25 Minutes of British English Listening Comprehension for Absolute Beginner

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hi everyone I’m Gabriella how are your

British English listening skills in this

video you’ll have a chance to test them

out with the quiz first you’ll see an

image and here a question next comes a

short dialogue listen carefully and see

if you can answer correctly we’ll show

you the answer at the end are you ready

a lady is asking a shop assistant

something in a bookshop which book would

the lady like to see excuse me I’d like

to have a look at a book on that shelf

which book would you like the one about

cars one moment please

this one yes that’s right here you go

which book would the lady like to see

a lady is asking a shop assistant

something in a bookshop which book would

the lady like to see excuse me I’d like

to have a look at a book on that shelf

which book would you like the one about

cars one moment please

this one yes that’s right here you go

a man and a woman are looking at a menu

in a restaurant

what is the gentleman going to order


what are you going to order the pizza

looks delicious I think I’ll go with


I had pizzas yesterday so

okay then what about a hamburger sounds

good I’ll choose that

what is the gentleman going to order

a man and a woman are looking at a menu

in a restaurant

what is the gentleman going to order

what are you going to order the pizza

looks delicious

I think I’ll go with that I had pizzas

yesterday so okay then what about a

hamburger sounds good I’ll choose that a

man is calling the doctor’s surgery

what time does he need to be at the

doctor’s surgery hello can I help you

what time are you open till today we are

open until 6 o’clock but please make

sure you come before 5:30 okay thank you

what time does he need to be at the

doctor’s surgery

a man is calling the doctor’s surgery

what time does he need to be at the

doctor’s surgery hello can I help you

what time are you open til today we are

open until 6 o’clock but please make

sure you come before 5:30 okay thank you

a boy is reading his diary what was the

first thing the boy did today the

weather was great today I went swimming

this afternoon at the Swimming buffs and

I went to a movie in the evening I also

studied all morning today wasn’t bad

what was the first thing the boy did


a boy is reading his diary what was the

first thing the boy did today

the weather was great today I went

swimming this afternoon at the swimming

buffs and I went to a movie in the

evening I also studied all morning today

wasn’t bad a man and a woman are looking

at a photograph which photo are they

looking at this is a photo of a football

team for which your son plays isn’t it

which one is your son

this one oh he’s the tallest one yes

he’s even taller than I am

which photo are they looking at

a man and a woman are looking at a

photograph which photo are they looking


this is a photo of a football team for

which your son plays isn’t it which one

is your son this one oh he’s the tallest

one yes

he’s even taller than I am did you get

it right I hope you learned something

from this quiz let us know if you have

any questions see you next time want to

speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class 101.com hi

everyone I’m Gabriella

how are your British English listening

skills in this video you’ll have a

chance to test them out with the quiz

first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue

listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the

answer at the end are you ready

a man and a woman are talking

when are they going to see a film why

don’t we go and see a film next Saturday

yes I’d love to but I have a part-time

job in the morning what time will you

finish the part-time job I will finish

it at 2 o’clock then let’s meet up at

the cafe three o’clock and see a film at

four o’clock okay

when are they going to see a film

a man and a woman are talking

when are they going to see a film why

don’t we go and see a film next Saturday

yes I’d love to but I have a part-time

job in the morning what time will you

finish the part-time job I will finish

it at 2 o’clock then let’s meet up with

the cafe free o’clock and see a film at

4 o’clock okay a man is talking with the

shop assistant which shirt is he going

to buy hmm which shirt do you think is

better the white one or the blue one

well I think the blue one is good it

goes well with your gray jacket you

think so but it doesn’t go well with my

red tie does it maybe not okay then I

will take the white one not the blue one

which shirt is he going to buy

a man is talking with the shop assistant

which shirt is he going to buy hmm which

shirt do you think is better the white

one or the blue one well I think the

blue one is good it goes well with your

gray jacket you think so

but it doesn’t go well with my red tie

does it well maybe not okay then I will

take the white one

not the blue one a man is at a hamburger

restaurant which set is he going to

order excuse me can I have the special

burger set yes please choose from chips

or a salad salad please okay please

choose your drink coke please

which set is he going to order

a man is at a hamburger restaurant which

set is he going to order excuse me can I

have the special burger set yes please

choose from chips or a salad salad

please okay

please choose your drink coke please

a teacher is baking a cake what did the

teacher put in it today we are going to

make a cake

first mix butter and sugar then add two

eggs and mix them well add flour and mix

it lightly put it into the oven and bake

for 50 minutes

what did the teacher put in it

a teacher is baking a cake what did the

teacher put in it today we are going to

make a cake

first mix butter and sugar then add two

eggs and mix them well add flour and mix

it lightly put it into the oven and bake

for 50 minutes a man and a woman are

talking what are they going to do first

what do you want to do today I want to

go and see a film ok I want to watch a

football game on TV also I want to go

shopping the football game will start at

1 p.m. ok so let’s see the film first

and then you can watch the football game

alright then we’ll go shopping in the


what are they going to do first

a man and a woman are talking what are

they going to do first what do you want

to do today I want to go and see a film

ok I want to watch a football game on TV

also I want to go shopping the football

game will start at 1:00 p.m.

ok so let’s see the film first and then

you can watch the football game alright

then we’ll go shopping in the evening

did you get it right I hope you learned

something from this quiz let us know if

you have any questions see you next time

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hi everyone I’m Gabriella how are your

