Learn the Top 10 Ways to Ask for Help in English

hi everybody and welcome back to top words my name is

Alisha and today we’re going to be
talking about 10 ways to ask for help

help me help me ask for help let’s go
can you can you bubble blah so can you

give me that pen can you turn off the
fan can you give me a sandwich for lunch

I forgot mine in this sentence can you
send me your email address so very

simple requests you can use can’t you
blah blah blah with them could you give

me a hand with the next expression is
could you give me a hand with blah blah

blah meaning I need you like I need
physically I need your hands to help me

maybe or I need something I need you to
help me with something could you give me

a hand with this computer could you give
me a hand with this furniture it’s you

can use it to talk about like moving
something heavy or you can also use it

for like a task like could you give me a
hand with this report I don’t know this

information so you can use it for your
physical tasks or for mental tasks too

could you give me a hand with something
in this sentence could you give me a

hand moving this sofa can you show me
how to the next expression is can you

show me how to can you show me how to
bla bla bla this means please teach me

something so can you please show me how
to use this computer can you show me how

to use this software can you show me how
to book a ticket so these are all ways

to ask for help with how to do something
this is a very useful expression I think

can you help me out with the next
expression is can you help me out with

can you help me out with
so before we talked about can you give

me a hand with this is very similar can
you help me out with some tasks you can

use it for physical activities or mental
activities here so can you help me out

with this project can you help me out
with cleaning this house I don’t know in

this sentence
can you help me out with my homework I

need help the next expression is I need

blah blah blah so you can use the
expression I need help that’s fine but

if you want to be specific which I
recommend I need help bla bla bla I need

help with my homework
I need help doing the dishes I need help

cleaning the yard I need help
something something something very clear

very direct it’s a little bit casual I
suppose but yeah you can use this in

most situation where you need help this
sentence I need help making dinner

could you the next expression is could

you so the first expression we saw in
this lesson was can you you can also use

could you Timmy could you sounds a
little bit more formal than can you so

can you love wha is it’s a good kind of
neutral everyday way to ask for help

could you sounds just a little bit more
polite a little bit more formal so could

you please send me that file could you
please stop smoking here in this

expression could you send me the project
files will you so the next expression is

will you so this is used kind of for
light maybe you just thought of

something you just thought of something
you need help with so it’s probably a

small task or a small favor that you
need so for example will you get some

milk at the store on your way home it’s
like something you just thought of for

the future so will you help me with my
homework will you give me a moment of

your time it’s something very small very
quick so in this sentence will you let

me know when you’re free how do I the

expression is how do i how do i this is
somewhat similar to the earlier

expression we talked about can you show
me how to blah blah blah but this one is

how do I and how do I get to the beach
from here how do I get to the station

how do I turn on this computer how do I
make new friends how do I study English

all of these are ways to ask for help or
ask for advice ask for directions

this is a very nice and easy to remember
way to ask for help how do I something

help the next expression is just help
so I’ve here sometimes students say

please help me or just help and I want
to point out that these expressions are

usually used in emergency situations for
example there’s an accident or there’s a

dangerous person near you or maybe
you’re injured or hurt some emergency so

please help me alone
sounds to a native speaker maybe like a

serious situation or an emergency
situation help is similar to so of

course if you’re an emergency situation
absolutely you should use the words help

and please help me or just help me as
well - but be careful because they sound

very serious I don’t recommend using
them for like light casual everyday

situations where you need help instead
please use one of the other expressions

we talked about in this lesson so help
is great for emergencies but maybe only

for emergencies so yeah in a sentence
maybe for example in the kitchen there’s

that you have a small accident in the
kitchen you can shout to your roommate

or your family member help me and
they’ll come running if something to

check and see if you’re okay I need your
help with

the next expression is I need your help
with blah blah blah the expression I

need your help with sounds like you are
required for this task I need you maybe

you have special knowledge or special
experience with this thing or you are

better equipped like you can do a better
job than I can with this task so I need

you for some reason so I need your help
preparing this information I need your

reaching that tall glass like that’s

really what I like I’m short so if I
need something up high I might say to a

tall person I need your help reaching
that glass up there you can use this yes

someone is better at doing something
than you are you can say I need your

help with blah blah blah
in this sentence I need your help with

this project that’s the end so those are
ten words and 10 phrases really that you

can use to ask for help if you have any
other ways you’d like to ask for help or

if you have any questions about this
video or ways to ask for help please

leave it in a comment and let us know
about it if you liked this video please

make sure to hit the thumbs up button
and also subscribe to our channel if you

haven’t subscribed already thanks very
much for watching this episode of top

words and we will see you again soon bye