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yeah vamos a la playa now we’re going to

the beach

hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is alicia and today we’re going

to be talking about 20 travel phrases

that you should know so let’s go do you

have any recommendations the first

phrase is do you have any

recommendations this is great to use

when you get to a restaurant where you

don’t know what the food is you don’t

know anything about the local cuisine or

you’re just feeling a little bit

adventurous you can ask the wait staff

do you have any recommendations how much

is this how much is this this is useful

when you’re out shopping or when you’re

in a restaurant and the price is not

clearly marked or something is not clear

to you so you can ask how much is this

usually when you point to something i

would recommend like pointing to the

menu or pointing to an item how much is


i’d like this you can point to something

and say i’d like this uh if you want to

say i’d like uh one for example i don’t

know you’re getting beer i’d like one of


if however you’re in a situation where

you can’t point you can say i’d like 10

of the blah blah blah i’d like 10 of the

blue t-shirts please can i try this on

is useful when you’re shopping for

clothes so you find something that you’d

like to try just ask the staff can i try

this on you can just say i want to try

this on if you like do you speak english

you might get asked this phrase so you

should say if you’re watching this video

you should probably say yes or you can

say yes a little if you’re not feeling

very confident if you’re watching this

video and you’re understanding this part

and you say no then

uh things that’s a little strange i have

a reservation usually the staff will

greet you and you can say i have a

reservation hello i have a reservation

it’s at seven o’clock the name is alicia

usually we say the name is or it’s under

meaning the reservation is under my name

or um it’s for name or uh it’s in name

water please depending on which country

you’re from water may or may not

automatically be brought to your table

when you’re at a restaurant if you would

like more water however you can say

water please to make it a little more

polite i would like wave at the wait

staff and say could i please have some

more water do you take credit cards do

you take credit cards in case you’re not

sure if the shop that you’re in will

accept credit cards or debit cards you

can ask them do you take credit cards so

it doesn’t mean do you take meaning are

you going to take my card but this take

means do you accept credit cards this

isn’t what i ordered so if you’re at a

restaurant you order steak and you get

lobster instead you can look at it and

go ah this isn’t what i ordered be

careful though say this politely if you

look at the wait staff and you say this

isn’t what i ordered they’re gonna be


i don’t know just be a nice customer

excuse me but i don’t think this is what

i ordered or this isn’t what i ordered

can you please check could we have the

menu please if for some reason you don’t

receive a menu when you come to the

table you can again just waive at a

member of the staff and say could we

have the menu please could you give me a

discount could you give me a discount

means uh i would like a cheaper price

essentially it depends on which country

you’re in if haggling or bargaining

meaning talking to the seller to try to

reduce the price my family didn’t

bargain we didn’t haggle so i don’t

haggle depends on you and your culture

but uh just yeah just be be aware of the

culture that you’re in and the place

that you’re in before you ask this

question do you have any vegetarian

dishes ah this is useful some people

have specific eating requirements or

eating needs maybe food allergies for

example you can replace vegetarian with

the specific dietary requirement that

you have do you have any vegan dishes do

you have any gluten-free dishes do you

have any low-fat dishes do you have any

low-carb dishes do you have any fish

free dishes do you have any

could you take a picture of me please

if you are in a location where you would

like to take a picture but you don’t

want to do a selfie or you don’t have a

selfie stick or whatever you want

someone else to take a picture of you a

stranger that you don’t know you can ask

them could you take a picture of me

please or excuse me would you mind

taking a picture of me please i’m

allergic to blah blah blah if you have a

food allergy or even

an allergy to a medicine this is the

phrase you can use to explain that i’m

allergic to wheat or i can’t eat wheat

for example

is the wi-fi free meaning can i use the

wi-fi free of charge keep in mind some

places have a password that you have to

ask the staff for

so you can say is the wi-fi free if they

say yes you can then follow that up with

can i have the password i’d like to have

a non-smoking seat please so when you go

to a restaurant you have an option

between smoking and non-smoking sections

the staff will say smoking or

non-smoking you can say i’d like to have

a non-smoking seat please quite honestly

though the most natural response is just

to say non-smoking could i get a map

maybe it’s a map of the subway system

for the city that you’re in or maybe

it’s a map of the area around your hotel

you could say could i have a map as well

could i have the check you’re finished

at your cafe you’re finished at the

restaurant and it’s time to leave it’s

time to pay so you say to the wait staff

excuse me could i have the check another

more common expression perhaps is excuse

me check please you might also hear bill

excuse me can i have the bill where is

the bathroom very important question if

you’re traveling in america we don’t

really use the word toilet or washroom

very much we use bathroom or restroom to

talk about

toilet facilities excuse me can you tell

me where the bathroom is or excuse me

i’m looking for the bathroom or i’m

looking for the restroom is this the

train for blah blah blah or is this the

train that goes to blah blah blah to

confirm with someone

that i’m indeed on the correct train

line if i say is this the train bound

for san francisco you can use that to

check if you’re correct 10 compliments

that you always want to hear

let’s go i love your cooking this is my

personal favorite compliment oh my god i

love cooking like i’m always posting

like pictures of things that i cooked on

twitter i’m just like crazy about food

uh so this would be a compliment that i

would love to get like the ultimate

compliment for me though would be will

you make my birthday cake that would be

such a compliment like it’s it’s a

question but it’s there’s so much behind

that will you make my birthday cake

you would give that to me so maybe after

you can use this after a meal for

example i love your cooking and the

other person will be like

next is great job great job this is a

compliment that you can use anytime you

can use it uh to your with your friend

with your

not with your boss your boss might use

it with you an employee a co-worker or

colleague a pet even whatever it’s it’s


a very small scale very easy to use

compliment that means you think whatever

has just happened is good i use great

job all the time i use great job and i

use good job sometimes

when i make a mistake or something funny

happens that i’m alone at my house and i

want to make fun of myself i’ll be like

yeah great job alicia

uh but if i’m if i’m trying to be

positive about a failure or laugh at

myself a bit but in general uh it’s just

a good easy compliment to give someone

great job you have a way with words you

have a way with words this can be

speaking this can be writing it means

you think that the other person is a

good communicator or maybe even more so

than just a good communicator you think

that the way they speak or the way that

they write is particularly good so that

could mean funny it could mean romantic

it could mean dramatic something about

the way they speak or the way that they


you really enjoy that you can say you

have a way with words

it’s quite a nice compliment i think

it’s kind of like a you know bit smart

it’s a bit of a smart thing you have a

way with words or you can say you’re

good with words you’re really good with

words yeah all right next one you look

gorgeous you look gorgeous very nice

compliment to give just be very careful

with the way that you say this for an

everyday compliment i tend not to say

you look nice or you look gorgeous today

or something like that because the

underlying comment there is on the other

days that person doesn’t look nice



if i want to compliment someone’s

appearance i try to pick a specific

thing i’m like oh i’ve never seen you

wear that sweater before it looks nice

on you something like that like

yesterday my friend had a new dress on

and i was like is that a new dress and

because i i thought she looked nice i

was but i didn’t i didn’t want to make

it sound like i don’t think she looks

nice every day so i said is that a new

dress and she goes yeah i said i think

that color is really really nice on you

it looks really good and she was so

happy about that so

i yes there there are these compliments

like you look nice you look great you

look gorgeous and so on but i personally

kind of prefer to level them up a little

bit and just say pick a specific thing

like did you get a new haircut did you

dye your hair or you did you get

something did something happen like what

whatever it is try to pick up on a

specific thing because then that shows

you’re paying attention to the other


and you think that whatever they have

chosen to do whatever like clothing or

whatever haircut whatever it is you

think that they have good sense there

too or good style so it’s kind of like a

double that’s a very subtle double



the next word is you have good taste you

have good taste this can be for

food uh fashion style for decorating


music in movies whatever if you think

that that person’s uh artistic selection

is in whatever capacity if you think

that that person makes good choices with

uh their

their appearance or their hobbies or

whatever you can say you have good taste

this is a fairly sophisticated

compliment i think

we use you have good taste for something

like it’s it sounds a bit more

sophisticated maybe if you both choose

the same bottle of wine perhaps like it

has kind of a more formal adult-ish

sophisticated feeling about it this



yeah maybe

maybe wine is a good example of that

yeah oh nice bottle choice like i really

like that you have good taste you can

follow this by the way you have good

taste in blah blah blah

you have good taste in movies you have

good taste in music if you want to be

specific about something that you think

that person is really good at choosing

you have good taste in

noun okay yeah okay

um next one is you have a great sense of

humor you have a great sense of humor

this is the this is the underlying

compliment in the phrase you are so

funny this is the underlying compliment

you have a great sense of humor means

the other person thinks you’re funny

that you are good at telling jokes or

you make them laugh this is actually one

of my favorite compliments to get you

have a great sense of humor um

yeah because i think that like you know

people like to laugh so it’s an it’s an

if someone makes you laugh you can say

this you have a grain sense of humor or

you’re very funny yeah it’s a good one

it’s a really good one


so you can say after a joke for example


after maybe you’ve you’re you’ve

finished laughing at something the other

person has said you can say oh you have

a great sense of humor good next one is

your resume is impressive

this is a weird compliment to say to

your friends

unless you’re like reviewing your

friend’s resume it’s a bit weird this is

something that perhaps uh someone

interviewing another person for a job

would say the candidate comes in for the

interview the interviewer says wow your

resume is very impressive i’d like to

ask you a few questions about it yay

so this is good to hear in a work

situation yeah you really probably won’t

need to use this with your friends if

you do it’s kind of weird oh wow this

next one is quite a compliment nobody’s

ever said this

to be fair if somebody said this next

one to me i would feel a little bit of

like pressure the compliment here is you

make me want to be a better person this

is something that i think you see in

movies from time to time first yeah i’ve

had i had one person say like like

uh oh that something you did inspired me

and that was like really like oh that

was really exciting like somebody was

inspired by something like wow that’s

great i want to be like you that’s a

really cool compliment but if someone

says you want to make me be a better

person it’s like oh wow like that means

i’m really important to that person

which is really flattering

but at the same time if someone said

that i would also be like

if it’s like my friend i’d be like but i

i want you to be you like i think you’re

a cool person already yeah it’s like oh

you make me want to be a better person

like in that person’s viewpoint you’re

like somehow above them and that’s


yeah just i would rather say

you inspire me i think that that or like

this thing that you did really inspired

me like if somebody said like i saw that

picture that she posted on twitter of

that pizza today alicia and it really

inspired me and i made my own pizza i’d

be like yay



next one is nice actually i say this to

my friends quite a bit you are an

awesome friend this is really really

good to use after your friend has helped

you with something maybe you’re moving

to a new apartment a new house or maybe

you’ve had some trouble and your friend

gave you some good advice or your friend

just listened to you when you really

needed to talk to someone

after that experience you could say

thanks so much you were an awesome

friend or maybe your friend did

something really really cool and you

just want to like tell them like i think

you’re really awesome just say you are

an awesome friend they’ll be happy to

hear that or just you can abbreviate it

to you are awesome not just you’re an

awesome friend just you are awesome you

are a cool person you are awesome you’re


you are an awesome friend you’re an

awesome friend 10 ways to motivate

yourself when learning english let’s go

the first way to motivate yourself is to

imagine that one day you will live in

the united states so to do this imagine

what is your day going to be like when

you live in the u.s where will you go

who will you meet where will you shop

and so on imagine your day in the united


okay the second way to motivate yourself

when you’re studying english is to study

other aspects of the culture too which

makes it more rewarding to study english

okay so this means of course studying

english as a language but if there’s a

specific country that you would like to

visit or a specific part of that

country’s culture try to learn about

that too if you like music if you like

the food if you like the history try to

find something about a specific country

or a specific part of that country’s

culture that you enjoy in addition to

studying the language okay

way number three to motivate yourself is

finding funny words in english okay so

finding a word that sounds funny or a

word that you enjoy using or a phrase

that you enjoy using can really increase

your motivation for using that word and

for interacting with people so if you

can find those phrases that you think

are funny or are fun they can be really

really helpful for you as you learn your

language the next way to motivate

yourself is to make friends with people

who speak english

so of course if you don’t have any

friends who are english speakers

especially native english speakers it’s

a really good idea to make some friends

this way you can practice with them you

can learn from them and you can just see

maybe what their life is like and how

their life is different from yours so

this is a great way to practice a great

way to learn and a great way to think

more internationally as well the next

way to motivate yourself is watching

youtube videos of other people who have

successfully learned english so you can

listen to people what worked for them

how did they study where did they go

what materials did they use

what did they find not helpful

so you can try to find a strategy that

works well for you through using

resources like youtube for example it’s

a great way to find people

that maybe match with what you need okay

the next way to motivate yourself is by

watching english movies and tv shows and

enjoying the feeling when you can

understand a word or a sentence yeah i

do this too

uh when you enjoy something when you

find entertainment value in something

like music movies tv and you there’s

that moment when you pick up or when you

understand what your favorite character

said or you understand like a key point

in the story it’s a really really good

feeling it makes you want to continue

watching i think so that’s a really

really nice feeling i think and you can

do that by enjoying media so it’s a fun

way to learn and it’s a fun feeling to

experience okay

the next way to motivate yourself is by

reading english news articles blogs and

magazines to get a feel for formal and

casual language so the style that we use

here like in english class

101 and this on the videos on this

channel is quite casual most of the time

or at least in these videos it’s very

casual but the way that i speak in the

way a newspaper is written the way a

magazine is written the way a

a newscaster presents the information

these are all different ways of

communicating we’re using the same

language yes but they’re different

styles so it’s important to try to

understand those differences

and to become familiar with them so try

to find a few different things that you

can enjoy

the next way to motivate yourself is

after dinner you write about your day in

a journal in english okay this is an

interesting idea so just take a few

minutes after dinner or before you go to

bed to write something in english about

what you did that day or maybe

so you have a chance to talk about

future tense or to use the future tense

you can use you can talk about your

upcoming plans or the things you’re

going to do the next day so you can talk

about past tense what you did that day

maybe present tense how you’re feeling

as you’re writing your journal for the

day and future tense to talk about your

upcoming plan so journaling can be a

really effective exercise for motivating

you okay

the next way to motivate yourself is by

practicing with flash cards of useful

words and phrases for 15 minutes every

day on the train i actually do do this i

use but i use an application to study in

japanese to study kanji and 15 minutes

every day adds up over the course of a

week you can learn a lot of information

in a short period of time


if you live in the country where

your target language is spoken then you

might even find the word you studied on

the train you see it like after you

leave the train you might see that word

later on in your day so you can


