Phrases to Study on Your Flight to the United States

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ya vamos a la playa now we’re going to

the beach hi everybody welcome back to

top words my name is Alisha and today

we’re gonna be talking about 20 travel

phrases that you should know so let’s go

do you have any recommendations the

first phrase is do you have any

recommendations this is great to use

when you get to a restaurant where you

don’t know what the food is you don’t

know anything about the local cuisine or

you’re just feeling a little bit

adventurous you can ask the waitstaff do

you have any recommendations how much is

this how much is this this is useful

when you’re out shopping or when you’re

in a restaurant and the price is not

clearly marked or something is not clear

to you so you can ask how much is this

usually when you point to something I

would recommend like pointing to the

menu are pointing to an item how much is


I’d like this you can point to something

and say I’d like this if you want to say

I’d like one for example I don’t know

you’re getting beer I’d like one of

these if however you’re in a situation

where you can’t point you can say I’d

like ten of the blah blah blah

I’d like ten of blue t-shirts please can

I try this on is useful when you’re

shopping for clothes so you find

something that you’d like to try just

ask the staff can I try this on you can

just say I want to try this on if you

like do you speak English you might get

asked this phrase so you should say if

you’re watching this video you should

probably say yes or you can say yes a

little if you’re not feeling very

confident if you’re watching this video

and you’re understanding this part and

you say no then things that’s a little

strange I have a reservation

usually the staff will greet you and you

can say I have a reservation hello I

have a reservation it’s at seven o’clock

the name is Alisha usually we say the

name is or it’s under meaning the

reservation is under my name or it’s for

name or it’s in name water please

depending on which country are from

water may or

may not automatically be brought to your

table when you’re in a restaurant if you

would like more water however you can

say water please to make it a little

more polite

I would like wave at the waitstaff and

say could I please have some more water

do you take credit cards do you take

credit cards in case you’re not sure if

the shop that you’re in will accept

credit cards or debit cards you can ask

them do you take credit cards

it’s so it doesn’t mean do you take

meaning are you going to take my card

but this take means do you accept credit

cards this isn’t what I ordered so if

you’re at a restaurant you order steak

and you get lobster instead you can look

at it and go uh this isn’t what I


be careful though saying this politely

if you look at the waitstaff and you say

this isn’t what I ordered

they’re gonna be like I don’t know just

be a nice customer excuse me but I don’t

think this is what I ordered or this

isn’t what I ordered

can you please check could we have the

menu please if for some reason you don’t

receive a menu when you come to the

table you can again just wave it a

member of the staff and say could we

have the menu please could you give me a

discount could you give me a discount

means I would like a cheaper price

essentially it depends on which country

you’re in if haggling or bargaining

meaning talking to the seller to try to

reduce the price and my family didn’t

bargain we didn’t haggle so I don’t

haggle it depends on you and your

culture but just yeah just be be aware

of the culture that you’re in and the

place that you’re in before you ask this

question do you have any vegetarian


ah this is useful some people have

specific eating requirements or eating

needs maybe food allergies for example

you can replace vegetarian with the

specific dietary requirement that you

have do you have any vegan dishes do you

have any gluten-free dishes do you have

any low-fat dishes do you have any

low-carb dishes do you have any fish

free dishes do you have any could you

take a picture of me please if you are

in a location where you would like to

take a picture but you don’t want to do

a selfie or you don’t have a selfie

stick or whatever you

someone else to take a picture of you a

stranger that you don’t know you can ask

them could you take a picture of me

please or excuse me would you mind

taking a picture of me please I’m

allergic to blah blah blah if you have a

food allergy or even an allergy to a

medicine this is the phrase you can use

to explain that I’m allergic to wheat or

I can’t eat wheat for example is the

Wi-Fi free meaning can I use the Wi-Fi

free of charge

keep in mind some places have a password

that you have to ask the staff for so

you can say is the Wi-Fi free if they

say yes you can then follow that up with

can I have the password I’d like to have

a non-smoking seat please so when you go

to a restaurant you have an option

between smoking and non-smoking sections

the staff will say smoking or

non-smoking you can say I’d like to have

a non-smoking seat please quite honestly

though the most natural response is just

to say non-smoking could I get a map

maybe it’s a map of the subway system

for the city that you’re in or maybe

it’s a map of the area around your hotel

you could say could I have a map as well

could I have the check you’re finished

it’s your cafe you’re finished at the

restaurant and it’s time to leave it’s

time to pay so you say to the waitstaff

excuse me could I have the check another

more common expression perhaps is excuse

me check please

you might also hear bill excuse me can I

have the bill where is the bathroom very

important question if you’re traveling

in America we don’t really use the word

toilet or washroom very much we use

bathroom or restroom to talk about

toilet facilities excuse me can you tell

me where the bathroom is or excuse me

I’m looking for the bathroom or I’m

looking for the restroom is this the

