because no

is actually not commonly used in the

progressive tense no is commonly used in

present tense

to refer to your mental state or your

emotional state so we don’t really say i

am knowing really

but we can say i know i know the answer

what do you know about this issue he

couldn’t have possibly known the

location of the treasure

how many people do you know i knew it

the next verb is take take a cake

take a break take your

self to bed you should take a

vacation have you ever taken a bath the

next word

is see we’ll see i’ll see you later

the next verb is come come as an expert

please come to my house come to a party

i’m gonna come over to your place later

the next word is think think i think

you’re great he thinks pizza is the best


i’m thinking about lunch i’m thinking

about coffee what are you thinking about

i’ve been thinking about something

that’s a hanson song

uh have you ever thought about the

meaning of life look

look is the next verb please look at the

camera look over there look over here

look a dog look at your mom oh my gosh

would you look at that look at the time

look it’s a bird it’s a plane it’s

actually a bird look at that

is it me you’re looking for hello next

word is

want want what do you want i want food

how many coffees have you ever wanted i

wanted to go to the dry cleaners this

morning but i ran out of time

that’s true the next verb is give give

me a break

i’m going to give you a raise stevens

i’m giving you the axe fired give me a


give me break break my health please

like kick her

i have given you everything i have go

onto mordor frollo

i could have given you the world and

instead i gave you a carpet

uses the next word use don’t use a pen

i like using chocolate when i make food

are you using me for my brain

next is find we could have found buried

treasure last weekend

i’m finding nemo

find things on the internet with google

find english words and phrases at


yeah tell is the next verb tell me a


tell me lies tell me sweet little life


me the truth the whole truth and nothing

but the truth

i’m told that you are an extremely

good opera singer i’m telling you

to leave tell

lies every day don’t tell lies the next

word is ask

ask please pronounce this correctly it

is not ax many native speakers make this

pronunciation mistake and it really

bothers me

ask ask me about

my collection of

rare donut recipes

ask your mom about her life

why don’t you ask your boss to the party

how about you ask your coworker for some

advice about this issue

i should have asked for help but i


the next verb is work work is work i’m

working now

seem to seem the weather seems nice


he seemed a little angry this morning

feel is the next word

feel i feel happy feelings

how does it feel feel

feel clap along if you feel like that’s

what you want to do

try oh my gosh try is the next word ah

i’m trying my best i try every day to

work very hard have you ever tried ramen

i tried ramen yesterday and it was

really good do you try to exercise every


i’m trying to sleep go away the next

verb is

leave leave leave me alone

leave your doors unlocked don’t leave

your doors unlocked

i have never left

a hot air balloon without

first taking a picture the next

verb is call call is the next verb give

me a call please call me later

call me maybe call your mom on her

birthday every year she’ll be happy

call call you’re a seagull

have you ever called the wrong number

have you ever called

a dog by

another dog’s name and

that’s the end that was the most fun

episode i’ve ever done anything

so those are 25 english verbs some very

very common english verbs give them a

try we’ve talked about a lot of

different grammar forms and a lot of

different ways you can use these verbs

so please practice them

and if you like this video please be

sure to comment please please please be

sure to subscribe too we’ll have a

button around here somewhere maybe many


so please subscribe to us and check out

more content as it becomes available

thanks very much and we’ll see you again

soon bye

s surfed

look at that do you want to build the

snow leave your babies outside of the


leave your

attitude at the door

there are a lot of verbs in english okay

hi everybody my name is alicia and today

we’re going to be talking about the top

25 english phrases so let’s get started

the first phrase is

hello hello of course is used as a

greeting you can greet your friends you

can greet your co-workers your family

with this phrase just by saying hello

hey hi what’s up hello

sup yo pretty much any time of day you

can use hello

hello the next phrase is good morning

good morning is used as a greeting in

the morning you can kind of feel when

morning ends for you good morning is

nice and polite

or even just morning with your close

friends or close co-workers

the next phrase is good night good night

is fine we don’t use this to

greet other people we use it when we’re

saying goodbye to other people at night

family members particularly mothers and

fathers to say good night to their

children before they put them to bed

you can say it to your friend in a text

message or in an email if you’ve been

talking for a while good night

so the next word to talk about is

goodbye uh use it when you say goodbye

to your friends when you leave your

friends goodbye

bye of course take care have a nice day

peace out that’s another way to say

goodbye okay the next phrase is

i’m plus your name of course this is a

way to introduce yourself you can use

i’m in my case alicia i’m alicia to

introduce yourself in any situation

new friend i’m alicia okay the next

phrase is what’s your name what’s your

name is used to ask someone else what

their name is

so what is your name sounds a bit

tried to use what’s your name if you

forget someone’s name you can say sorry

what’s your name

or sorry what’s your name again next

phrase is nice to meet you nice to meet


anytime you meet someone new nice to

meet you is fine

good to meet you is a little more casual

great to meet you sounds very excited

pleasure to meet you sounds like uh

maybe a formal situation or a business


okay the next phrase is how are you how

are you

is it’s just a friendly way to check in

with the other person you can use it

with friends your family

your co-workers maybe even your boss to

a certain degree

uh how are you how you doing the next

phrase is i’m fine thanks and you