feel like an extra sense of motivation

by knowing that this thing you’re

studying is applicable it’s something

you can use right away it’s a really

cool feeling so this is a tip i honestly

i use this last

i make sure to thank anyone and everyone

who corrects my english uh yeah i i

think this is really important because

people are really nice they don’t want

to correct you when you make a mistake

but sometimes people do they’re really

polite about it and they tell you the

more tell you a more natural way or they

give you a suggestion for how to improve

your english make sure you say thank you

like repeat after them and then say

thank you

so that you know it’s motivation for

them uh to tell you again in the future

to help you again in the future so make

sure to say thank you to anyone who

helps you with your english hi everybody

my name is alicia welcome back to our

english class channel today we’re going

to be talking about the difference

between by and until so let’s get


so first we’re going to talk about buy

buy marks a deadline for an action to

finish buy marks the point where an

action completes or is replaced by

another action so really think about

using buy to express a deadline

something is going to stop or you must

finish an action

at this point in time so

we can think about by

as marking some point in the future

so buy marks some point in the future

where an action

is going to finish an action is going to

be completed so in an example sentence i

have i’ll be at the office by 7 pm so in

this sentence the speaker is not at the

office but

7 pm is the deadline this is the point

in time at which the speaker will be at

the office the speaker is not at the

office now but by 7 pm by the 7 pm

deadline the speaker will be at the

office this will shows us this is a

future tense expression

and by shows us the deadline the point

at which that expression or the point at

which that action is going to be


so this is how we use by to think about

it like a deadline some point in time at

which an action will be completed or

finished okay

so let’s continue on to the other

grammar point for today which is until

until also has a more casual form we can

use till

t-i-l-l or apostrophe t-i-l you might

see both spellings used for until till

or till

in most cases it’s good to use until in

casual speaking and maybe in casual

writing you can use the casual form but

until is always polite and is always


okay so when we use until let’s talk

about when to use until we use until to

talk about a continuing situation or a

continuing state

now in the present or in the future

but it’s going to change or stop

so the key difference one key difference

here perhaps is a continuing situation a

continuing state with bi

the nuance is a deadline something is

going to finish at a deadline here

however until gives us the nuance of

something that’s continuing

something true now for example

but that may not be true in the future

until marks the point where that action

or that state is going to finish or


okay so

we can think of it

rather than as a deadline as a key point

in the future somewhere

where action a continues

until a point where we use until and

then a second action begins

something is going to change at the

until point with bi however we don’t

have the nuance of an action changing we

only have the nuance of a deadline so

here until is used to show that

something different is going to happen

or something something will finish

but there’s going to be a change

after the the until point so for example

um this sentence very similar to the by

example sentence is i’ll be at the

office until

7 pm

so here we have the future tense aisle i

will i’ll be at the office until 7 pm

this sentence shows us the speaker is at

the office right now however

at 7 pm

until shows us that 7 pm is the point at


the situation or the state is going to

change so at 7 pm the speaker is

probably going to leave the office

until shows us that right here the

action or the state is going to change

so please keep that in mind until shows

you a change in something by shows more

of a deadline for an action

that is continuing so i hope that we can

practice this in a few example sentences



so let’s try to choose the correct word

to use in these example sentences should

we use buy or should we use until in

these cases so the first one i have is

he has to find a new job blah blah blah

march so in this case

we see

a point in time

we can think about it should we use buy

or until here if we use buy we see that

the deadline

the deadline nuance matches here he has

to find a new job by march

if we use until he has to find a new job


march there’s no information in this

sentence that shows us a hint or that

gives us a hint about how the action is

going to change

until does not make sense for this

question so we should use buy in this

case he has to find a new job by march

is the correct answer for this sentence

in the second sentence

i’m not going to go to bed blah blah

blah i finish this movie so in this

sentence we have at the end

i finish this movie so there’s some


maybe that’s continuing here

and we have another action i’m not going

to go to bed in this case it’s a


so there are two actions here this is a

pretty good hint that there’s an action

that’s going to change at some point

instead of the nuance of a deadline so

for this sentence until is the best

answer i’m not going to go to bed until

until i finish this movie this shows us

that at this point the point where i

finish the movie i’m going to go to bed

this marks the change in the continuing

state or the continuing situation

so the next sentence is they need to

write their reports blah blah blah

tomorrow so this sentence there’s no

change in the sentence we don’t have any

hints about some kind of different

action that’s going to happen instead we

have maybe what seems to be a deadline

some requirement here too

so if we try to use until it doesn’t

make sense there’s no changing action we

can’t guess about what might happen in

the future or a change that might happen

so buy is the best answer here they need

to write their reports by tomorrow

tomorrow is the deadline so we can guess

that tomorrow is the deadline here by

shows us that it’s the deadline in this

case for this task

all right

let’s take a look at something a little

bit different here we have we can’t

leave the house blah blah blah your

mother calls so again there are two

situations there are two actions

involved in this sentence we have leave

the house and your mother calls makes a

phone call so because there are two

actions here

we can guess that there’s some change

that’s going to happen so because we

learned that until

marks a change in actions we know that


is the better answer here


we can’t leave the house until your

mother calls would be the correct

sentence here

all right

uh so let’s look at the next sentence

though this one is a tricky sentence

this one is a little bit difficult we

have i’m not going to be there something

something 8 pm

so here we have 8 p.m at the end of a

sentence which looks like a deadline


we have uh going to be there

so should we use by or until for this

sentence it’s difficult because actually

both are okay for this sentence

i’m not going to be there

by 8 pm is correct and i’m not going to

be there

until 8 pm is also correct however the

meanings are very different just as we


in these two sentences i’ll be at the

office until i’ll be at the office by 7

pm the same is true here i’m not going

to be there by 8 pm means i’m not going

to be there at 8 pm it’s not possible

for me i can’t go

however i’m not going to be there until

8 pm

this sentence means

after 8 pm or beginning at 8 pm and

after i’m going to be there so please be

careful in some cases both by and until

are correct but they change the meaning

of the sentence okay

let’s continue to another example so

the next example sentence is also a

little bit difficult

uh it’s if my date doesn’t arrive

something something 7 pm i’m leaving


so here we have we do have two actions

uh doesn’t arrive my date doesn’t arrive

a negative point and i’m leaving so it

seems like there are two actions here

however we have this 7 pm this marks a

deadline right so

if my date doesn’t arrive there’s some

deadline here

if this is not


something is going to happen the person

is going to leave so in this case 7 pm

is showing a deadline

so we have to use buy if my date doesn’t

arrive until 7 pm we could use that

but it doesn’t sound so natural so uh

the nuance again here is of a deadline

there’s something that is going to


uh at 7 pm 7 p.m marks the end point in

this situation so we use buy here okay

let’s go to the next pair again these

are very interesting points

we have to leave the beach blah blah

blah 10 a.m

and we have to stay at the beach blah

blah blah 10 a.m okay so

these two sentences i included because i

wanted to show the emphasis of changing

actions and continuing actions so we can

see the verbs

are different here in the first sentence

we have leave so this is a change

leaving a location in the second

sentence i have stay which shows a

continuing action stay in one place

so here as you can guess then we have to

leave the beach blah blah blah 10 a.m

some change some deadline so

we’ll use bye to show our deadline

in the second sentence we have to stay

at the beach stay shows a continuing


and then it’s going to finish here so

we’ll use until we have to stay at the



10 a.m this shows us a continuing action

and maybe at 10 a.m we’ll leave the


all right

uh let’s go on to the next sentence i’m

not going to travel abroad blah blah

blah i learn english okay so here

there’s no time point there’s no 10 am 8


tomorrow and so on so this is a little

more complex maybe we have travel abroad

and learn english so it seems there’s no


uh deadline here but we have maybe a

change maybe this shows us some kind of

change learning english marks a change


i’m not going to travel abroad until

i learn english

this shows us that something different

is going to happen in the future so we

should use until to mark that change

okay our last example sentence for today

is we told him to wake up blah blah blah

6 a.m so once more our last sentence may

be a little bit uh simple but 6am shows

us an action sort of this deadline you

can see a lot of these use a time to

mark a deadline for an action so here we

told him to wake up

by 6 a.m this is the point at which

something must happen so we should use

buy here

okay great

so those are a few example sentences

that you can have a look at and think

about when you’re trying to decide

whether to use by or until keep in mind

however there are some cases where both

by or until are correct

but the meaning is going to change

significantly depending on the one you


so i hope this lesson was useful for you

if you have any questions or if you want

to try to make an example sentence using

buy or until please be sure to leave us

a comment if you liked this video too

please be sure to hit the thumbs up and

subscribe to our channel if you haven’t

already thanks very much for watching

this episode and we will see you again

soon bye

ten words for connecting thoughts these

are going to be 10 words that you can

use to transition between ideas very

useful in both speech and in writing




also also is a word that you can use to

add information

i went to the store this morning also i

went and got coffee

that’s true


however however is used to contrast or

to contrast depending on your

pronunciation to

differentiate to show a difference

between two pieces of information a good

pattern would be a however

be so

for example

i love

tonkotsu ramen however it is very high

in calories so i don’t eat it often

also true on the other hand on the other

hand on the other hand is i feel used

more commonly in speech than it is in


again it’s used to present like two

sides to a story or two sides to some

information so for example

i’m thinking about visiting taiwan

sometime this year but on the other hand

i’m also thinking about visiting



so it might be common to use still with

the word like but or a word like even

though so you’re saying even though

there’s some other factor like like i’m

really really tired this week or even

though i have a lot of homework to do i

still want to go out with my friends or

i still want to

see a movie this weekend so there’s this

other there’s this thing that’s maybe

makes this other action difficult to do

or tough to do or whatever

but even though

there’s this you still have this over

here so maybe the two are kind of used

as a pair i still want to go out later

even though i’m tired


then yes a very useful word we use then

when telling stories a lot um so for

example if i could tell a story about my

morning today when i got up i brushed my

teeth and then


cooked breakfast then i did a little bit

of work then i took a shower

then i did some cooking blah blah blah

you’ll often hear and then as well

and then i and then we and then you and

so on so then is is really really useful

for sequencing so a useful word i think

besides besides so it’s commonly used in

a pattern like besides that meaning

other than something else i went out

with my friends this weekend but besides

that i didn’t really do much so

another way to say that sentence is i

went out with my friends this weekend

but other than that other than that

activity i didn’t do very much

okay meanwhile meanwhile or you might

hear the similar expression in the mean

time it means

while you’re doing action a at the same

times maybe somewhere else action b is


this is used while telling stories a lot

so for example i was working at my

office all week last week

meanwhile my co-workers across town were

having a party without me

so these two things are happening at the

same time

but maybe separate from one another



okay likewise i don’t really use this

word personally myself at all it’s often

used after an introduction um

similar to the pleasure is all mine in a

formal situation so

maybe somebody says you know hey it was

really great to see you last weekend

thanks very much for coming to my

barbecue you can say yeah likewise it

was really good to see you in your

family so likewise means i have the same

feeling or i have the same idea it’s

kind of a friendly phrase but personally

i don’t really use that to transition

between thoughts

um i would just use and i suppose but


that’s how i would use it


instead so

so instead it’s used like instead of i

want to

a instead of be

can be used to express your plans or

what you want to do i want to have

chinese food instead of italian food

tonight so you’re presenting two

alternatives essentially so instead of

means in place of or as a substitute for



should have drank a lot of water

this morning but instead i drank a lot

of coffee

that’s true

uh i wanted to

have dinner with my friends this weekend

instead i had dinner at home

in addition in addition this is a really

good word for more formal situations i

like to use in addition

in writing i don’t really use in

addition in speaking unless i’m trying

to be very formal for some reason

similar to additionally as well so you

make point a and point b and then when

you want to make one more point that’s

related to point a and point b you can

say in addition point c so you’re like

building an argument and in addition can

be used to kind of finish that argument

off a little bit our new marketing plan

worked really well last month we noticed

increased sales in product a in addition

uh we’ve gained a lot of new customers

something like that so just you’re

you’re quickly presenting a series of

ideas that are related to one another

you can use in addition to finish it off

20 words you’ll need for the beach let’s


sunglasses the first word is sunglasses

sunglasses are those dark glasses that

you wear on your face when it’s bright

outside in a sentence i forgot my

sunglasses hold on i forgot my

sunglasses beach

beach is the place near the ocean you

might have a beach in your city or in

your country

the beach is usually visited in the

summer time

the image is lots of sun you can get a

tan you can get a sunburn

but it’s usually a fun place to spend

time with family and friends in a

sentence i’m going to the beach with my

friends this weekend i’m so excited in

this sentence she walked along the beach

swimming the next word is swimming

swimming is of course a popular activity

to do at the beach i go swimming at the

beach every summer or in this sentence

be very careful when swimming in the

pacific ocean

it might be shocks


sun is that big bright thing in the sky

that will make your skin change color if

you stay in it for too long

so the sun um

in a sentence

the sun is really bright let’s get out

of the sun

palm tree the next word is palm tree so

palm trees are

our type of tree they’re usually seen in

like tropical places like hawaii has

palm trees any place close to the

equator the middle line of the earth uh

i think that’s where palm trees tend to

grow it’s kind of an image of the beach

so palm trees

there are a lot of palm trees near the

beach in california

that palm tree is almost 60 feet tall


the next word is seashell seashell are

those little

objects you find on the beach like in

the sand or in the water in some cases

they’re like

shells from like clams or maybe oysters

sometimes too depending on what you

consider a seashell but if you break the

word down it’s c and shell so like

something from the ocean and the shell

or like the covering the outside of

something so usually a small creature a

small animal has lived inside the


and then you can collect them and i

don’t know look at them or make

something from them little kids like to

collect them i used to collect seashells

when i was a kid oh my gosh look at this

example sentence it says it’s bad luck

to take seashells from the beach


swimsuit swimsuit is the

clothing you wear to swim in your

swimming suit there are men’s swimsuits

women’s swimsuits usually men’s

swimsuits are


shorts board shorts or i suppose there’s

the what like speedo makes like the

men’s swimsuits as well the really small

ones and then for women they have one

piece swimsuits they have and then they

have bikini swimsuits the two-piece

swimsuit so in a sentence i

hate swimsuit shopping in this sentence

i need a new swimsuit this summer ocean

the next word is ocean ocean is the big

blue the big water the big

deep blue sea in a sentence the ocean is

so beautiful at night in this sentence

he dipped his feet in the ocean


lifeguard a lifeguard is a person at the

beach life guard so someone who guards

lives if someone gets into trouble in

the water they start to drown or they

start to have trouble if there’s an

accident at the beach the lifeguard at

the beach is responsible for handling

that problem so they’ll call an

ambulance or they know how to do first

aid to save people

so in a sentence it’s important to go to

beaches where there are lifeguards

available if you need help in this

sentence uh there isn’t a lifeguard on

duty here

jet ski next word is jet ski a jet ski

is a like a water motorcycle you can