British English listening skills in this

video you’ll have a chance to test them

out with the quiz first you’ll see an

image and here a question next comes a

short dialogue listen carefully and see

if you can answer correctly we’ll show

you the answer at the end are you ready

a teacher and a student are talking

when will the student go to the teachers

office I didn’t really understand

everything in today’s class okay do you

have any questions yes I have quite a

lot do you have time now I’m a little

busy now please come to my office in the

afternoon I’ll be there from 1:00 p.m.

to 4:00 p.m. all right I’ll be there at

2:00 p.m.

when will the student go to the teachers


a teacher and a student are talking

when will the student go to the teachers


I didn’t really understand everything in

today’s class okay do you have any

questions yes I have quite a lot do you

have time now I’m a little busy now

please come to my office in the

afternoon I’ll be there from 1:00 p.m.

to 4:00 p.m. all right I’ll be there at

2:00 p.m. a woman is having lunch at a


what is she going to order

would you like to have coffee or dessert

after the meal which desserts do you

have we have pudding and apple pie hmm

actually I just want a coffee please do

you want sugar and milk please bring it

with milk

what is she going to order

a woman is having lunch at a restaurant

what is she going to order

would you like to have coffee or dessert

after the meal which desserts do you

have we have pudding and apple pie hmm

actually I just want a coffee please do

you want sugar and milk please bring it

with milk a woman is waiting for a man

where will the woman wait hello I’m

sorry but I’ll be there first few

minutes late okay I’ll wait for you at

the cafe a cafe where is it it’s next to

the bookstore there is a bakery across

from it all right

where will the woman wait

a woman is waiting for a man

where will the woman wait

hello I’m sorry but I’ll be there first

few minutes late okay I’ll wait for you

at the caffee a cafe where is it it’s

next to the bookstore there is a bakery

across from it all right

a man and a woman are talking what is a

woman going to do during the summer

holidays have you already planned your

summer holiday not yet I think I’d like

to go to the sea or the mountains I’m

going to the sea with my friends we’re

going surfing that’s nice why don’t you

come with us that would be fun

yes I’ll go with you

what is a woman going to do during the

summer holidays

a man and woman are talking

what is a woman going to do during the

summer holidays have you already planned

your summer holiday not yet I think I’d

like to go to the sea or the mountains

I’m going to the sea with my friends

we’re going surfing that’s nice

why don’t you come with us that would be

fun yes I’ll go with you

a man and a woman are talking what did

the woman eat this morning I’m hungry

did you have breakfast yes I did but I

only had a little what did you eat I had

yogurt and coffee that’s too little you

should also have bread and fruit

what did the woman eat this morning

a man and a woman are talking what did

the woman eat this morning

I’m hungry did you have breakfast yes I


but I only had a little what did you eat

I had yogurt and coffee that’s too

little you should also have bread and

fruit did you get it right

I hope you learned something from this

quiz let us know if you have any

questions see you next time

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hi everyone I’m Gabriella how are your

British English listening skills in this

video you’ll have a chance to test them

out with the quiz first you’ll see an

image and here a question next comes a

short dialogue listen carefully and see

if you can answer correctly we’ll show

you the answer at the end are you ready

a woman is in a department store which

floor will she go to excuse me where are

the children’s clothes they’re on the

fourth and fifth floor do you also have

baby clothes yes we have a lot of baby

clothes on the fifth floor thank you for

your help

I will go and look there

which floor will she go to

a woman is in a department store which

floor will she go to

excuse me where are the children’s

clothes they’re on the fourth and fifth

floor do you also have baby clothes yes

we have a lot of baby clothes on the

fifth floor thank you for your help I

will go and look there

a man and a woman are talking

how old is the man now your birthday is

really soon yes it’s a day after

tomorrow how old are you going to be

I’ll be sixty years old

congratulations we should celebrate

thank you very much I’m very grateful

old is the man now

a man and a woman are talking

how old is the man now your birthday is

really soon yes it’s a day after

tomorrow how old are you going to be

I’ll be sixty years old

congratulations we should celebrate

thank you very much I’m very grateful

a woman is looking at clothes in a

boutique what the she decide to buy I

like the blue skirt and the white skirt

the white sky is selling well the blue

one is a little expensive well yes but

it does see you um

I can’t afford them both though I’ll

just buy the white one okay thank you

very much

what the she decide to buy

a woman is looking at clothes in a

boutique what the she decide to buy

I like the blue skirt and the white

skirt the white sky is selling well the

blue one is a little expensive well yes

but it does see you um I can’t afford

them both though I’ll just buy the white

one okay thank you very much

a man and a woman are talking in total

how many people are coming to the party

so the party is happening tomorrow who’s

coming to the party the two of us two

friends of mine and the teacher

that’ll make it five people then oh and

the teacher is coming with his wife all


in total how many people are coming to

the party

a man and a woman are talking in total

how many people are coming to the party

so the party is happening tomorrow who’s

coming to the party the two of us two

friends of mine and the teacher

that’ll make it five people then oh and

the teacher is coming with his wife all


a woman has bought a bed where will she

put it this bed is big yes I can’t put

it by the door let’s put it at the end

of the room shall we put it in the

middle No let’s put it in the corner

okay sounds good can you help me lift it

where will she put it

a woman has bought a bed where will she

put it this bed is big yes I can’t put

it by the door let’s put it at the end

of the room shall we put it in the

middle No let’s put it in the corner

okay sounds good can you help me lift it

did you get it right I hope you learned

something from this quiz let us know if

you have any questions see you next time