train for blah blah blah or is this the

train that goes to blah blah blah to

confirm with someone that I’m indeed on

the correct train line if I say is this

the train bound for San Francisco you

can use that to check if you’re correct

so that’s the end those are 20 travel

phrases that you can use when you’re

traveling in an english-speaking country

give them a try I hope that

go well for you of course there are many

different variations on these themes so

be sure to experiment a little bit

thanks very much for watching this

episode of top words and we will see you

again soon bye the things that I do

before I travel to a country where I

cannot speak the language I actually

learned numbers ok beam hi everybody

welcome back to top words my name is

Alisha and today we’re gonna be talking

about the top 10 ways to prepare for

travel so let’s go choose your

destination the first step is to choose

your destination destination is the

place you want to go so of course choose

your destination to begin your travels

in a sentence if you choose your

destination based only on price you

might be disappointed by a guidebook the

next expression is buy a guidebook or

maybe download a guidebook at this point

buy a guidebook so once you have chosen

your destination you can buy a guidebook

for your destination which will give you

tips about what to do there in a

sentence I bought my guidebook on the

internet and it was great you can buy a

guidebook at a used bookstore for Less

save money phrase for travel is save

money so once you have chosen your

destination and bought a guidebook you

need to save money if you haven’t saved

money already so travel can be expensive

you need to save money for your actual

transportation as well as for the things

you plan to do in your destination

so in a sentence I’m trying to save

money for a trip to Europe next year

saving money is hard but it’s worth it

when you’re on the trip booked a flight

the next step is to book a flight

so you’ve saved your money you’ve chosen

your destination you’ve bought the

guidebook now you need to book your

flight so to book means to reserve it’s

the same as in like book a restaurant

for example a book a hotel book a flight

so in a sentence I booked my flight for

my vacation last week research the costs

research the costs well I hope you do

this before you book your flight

but you research the costs of where

you’re going to go how much does it cost

to eat there how much does

transportation cost

they’re how much our sightseeing

attractions going to cost they’re those

kinds of things so you need to research

the costs for your trip in a sentence

I’ve researched the cost for my upcoming

vacation in Europe and it seems pretty

reasonable request vacation time the

next step is to request vacation time or

to request time off or to ask for time

off so at your job if you need to take

time away from your job to go traveling

somewhere you need to request vacation

time in a sentence I’m going to request

vacation time next week and I feel a

little bit nervous booked accommodations

the next expression is booked

accommodations or just booked a hotel or

booked a hostel something like that

booked in air B&B as well is fine so

this means to reserve the place you are

going to stay in your destination let’s

see in a sentence I booked my hotel on

the internet obtained an international

driving license the next one for some of

you perhaps if you are just you really

want to do all of the things you can

obtain an international driving license

so maybe if you really really really

want to be able to drive a car in your

destination you can get a driver’s

license permission to drive a car in the

country of your destination so in a

sentence I’m taking the test for my

international driver’s license next week

I hope I passed pack the next one is the

verb pack so to pack pack means to put

things in a suitcase or to put things in

a box this motion of putting things in

something else for the purpose of taking

them elsewhere is packing we do it when

we move to a new house or when we travel

in a sentence I need to pack for my trip

next week get a visa the next expression

is get a visa so in some countries you

need to get a visa before you go to the

country even if you’re just there as a

tourist you need to get a visa special

permission to be in that country

sometimes you have to pay money for it

so you need to research this before you

travel in a sentence I got my visa when

I arrived

in Australia alright so those are ten

phrases that you can use as you prepare

to travel I hope you enjoyed and I hope

that you can use these the next time you

plan to travel somewhere thanks very

much for watching please be sure to LIKE

and subscribe if you haven’t already and

check us out at English class

for more fun stuff thanks very much for

watching and we’ll see you again soon

bye hi everyone my name is Bridget and

welcome to today’s lesson the topic for

this lesson is top 10 must know phrases

for the restaurant let’s get started a

table for three please a table for three

please you tell them the number of

people that you are total so that the

host can bring you to an appropriate

table a table for two please a table for

five please could I please see a menu

could I please see a menu

usually menus are given to you as soon

as you sit down at your table but if

that’s not the case and you need to ask

this is a polite way to do it

did I please see a menu I’d like to try

this dish I’d like to try this dish when

looking at a menu hopefully you’ll find

something you want to eat I’d like to

try this dish could you leave out the

onions could you leave out the onions if

there’s an ingredient in the dish that

you’re ordering that you don’t want you

can always ask the waiter if it could be

prepared without that ingredient so for

example I might say could I get the

burger but with no cheese could you pass

the salt could you pass the salt when

you’re at a restaurant especially if

you’re at a big table with a lot of