ride around it on with your friends

alone riding jet skis is a lot of fun

in the sentence if you have a driver’s

license you can drive a jet ski beach

towel the next expression is beach towel

beach towel beach towel is different

from regular towel because usually beach

towels have like a bright color a bright



there are towels that you don’t mind or

towels that are okay to get sand or dirt

in them usually in a towel you use in

your house you don’t want to get your

towel really really dirty so a beach

towel is a towel you use only at the

beach in a sentence

i bought a new beach towel and it has a

picture of a

hamburger on it in this sentence oh no i

got sand all over my beach towel that’s

the point of beach towel

beach chair the next expression is beach

chair as you can probably guess it is a

chair you use only at the beach so again

this is a chair you don’t mind it’s okay

if it gets dirty or sandy usually a

beach chair is easy to fold or easy to

carry too

in a sentence

i have a couple of beach chairs that i’m

going to bring to the barbecue this

weekend in this sentence can we use

these beach chairs

sand castle the next word is sandcastle

sand castles are usually kids make them

they use like buckets so kids will like

put sand in a bucket or like they move

sand into piles and design castles or

these really complicated mazes or

something they make things make

buildings out of sand we call those sand

castles um so in a sentence my brother

and i used to make sand castles on the

beach when we were kids that’s true in

this sentence get the buckets and we’ll

make a sand castle cooler

so cooler is a noun in this case cooler

is the place you keep your drinks and

your food it’s a it looks like a

suitcase but it has a special lining

inside that keeps cold things cold so

you can put ice inside and it will keep

your food and drinks cold while you are

at the beach in the hot weather so in a

sentence uh did you put a bunch of beers

in the cooler i forgot ice for the

cooler tide the next word is tide tide

is the level of the water the level of

the ocean water at different times of

day so if you are interested in this

sort of thing you might know about high

tide and low tide high tide means the

water level at the beach is high low

tide means the water level at the beach

is low so tide is

how high or low the water is in this

sentence uh the tide ebbed and revealed

a starfish ebbed means it went away a

little bit so tide is the flow of water


so tan is uh

we use it as a noun like to get a tan in

a sentence it means that your skin turns

a darker color so um be careful there

are two words we use in english tan

means your skin gets a little bit darker

and we also use the word sun burn or

just burn

burn means your skin gets red it means

like it’s damaged it may be your skin

peels a bit so

in america anyway in the u.s anyway a

tan is usually considered a positive

thing many people want

tan skin but

sun burn where your skin is red and

damaged is bad so be careful those are

two different words we use to talk about

this the changing skin color i got a tan

last summer at the beach in this

sentence you got such a nice tan in


snorkeling the next word is snorkeling

snorkeling is really really fun

snorkeling is swimming but you have a

like a hose you have a pipe

that you can breathe through as you swim

so you can you usually put goggles you

wear goggles as you’re swimming in the

ocean you can look down and see fish or

you can see things in the ocean but you

can still breathe so this is a really

fun thing to do to look at fish or just

to just to hang out and see a different

point of view i went snorkeling for the

first time maybe when i was 22 23. in

this sentence she bought goggles so that

she could go snorkeling in hawaii

flip flop the next word is flip flop

flip flop is a very common beach sandal

many people like to wear flip-flops in

everyday life too some people prefer not

to it’s up to you

like in california i know especially in

beach towns everybody just wears

flip-flops it’s very comfortable

so flip-flops kind of have an image of

being a little bit cheap or just very

very simple it’s the most basic possible

sandal why are they called flip-flops

because i always thought it was because

of the sound that they make

sound i guess maybe it sounds like

flip-flop in a sentence i usually don’t

wear flip-flops in this sentence these

flip-flops keep breaking


next word is sunscreen sunscreen or you

might also hear sun block these are

products you can put on your skin to

prevent a tan or to prevent a sunburn

sun screen so it’s a protection it’s a

protection against the sunlight i just

hit this screen so sunscreen is

quite important like it is said that

you should use sunscreen to prevent to

help prevent skin cancer in a sentence

i’m out of sunscreen i need to buy more

in this sentence mom i don’t need


bikini the next word is bikini bikini we

talked about um swimsuit a little bit

earlier but bikini is usually a swimsuit

for women and it’s

two pieces there’s a bottom half and an

upper half and oftentimes the the top

half of the bikini or sometimes the

bottom half you have to tie a knot or

you have to latch something i suppose if

you don’t tie it carefully it can create

a problem like it could fall off so

bikini it’s a popular style of swimsuit

for women are you going to wear your

bikini to the beach tomorrow in this

sentence my bikini came undone in front

of everyone it was so embarrassing five

sentence patterns that you can use as a

beginner of english let’s go the first

expression that you can use as a

beginner is personally i think that or i

would just use i think that personally

makes it sound a little bit more polite

i think you can use this to introduce an

opinion for example personally i think

that pizza is amazing personally i think

that dinosaurs

would have been delicious

personally i think that

cars should be




with friends

okay i’m gonna edit there

personally i think that you shouldn’t

worry about it yes that’s probably a

much more useful sentence than dinosaurs

would be delicious

the next expression is what does blah

blah blah mean so where here is the word

you don’t know so for example what does

pasta mean what does

stegosaurus mean so a word like

stegosaurus is a really strange word

that you probably don’t know stegosaurus

is a type of dinosaur we’re on a very

dinosaur is i don’t know

jurassic we’re on a jurassic adventure

at the moment so this is a pattern you

use when you don’t know uh when you

don’t know the meaning of the word and

you would like someone to explain it to

you so if you say what does stegosaurus

mean then someone can say oh it’s a

dinosaur it’s kind of like it’s a sort

of short guy it has a bunch of spikes on

its back and it has a long tail and it

gets into a fight with the tyrannosaurus

rex if you saw the movie fantasia by




in this sentence what does complication

mean it means problem okay

the next pattern you can use is can you

tell me more about blah blah blah so on

a topic that you would like more

information about you can say can you

tell me more about the soccer game last

week can you tell me more about the

plan for the party next week so

something you would like more

information about you can say can you

tell me more about this thing okay so in

a sentence can you tell me more about


sandwich options

that is a useful sentence that is a

useful sentence okay in this sentence

here we don’t have that back home can

you tell me more about it

this is use the reverse pattern okay

uh the next expression is

if it were up to me if it were up to me

i had to teach this in a class a couple

weeks ago actually if it were up to me

means if i could make the decision if

this was my if this were my decision

uh blah blah blah so meaning if i could

make the choice this is what i would do

but one point here is the nuance is it

is not my decision this is not my

decision but

if it were my decision i would do blah

blah blah so for example if it were up

to me every day would be saturday

but it’s not right so


that’s that’s always the underlying

that’s always the kind of basic

nuance of this phrase some this decision

is not mine okay here the example is if

it were up to me

i would

take my boss to dinner

oh my

things just got scandalous

the next pattern is i feel like blah

blah you can use i feel like when you

introduce a suggestion or something that

you would like to do especially for food

drinks or activities so for example i

feel like coffee i feel like italian

food i feel like an action movie there’s

some activity or something you would

like to do at the end of this pattern i

feel like bowling this afternoon

something needs to go here some sort of


of course

you can use this expression to talk

about your feelings i feel like

something but this something must be a

noun it must be a noun like if you feel

really great i feel like a million bucks

for example

if you feel really bad i feel like


that’s a nice expression that somehow

just came out of my head anyway

you can use this in two ways but this

must be completed with a noun phrase at

the end of the sentence 10 things to do

in the summer in the united states so

let’s go to travel abroad to travel

abroad to travel abroad abroad means

outside of your country so meaning to

travel to a place not the united states

in my case please don’t forget to in

this expression so many of my students

will say this

summer i’m going europe you need to use

two before the place you do not however

need to use two before there so like

students sometimes will say uh i want to

go to there you can’t do that you have

to use two before the specific name of a

place there is not a specific place so

you don’t need to use two keep that one

in mind to relax at the beach

to relax at the beach ah that sounds

fantastic right now to relax at the

beach you go to the beach and you just

relax there you lay in the sun you go

swimming maybe you drink a beer you get

a tan if you would like to do that of

course some people don’t you put on

sunscreen whatever it is that you like

to do at the beach you just do that and

enjoy in a sentence i would rather relax

at the beach than have a really active


to learn english with


to learn english with


thanks so i guess if you are very

ambitious this summer good for you you

can learn english by doing what you’re

doing now uh or i think you can visit i

presume you can visit the website for

more content there too

i’m going to put my time to good use and

learn english at englishclass101.com

to have a barbecue

oh yeah the next one is one of my

favorite things ever to do in summer

wherever i am it’s to have a barbecue or

to have a bbq is also okay but barbecue

usually bbq is in like writing i love

having barbecues with my friends in the

summer every fourth of july my family

has a big barbecue

to party all night the next expression

is to party all night to party all night

you don’t it doesn’t have to be summer

or the united states to party all night

just saying

anyway to party all night means to do

something you enjoy presumably with your

friends or not i guess i’ve partied like

all night at home i tweeted pajamas are

the best and then i tweeted a picture of

myself really excited about a cookie and

was very embarrassed about that the next

day so i deleted it in the morning since

i won’t have school in the morning i’m

going to party all night in a different

sentence i don’t like partying all night

i get tired

i always hit a wall at like three a.m

like i’m like yay and then 3 am i’m like

i’m running to sleep to get a tan

to get a tan to get a tan

in some cultures this is a good thing in

some cultures it’s not a good thing it

means to sit in the sun or lay in the

sun and let the sun

change the color of your skin be careful

there’s there are two expressions in

english there is one to get a tan and

another is to get a sun burn

so in us culture anyway getting a tan

means like your skin turns like a darker

brown color but when it turns red it’s

bad that means you’ve burned your skin

so tan good burn bad so we’d have two

separate words uh to describe that in a

sentence you’ll find me poolside getting

a tan

to go hiking the next expression is to

go hiking so hiking means walking or

trekking usually in a mountain or in a

nature setting so in a sentence i used

to go hiking with my family every summer

that’s roughly true in this sentence i’m

going to hike the pacific crest trail

to work a part-time job the next

expression is to work a part-time job to

work a part-time job is very common if

you’re a student especially so when you

have your summer vacation it’s a chance

for you to earn a little bit of money by

working at a part-time job uh in a

sentence unfortunately she can’t go

because she has to work at her part-time

job when i was a teenager i had a

part-time job at a golf course

yeah because i was on the golf team at

school very convenient lovely

experiences a plus everybody

to have fun with friends

to have fun with friends also something

that you do not need to only do in

summer but which you can do

anytime we’re having fun now aren’t we


so to have fun with friends is just to

enjoy time with your friends it’s great

uh in a sentence i love having fun with

my friends whenever i can he has fun

with friends but he doesn’t do much else

to attend summer school the next one is

to attend summer school to attend summer

school usually has kind of a bad image

in i feel in you in the u.s anyway

because it sounds like maybe you missed

something in regular school

but for some people maybe there’s a

special course they want to attend or

like a special internship program or

just something special extra that they

would like to study in a sentence

i hated going to summer school when i

was a kid since i failed the class i’ll

have to attend summer school 20 must

know family words so let’s go mother

mother is the person who gave birth to

you mother you can say mom mother mom

mama mommy uh my mother has amazing

cooking it’s true

father father father is the person who

did not give birth to you but who

helped make you happen

so we say father dad daddy paw pop my

father is a very level-headed person

that’s also true sister sister is a

female sibling so my brother might say i

have an older sister anyone who is yeah

a female sibling or someone you can use

this for friends that you feel very very

close to like she’s like my sister

that’s fine as well brother brother we

sometimes use bro for this uh i would

say i have a younger brother

like sister you can use brother for any

male that you feel is similar to a

brother someone you feel very close to

so he’s like a brother to me or you’re

like my brother grandmother grandmother

when you put grand plus something else

it means the next generation or the the

previous generation so you have your

mother and father in this case

grandmother means your mother or your

father’s uh mother it can be either of

them so grandmother my grandmother was

born a long time ago

grandfather grandfather so just like


your mother or your father’s father is

your grandfather my grandfather liked to

play tennis that’s true uncle uncle your

uncle is either your mother or your

father’s brother someone uh directly

related to one of your parents who is a

man is your uncle uh my uncle is very

good with woodworking also true


aunt you might also hear aunt both of

them are correct you can say aunt or

aunt an aunt or an aunt is your mother

or your father’s female sibling one of

my aunts gave me a stamp collection when

i was a little kid that’s also true

cousin cousin a cousin is your aunt or

uncle’s children it can be on any side

so typically these people are of the

same generation as you not always but

cousins are generally about the same age

at least in my family they are it’s

really fun to see all my cousins at

family barbecues nephew nephew a nephew

is a sibling’s

male child so if you have a brother or a

sister and they have children any male

children are your nephews nephews

i don’t have any nephews


niece niece so your brother or your

sister’s female children

any female children they have you can

say she’s my niece or i have two nieces

how many nieces do you have or i have a

lot of nieces


wife so this is a

female partner that you are married to

she is my wife or how is your wife wife

is only used when you are married to

that person husband husband is a male

that someone is married to so uh

how is your husband this is my husband

again husband is only used when you are

married to that person

parent parent parent it’s typically used

generally for a mother or a father like

i’m a parent he is my parent she is my


it’s often used in the plural they are

my parents these are my parents my

parents are home my parents are not at


but you can also use parent to describe

someone who raised you so maybe your

biological mother or father did not

raise you but someone else like an aunt

or an uncle or perhaps a different

figure in your community did raise you

you can say she’s like a parent to me or

she had a parenting role in my life

child child child is a

a small human a small human as a child

it doesn’t necessarily have to be of

your family like if you’re just at the

park and you see kids running around you

can say ah look at that child you can

use a child in the singular but be

careful child changes in the plural form

to children so not childs but children

one child two children please be careful

this has an irregular plural form maybe

i’ll have a child someday son

son is a male child a male offspring


uncle has a lot of sons that’s not true

daughter daughter a daughter is a female

child i wonder if i will ever have a



brother-in-law so we use in-law to mean

our married partners family members

not my brother but my partner’s brother

in-law is used after any family member’s

position or family member’s title

to show they they belong to my partner’s

family originally but now they’re part

of my my extended family as well i’m

going out for drinks with my

brother-in-law tomorrow night


father-in-law so we have in-law here


my partner’s father so my father-in-law

is very kind


mother-in-law meaning my partner’s

mother in a sentence my mother-in-law

and i get along really well

hi everybody my name is alicia today i’m

going to be talking about the simple

future tense today i’m going to talk

about will and won’t and going to and

not going to so these are a few grammar

points that learners make mistakes with

when should you use will or won’t when

should you use going to or not going to

so i’m going to talk about a few of

these points a few basic points that i

hope can help you decide when to use

will and when to use going to so let’s



the first point i want to talk about is

going to or not going to uh the positive

form and the negative form going to not

going to uh for today i want to talk

about two times when we’ll use these

grammar points so the first time uh the

first situation where you use going to

or not going to is for plans decided

before the conversation so if you make a

decision about your future plans or

someone else makes the decision before

the conversation about their plans for

the future you should use going to or

