15 Smart and Polite Ways to Say I DONT LIKE Do NOT be RUDE in English


and everyone and welcome back to english

with Lucy today I am going to teach you

how to politely say that you don’t like

something this is really really hard

even for British people for native

speakers so I can only imagine how hard

it is for you I’m going to teach you 15

ways then you can say I don’t like

something in a smart and polite way

quickly before we get started I’d just

like to thank the sponsor of today’s

video it is a talkie and if you haven’t

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get started with the lesson number one

the first alternative for I don’t like

is I am sick of I am sick of or if you

want extra emphasis

I am absolutely sick of an example one

my mother used to say to me a lot when I

was growing up I am sick of hearing you


I am absolutely sick of hearing you

complain I don’t like hearing you

complain now whilst this might not seem


I don’t like is quite direct it’s quite

to the point and in British English

especially in our culture we don’t like

to be too direct I am sick of is still

quite intense but it’s not as direct if

you want to be a bit less intense

you could also say number two which is I

don’t appreciate I don’t appreciate with

emphasis I really don’t appreciate an

example I really don’t appreciate the

way she spoke to me this is a much more

polite way of saying I don’t like the

meaning is conveyed very clearly we know

you mean that you don’t like it but I

don’t appreciate is a much more highbrow

way of saying it number three back to

being intense I can’t stand

I cannot stand an example I can’t stand

people who don’t know how to cue

properly this is true I can’t stand

people that push into queues oh my oh my

word I’ve spoken many times about how

much I love a good queue I’ve never

quite got my head around the fact that

every time I join a queue I’m always at

the end it’s so depressing isn’t it

number four another less intense version

is I’m not fond of this is really quite

polite I’m really not fond of whatever

you don’t like and this means that it’s

not that I dislike it it’s just that I

don’t love it haha exactly the same

thing but sounds better an example I’m

not fond of dancing but I’ll give it a

go to give something a go is to try

something or attempt something it’s a

much nicer way of saying I don’t like

another one that is very similar number

five is I’m not a fan of or I’m not a

big fan of I’m not a big fan of so

remember I’m not fond of I’m not a fan

of we need the article there I’m not a

big fan of early starts I’m not a big

fan of early starts this means getting

up early in the morning now numbers

is quite similar to the previous two but

a lot of students make mistakes with it

it is I’m not keen on now the previous

two had the of preposition we have on

fond of fan of keen on if you remember

these three phrases then it will look

very good in exams if you use them

correctly I’m not keen on or if you want

emphasis I’m not so keen on and actually

that isn’t really emphasis that almost

reduces the phrase further I’m not keen

on I’m not so keen on I’m not very keen

on an example I’m not so keen on her new

boyfriend meaning I don’t like her new

boyfriend but I don’t want to say that

so I’m going to say I’m not so keen on

him now the previous three were very

very polite but let’s go back to some

more intense ones number seven

I can’t bear I cannot bear something

this means that you really don’t like

something it’s very very similar to I

can’t stand

an example I can’t bear the way Tony

speaks to his wife I don’t like it I

cannot stand it it’s terrible

this means that you just cannot put up

with it you can’t endure it

now number eight is an interesting one

it is I’ve had enough of I’ve had enough

of something so you’re not directly

saying I don’t like something it’s just

you’ve reached your limit of being able

to accept something for example I’ve had

enough of scam phone calls I could take

it up to a certain point but now it’s

overstepped the mark and I’ve had enough

that’s a very British I’m sure lots of

British children have heard their

parents say that they’ve had enough of

our behaviour now back to a really

polite one number nine if someone is

asking you to do something but it’s it’s

not your thing you don’t like what

they’re offering or what they’re asking

you to do you can say I’m not into or


me not into it’s not my thing

is what you’re saying an example sorry

I’m really not into that type of music I

don’t want to say I don’t like the music

that you’re playing but I’m not into it

it’s not my thing it’s quite a nice

thing to say

another more polite one is number ten

I’ll pass on or I think I’ll pass on an

example I think I’ll pass on visiting

grandma after she was so rude to me last

time I’ll pass on that I don’t want to

do it

it’s not literally I don’t like it means

I don’t want to do something I think

I’ll just avoid doing that you’re

implying that you don’t want to do

something that you don’t like doing it

so I have included it in the list number

eleven a very British one I think this

was in one of my first ever common

British expressions video it’s it’s not

my cup of tea it’s not my cup of tea

again another way of saying it’s not my

thing I’m not into that an example

thanks for the invite but ice-skating

really isn’t my cup of tea this is

actually what my fiance said when we

were dating I invited him ice skating

and he at six foot six told me it wasn’t

his cup of tea when actually it’s

because he’d been before and he looked

like a baby giraffe would just limbs


I would pay good money to see that I

wouldn’t want the osteopath bill okay

this one it’s brilliant I love this one

I hope you have the confidence to use

this one

it is it doesn’t tickle my fancy it

really doesn’t tickle my fancy ah it’s

brilliant it’s the same as it’s not my

cup of tea it’s not my thing

an example going on a double date with

my ex-boyfriend and his new supermodel

girlfriend really doesn’t tickle my

fancy number 13 if you don’t want to use

tickle my fancy you can just say it’s

not for me not for me an example sorry I

just think that the knitting club isn’t

for me I’m really sorry number 14 a very

nice way I’d say it’s maybe slightly

more American than

is British I’m not crazy about I’m just

not crazy about I’m not crazy about golf

but I’ll come along with the same I

don’t love golf I really don’t like golf

actually but I will come along anyway

all the same is the same as anyway and

number 15 this is quite a good one if

you want to offer an alternative if you

don’t like something and you would

prefer to do something else it is I’m

more of a hmm

person for example I don’t think I’ll

come to the dog shelter with you I’m

more of a cat person I think that’s

quite a nice way of saying I don’t like

something I don’t want to do it but I

would be you know up for doing something

else right that is it for today’s lesson

I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you

learnt something you have homework don’t

try and leave the class now you have

homework your homework is to create five

sentences with these alternatives or if

you want to be top of the class find

even more alternatives - I don’t like

and use them in sentences below we can

all learn from each other don’t forget

to check out I talk e the link is in the

description box down below you can get

$10 worth of I talky credits for free in

your student wallet 48 hours after

making your first purchase of any amount

and don’t forget to connect with me on

all of my social media I’ve got my

facebook my Instagram my Twitter and my

personal channel Lucy Bella L where I

talk about everything else that isn’t

related to English lessons

some of you find it interesting some of

you will definitely consider it to be

not your cup of tea

ah see what I did there but it’s there

if you want it I will see you soon for

another lesson