people you might not always be able to

reach things so you would ask could you

pass me the salt could you pass me the

ketchup because you pass me another

napkin waiter waiter a waiter is someone

who takes your order and brings you food

in America and in many other Western

countries it’s more polite to call a

waiter to your table by simply saying

excuse me or if you see another waiter

walking by but it’s not your waiter

you can always say excuse me if you see

our waiter could you

please let them know to come to our

table is there any dairy in this dish is

there any dairy in this dish this is

something you would say if you have a

dairy allergy a dairy intolerance or you

just don’t like dairy you’re asking the

waiter about the ingredients in a

particular dish I do this all the time

is there any cheese in this No okay and

if there is an ingredient that you don’t

want for example onions you could say

are there any onions in this and the

waiter might say yes and if you don’t

want it you could always request could

you leave out the onions could you

prepare it without the onions please can

we get separate checks

can we get separate checks this is

actually something that’s very common

especially in America if you might go

out with a group of friends or even if

you’re on a date sometimes you might

want to get separate checks pay for your

own things that way you can all pay

separately just for what you yourself

ordered and you won’t have to worry

about owing each other money or

calculating off a big huge bill are

there any specials today are there any

specials today a special at a restaurant

is a dish that isn’t usually on the menu

it’s something that’s special but it’s a

special that the chef is offering that

day or that week or that month so

sometimes if you don’t see what the

specials are you’d ask your waiter

excuse me are there any specials today

could we have the bill please

could we have the bill please this is

how you request that the cheque or the

bill comes to your table could we get

the check please could we get the bill

please you’re asking this to your waiter

who will then bring you the cheque and

you can pay and that brings us to the

end of today’s lesson if you guys

enjoyed this lesson please don’t forget

to give us a thumbs up and subscribe to

our Channel

if you have any questions or comments

leave them below and don’t forget to go

to English class to learn more

english hi everybody welcome back to top

words my name is Alisha and today we’re

gonna be talking about the top ten must

know vocabulary for restaurants so let’s

eat waiter the first word is waiter

waiter or waitress or wait

staff these are the people who bring you

your food and take your orders in a

sentence your waiter will be with you in

a moment

menu the next word is menu menu is the

piece of paper or the document the thing

that’s on your table or near your table

that has a description of all the food

you can eat at that restaurant in a

sentence can I have the menu please

order the next word is order order you

can use this as a noun or as a verb you

can say to order something or where is

my order in a sentence I would like to

order two steaks three hamburgers four

beers a large pizza and a piece of

chocolate cake to go to my home water

the next word is waters in American

restaurants you usually get water for

free I noticed when I traveled in Europe

you had to pay for water at restaurants

that was interesting in a sentence

American restaurants usually give you a

glass of water without having to ask

dessert the next word is desserts

dessert is the sweet stuff the sweet of

course all the sweet foods that come

after the main part of the meal in a

sentence can we see the dessert menu

chef chef chef is the leader of the

kitchen the person that is cooking the

food in fancy restaurants the chef is

like the the one who is running the

operation the manager of everything

there are different levels of chef in

the kitchen in a sentence you could say

please give my compliments to the chef

fast food the next word is fast food

fast food is anything that’s quick

popular examples in America or

McDonald’s Burger King Subway Taco Bell

Kentucky Fried Chicken jack-in-the-box

so those are all fast-food restaurants

you get in and you get out very very

quickly they don’t have a reputation for

being very healthy in a sentence I try

to eat fast food as rarely as possible

bill the next word is bill you might

also hear check bill and check mean the

total of your meal how much your dining

experience cost you is the bill or the

check a bill comes before you have paid

a receipt is the piece of paper you get

after you have paid the receipt shows

confirms you have paid

the bill is the request for money that’s

the difference between bill or cheque

and receipt in a sentence usually say

can I have the bill please

or can I have the check please delicious

delicious delicious means something that

tastes good we have many variations on

delicious we say delicious good YUM

yummy fantastic great and so on it’s

kind of strange to me to say this is

delicious I usually just say this is

good or this is really good something

like that is a bit more natural than

delicious in a sentence my dinner today

was delicious main course main course

it’s often like a meat dish actually

like like roast something or I don’t

know it’s also called the entree maybe

it’s a really fancy pasta dish in some

cases I don’t know in a sentence for the

main course our specials are chicken and

zucchini and curry that’s the end so

those are 10 words that you can use in a

restaurant I think they’re very useful

when traveling actually so try to keep

them in mind the next time you go out to

eat if you haven’t already please be

sure to like and subscribe to our

Channel and if you like also please

check us out at English class

for more fun stuff thanks very much bye

wanna speak real English from your first

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hi everyone I’m Bridget and welcome to