not going to

it’s something that is probably going to

happen a high certainty

so this is a plan that has a high level

of certainty meaning there’s a good

chance this plan is going to happen you

decided it before the conversation

meaning you’ve probably had some time to


uh your future to plan your schedule a

little bit so please use going to for

something you decide before the

conversation so on a timeline it might

look like this we have past uh now and

future here

so your plan is for the future yes


you decided

on the plan sometime before the

conversation so if this point this is

now this is your conversation you made

the plan you made the decision before

the conversation in this

case use going to i’m going to at the

beginning of this video i said i’m going

to talk about simple future tense will

and going to i decided before this video


about my plans i decided what i was

going to talk to you about before the

video started so i used going to to

introduce that plan

so please keep this in mind okay but

let’s talk about will now so

we use will and won’t for decisions that

are made at the moment of speaking

so keep in mind will is the positive

form won’t is the negative form here so

a decision made at the moment of

speaking this is one way to use will or


you can use this for example at

restaurants you can use this to talk

about plans you make quickly after

learning information from a friend keep

in mind will and won’t

tends to have a lower certainty there’s

a lower chance the plan is going to


because you’ve made the plan at the

moment of speaking going to is used for

plans made before the conversation but

will is used for a plan made spur of the

moment or a very quick plan you’ve just

made so that’s kind of the image is the

decision you just made

use will or use won’t in those cases if

you made the decision before the

conversation there’s a good chance you

should use going to


to go back to our timeline here if going

to is used for a decision you made in

the past about your future plans


is used for a decision

you make in the conversation during the

conversation the plan

can be any time in the future

but the decision

the point at which you make the decision

is the difference here

one point about this two points about

this actually first will

if you’ve made a decision at the moment

of speaking and you therefore should use

will to communicate that decision you

can improve or you can communicate that

there’s a high chance

it’s going to happen with the word




i’ll show you this in an example

sentence in a moment but you can use

probably with will and won’t i’ll

probably i probably won’t remember that

order though i’ll probably or i probably

will or probably won’t

point number two i want to mention about

both of these grammar points is to make

your pronunciation a little more natural

try shortening both of these expressions

going to shortens to gonna g-o-n-n-a

gonna i’m gonna i’m not gonna this

sounds much more natural at least than

american english

for will and for won’t

when you use will use the contracted

form with your subject for example i

will becomes i’ll you will becomes yule

they will becomes veil using the

contracted form sounds a lot more

natural in everyday conversation it’s

correct to say you will they will but it

sounds really stiff and unnatural so

please use the contracted form to sound

a bit more natural you can use the

contracted form with probably for will

i’ll probably they’ll probably wheel

probably these are all

pretty good okay

so let’s practice using them all right

first example sentence maybe something

something go hiking tomorrow so how do

we know

is this a will sentence or a going-to

sentence we have a hint here maybe

maybe so meaning there’s a low level of

certainty perhaps a low chance that this

is going to happen so

let’s say maybe

i’ll go hiking tomorrow this is probably

the best answer maybe i’m going to

uh while you can communicate the idea

yes it sounds like you decided your plan

before the conversation

but you’re using maybe so it doesn’t

quite match instead use aisle maybe i’ll

go hiking tomorrow


let’s look at the next sentence i’m

there’s a big hint here a grammar hint

i’m something something go to france

next year so next year this go to france

next year this is a pretty big decision

most people probably

would not make this decision at the

moment of speaking so

we should use going to

i’m going to go to france next year this

is the correct

use of going to in this case a decision

made before the moment of speaking and

there’s a high level of certainty here


let’s look at the next one i decided

here’s a hint past tense decided if you

watched a different video

oops i decided

that i’m something something go out for

dinner i’m too tired okay so past tense

this shows us a big hint past tense


this implies the decision was made

before the conversation

so i’m something something go out for

dinner i’m too tired here’s another hint

so go out for dinner and too tired

this should probably be

i’m not


to go out for dinner i’m too tired

so this person has decided

i’m not going to go out for dinner we

should use going to the negative not

going to because the speaker made the

decision before the conversation

happened and there’s a high level of

certainty there’s a high chance that

this is going to happen so we should use

going to in this sentence okay

okay so the next sentence i included

because i think it’s a really good one

to remember anytime you visit a bar a

restaurant some kind of service

situation you can use this pattern

specifically to make a request for

something so let’s take a look

here my example sentence is i something

something have a glass of wine please in

this case maybe it’s at a restaurant or

at a bar

but in this case you’ve just made the

decision looking at the menu

looking at a catalog looking at


you made a decision

just then at that moment and you’re

asking for that item you’re asking for

that service so

we’ll use

will i’ll have a glass of wine please

so in this example sentence i used glass

of wine to show my request to ask for a

glass of wine but if you want to use

this pattern to make a request in a

service situation just replace glass of

wine with the item or service that you

would like so for example i’ll have a

beer i’ll have a steak i’ll have a

hamburger these are all things you can

order at a restaurant or at a bar

if you’re shopping you can say i’ll have

the blue one please for example so just

make your request

using the same pattern but replacing

that glass of wine section that i used

in my example sentence

okay next one uh this one is maybe a

little bit challenging uh it’s you’re

running late so you something something

have to take a taxi to your next meeting

so maybe this is an assistant or someone

supporting another person with their


okay so in the next sentence we’re

looking at a situation where there’s

been a sudden or quick change to a

schedule someone is running late and

there’s a new decision that’s made at

the moment of speaking or a new decision

is made to reflect the new situation so

let’s take a look

you’re running late so


or you will

have to take a taxi

you could say uh you’re running late so

you have to take a taxi but maybe this

is a future plan something that’s going

to happen in an hour from now maybe this

is something

the speaker is planning for

later in the day so you will is a nice

way to use that you’re running late so

you’ll have to take a taxi

to the next meeting okay

the last one i want to talk about this

uses probably which i mentioned over

here so probably remember we can use

probably to sort of improve

or we can use probably to communicate a

higher level of certainty with the

decision we made at the moment of

speaking so


you’re not going to the party then i

probably something something go either

okay so e there’s a big hint here

remember we use either to show agreement

but negative

okay so in the last example sentence for

today we’re going to look at a situation

where the listener has heard some new

information they use the expression

you’re not going to go to the party so

they’re confirming new information they

have just heard after that they’re going

to make a decision about what their

plans are for the party so let’s take a


we know that probably

can be used with will and won’t

and we know

from then

the speaker just made this decision

and we know it’s a negative with either


we should use


you’re not going to go to the party

then i probably won’t go either

so the speaker uses uh won’t hear to

show a decision made at the moment of

speaking but the speaker also uses

probably won’t to show there’s a high

chance that this is going to happen

there’s a high chance that this is the

future plan probably won’t okay so

there’s a lot of information

communicated there with small words like

then and either and probably as well so

please keep this in mind when you’re

trying to decide when to use will won’t

going to and not going to okay


uh so that’s my recap of a few useful

grammar points how to talk about your

future tense plans

so i’m going to finish the lesson now uh

i hope that you enjoyed this lesson if

you have any questions please feel free

to leave it in a comment or if you want

to try out a few practice sentences

please feel free to leave those in the

comment section too

if you haven’t already please be sure to

like this video and subscribe to our

channel too if you want to find more

stuff like this more lessons more

information like this you can check out


thanks very much for watching this

episode and i will see you again soon

bye bye

hi everybody my name is alicia today

we’re going to be talking about simple

past tense we’re going to talk about how

to make simple past tense statements in

english so let’s get started okay so

first let’s talk about when we should

use the simple past tense simple past

tense statements for today

are for actions that started and ended

in the past so these are things that

both started or began and ended in the

past both of those must be true to use

simple past tense

the second point for today is these are

actions which happened at a specific

point in time so a specific point in

time can be yesterday it can be

an hour ago it can be last year it can

be when you were a kid all of these are

a specific point in time but the key is

that we know when the action happened so

specific point in time is point two for

this grammar point

third uh we can use simple past tense

for repeated actions in the past so

things you did every week or every month

or every year every summer every hour if

you like but one point about this

make sure to include a frequency

indicator if you want to talk about an

action that repeated in the past

frequency indicator

for example i just mentioned a few every

week every month every year so frequency

meaning how often an indicator shows how

often you did that so you can use

repeated actions with past tense to show

let’s see something you did a lot in the

past for example so to give you a visual


the past is down here now is this point

here and future is up here

when we use the simple past tense it’s

an action that started

and ended

in the past somewhere before now that’s


it’s at a specific point in time so this

action and this action we know when they

happened it could be this morning it

could be

yesterday for example but we know when

these actions happen

third we can use for repeated action so

maybe these actions repeat

but we know

when the repetition happened we know

when we repeated these actions so it’s

okay to use simple past tense to

describe those okay so now we know

when we should use simple past tense we

know why we should use simple past tense

but how do we make simple past tense

statements so when you want to use the

simple past tense to explain an action

that happened in the past you need to

conjugate your verb you need to change

your verb so that means when you’re

using a regular verb you do verb plus ed

so verb plus e d is the basic form for

simple past tense verbs

but keep in mind this is only for

regular verbs not all verbs are regular

verbs so for example some common ones

are talk which becomes talked

start which becomes started and enjoy

which becomes enjoyed please be careful

however you’ll notice that the past

tense form of verbs has a few different

pronunciations so for example start

becomes started it has an id sound it’s

not an e d sound but an id sound you

might hear a word like walked also which

has a sort of t sound about it walk

becomes walked started becomes started

and i d sound and then there’s also a

sound like in breathed a very soft d

sound so there are three past tense verb

sounds to listen for an id sound started

a soft d sound like breathed and then a

more hard t sound like walked so pay

attention to that when you’re trying to

make these past tense verb conjugations



some verbs are irregular verbs irregular

verbs do not have a simple rule for

understanding past tense conjugation how

to change them in past tense there’s no

rule for these

you simply have to practice you have to

remember them

read them listen to them

until you can remember the correct

conjugation the correct way to change

these verbs into the past tense so for

example some common ones are eat which

becomes ate

speak becomes spoke

and make becomes made

if you see a verb somewhere that that

seems a little odd or you’re not sure

what the present tense form would be you

can check a dictionary and try to

remember it from there so

now we’ve talked about simple past tense

irregular and regular verbs let’s try to

use them to make some sentences i

prepared a few example sentences so

let’s take a look

okay first sentence he something

something a towel and sunglasses to the

beach so the verb here is bring i want

to use the verb bring

bring however is an irregular verb so i

can’t use the ed rule for regular verbs

the correct conjugation is brought


g-h-t he brought a towel and sunglasses

to the beach this is the correct

conjugation here so bring is an

irregular verb


let’s go to the next sentence they

something something to the gym every day

last week so here i’m showing you a

repeated action here i’m using every day

this is a frequency indicator how often

did i do that action and last week shows

the specific point in time so i’m using

both of these two points in addition uh

to a simple past the basic simple past

structure here so the verb that we want

to use here is go but go is an irregular

verb so we can’t use god for example go

changes to went in the past tense so

went is the correct answer for this

sentence here okay

let’s try the next one

i something something to tell my boss

about my schedule

so the verb i want to use here is forget

forget is a very useful word i think to

remember but again forget is not a

regular verb forget is an irregular verb

so we cannot use the ed form forget in

the past tense becomes forgot


so i forgot to tell my boss about my

schedule it’s the correct sentence here

all right let’s go to something a little

bit different uh here’s a negative

sentence i don’t think they something

something a reservation at the

restaurant okay so here i’m using a

phrase i want to use the phrase make a

reservation to make a reservation so the

verb here is make this was one of my

example verbs for the irregular form so

make becomes made i don’t think

they made

a reservation at the restaurant is the

correct verb form to use here all right

uh the next sentence we something

something junk food almost every day

last month so here again i have uh every


but i have almost here so almost every

day not every day but close to every day

and then last month last month is my

specific point in time in this case so

here we have junk food that means that

the verb we want to use is probably eat

and we learn that eat

is an irregular verb there’s no rule for

conjugating this we just know that eat

becomes eight we ate junk food almost

every day last month

great okay

so next sentence

has two spaces for verbs actually okay

so the next sentence that i’ve prepared

i included because a lot of my students

ask about how to report information when

you want to report information share

something that you heard from a friend a

past tense action you need to conjugate

the reporting verb for example say

becomes said or hear becomes heard you

need to conjugate this verb and you need

to conjugate the information that you

heard so there are two past tense

conjugations that should happen when you

report information let’s take a look so

here we have she something something she

something something a great time at the

party so here she blah blah blah a great

time at the party

so we use the expression to have a great

time to have a great time again have is

an irregular verb so we conjugate it to

had she had

a great time at the party okay

but then to report your speech so


gave you information past tense give

becomes gave you information

so the verb for giving information a

neutral way to pass information is say


to conjugate say into the past tense

it’s an irregular verb so we use sed say

becomes said so

she said

she had a great time at the party okay

please be careful of your pronunciation

with the word said a lot of people i’ve

heard use sayed sayed is not correct so

please use sed it sounds like s-e-d the


but it’s said s-a-i-d is the spelling

say becomes said she said she had a

great time at the party okay

so last one

okay so the last example sentence for

today includes spaces for a few

different verbs i included this because

i wanted to show you that you can use a

lot of different information in one

sentence just by connecting your past

tense verbs together so let’s take a


okay yesterday i something something

late something something shocking and

something something to my mother okay

so the verbs i want to use for this

sentence are sleep go and speak sleep go

and speak these are all

irregular verbs there are no regular

verbs in this sentence so

sleep in past tense becomes slept

go in past tense becomes went

and speak in past tense becomes spoke

so here in one sentence i have i have

explained three things about my day


uh yesterday i slept late i went

shopping and i spoke to my mother so you

can explain a lot of things with past

tense and a few connecting words in this

case i’ve just used and to connect the

last two things in this sentence so

please keep this in mind when you’re

sharing information about your past


so today we talked about the simple past

tense and we talked about how to

conjugate both regular and irregular

verbs it might seem a little bit

difficult to understand which verbs are

regular and which verbs are irregular

but with some practice it will become

easier so i hope that you enjoyed this

video if you have any questions or

comments please be sure to leave us a

comment and let us know also please be

sure to like this video and subscribe to

our channel if you haven’t already

thanks very much for watching check us

out for more at

englishclass101.com and we’ll see you

again soon bye


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why is the jurassic park fans

