10 boy names YOU pronounce INCORRECTLY 2018 Baby Name Ideas

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with lucy today i want to talk

to you about commonly mispronounced baby

names that are usually given to boys so

this is a pronunciation video designed

to help you with your english speaking

and pronunciation if you’d like to

further improve that i really encourage

you to check out audible there’s a link

in the description you can get a 30 day

free trial that’s a whole free audiobook

and I’ve got some recommendations for

books with British English pronunciation

I’ve got an American English

pronunciation one as well so don’t miss

out right let’s get started with the

video so the first name that I’d like to

talk about is actually a Hispanic name

and it is Joaquin Joaquin like The

Walking Dead

so in Spanish it should be Joaquin the

speakers of English generally tend to

pronounce it as Joaquin Joaquin so

Joaquin Phoenix for example doesn’t feel

right it doesn’t roll off the tongue

number two now some of you were going to

laugh at this one because you will know

how to pronounce it but I honestly for

the majority of my childhood thought

that this was pronounced as seen seen so

you know the actor Sean Bean I thought

he was seen being but yes it should be

pronounced Sean the next one now this

just depends on the parents it could be

Stefan and it could be Steven it’s up to

them so just ask with this one now the

next one is a little bit confusing

because it could be anything so you are

likely to mispronounce it and that’s why

it’s best just to ask the person how

they pronounce their name

it could be Elias it could be Elias and

it could be Elias are those just all the

variations there I guess you could say

Elias as well just ask the next one

anything a beginning with an X is


this one is normally pronounced Xander

Xander next one we have is actually

pronounced with an X and that’s

savvier xavier but you could meet

someone called xavier as well what about

this one is it noel like christmas it

could be i have met somebody called noel

before but she was female and normally

the male version of this name is null no

now this one is just the Irish version

of Owen Owen and I remember it does

anyone remember Owen quick he was an

x-factor participant in like 2000 and

something and I thought he was so


yeah I remember reading his name and

thinking you’re gone but no Owen

apparently now the next one is it Louie

or is it Louis you’re going to have to

ask the person because it all depends on

what their parents decided to call them

sorry guys that one’s a bit of a cop-out

the last one we have is Jaden we know it

now because of Jaden Smith but a few

years back people were pretty confused

and we were hearing jardín Jaden but no

apparently it should be Jaden right guys

that’s it for the pronunciation lesson

today I hope you enjoyed it and I hope

you learnt something again if you have a

name that is commonly misspelled or

mispronounced put it in the comments and

let me sympathize with you mine is very

easy to pronounce although I do get a

lot of my students calling me lucky or

misspelling it with an S which confuses

me so much because the channel name is

English with Lucy it is right there I

say it for you and I write it for you so

really it’s just careless but that being

said don’t forget to connect with me on

all of my social media I’ve got my

facebook my Instagram and my Twitter and

I will see you soon for another lesson