today’s lesson today’s topic is ten ways

to say hello in English good morning

good morning is the first thing you say

to someone when you see them in the

morning good morning sir

would you like a cup of coffee good

morning could I please get some orange

juice good morning I’m still tired from

the night before hello hello is the most

common greeting you’ll hear that and hi

hello is a polite nice way to greet

someone when you see them

hello everyone says it you cannot go

wrong saying hello hello can be used at

any time of the day no matter whether

it’s morning or at night or at

where I am when you see someone you can

say hello and it will still be

appropriate long time no see long time

no see

it’s not necessarily grammatically

correct but it’s a saying that we have

hey long time no see what it means is

that you haven’t seen that person in a

long time so it literally means long

time no see long time no see is

something you say to someone when you

haven’t seen them in a while hey John

long time no see how are the wife and


how have you been hey how have you been

I haven’t seen you in a long time

how have you been is asking someone how

they’re doing and how they’ve been for

the past however long if you haven’t

seen them in a while

you might say hey long time no see how

have you been how have you been that’s

past tense it implies that you haven’t

seen them in a while and you want to

hear about how they are and how they’ve

been for all of that time that you

haven’t seen them Hey long time no see

how have you been how are you how are

you means how are you doing how are you

feeling how is everything

it’s a standard thing that you might say

to anyone even if you’ve seen them the

day before you might see them today and

say hey how are you how is it going hey

how’s it going how is it going is a more

informal way to say how are you so how

are you and how’s it going they mean the

same thing it’s asking how you’re doing

how you are feeling is everything okay

with you

what’s up what’s up is another way of

saying hey how is it going but this one

is even more informal so you might say

this to friends hey what’s up and

they’ll say nothing just living my life

you know day in and day

hey what’s up hey what’s up good

afternoon good afternoon how are you

would you like some lunch good afternoon

is a polite way to greet someone in the

afternoon so if you run into your boss

you might say good afternoon it’s very

nice it’s polite not a lot of people say

it to their friends but it’s it’s a

polite way to greet someone good evening

good evening is a nice way to greet

someone in the evening time you can only

use this phrase in the evening because

it’s wishing someone a good evening it’s

saying hello at a certain time of day

good evening would you like some dinner

good evening have you eaten yet all of

my examples involve food it seems it’s

nice to meet you it’s nice to meet you

this is something that’s very common to

say the first time that you meet someone

you might shake their hand and say hi

it’s nice to meet you my name is Bridget

my name is it’s telling that person that

you are happy to be meeting them it’s a

pleasure to meet them hi it’s nice to

meet you that brings us to the end of

this lesson

ten ways to say hello if you guys liked

the video please don’t forget to give us

a thumbs up and subscribe to our Channel

if you have any questions or comments

leave them below and don’t forget to go

to English class for more

English how are your English listening

skills first you’ll see an image and

here a question next comes a short

dialogue listen carefully and see if you

can answer correctly we’ll show you the

answer at the end

a man is looking for an apartment which

apartment is he probably going to choose

hi there I’m looking for an apartment

could you show me some floor plans sure

thing will you be living alone no I’m

married and we’re looking for a

one-bedroom apartment with a study okay

how about this one

there are two rooms plus a living room

it’s near a busy street though so it

might not be very quiet I see I usually

work at home so I need a quiet place and

I’d prefer the living room to be square

shaped well how about this one it’s

located a bit far from downtown but it’s

in a quiet residential area there are

two rooms and the living room but one of

the rooms is a little small hmm we don’t

have too much stuff so this one might

work for us we can show you another

apartment with bigger rooms but it’s

located further from downtown no thank


let’s have a look at the second one you

showed me

which apartment is he probably going to


a man is looking for an apartment

which apartment is he probably going to


hi there I’m looking for an apartment

could you show me some floor plans sure

thing will you be living alone no I’m

married and we’re looking for a