hi everybody my name is alicia and today

we’re going to be talking about 15

questions that you should know so these

are 15 questions that not necessarily

you need to

know how to ask them perhaps you know

some of the questions already but you

will probably also hear these questions

as well so we’ll practice a few

different answers for these questions


so let’s get started

do you like american food the first

question is do you like american food

you will probably be asked this question

do you like american food you can either

say yes or no or you can give a specific

example someone says do you like

american food yes i love philly

cheesesteaks i would recommend saying

yes or a little


or or you can just say i don’t know what

do you recommend

have you been to the united states the

next question is have you been to the

united states have you been to the

united states so someone asks you have

you been to the united states you should

reply with either yes i have or no i

haven’t or maybe no i haven’t yet but i

want to when you want to ask someone

this question you can say have you been

to japan have you been to egypt have you

been to china whatever you can use your

own country when you ask this question

how are you how are you when someone

asks how are you

don’t say i’m fine thank you and you

please don’t say that please say

something more natural like good

great i’m good how are you something

like that is much better than i’m going

thank you and you be a little more

genuine in your reply also when you ask

this question maybe one point to help

you sound a little more natural when you

ask someone else don’t like try to say

how are you how are you instead of how

are you or

and make make sure your intonation is

correct i’ve had a few people ask me uh

how are you like a little too

yeah with this question or like how are

you but how are you should be the

intonation with this how are you how are

you is a little bit more natural how

long have you been studying english how

long have you been studying english how

long have you been studying english

great question to know the answer to

your answer should be i have been

studying english for blah blah blah

years or blah blah months or above 1

weeks but if that’s too much for you you

can just use the time how long have you

been studying english six years how long

have you been studying english two

months so just pick the time if if the

whole sentence is quite long for you

how old are you we don’t really go

around asking people how old they are

like just

the first time you meet them necessarily

especially if they’re older much older

than you like in particular it’s

sometimes considered rude to ask

especially women how old they are so

just be careful with this question but

if you’re about the same age group you

know maybe you’re at an event or a party

or something and you just want to check

how old the other person is you can use

this phrase when you reply to this just


uh i’m plus the number

to make a really simple response so how

old are you i’m 15. how old are you i’m

42 whatever the answer is just stick i’m

in front of it not i but i’m i am but

use the contracted form to sound more

natural i’m number if you want to make a

full sentence you can say i’m number

years old don’t forget that s in years


a million years old

what did you say

what did you say if you couldn’t quite

hear something that someone else said

you can use this question to confirm

sorry what did you say it’s a little

nicer than just saying what

what did you say or what did you just

say sorry what did you say i couldn’t

hear you what’s this

what’s this when you don’t know what

something is what’s this when you’re out

for dinner you’re out for lunch or

something and you find a new food or you

just you’re curious just say what’s this

to reply to this question just say it’s

blah blah blah what’s your name what’s

your name of course you should know how

to ask this question and how to answer

this question what’s your name is a

little more natural than what is your


again contracted form will help you

sound much more natural so what’s your

name someone asks you you can just give

your name alicia that’s fine you can say

alicia you can say i’m alicia that’s

fine too you could say my name is or my

name’s alicia

either any of those are fine in a more

formal situation a business situation i

would i would use my name is blah blah

blah while i shake hands or something

what’s your phone number the next one is

what’s your phone number i would not ask

this question right away like maybe

you’ve met the person a few times but

you’d like to contact them whether it’s

because you’re romantically interested

in them or because you want to be better

friends with them but just

if you meet someone for the first time

and you’re like what’s your phone number

it’s like a little

it’s a little too much so use this

question after you’ve met the person a

few times and you know you want to

become better friends when you want to

give your phone number just say it’s and

the number that’s fine just it’s blah

blah blah or my phone number is blah

blah blah with the number 555 one

million and five two six

when is your birthday so maybe you wanna

plan a birthday party for example or

it’s just another fun question the first

time you meet someone when is your

birthday so when you want to tell

someone your birthday just give the

month and the date january 15th august


that’s a real day if you want to make a

full sentence you can say my birthday is

month date

where are you from the next word the

next question is where are you from this

can refer to your country or your city

but i feel like probably more stuff and

it refers to your country so where are

you from your answer should be i’m from

place i’m from china i’m from japan i’m

from vietnam i’m from america whatever

i’m from

where did you learn english the next

question is where did you learn english

where did you learn english if you’re

speaking great english you can say i

learned english at englishclass101.com

because you did because you’re watching


anyway where did you learn english in

this case in the case of like these

videos i learned english online or i

learned english from

and then the school name or the program

name so i learned english from

englishclass101.com for example if you

studied english at university you can

say i learned english at university or i

learned english from my friends perhaps

where do you live where do you live

depending on the situation where you’re

asked this this can mean your country

like uh i live in america i live in

china sometimes it’s about the place in

the city where you live sometimes it’s

about the country where you live so you

can kind of feel i think which question

which type of question is being asked

where do you work

where do you work is talking about your

job you can use the pattern i work


company name or i work for

company name either is fine i work at

abc company i work for abc company

either is okay but you know if if you

have answered with the wrong information

the other person will just ask you like

oh i mean where is your office or oh i

mean which company do you work for use

the force for this one

where is the bathroom where is the

bathroom very important question where

is the bathroom in american english

where is the bathroom or where is the

restroom is more common than where is

the toilet using the word toilet is a

little bit too direct in american

english so i recommend bathroom or

restroom so those are 15 questions that

you should definitely know know how to

ask these questions and know how to

answer these questions they are very


and very important for everyday

conversation thanks very much for

joining us thank you very much for um

subscribing if you haven’t subscribed

yet please be sure to do so so that you

can check our fun stuff every week

with that we will see you again next

time bye

if you are baby watching this video

please contact us because you’re amazing

did you know my birthday is january 15th

before you said that no is it really

yeah is it really


thunderdome in my stomach

that’s going at the end of a video i’m


hi everybody my name is alicia and today

i’m joined again in the studio by

michael hello

and today we’re going to be talking

about bad habits in english so these are

some things that we’ve heard before or

mistakes that native speakers and

non-native speakers of english make and

that drive us crazy so

let us


you start what’s your first

thing um this doesn’t bug me too much


someone points it out about me and then

it drives me nuts

yeah okay once you tell someone that

they say


or like

too much then every time they say it

they notice it and it’s really hard to

get a thought out because these are

filler words that you almost always use

or i always use maybe americans always

use but

it’s yeah it’s really tough not to use

the word like or um i think when you’re

just speaking casually right

yeah right well yeah i mean like

right now

why did you have to make it the first

word why do you have to make it the

first one actually we talked about that

we have a video i think

probably like a year ago one of the

english weekly words videos where uh the

word like was one of the words that

americans overuse uh i don’t know where

that information came from but um that

was see oh my god now i’m suddenly aware

of it why oh my god

this whole thing i’m gonna be thinking

about how often i say liking them okay

let’s see i’m gonna go to one that i

think all of us talked about and all of

us were aware of before we even turned

the camera on but um this is a this one

is written this is a written problem

that drives me nuts and there are so

many variations on this with other words

but this is the big one your y-o-u-r

this is a do not equal sign y-o-u

apostrophe r-e so this one your y-o-u-r

is a possessive word this is your shirt

your bag your whatever


is a contracted form of u r

interestingly enough though i will say

that i rarely see non-native speakers of

english make this mistake most of the

time it’s native speakers who make this

mistake come on guys


i just it just drives me nuts yeah that

one really drives me nuts that one bugs

me too because it’s it’s really simple i

mean there’s another one that still kind

of bugs me but i’m more forgiving is

it’s and it’s

because they’re both


and one of them has an apostrophe and

in both cases

it seems reasonable because you can use

an apostrophe for possessive or for a

contraction so

both seem reasonable and you just have

to do like you know a mnemonic device

figure it out there’s rules i’m sure

there’s a you know english language

english class 101 episode on it you know

no apostrophe is the one that’s the

possessive the apostrophe s is the one

that’s stored for it has or it is


but it makes sense it’s kind of tough

for some people to remember um

you or you’re in your that that really

upsets me yeah just because it’s so easy

it’s simple that and uh there we talked

about this earlier before this that

they’re there and there

the possessive t-h-e-i-r

for that’s their house that’s their dog

t-h-e-r-e it’s over there and t-h-e-y

apostrophe-r-e they are they’re three

different there there theirs sound the

same but they have different meanings

and they should be spelled differently

too so come on native speakers

games together

okay all right next one for you what’s

your next one

ah along the same lines of being uh just

like correct

could of so i think the problem with a

lot of these words

is so it’s supposed to be could have

but when you’re speaking the language

any language you you make it quicker and

quicker and you kind of slur the words

together so like for example grandma

or grandma you like native speakers you

don’t really say the d you said grandma

grandma and so as a kid i thought that’s

how you spelled it and i remember

spelling g-r-a-m-m-a

someone told me no that’s not it

so it could have it makes sense why

people would say could of but it doesn’t

it’s not proper and you shouldn’t get in

the habit of doing it i think most of

these things you can be forgiving when

they’re kids but it’s best to to nip it

in the bud because

you know it just becomes a bad habit

yeah and i mean with could have there is

a correct contracted spelled version

it’s just could of apostrophe v e

could’ve i mean

i would argue that it’s more casual and

it’s perhaps not the most correct um

thing to write i would i probably would

just write could have i probably

wouldn’t use the contracted form so much

use of contractions will make you sound

more casual if you want to write a

formal letter you should i i feel you

should not use contractions if you’re

writing an academic paper as well don’t

use contractions

spell it out spell the whole thing out

you’ll sound much more formal and more

at least in my mind more educated

all right uh great this topic is getting

me all like

fancy okay let’s see i’m gonna go to

okay another another pronunciation issue

that i feel like almost is cool now


let me ask you a question

this pronunciation okay so i’ve written

acts on this card but the it’s

ask ask let me ask okay so this lemmy

which we talked about in a previous

video which is short for let me i’ve

contracted it here to the very casual

lemmy but i’ve used lemmy here because

this is this is typically said in a very

very casual setting let me ask you a


but the pronunciation of ask should not

be ax it’s ask let me ask you a question

i want to ask you something it’s not ax

it’s ask

ask yeah this one

again so like lemmy lemmy is okay i

think most people say lemmy i think

that’s okay but for some reason acts i

think a lot of these just are not even

close at all let me when you say it

really fast it sounds like lemmy i mean

right but when you say

acts it’s just totally wrong well it’s

reversing the the consonants in the word

ask right it’s not faster you’re not

making it quicker you’re not slurring or

making you know putting it into one

little like fluid blob

it’s just you just switch the two

uh yeah syllables similarly i hear this

with the word uh asterisk as well the

little star that’s on like the number

eight on your keyboard or whatever that

this looking thing it’s not an asterisk

or what i don’t even know it’s asterisk


over pronunciation so this one is kind

of the opposite direction so this whole

time we’ve been kind of nitpicking when

you use the incorrect version of a word

i think overpronunciation can also be

equally as damaging but instead of

making you look stupid it makes you look

pretentious so for example

we don’t say in english we don’t use all

of the syllables with chocolate so it’s

cha like when you spell it chocolate

white chocolate right

and so like maybe in spanish or

something like that they would still say

that like chocolate or something

whatever but with english we took it out

and so even though you still spell all

of those syllables native speakers now

say chocolate chocolate or like


comfortable that’s how it’s spelled but

native english speakers we say


and this is like now it’s it’s

i think it’s like unanimous so maybe

when it becomes when slang becomes so

popular that it’s part of the new

language it’s the language is now

evolved if you don’t go with the flow

even though it’s incorrect i think you

sound pretentious that’s a great one i

like that a lot all right uh i’m gonna

wrap it up i have two actually i’ll just

i think i can do them quickly though do

you have any more by the way

no no okay then i’ll go quickly um these

are two the my last two are just a

couple that my students actually

struggle with um so maybe this this is

something that you can work on as well

um this one

just an example sentence i want to go to

there i’ve underlined the word to here

we use the word too when we’re talking

about a specific city or a specific

country like i want to go to new york i

want to go to europe

but there is not a specific location i

want to go to there

is is not a specific place so we you

don’t need to use two in this sentence i

want to go there it’s perfectly fine so

this is a mistake that um non-native

speakers it seems seem to make from time

to time

um perhaps okay

and then another one that i’ve heard a

lot recently is this phrase uh in case

of and then a country

so for example in case of china in case

of egypt or whatever

where someone is trying to explain like

the political situation or a policy in

that country

in case of in case of um but actually

you don’t need to use kasep just in

china in europe in japan whatever you

don’t need to use kasiv this pattern in

case of is used for like an emergency

situation or used uh to talk about

alternate plans often to to do with

weather so for example in case of rain

the event will be canceled or in case of

tornado please

go to your nearest evacuation center i

don’t know something like that so it’s

used for like an emergency situation

it’s not used to talk about

policies in the countries just use in

plus the place it’s much better much

more natural so those are a few things

that i’ve noticed that non-native

speakers uh struggle with sometimes so

perhaps they’ll be helpful for you as

well so thanks very much for watching if

you have a bad habit that you’ve noticed

when you’re speaking english or

if you’ve noticed a bad habit and

somebody else in their english speaking

or their writing or whatever please

leave it in a comment and let’s compare

it might be interesting to see if there

are any other things that people tend to

struggle with thanks very much for

watching this episode and we will see

you again soon bye

hi everybody my name is alicia and today

we’re going to be talking about 10 of

the hardest words to pronounce according

to you guys so we collected some

information from you on facebook thanks

very much for sending in your ideas and

these were the top 10 uh most difficult

words for you to pronounce so let’s get

started absolutely

absolutely absolutely might be tough to

pronounce absolutely means 100

absolutely is an agreement phrase are

you going to that music event next week

absolutely yes 100 definitely absolutely

