30 Minutes of British English Listening Comprehension for Beginner

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hi everyone I’m Gabriella

how are your British English listening

skills in this video you’ll have a

chance to test them out with the quiz

first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue

listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly will show you the

answer at the end are you ready

a man is looking for a birthday present

for his wife at the jewelry shop which

necklace is he going to buy may I help

you I’m looking for a birthday present

for my wife what do you recommend well

what about this necklace hmm it looks a

little too long what about these over

here we have one with a flower pendant

and another one with a heart I’m looking

for something a bit more sophisticated

how much is that pearl necklace over

there it’s 5,000 pounds hmm that’s too

expensive okay I’ll take the first one

certainly here you are

which necklace is he going to buy

a man is looking for a birthday present

for his wife at the jewelry shop which

necklace is he going to buy may I help

you I’m looking for a birthday present

for my wife what do you recommend well

what about this necklace hmm

it looks a little too long what about

these over here we have one with a

flower pendant and another one with a

heart I’m looking for something a bit

more sophisticated how much is that

pearl necklace over there it’s 5,000

pounds hmm that’s too expensive okay

I’ll take the first one certainly here

you are a man and a woman are talking

about printers in the office where is

the old printer


where shall we put the new printer hmm

I think we should put it where the old

printer is now

but the old one still works we’re going

to continue using it okay so we can’t

put the new one on there

that’s too bad it would be nice to have

the new one on the bookshelf next to the

door but there’s only room for one

printer there ok then I think we should

put it at the other side of the room

right how about next to the window that

sounds good

where is the old printer

a man and a woman are talking about

printers in the office where is the old

printer where shall we put the new

printer hmm I think we should put it

where the old printer is now

but the old one still works we’re going

to continue using it okay so we can’t

put the new one on there

that’s too bad it would be nice to have

the new one on the bookshelf next to the

door but there’s only room for one

printer there ok then I think we should

put it at the other side of the room

right how about next to the window that

sounds good a man is talking to his wife

on the phone what is he going to buy Hey

heading home now

ok could you buy something on the way

home sure what would you like me to get

we need some milk and bread for

tomorrow’s breakfast milk and bread got

it how many cartons of milk one should

be fine ok anything else just a second

let me check if we have butter ok we’ve

got some all right

do we have any beer left yes we still

have a bottle here ok so we don’t need

to buy any right now correct I think

we’re good honey thank you

what is he going to buy

a man is talking to his wife on the


what is he going to buy hey heading home

now okay could you buy something on the

way home

sure what would you like me to get we

need some milk and bread for tomorrow’s

breakfast milk and bread got it how many

cartons of milk one should be fine okay

anything else just a second let me check

if we have butter okay we’ve got some

all right do we have any beer left yes

we still have a bottle here okay so we

don’t need to buy any right now correct

I think we’re good honey thank you

you’re listening to the weather forecast

what’s the forecast we’ll have sunny

weather all through the morning in the

afternoon though it’s going to get

cloudy and we’ll have rain in the night

the rain will continue through the night

until early tomorrow morning when the

Sun will start coming out again

the forecast

you’re listening to the weather forecast

what’s the forecast we’ll have sunny

weather all through the morning in the

afternoon though it’s going to get

cloudy and we’ll have rain in the night

the rain will continue through the night

until early tomorrow morning when the

Sun will start coming out again

a man and a woman are talking about the

design of the company business card

which design did they decide on we’ve

got some new designs for the company

business God which one do you think is


let me see I think the company name

should be bigger okay then it should be

one of these yes I like these because

the company name is big and at the top

one of these has space for a photo what

do you think hmm I think it makes the

text a little too small yeah

the text could be a little hard to read

with the picture

okay then let’s go with the other one

which design did they decide on

a man and a woman are talking about the

design of the company business card

which design did they decide on we’ve

got some new designs for the company

business God which one do you think is


let me see I think the company name

should be bigger okay then it should be

one of these yes I like these because

the company name is big and at the top

one of these has space for a photo what

do you think hmm I think it makes the

text a little too small yeah the text

could be a little hard to read with the


okay then let’s go with the other one

did you get it right I hope you learned

something from this quiz let us know if

you have any questions see you next time

want to speak real English from your