one-bedroom apartment with a study okay

how about this one there are two rooms

plus a living room it’s near a busy

street though so it might not be very

quiet I see I usually work at home so I

need a quiet place and I’d prefer the

living room to be square shaped well how

about this one it’s located a bit far

from downtown but it’s in a quiet

residential area there are two rooms and

the living room but one of the rooms is

a little small hmm we don’t have too

much stuff so this one might work for us

we can show you another apartment with

bigger rooms but it’s located further

from downtown no thank you

let’s have a look at the second one you

showed me want to speak real English

from your first lesson sign up for your

free lifetime account at English class

hi everybody my name is Alisha and

welcome back to tough words

today’s topic is ten lines you need for

introducing yourself so let’s go hello

it’s nice to meet you hello it’s nice to

meet you you can only use this the first

time that you meet someone if you say

this to somebody after you have met them

already you’re going to see them either

a like you’ve completely forgotten

meeting them or be like you are a very

strange person for saying it’s nice to

meet you again so when you use this the

first time you can shake hands with

someone and say hello it’s nice to meet

you my name is the next phrase is my

name is blah blah in my case my name is

Alicia you can use this again when

you’re introducing yourself or if you

need to reintroduce yourself you can use

this pattern when you meet somebody at a

party for example you can say my name is

blah blah blah my name is Barbara my

name is Stephens you can shorten this

you can say my names my name is blah

blah blah I’m from after you’ve said

your name after you’ve shaken hands you

can say I’m from the US I’m from Japan

I’m from Turkey I’m from here

mom’s house I’m from I’m from a cave in

southern Europe I’m from your country or

I’m from your city I’m from the future I

live in I live in blah blah blah you can

use your city you can use your country

you can use even maybe if you live near

a certain station you can use the name

of the station where you live so for

example I live in America it’s fine I

live in Los Angeles it’s fine I live in

New York it’s fine so your neighborhood

is fine if someone says where do you

live and you say I live in an apartment

it’s like what so please use your the

region or the location where you live

not the type of place where you live

i’ma if you hear the question what do

you do it it’s asking about your job in

English people don’t say what is your

job that’s not the question that we ask

instead the question is what do you do

and the correct response to that is I’m

a or I’m n blah blah blah followed by

your job title so if someone says what

do you do you can say I’m a teacher what

do you do I’m an engineer what do you do

I’m donut shop tester

I’m years old when someone asks how old

are you you can say I’m blah blah blah

years old

don’t forget the S at the end of this if

you like you can shorten this phrase to

just I’m plus your age so I’m 65 I’m 13

whatever I’m this many sometimes

children will say that how old are you

they’ll say I’m this many it’s kind of


first time you meet someone you might

not ask how old are you if it’s in a

friendly case like a party after you’ve

spoken to the person a little bit it’s

okay but just try to be sensitive to the

context try to be sensitive to the

people around you and if you sense that

maybe there’s a very large age gap

between you it might be better just not

to ask the question at all I enjoy many

of my students say what is your hobby

but that’s not something that native

speakers will say no native speakers say

what is your hobby in

said we asked what do you like to do or

what do you do in your free time this is

a much more natural question than what’s

your hobby the answer to this then is I

enjoy or I like plus a noun phrase so

for example what do you like to do I

like listening to music or I enjoy

listening to music what are you do in

your free time I like watching movies

what are you do in your free time I like

baking cakes what do you do in your free

time I enjoy tap-dancing what do you do

in your free time

I enjoy making new friends oh one of my

hobbies is one of my hobbies is blah

blah blah with this one it’s probably

better to use a short easily or easy to

understand hobby if you’re explaining a

hobby people are gonna expect that it’s

gonna be something that they know about

like photography or cooking or dancing

or swimming or whatever so try to pick

something that will allow you to

continue the conversation that’s why

movies or cooking or books or you know

sports are a good thing to share one of

my hobbies is it snowboarding I’ve been

learning English for if you are learning

English if you’re studying English you