loot like a loot l-u-t-e

big rime the grime apparently means

dirty i’ve never heard nor used this

word before but perhaps it’s

difficult to pronounce begrime the door

to my apartment was begrimed in the

storm last week

breakfast the next word is breakfast

breakfast is hard to pronounce but that

is the meaning of breakfast you’re

breaking the fast so a fast is a period

of time without eating and to break

means to just well in this case breaking

something it doesn’t refer to like


a thing but um stopping something to

break the fast of

the night in other words so you’re

fasting during the night you’re not

eating so you wake up in the morning you

break the fast but we don’t say

breakfast we say breakfast in a sentence

this morning for breakfast i ate

a bowl of cereal with grapes and i had a

coffee too


colleague yes colleague many of my

students struggle with this they say

colleague or they say call you

or something because the spelling of

this word is really really strange

there’s that g-u-e at the end or more

commonly i feel it’s just co-worker

colleagues sound slightly more formal to

me than co-worker somebody who you work

with or somebody who you have a business

relationship with in some sense could be

a person from another company could be

somebody from your own company anyone

who you do business dealings with is

your colleague can be your colleague in

a sentence i’m going

to a networking event with my colleagues

next week


that misc miscellaneous it’s just the

spelling i think maybe is confusing for

this word miscellaneous miscellaneous

just means

other stuff or just other uncategorized

stuff i keep a lot of miscellaneous

items in a drawer in my house maybe they

don’t they don’t really fit into one

category like it’s not kitchen things

it’s not clothing it’s just sort of a

mixture of of things miscellaneous

things negotiation the next word is

negotiation negotiation yeah there are

two t’s in this but neither t is a hard

t they’re both very soft that sh sound

because they’re followed by the i and

another vowel that she a

negotiation negotiation refers to a

compromise between two people you’re

trying to make a decision and you

negotiate in this case it’s a noun form

negotiation business negotiations

continued for more than a month with

this important deal


realm i see why this one’s hard it’s

that rome part little

realm it’s a weird word isn’t it it’s

used to talk about just like the kind of

a fantasy world is sort of the nuance of

this phrase the realm uh in a sentence

let us go to the realm where the elves

live and eat their bread

unfortunately the next word is

unfortunately unfortunately

unfortunately it just means too bad uh

you can use this to to start bad news

for example like unfortunately i can’t

come to work today because i’m sick or

unfortunately i broke my arm at the

basketball game last week or

unfortunately my haircut is bad

vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocab

vocabulary vocabulary

vocabulary just refers to the

uh words in a language my vocabulary in

my second language is really really low

i need a bigger vocabulary so that i can

express myself more clearly world

world ah i see why this one’s hard world

world hard to pronounce that rld i think

together is tough plus that w at the

beginning as well it’s such a short word

but you have to say so many weird things

at the same time world your tongue is



like this in a sentence i have traveled

all over the world and the best food is


my stomach that’s the end so those were

10 hard to pronounce words give them a

try slowly at first and just kind of try

to work up to saying it at a more

natural speed if you like thank you so

much for sharing your opinions with us

on facebook and please make sure to

subscribe to our channel so that you

don’t miss out on any of this fun

information so thanks again for watching

today and we’ll see you again next time


hi everybody my name is alicia and today

we’re going to be talking about 10

phrases that you always want to hear so

let’s begin

you win

the first phrase is you win you win if

you hear the phrase you win it means you

have won something you are probably

going to receive something for free

that’s a very happy thing right you want

to get free things congratulations you

win a car yay

here are the keys to your new car great

thank you

i brought you something special this is

exciting to hear because it means this

little something special is like oh i

thought only a view so i brought you

this i brought you something special

really thank you

i miss you

i miss you i miss you it’s nice you can

use this with your friends your family


your partner whoever i miss you shows

that you want to meet the other person

probably you haven’t you haven’t seen

them as much as you would like to so you

can say i miss you i miss you call your

husband or wife or boyfriend girlfriend

whoever on the phone maybe you haven’t

seen them for a long time you can say

i miss you

i miss you too

take a break i’ll do the cleaning today

take a break i’ll do the cleaning today

this means someone else is going to

clean up your house for you or clean up

something for you i would be very happy

to hear this phrase right now because my

apartment is a disaster because i’m only

there to sleep so maybe you’ve had a

long day at work or a long day doing

something you come home and somebody

else has offered to do this for you so

take a break i’ll do the cleaning today

and you can reply really thank you so

much i’m gonna relax

the budget is unlimited the next phrase

that you always want to hear is the

budget is unlimited the budget is

unlimited this could be a work this

could be a budget a personal budget

maybe but it just means there’s no limit

to the budget you can spend as much

money as you want

very exciting so let’s see in a business

context perhaps you have this new client

who’s going to give you a lot of money

to build a new house or something maybe

you’re building houses that’s your

project your boss comes to you the

budget for this project is unlimited

really let’s go crazy

there’ll be a bonus at the end of the

month yeah this is a phrase that you

probably are very excited to hear it

means you are going to receive extra

money from your job at the end of the

month woohoo very exciting extra money

maybe you’ll hear this from your boss or

your manager or maybe your co-worker at

work or maybe you see it in an email

there will be a bonus at the end of the

month really i’m gonna use mine to buy a

new car

really i’m gonna use mine to go out on a

date really

i’m gonna use mine to get a new

fish you did a great job you did a great

job you did a great job at something um

you’ll probably hear from

well i don’t know you could hear this

from pretty much anybody anytime you’ve

done a good job someone will

congratulate you or tell you their

opinion with this phrase you did a great

job you finished a project at work and

your boss says you did a great job

nice thank you so much it was really fun

or thank you

just just say thank you you look great

today you look great today the other

person thinks that your physical

appearance is nice today don’t think

about the today part you know just just

just take the compliment oh really thank

you so much you look great today oh

thank you so much i got a new haircut

thank you so much i

i got enough sleep yeah

you were right

you were right this means that um

something that you said in the past was

correct and everybody likes to be

correct i think i saw that movie that

you recommended you were right it was

really good oh good i’m glad you enjoyed

it don’t be like i know or yeah i knew i

was right don’t do that just say oh good

i’m glad you’re an excellent cook you’re

an excellent cook this is a nice

compliment especially for someone who

enjoys cooking if you say you’re an

excellent cook it means you enjoyed

their food so let’s see at a dinner

party for example you’re an excellent

cook this food is delicious oh thank you

so much i’m really glad you enjoyed it

and that’s the end so those are things

that you want to hear so keep in mind

it’s nice for you to hear these things

but other people also want to hear them

too so compliment other people tell them

that they are awesome if they’re awesome

tell them that they have good skills in

whatever it is that they like to do

people like to be complimented people

want to be liked so write them a message

or say something nice to them yes leave

us a comment we have a great team of

people doing all these amazing things so

tell them how much you love them so

thanks so much for joining us for this

week’s lesson we will see you again next

time please make sure to subscribe if

you have not already

so that you don’t miss out on any fun

stuff thank you very much again for

watching and we’ll see you again soon


i guess i don’t really need to do that

i’m so sorry amped all the time japanese

hi everybody my name is alicia and i’m

here in the studio today with michael


and today we’re going to be talking

about things that every american kid

knows so let’s get right into it these

are going to be things that we think

that maybe

now i imagine

most or all american kids are aware of

or have done to some degree


so let’s compare um why don’t you start

us off um

ah this is a good one

i think everybody knows this everybody

still should know this is the magic word

so usually when you want to like get

someone to say please you’re trying to

teach little kids uh

how to be polite teach them proper

manners and so you say what’s the magic


and they say please so like for example

hey mom can i have a cookie

what’s the magic word can i have a

cookie please and then you give them the

cookie yep yep it’s it’s better than

saying say please i feel like saying

what’s the magic word is i don’t know

it’s kind of like a more fun way to to

tell kids like people like you know

say please and thank you kind of

hypocritical to be like say please yeah

that’s not very polite mom yeah yeah

that’s true nice nice one okay good

uh all right i’ll go to my first one i


okay you’ll see in a second maybe what i

picked um let’s start with let’s see oh

i’ll start with this one

i think kids probably all over the world

are aware of this one or some variation

i don’t know what it’s called many

different languages but hide and seek um

hide and seek is a very very

basic game i mean the the game is

explained pretty much here hide and seek

so a bunch of kids hide and then one

person usually seeks or looks for all

the other kids um so this was one of

those games that you’d play with a group

of friends or even just you know like

with one of your siblings uh if you

don’t have a whole lot of people um but

um the basic concept of the game is

one or more people hide and then a few

seconds later you go look for those

people um

i i assume that you played this game i

assume that every child played this game

hours and hours and hours spent playing

this game so i mean there’s different

variations of the game but like you have

a home base usually and so that’s where

the person starts and you usually count

to like what 30 100 yeah something like

that yeah yeah and so you close your

eyes the person who’s it and they okay

one two three and then when you are

finished you say ready or not here i

come and you try to find them um

and then if you are hiding

and you make it to the home base and you

touch it you’re free you made it you win

yeah um

or like

i don’t know multiple people can win

it’s it’s really like a young young kid

game yeah like i don’t think i played it

after nine years old yeah i think maybe

around junior high school was probably

the last time that i played it yeah okay

uh hide and seek yeah play hide and seek

if you haven’t i don’t know i bet it’d

be fun as an adult too in the right in

the right situation make it a drinking

game something like that i don’t know

you said it so i didn’t have to okay um

let’s go to your next one what’s your

next one um

i guess talking about games

thumb war


so i think most people do this around

the world they they know the thumb war

which is like

like this and you you try to catch them

but the thing that not everyone knows is

and i think every american kid knows is

you say

one two three four i declare a thumb

more ready go yeah did you not have a

ready go i don’t remember that last part

i had already go okay and then you try

to get him so yeah you try to you try to


you keep the other person’s thumb down

in retrospect that’s not a very good

game is it nah yeah these are all

terrible game

yeah yeah i did it too though i did it

too though but like

people would always people would always

kind of like get a little bit too into

it and then they’d sort of like kind of

try and rip their hands out like right

or do they you use this finger you cheat

what is that called the hook like no

hooks i am not aware of this so like


and then you use this finger so you’re

trying to do it it’s hard and then you

ha you just cheat basically so yeah

stupid game for little kids basically

there’s like it’s like tic tac toe you

can play it like a million times

and usually you get a tie it’s just like

something to do when the teacher’s

talking and it’s just easy you don’t

need a ball you’re just kind of like

okay let’s play them

you’re a terrible child weren’t you yeah

i was pretty bad never listen


all right i’m gonna go to my next one

another game i picked duck goose



as i was writing this card i was

thinking to myself why is it called duck

duck goose of all things okay so the

game is very very simple i think you

need you need a group of people for this

one though but you form a ring

a ring of children usually and then

there’s one person who walks around the

outside of the ring and they touch each

each person on the head as they walk by

and say duck duck duck and then randomly

this one person will select one child

and say goose you’re the goose and so if

you are chosen as the goose you have to

get up and chase the other person around

the circle

and try to get back to your the place

where you were sitting down before them

no you have to tag them right

the the person who

was going duck duck duck and then goose

they try to run around the circle and

steal your spot right and you if you’re

fast enough you can run around and if

you tag them then they keep going and

you get your spots too right right so

it’s it’s it’s like a seated version of

tag almost but i don’t know why we call

it duck duck goose yeah no clue i don’t

know okay

so this one is actually i think it’s

like from

scotland or something i don’t know i

forgot i looked it up but

eeny meeny miny moe so usually when

you’re trying to decide who let’s say

you want to play hide and seek

and you don’t know who’s going to be the

one who’s it so then you’ll go eeny

meeny miny moe

catch a tiger by his toe if he hollers

make him pay a thousand dollars every

day okay you’re it and there’s a few

variations of that

pretty much everyone knows that i still

use it to this day honestly

most people shorten it though because

the tiger the whole tiger thing is quite

long so i think eeny meeny miny mo it’s

just a rhyme to choose someone i mean

you could flip a coin or do like rock

paper scissors or something like that

but for whatever reason we do this eenie

meenie miney moe thing did you ever do

nose goes

uh as a child no as an adult for a

drinking game

see this is the yes all the things that

were like children’s games become adult

drinking games when you grow up

slowly get perfect very very mature okay

uh my last one is truth or dare um

perhaps this is um more for like junior

high school and high school age when you

start getting a little bit more like

curious is maybe the right word

so the game is um you have there are two

choices that you can make this game

truth where your friends will ask you a

question and you have to reply with the

truth to that question so usually truth

is like who’s who’s the person that you

like or do you want a boyfriend or do

you want a girlfriend usually it’s

something like that if you don’t choose

truth then you have to choose dare so


is the choice where your friends get to

tell you to do something and it’s

usually something crazy um so you either

have the option of being in other words

humiliated by sharing something secret

or humiliated by doing something

embarrassing um it’s a it’s a fun game

of humiliation to play with your friends


i i’ve i have some i actually have some

good memories playing this game nothing

nothing like bad really just really

really silly stuff actually like singing

weird songs in front of like my my

friend’s parents that kind of thing

right put underwear on your head or

something yeah yeah yeah the one i

remember that just came to mind is they

told me i was like okay dare and then

they said to uh go outside act like a

cow get on all fours and take a big

mouthful of the grass and chew it so

that was kind of that’s a creative dare

yeah yeah that was like that’s why i

still remember it because usually

they’re just kind of like i dare you to

like i don’t know drink too much ketchup

or something i don’t know just something

kind of uh-huh i don’t know i was pretty

good drink too much ketchup no

maybe i’ve never heard that wearing too

much ketchup is that’s too much ketchup

i decided two tablespoons is adequate

it’s like the annual

sorry every every time all right uh i’m

out i think maybe you’re out okay great

so those are a few things that perhaps i

think most if not all american kids know

or are aware of a lot of them were games

maybe you have similar games in your

country so if you uh if you’ve had some

interesting experiences playing these

games or if you have a game that’s

similar um to one of the games or one of


ideas that we’ve talked about here

please let us know in a comment and it

would be interesting to compare

any other ideas that’s about it that’s

about it okay uh well thanks very much

for joining us for this episode of

english topics we will see you again

soon take care bye

hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is alicia and today we’re going