uh if you saw english in three minutes

we talked a lot about this phrase uh

instead of i’m fine thank you and you

say i’m good thanks how are you just

shorten it make it a little bit more


how are you good how are you great how

are you

not so good how are you okay and so on

so when someone says how are you offer i

usually say

i’m good this week i blah blah blah give

some information about what you’ve been

up to maybe a hobby

something that you did recently an event

something interesting you saw whatever

people want to make that connection with

you and it’s a good chance for you to

continue speaking

the next word is please please is a

polite phrase used when you want

something from someone else

you can use this as a response when

someone offers you something

like in a restaurant for example would

you like more water would you like

something to drink oh please

the next phrase is thank you thank you

is used to express your appreciation you

can use thank you with

everybody the next phrase is you’re

welcome you’re welcome when someone says

thank you you can say you’re welcome ah

no biggie

i use no biggie as in no biggie is short

for no big problem the next word is yes

yes of course yes means is any

positive expression someone asks you a

question and the answer

is a positive answer you say yes yep


yeah we no next i’m guessing i know it

yep the next word is

no no is a negative response to

something when you have to give a

negative answer

so as you can probably guess um the long

form of no is

negative i like to use nope it’s very

very casual

not gonna happen my parents would use

that with me to soften that a little bit

if you want to show a negative response

to something like let’s go for dinner


what do you want to do like do you want

to go out uh not

really no i don’t think so

to soften it the next word is okay okay

this word comes from copy editors okay

when they had to check a manuscript um

they had to label the manuscript

all clear ac but because they were copy

editors and they have a very very sick

sense of humor

they thought they would market ok for

all clear to make a joke because

o and k do not start all and clear but

it caught on

among everybody in the world anyway

okay is used to agree with somebody else

well it can be used actually to express

a positive or kind of a slight

negative i feel transitioning in your

conversation you can say

okay now we’re going to talk about blah

blah blah okay

the next phrase is excuse me excuse me

it’s used to get someone’s attention

in english when you don’t know the other

person for example in a store

a supermarket maybe a stranger on the

street you need to ask directions you

can use

excuse me you can use excuse me in the

supermarket excuse me can you tell me

where the hot sauce is

if you’ve done something rude in public

you can use excuse me

i personally do not do rude things in

public ever i’m sorry is the next word

we’re going to talk about i’m sorry is

used to apologize when you have made a

mistake or someone you know has made a

mistake and you’re connected to it or

you just feel bad you can use i’m sorry

you made a mistake at work i’m sorry you

forgot to feed your cat i’m sorry sorry

about that

you bump someone next to you oh sorry

what time is it is the next phrase when

you need to check what time it is

what time is it when you ask someone

else what time it is maybe you say this

to yourself too

check your watch check your phone check

a clock pretty straightforward phrase

there aren’t really any

short versions so that’s an easy one

where is the plus a location so you can

use this for

a building or a store we don’t we’re not

going to use this where is the

for a place a city name or a state name

or a country name

to do that you would need to remove the

but where is the bank where is the post

office you can use this to ask

directions to ask for help

in your house or at work where is the

copy machine

where is the file i need where is the

blah blah blah

where is the bathroom is perhaps a very

important question to know

the next one is may i use the restroom

may i use the restroom as a polite

uh and soft expression that you can use

if you need to use the toilet you need

to use the washroom

when you’re at someone’s house for the

very first time when you’re in a place

that you’re that is new to you you can

ask may i use the restroom

more casually can i go to the bathroom

to be very polite you can say may i go

to the bathroom

the next phrase is i would like to order


you can use this at a restaurant

probably or in any situation where you

need to place an

order i’d like a pizza i’d like

a beer can i get the check please this

will be used at a restaurant when you’ve

finished your meal and it’s time to go

can i get the check please

in a very very casual situation you can

just say check please

that’s fine the next phrase is see you

soon see you soon is used with friends

and family members perhaps uh when you

expect to see them again

soon after saying goodbye to them this

is used at the end of the conversation

you’re going separate directions

see you soon see ya is also good or just

see you

to make it a little more formal you can

say i’ll see you again soon make a full

sentence out of it that way

the next phrases see you later see you

later it’s very similar to see you soon

but the point is

with cu later is that you’re probably

going to meet that person again later on

in the same day

the last phrase is really really is a

very useful word because you can use it

to show you’re interested in a

conversation with upward intonation

really really tell me more or to show

that you’re not so interested in the


with downward intonation really so there

are many other words that you can use

similar to

really in this way like seriously or oh

oh and so on so it’s a really good

practice for your intonation uh so those


25 very common words uh and phrases in

english if you liked this video if you

like this topic um please

subscribe um i’m sure there’ll be a

button here somewhere or a button here

or wherever

but please be sure to subscribe to our

channel because we’re going to be doing

more videos like this and we already

have more videos like this so please be

sure to check them out

thanks very much for watching and we’ll

see you again soon

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