can use this expression if someone asks

you how long have you been studying

English you can say I’ve been studying

English for amount of time or I’ve been

learning English or I’ve been practicing

English or I’ve been speaking English

for a certain amount of time I’ve been

studying English since elementary school

is also okay to use I’ve been studying

English since I was in college just be

careful for is used for a length of time

and since is used for a specific point

in time at which you started something

so if you can try and mix it up and use

a few different expressions there so

I’ve been learning English for a long

time I’m still learning English you

should do that okay I’m learning English

at English class this probably

could be used in response to where did

you learn English or where are you

studying English or how are you studying

English you can respond with I’m

learning English at English class

or I’m learning English at my school I’m

learning English at my private teachers


for example so a little bit of grammar

in this sentence why do we use the

progressive tense I’m learning English

if you say I’m learning it sounds like

you’re still continuing your studies if

you say I learned English in English

class it sounds like you’re

finished like you you’re finished

studying there’s nothing else for you to

study so you’re done so it’s it’s much

much more natural to actually use the

progressive I’m learning or I’m studying

when you’re talking about your studies

when you’re talking about your hobbies

than it is to say I learned or I studied

and and and and so those were 10 lines

that you need to introduce yourself and

to help give the other person a little

bit of information and carry the

conversation forward so please try them

please go crazy with them make them your

own thanks very much for joining us for

this episode of top words and we’ll see

you again soon bye

I’m from your neighbor’s dog house fish

glub glub oh yes I’d like to go

spelunking in North Africa hi everybody

welcome back to top words my name is

Alisha and today we’re gonna be talking

about ten different phrases that you can

use to respond to the question how are

you so let’s go I’m great the first

phrase is I’m great if someone says how

are you you can say I’m great try to say

I’m great with a kind of an upbeat voice

so something you’re like how are you I’m

great I’m feeling bad I’m feeling bad if

you say I’m feeling bad the other person

is probably if they’re a friend of yours

or a co-worker going to ask you why what

happened so if you want to use I’m

feeling bad make sure you have an

explanation ready

anyway somebody says how are you and you

go I’m feeling bad maybe I went out for

drinks last night with my coworkers oops

I’m okay I’m okay I feel like this is

one of those intonation practice ones

I’m okay with that

ah I’m okay it’s like sort of upward

intonation you’re like cool but if

someone says how are you and you’re like

I’m okay they’re like oh no what

happened so you can use your intonation

with I’m okay to make it a good thing or

another good thing but either way it’s

not like a very 60

serious response thank you for asking

yeah I imagine this would be in a more

formal situation like if my friend said

to me how are you and I was like thank

you for asking they’d be like what I

would say

I’m fine or I’m doing well I’m doing

great plus thank you for asking so if

today how are you I’m doing very well

thank you

mmm oh that’s how I would use it and you

the next one is and you liked the least

natural response to how are you is I’m

fine thank you and you like just get out

of put just take it out of your head

nobody says that I always say how about

you that’s a much more natural thing how

are you how are you how are you can be a

response again after you have given your

answer to the question how are you I’m

great how are you how are you I’m good

how are you

I’m great how are you I’m okay how are

you how have you been recently how have

you been recently this is only useful if

you haven’t seen the other person for a

while I’m not bad I’m not bad I’m not

bad how are you I’m not bad no I’m not

bad hmm

things could be worse I would probably

do this I’m sleepy the next expression

is I’m sleepy hey it’s like so specific

if someone said how are you I would

probably say I’m okay but I’m a little

sleepy I don’t know that I would just

say I’m sleepy unless it’s a really good

friend of mine it’s a person close to

you you can say I’m so tired I’m I would

say I’m super tired or I’m really tired

and I feel like that’s a little bit more

natural than just I’m sleepy

I’m good one that I use a lot if someone

says how are you I say I’m good that’s

just probably my go-to response yeah I’m

good I’m good maybe I’ll repeat it while

smiling I’m good I’m good yeah thanks

for asking that is the end those are ten