to talk about 10 different ways to

remember words so these are actually

some ways to remember words that you

have sent in to us so i’m really excited

to see what your recommendations are i

study other languages so let’s talk

about it let’s see

i associate new words with words that

sound similar in my native language if

you’re studying english

your native language might share some

words so like i’m studying japanese and

for example the word chocolate sounds

very very similar in in japanese so in

english the word is chocolate in

japanese the word is chocoreto so it

sounds similar so that’s an easy word

for me to remember i learn about the

roots of words and how different words

are related to each other many words in

english have roots in

very very old languages like latin so a

word like omniscient for example can be

broken down into maybe two parts

the omni omni meaning all or everything

and shint the sheen part relates to

knowledge or knowing so together the

word means all knowing omniscient maybe

you can guess the meaning even if it’s

the first time you’ve seen the word okay

i listen to songs and memorize the

lyrics this is also a common way to to

help kids learn things too through songs

opposite of b plus or minus the square

root b squared minus four is e all over

2a it’s a quadratic function equation

because it’s a song it’s still in my

head thank you mrs time

i often watch tv or youtube videos that

are designed for young children that’s

how children in the native language

learn so it’s a great tool for you don’t

be embarrassed to do that i do that in

english we have dora the explorer we

have sesame street we have another

channel that’s made for children’s

content but it could be useful for you

it’s called kids versus life so please

be sure to check that out i speak as

often as possible with native speakers a

native speaker can go ah that’s that’s a

strange thing that you’re saying so

there are a lot of small factors that

you can’t get unless you’re speaking

with a native speaker so this is a

really really great tip if you’re

interested in doing this with us we have

on englishclass101.com

a special subscription which is called

the elite level of subscription where

you get to actually study with one of

our teachers here

so if if you don’t have somebody that

you can study with now that might be a

way to do it please check that out if

you’re interested i try to use the

language routinely in the context of

daily life

when you’re alone uh just doing stuff at

home like making breakfast or cooking or

doing the laundry if you use the

language just to say like now i’m going

to i don’t know cut vegetables or oh i

need to do laundry later today or

thinking about your appointment whatever

another good example is really i put my

phone into my target language you’re

telling little stories when you’re

having conversations with people so get

used to telling yourself the story i use

repetition reading writing and speaking

words over and over again keep repeating

in your studies um even if it feels like

you know you’re not making any progress

you are just just the act of doing that

repetition can be helpful for you if a

football player never throws a football

he’s not going to be able to throw it

very well is he you have to repeat

repeat repeat and then when you’re faced

with the actual situation where you need

to throw the football you need to use

that vocabulary word you’re ready you

already know how to say the word so yes

repeat it’s good i try to think in

english so it becomes natural to my

thought process

i do this

i think about what i need to do i think

about what i have done i think about

what i’m going to do

and so in that way you can practice past

tense future tense and present tense

recently this has been happening to me

i’ve started dreaming in japanese from

time to time or i dream bilingually it’s

exciting i think

i try to use the word in a simple

sentence so i learn whole phrases not

just individual words yes this is a huge

tip so vocabulary is important of course

if you don’t know a key word you might

miss the meaning of something but

context is important too so there might

be two words which seem very similar

like big and large for example but when

should i use large when should i use big

like if you’re close shopping and you


do you have this in a big size it might

not be the correct way to use the word

instead do you have this in a large size

is the correct phrase so learning how to

use the correct vocabulary word at the

correct time is important and you can do

that through studying sentences and

phrases instead of just vocabulary this

is why reading is important i feel

reading as much as possible especially

the newspaper helps me to remember words

when i was a kid i just read everything

i was i was so into reading i loved it

and i think that it helped it actually

helped my language skills improve even

in my native language again at first

it’s really hard to do and you might

have to use a dictionary a lot but

you’ll learn gradually more natural

speaking patterns more natural writing

patterns too which will help you to

sound more natural when you speak and

maybe it can help your listening skills

too when you can listen for those

patterns that you see in textbooks that

you see in newspapers in novels whatever

it’s a great tool reading and thank

goodness that’s the end so those are 10

tips that you can use to remember new

words and new phrases try them out i’m

going to be doing my best with my target

language i hope that you do too thank

you very much for watching please please

please subscribe to our channel if you

have not already and we will see you

again soon for more exciting information


i have to go to the bathroom

you’ve arrived at your hotel and are

almost ready to relax after your long

trip but the person at the front desk

only speaks english how do you check in

hi alicia here checking in at a hotel in

english is easy in this lesson you’ll

learn how

gustavo just arrived at his hotel in new

york let’s watch

good evening sir hi

my name is gustavo silva i have a


thank you very much mr silva could you

spell your name please

s i s-i-l-v-a

thank you

ah yes mr silva here’s your room key

is there a shop in this hotel

no but there’s a small grocery store in

the next building

and is there any shampoo or conditioner

in the room

yes sir

thank you

oh and a wake up call please

of course what time at seven but what

time is breakfast

from six to seven thirty a.m

in the dining room on the first floor

now with

subtitles good evening sir


my name is gustavo silva i have a


thank you very much mr silva could you

spell your name please

s i

l v a

thank you

ah yes mr silva here’s your room key

is there a shop in this hotel

no but there’s a small grocery store in

the next building

and is there any shampoo or conditioner

in the room

yes sir

thank you

oh and a wake up call please

of course what time at seven but what

times breakfast

from 6 to 7 30 a.m

in the dining room on the first floor

here are the key words from the scene

grocery store

grocery store

grocery store

grocery store









dining room

dining room

dining room

dining room





good evening



good evening

good evening





room key

room key

room key

room key











building of course



of course

of course

what time



what time

what time





here are the key phrases from the scene

in the scene how did the hotel clerk ask

gustavo to spell his name

could you spell your name please

first is the phrase

could you

next is the word spell

after this is the phrase

your name

and last is the word


together it’s

could you spell your name please

to respond

you would give the spelling of your last

name first name or both

now you try

say the hotel clerk’s line when he asks

gustavo to spell his name

thank you very much mr silva

could you spell your name please

in the scene how did gustavo ask for a

wake-up call

and the wake-up call please

first is the phrase

a wake-up call

next is the word


together it’s

a wake-up call please

keep in mind that you will also have to

tell the hotel clerk what time you want

the wake-up call

now you try

say gustavo’s line to request a wake-up



and a wake-up call

please in the scene

how did gustavo ask what time breakfast

is served

what time’s breakfast

the first word is


next is a contraction of the words time




last is the word


together it’s

what times breakfast

this is a very useful

shortened way of asking about what time

something is happening

you try

say gustavo’s line to find out when

breakfast will be served


what time’s breakfast

now the lesson focused here’s how to

check in at a hotel ready

do you remember the first thing gustavo

said to the hotel clerk in the scene

after he introduces himself

i have a


first is the phrase

i have

next is the phrase

a reservation

together it’s

i have a reservation

use this expression to indicate that

you’ve reserved a room in advance

you can also use this phrase in other

situations where you made a reservation

such as at a restaurant

now you try

imagine you have just come to a

restaurant where you’ve made a


what would you say

i have a reservation

now imagine you’ve booked a rental car

online and you’re checking in to pick up

your car

what would you say

i have a


do you remember how gustavo asked if the

hotel has a shop

is there a shop in this hotel

first is the phrase

is there

and next is the phrase

a shop

last is the phrase

in this hotel

together it’s

is there a shop in this hotel

this structure allows you to easily ask

if something is nearby or in a

particular location

start your question with

is there

and then insert something you are

looking for

finally add a location now you try

imagine you’re checking into a hotel

and want to know if there’s an atm in

the hotel

what would you say

is there an atm in this hotel

now imagine you’re in a shopping mall

and want to find out if there’s a coffee

shop in the mall

what would you say

is there a coffee shop in this mall

do you remember how gustavo asks if

there is shampoo or conditioner in the


there any shampoo or conditioner in the


first is the phrase

is there any

next is the phrase

shampoo or

conditioner and last is the phrase

in the room

together it’s

is there any shampoo or conditioner in

the room

this phrase structure is very similar to

the one we just learned except the word

any is used to refer to uncountable

nouns such as shampoo water or bread

the structure is

is there any

followed by the item and location

now you try

imagine you’re checking into a hotel

and you want to know if there is bottled

water in the room

what would you say

is there any bottled water in the room

imagine you’re baking cookies and you

want to know if there’s any milk in the

refrigerator what would you say

is there any milk in the refrigerator

now it’s time to practice your new


let’s practice

this is your chance to try checking in

at a hotel in english

try to remember what you learned and

practice speaking

ready here we go

what’s the first thing you say to the

hotel clerk to indicate that you’ve made

a reservation in advance

i have a reservation

the clerk asks you to spell your name

how do you respond

could you spell your name please

the letters of your last name


after the hotel clerk gives you a room

key you want to know if there’s a store

in the hotel

how do you ask

is there a store in this hotel

after the hotel clerk has answered your

question he asks you if you need

anything else

how do you request a wake-up call

a wake-up call please

great job you just mastered checking

into a hotel in english

these phrases are very useful so be sure

to keep practicing

well done now watch the scene one more

time after that practice role playing

with an american friend another english

learner or with us in the comments bye

good evening sir


my name is gustavo silva i have a


thank you very much mr silva could you

spell your name please


thank you

ah yes mr silva here’s your room key

is there a shop in this hotel

no but there’s a small grocery store in

the next building

and is there any shampoo or conditioner

in the room

yes sir thank you

oh and a wake up call please

of course what time at seven but what

time is breakfast

from 6 to 7 30 a.m

in the dining room on the first floor

imagine you’ve just landed after a long

flight to america and you’re almost free

but first you need to go through

passport control what will they ask you

how should you respond hi alicia here

navigating passport control isn’t as

hard as you might think in this lesson

you’ll learn how gustavo has just

arrived in new york he’s in line at

passport control let’s watch


passport please hello here you are

how long will you be staying

for six weeks

and where will you be staying

at the four seasons hotel

what’s the purpose of your visit

i’m here on business

okay thank you welcome to the united


now with subtitles


passport please hello here you are

how long will you be staying

for six weeks

and where will you be staying

at the four seasons hotel

what’s the purpose of your visit i’m

here on business

okay thank you welcome to the united


here are the key words from the scene





















thank you

thank you

thank you

thank you

here are the key phrases from the scene

in the scene

what did gustavo say when he gave his

passport to the immigration officer

here you are

this short sentence helps indicate that

someone is giving something to someone

in response to a request

first is the word


next is the word


and last is the word


together it’s

here you are

try saying this as gustavo hands his

passport over to the immigration officer

passport please hello

here you are

at the end of the scene how does the

immigration officer welcome gustavo

welcome to the united states

this is a polite and sometimes friendly

way to indicate to someone that you’re

glad to have them to a home place of

work or another place somehow belonging

to you

it starts with the core phrase

welcome to

and then finishes with the location

in this case

the united states

try saying this after the immigration

officer speaks

okay thank you

welcome to the united states

now the lesson focus

here’s what you say to navigate passport

control ready

do you remember the first question the

immigration officer asked after gustavo

gave him his passport

how long will you be staying

immigration officers ask this question

to find out about the length of a

visitor’s stay

they want to know if a visitor plans to

stay for two weeks for example or one


first is the phrase

how long

next is the word


after this is the word


and last is the phrase

be staying

gustavo responds with a length of time

for six weeks

first is the word


next is the number


and last is the word


together it’s

for six weeks

the sentence structure to answer the

question how long will you be staying is


plus number of days or weeks

imagine you’re going to stay for two


answer the question

how long will you be staying

for two weeks

do you remember the second question the

immigration officer asked gustavo in the


and where will you be staying

this question is identical to the first

question except instead of saying

how long

the immigration officer asked


the immigration officer is asking to

find out which hotel or address a

visitor will be staying at

again it’s

where will you be staying

in response gustavo gives the name of

his hotel

at the four seasons hotel

first is the word


and after this is the name of the hotel

the four seasons hotel together it’s

at the four seasons hotel

the sentence structure to answer the


where will you be staying

is at plus your hotel name

imagine you’ll be staying at the plaza


answer the question

where will you be staying

at the plaza hotel

do you remember the third question the

immigration officer asked in the scene

what’s the purpose of your visit

the immigration officer asks this to

understand why gustavo is visiting

first is a contraction of what and is


next is the word

the after this is the word


next is the word


following this is the word


and last is the word


together it’s

what’s the purpose of your visit

in response gustavo answers

i’m here on


this starts with the core phrase

i’m here on

following this core phrase is the word


altogether it’s

i’m here on business

this means that gustavo is in the

country to do business and not just to


alternatively he could have said

i’m here for pleasure this is the same

pattern as the first response

the only difference is that

on business

has been taken out and

for pleasure

is used instead



i’m here for pleasure

now you try

imagine your trip is for sightseeing

answer the question

what’s the purpose of your visit

i’m here for pleasure

now imagine you are visiting the us on


answer the question

what’s the purpose of your visit

i’m here on business

now it’s time to practice your new


you’ve arrived to the united states and

you’ll need to go through passport


ready here we go

the immigration officer asks you to show

her your passport

what do you say when you give your

passport to her

here you are

how do you answer the question

how long will you stay

for the number of days or weeks

for six weeks

how do you answer the question

where will you stay

at your hotel name

at the four seasons hotel

you are on business in new york

how do you answer the question

what’s the purpose of your stay

i’m here on business

great job

you’re ready to go through passport


keep up the good work and remember to


well done now watch the scene one more

time after that practice with us in the

comments until you’re ready to go bye


passport please hello here you are

how long will you be staying

for six weeks

and where will you be staying

at the four seasons hotel

what’s the purpose of your visit

i’m here on business

okay thank you welcome to the united