phrases that you can use to respond to

the question how are you if there’s one

takeaway from this and from other things

that we’ve done over the last few years

in this channel just get rid of that I’m

fine thank you and you and pick one of

these that we’ve talked about today

of course if there

another expression that you use for a

response to how are you I’d be very

interested to learn about that but in

general you’re pretty safe if you stick

with these I think so thanks very much

for watching this episode of top words

and we will see you again soon bye

noise hi everyone I’m Bridget and

welcome to today’s lesson the topic for

this lesson is ten phrases to survive at

the station let’s get started I’d like

to go to I’d like to go to I’d like to

go to this hotel when you tell someone

I’d like to go to this town the person

selling you a ticket will be able to

tell you which train you need to take to

get there I’d like to go to means this

is the destination I want how do I get

there is this the right platform for is

this the right platform for is this the

right platform for the train to

Greenwich a platform is where you wait

for a train to pull up so if you’re on a

platform and you aren’t sure if you’re

on the right one for the train you need

you might ask someone else who’s

standing there excuse me is this the

right platform for the train to

Greenwich and they will tell you if

you’re in the right place what time is

the last train what time is the last

train to San Francisco

you might ask someone what time is the

last train depending on which city are

in the last train of a day might be at

maybe 10:00 p.m. for example you’re

going to want to make sure you get to

the station to get that last train where

do I change for where do I change for

where do I change for the Express train

when you’re taking a train sometimes you

might need to do a transfer at a

particular station this means if you’re

on one train you might have to get off

at a certain train station and wait for

another train that’ll take you all the

of the way to where you need to go

asking where do I change for the Express

train you’re asking at what station do I

need to get out off the train and wait

for the correct train where can I buy a

ticket where can I buy a ticket where

can I buy a ticket in town you should

ask where to buy a ticket so you know

whether you need to purchase your ticket

on the train itself or if you need to go

up to a kiosk and buy your ticket there

it’s always important to know ahead of

time where to buy your ticket because

you don’t want to get on a train and

find out you were supposed to buy your

ticket at the station how much is it -

how much is it - how much is it to the


you might ask this question to find out

how much it costs to take a train or a

bus or a taxi to where you need to go if

you get into a taxi for example and you

ask how much is it to the airport the

taxi driver will tell you $30 he’ll tell

you the price you need to pay to get to

the airport if you’re taking a train you

might ask the ticket seller how much is

it to the airport and the ticket seller

will tell you the train to the airport

costs $10 for example that way you know

how much it costs to go to where you

need to be does this bus go - does this

bus go - does this bus go to the suburbs

does this bus go to is a way of asking

whether or not the bus that you’re

looking at has the destination that you

need so you might get on the bus and ask

the bus driver does this bus go to the

suburbs whatever destination and the bus

driver will answer and tell you yes get

on or no you want a different bus what

time is the next bus what time is the

next bus what time will the next bus

arrive by asking what time is the next

bus you’re asking when the bus is going

come to the bus stop or whatever station

the bus will stop at this way you know

what time you need to be at that bus

stop the train is running late the train

is running late the train is running

late again this is something I say all

the time in New York City the train is

running late if the train is running

late that means you will probably be

running late when you get off the train

where are the ticket machines where are

the ticket machines where are the ticket

machines in this station a ticket

machine is a machine that you go to to

purchase your tickets you might see this

in any station whether it’s a subway

station or a regular train station or

sometimes even a bus station there will

be kiosks that you can go to to enter

the information and purchase your ticket

that brings us to the end of today’s

lesson ten phrases to survive at the

station how often do you need to take

public transportation and how often do

you rely on phrases like these please

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might ask ya know there’s a spider