hi everybody my name is alicia and today

i’m joined by michael hello

and today we’re going to be talking

about the college experience in the

united states so we’re going to be

sharing some things that we think

are maybe very common if you attend a

college in the united states so let’s

begin why don’t we start with you

michael what is your first item

first item is

four years

four years

um this is something i mean it’s not too

exciting to talk about but one of my

friends from the uk was asking me about

you know how long does it take what’s

the typical amount of time

um because i guess in the uk and i’m

sure this is different from wherever you

are in the world um you know they do

three years three years something like

that for us typically

you do your your secondary education is

high school and that’s four years so

grade 9 10 11 12. you graduate around 18

years old

17 18 and then you go to university and

the degrees are the most common is four

years which is your bachelor’s right and

some people do two years for an

associates and then you can go on and

get masters and it you know that kind of

varies how long you want to take

personally how many majors blah blah

blah but um i guess in the uk it’s

typically three years um for

university yeah for for the average

university time because they

yeah their their education their high

school is different too so oh i actually

didn’t know that yeah me either until

just last week oh okay um the first year

um each each year in college has a name

and as well as in high school too so the

first year um

is called uh or the students the

students that are the first year

students are called the freshmen

freshmen if you think about that word

fresh man so fresh meaning new and man

in this case i’m just meaning people but

man um so

um the first year there’s this thing

called the freshman 15 which maybe

you’ve heard of the freshman 15

um i don’t know if you know this one

freshman 15 the 15 in freshman 15 refers

to 15 pounds or

pounds in terms of body weight so kind

of a joke that’s that you might hear if

you go to a college in the u.s or maybe

in another country too you have this um

is freshmen move out of their parents


and go to school where they start eating

cafeteria food anytime they like they

can get their own snacks they’re on

their own essentially and the joke is


freshmen gain 15 pounds in their

freshman year of college do you know

about the freshman 15. yeah i know it

all too well i i gained the you got the

freshman 20 or something like that


my problem

is i mean partly i think the typical

thing is it’s because of the freedom

your parents have a set meal you have

you know like extracurricular activities

i actually lost weight my first time of


but then after that i changed things up

a bit and then i was like i was just

like a monster celebration i was

actually i was looking at pictures like

just like last week or something like


whoa it was such a difference actually

yeah i had a bit of

well just watching old english in three

minutes video you’ll get you’ll get the

idea yeah okay yeah so freshman 15.

that’s a common one then all right uh

what’s your next one so i mean this kind

of relates to the freshman 15 is


to party partying party all the time

party on wayne party on garth

so i mean you’re free so maybe in high

school a lot of people drink and go

party but you have to keep it secret

from your parents you have to you know

do the thing where you you call and you

say i’m gonna stay at alicia’s house and

alicia’s parents think she’s staying at

my house and we both go to a party where

the parents are out of town we you have

to be very secret but in college

anytime there’s always somebody who

wants to party and there’s always the

bad influence who just doesn’t care they

want to drop out so there’s always a

party if you seek it it’s there

so with that um you know that’s where

you can gain the freshman 15 is drinking

a lot of calories this leads actually

perfectly into


slight variation i wrote themed parties

for one of my cards

because this beyond especially beyond

the freshman year so the second year of

college is called sophomore the students

are called sophomores

third year they’re called juniors and

fourth year seniors so in your sophomore

junior and senior year of college

typically i would say you move out of

the dorm and into a house or an

apartment and it is there uh in the

freedom beyond the college campus um

that you can have themed parties so

i’m i’m

betting that you have some stories we

had some themed parties my friends and i

what kind of we did of course halloween

parties we did those we had a blacklight

party one time where we replaced all the

all the lights in the house with black

lights and everyone wore a white t-shirt

and brought a highlighter and then we

would draw things or write things on

people’s t-shirts that was fun yeah

that was that was actually really fun

uh we did a camo cam everybody had to

wear camo at the party that was

a thing we did

there’s a very very key

thing that appears in beer pong which is

this the red solo cup so solo is the

brand of cup that is just

it’s if you’ve watched a movie um that’s

set in an american

uh or

if you’ve watched a movie

um that’s uh set in college in the u.s

you will have seen the characters at the

party holding this red plastic cup uh

and it’s the brand is solo and i don’t


how it came to be that this was just the

college cub but it is it’s just at every

party it’s just cheap and i didn’t know

this until recently um but there are

lines on that red solo like maybe the

homographic here i don’t know but there

are lines on that red solo cup um where

the bottom line on the cup is

the amount of a shot

like a shot a spirit straw the next line

up is one serving of wine after that is

a beer i think um so i like the lines

actually have a meaning to them

apparently i don’t know if that’s true i

read that recently though because i was

looking for them yeah my line i could

not find them

i couldn’t find them but

yes that that cup is the college cup the

the college cup of the

college experience


experimenting is my next one

because actually my favorite place to go

as far as clubs are gay clubs i love gay

clubs and the first time i went to a gay

club was in university and the whole

atmosphere is just very

accepting so i think probably because in

the lgbt community

there’s discrimination and so there as a

demographic generally very accepting

very laid back so i could go there and

just have fun you can wear whatever you

want you can talk and dance to whoever

just a lot of fun and i think

in university like this is actually a

phrase that my friends would always say

and i don’t know if this is an idiom or

something or maybe just my friends but

it’s college is about experiences

and you always hear that and like when

someone’s you know not sure they don’t

want to do something you’re like hey

come on college is about experiences

let’s go hike that mountain and

experiment in many different ways um did

you have anything like this i was

honestly trying to think of

something some big change like i i did i

did start drinking in college yes

but i really didn’t do anything that was

honestly i really i’ve never been like a

super crazy crazy person i’ll try new

things like i’ll try like new food or

like i don’t know i like going to

interesting events or like festivals or

that kind of thing is fine but as far as

like you know making a drastic change to

my appearance or

anything like that i really didn’t

uh sororities and fraternities

sororities and fraternities a sorority

um is a group of girls who live together

in one house

and do things i was not a member of a

sorority so i don’t really know details

somebody i’m sure out there probably

knows more than me fraternities on the

other hand are groups of men who live

together called their so they’re college

age women and college age men who live

together and they do things together


the image

of a sorority or a fraternity is that

they’re kind of um at least my image is

that they’re


kind of uh privileged kids which is not

even necessarily true but this is i feel

like this is the image that appears in a

lot of movies about um college

experiences in america

uh or in the states all right very nice

very nice it’s interesting to compare

our different experiences any final

thoughts on college in the u.s

that’s it yeah if you have a chance give

it a try or just you know studying in

any country outside your own it’s an

interesting experience so as michael

said before you know experimenting can

be an interesting way to

broaden your horizons whatever that

means for you

uh okay so that’s all for us for today

about the college experience in the usa

thanks very much for watching and we

will see you again soon bye

hi everybody welcome back to english

topics my name is alicia and i’m here

today again with michael hello and today

we’re going to be talking about

questions that we have been asked so

let’s begin what is the first question

that you would like to discuss today

michael i would like to discuss

what’s the main difference between

british and american english


for me

i’d like to get this out of the way

canadians and americans sound pretty

much the same it’s hard for us to tell

the difference even even native english

speakers there’s a couple telltale signs

you know they’ll say some things but

it’s usually regional so i guess north

americans and then like uk english

and again there’s a lot of different

accents and dialects you know it all

depends but for me the easiest way


americans um enunciate every word we’re

very loud and we open our mouths a lot

hello how are you where are you from

teacher water we enunciate every sound

so um for me a dead giveaway is that

that r that end r right it’s tough uh i

listen for vowel sounds and try to guess

based on that so your question is about

british english and american english

there’s also australian english there’s

scottish english there’s irish english

there’s so many different english

speaking dialects and honestly sometimes

it’s hard for us to understand

we’re both from relatively the same part

of america so we have the same speaking

style our accents are the same um but to

go through all of the different dialects

to try and approximate the to try them

to try and say them badly too would

probably just be a waste of time but

you’re on the internet

look it up

okay i guess we’ll go to the next one um

let’s see my questions

let’s see i’m gonna start with a grammar

question that i get a lot uh a grammar

question that i come across students ask


this question the present tense versus

the progressive tense uh what is the

difference when should i use present

tense versus progressive tense so by

this i mean of verbs the present tense

is used for

facts things which are always true

things which are part of your regular

schedule the progressive tense has a few

different meanings to it a few different

uses to it but one of the meanings or

one of the uses is to express something

which is temporary which is not part of

your regular schedule or another uses to

describe a trend to use a very common

mistake um as an example if i ask the

question where do you work a lot of

times the response i get from my

students is i am working in america


depending on on on the situation that

sentence could be correct but if you’re

talking about the place where you work

always every day you go to that job it

could be the location of your office it

could be the country or the city where

you work if it’s a part of your regular

schedule you want to explain a fact that

is true about your life you should use

the present tense not the progressive

tense so

um the correct version of that sentence

should be i work in america that’s part

of my regular schedule if however you’re

only in america for the week for example

you can use the progressive tense but

it’s more natural to say for example

this week i’m working in america that’s

a much much more natural sentence to use

how do i pronounce the th sound


you know depending on who i’m um

teaching english to

they’ll have problems with different

pronunciation sounds but for me i think

one that’s that’s common with a lot of

different cultures is the th sound and

um i think again this goes back to like

the different ways of speaking and how

americans we enunciate every word and we

push our the way we speak to the very

tip of our mouth that’s the th sound so

most people are

capable of of making the th sound but

they’re just a little shy and it just

doesn’t seem natural it’s almost as if

you can bite the tip of your tongue off

when you say the



and then just another thing to note is

that th can have a hard or a soft or

voiced or unvoiced

sound so

the is hard or voiced you hum


the and then with like think it’s a soft

or unvoiced you don’t hum you don’t

vibrate you just say


but it’s still the tongue goes touches

your teeth



um this is another grammar point that i

get questions about from time to time

it is the present perfect tense versus

the simple past tense um the question is

when do i use them so present perfect

tense uh let’s see an example of present

perfect tense would be i have been to


uh simple past tense would be uh i went

to paris what is the difference we use

the present perfect tense to talk about

a life experience or something which

occurred in the past but which still

affects the present so in this case in

my paris example sentence it’s something

that happened in the past but when

exactly when is not important we just

want to say i have had the life

experience of going to paris

simple past however is used to refer to

a specific point in time in the past so

for example i went to paris last summer

it’s important that you know i went last

summer if the time point when you went

to paris is not important use the

present perfect tense um so this is

really useful for talking about your

travel experiences for talking about

your study experiences foods you have

and have not eaten

um so keep just try to keep in mind when

when you should use these two uh they’re

very commonly used together like for

example you might use the present

perfect tense to introduce a question

have you ever been to paris and the

follow-up answer oh yes i have been to

paris using the present perfect tense

again but then a common pattern is to

follow that answer up with a simple past

question when did you go so you can see

it changes from present perfect tense to

simple past tense so a larger life

experience to a more simple life

experience so they’re used together but

just be careful try to be aware of am i

talking about an overall life experience

or a very specific life experience this

is one that many of my students struggle


this is more cultural

why do americans wear shoes inside the


on the bed etc


i feel like this depends and this is

starting to change i take my shoes off

in most houses but i guess it’s more so

for comfort whereas i feel like on the


side of the world it’s more of like a

cleanliness kind of a thing and if you

do still wear your shoes it’s pretty

taboo whereas in the states i feel like

most people from my experience anecdotal

evidence just personal experience

most places you take off your shoes but

if they have a party they let people

wear shoes inside the house they don’t


and a lot of my friends will see

american movies and they see somebody a

main character wearing their shoes on

the bed on the couch something like that


again from my experience it’s not that

big of a deal but typically you wouldn’t

do that for me the the rule of thumb

like the the unsaid rule is that you can

put your shoes up

but you don’t let your shoes um touch

the couch you kind of you hang off right

so you can if you want to lay on the

couch without taking your shoes off you

let your feet hang off

because yeah of course they’re going to

get dirty but yeah it’s just not as

emphasized as much in our culture i

don’t know the last question i have is

can i ask a question

the answer is yes

the answer is yes and and probably 95 of

cases the answer to the question can i

ask a question is yes



why did i choose this question my

students sometimes will put their hands

up in my lesson and say

can i ask a question like one this is

your english class yes please ask

questions um but two also this is a

discussion i’ve been having with a few

people recently just about the mindset

that i think is really important when

speaking english

we have experience teaching in asia

where maybe there’s a different approach

to conversations i don’t know if this is

the same cultural approach to

conversations that people from other

countries have but um don’t wait for

permission to speak don’t wait to jump

into a conversation just go for it um

don’t wait for someone to say

oh would you like to speak now because

that’s never going to happen so don’t be

shy get your tongue out and say things

and um don’t worry if it sounds rude or

too polite or whatever um yeah i

couldn’t agree more yeah yeah just it’s

a shift in mindset if you when you when

you start speaking that second language

like you said if you just change your

mind just a little bit just make a small

shift in your mindset maybe you’ll see

ah that’s what it takes just let go a

little bit

of of your home language and see what


great so those are some questions that

we have been asked about teaching about

english about culture

if you have any other questions by the

way please make sure to leave them in a

comment for us or if there’s something

that you’ve always wondered about or if

there’s something that you’ve

encountered recently that confused you

whatever leave it in a comment for us

and maybe we’ll talk about it in the

future thanks very much for watching

this episode of english topics please

make sure to subscribe to our channel if

you haven’t already and we will see you

again next time bye