first lesson sign up for your free

lifetime account at English class

101.com hi everyone I’m Gabriella

how are your British English listening

skills in this video you’ll have a

chance to test them out with the quiz

first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue

listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly will show you the

answer at the end are you ready

a woman is asking a man where the bus

stop is where is the bus stop excuse me

do you know if there’s a bus stop near

here yes first go straight and turn

right at the second traffic light then

turn left at the corner of the bookstore

and you will see a bank the bus stop is

in front of the bank got it thank you so


where is the bus stop

a woman is asking a man where the bus

stop is where it’s the bus stop excuse


do you know if there’s a bus stop near

here yes first go straight and turn

right at the second traffic light then

turn left at the corner of the bookstore

and you will see a bank the bus stop is

in front of the bank got it thank you so


a woman is talking with her boss

what will they drink in the meeting

we’ll be having a meeting with Michael

from our New York office this afternoon

do you know if there are any drinks left

we have some coffee hmm

Michael doesn’t drink coffee do we have

any bottled water yes I think there’s

still some left excellent very good do

you want anything I’ll have the same

thing too

what will they drink in the meeting

a woman is talking with her boss

what will they drink in the meeting

we’ll be having a meeting with Michael

from our New York office this afternoon

do you know if there are any drinks left

we have some coffee hmm Michael doesn’t

drink coffee do we have any bottled

water yes I think there’s still some

left excellent very good do you want

anything I’ll have the same thing too a

woman is talking to a shop assistant

which computer is she going to buy

excuse me I’m looking for a really light

computer okay how about this one it’s

very thin and light it looks nice can

you watch DVDs on this computer I’m

afraid you can’t you can watch DVDs on

that one but it’s a little bit larger

and heavier hmm yes this is too heavy

I’ll buy the first one thank you so much

you can choose from white black or

silver I want a black one

which computer is she going to buy

a woman is talking to a shop assistant

which computer is she going to buy

excuse me I’m looking for a really light

computer okay how about this one

it’s very thin and light it looks nice

can you watch DVDs on this computer I’m

afraid you can’t you can watch DVDs on

that one but it’s a little bit larger

and heavier hmm yes this is too heavy

I’ll buy the first one thank you so much

you can choose from white black or

silver I want a black one a man is

talking with a woman about his trip


when is he coming back home you’re going

on a trip next week

aren’t you yes I’m going to Istanbul on

Tuesday I’ll stay there for two nights

then you’re going to Paris

yes I’m going to Paris on Thursday we’ll

stay there overnight and then come back

home so you can join the meeting on

Saturday right yes I can

when is he coming back home

a man is talking with a woman about his

trip scheduled

when is he coming back home you’re going

on a trip next week

aren’t you yes I’m going to Istanbul on

Tuesday I’ll stay there for two nights

then you’re going to Paris yes I’m going

to Paris on Thursday we’ll stay there

overnight and then come back home so you

can join the meeting on Saturday right

yes I can

a man is ordering a pizza by phone

what is he going to order thank you for

calling this is pizza station hello can

I have a garlic tomato pizza a garlic

tomato pizza okay which size large slice

please and please cut it into eight sure

do you want anything else yes I’ll have

four breadsticks and two cans of coke

all right we’re going to deliver it in

about 40 minutes

what is he going to order

a man is ordering a pizza by phone

what is he going to order

thank you for calling this is pizza

station hello can I have a garlic tomato

pizza a garlic tomato pizza okay which

size large size please and please cut it

into eight sure do you want anything


yes I’ll have four breadsticks and two

cans of coke all right

we’re going to deliver it in about 40

minutes did you get it right I hope you

learned something from this quiz let us

know if you have any questions see you

next time wanna speak real English from

your first lesson sign up for your free

lifetime account at English class


hi everyone I’m Gabriella

how are your British English listening

skills in this video you’ll have a

chance to test them out with the quiz

first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue

listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly will show you the

answer at the end are you ready

a man is calling a restaurant on the


what time will the restaurant closed

excuse me how late are you open we’re

open until 11 p.m. but the last order is

at 10 p.m.

oh good I thought that you were already

closed as it’s late we used to close at

10 p.m. but we extended the time oh I

see but we closed the restaurant at 9

p.m. on Sundays okay I got it

what time will the restaurant closed

a man is calling a restaurant on the


what time will the restaurant closed

excuse me how late are you open we’re

open until 11 p.m. but the last order is

at 10 p.m. oh good I thought that you

were already closed as it’s late we used

to close at 10 p.m. but we extended the

time oh I see

but we closed the restaurant at 9 p.m.

on Sundays okay I got it did you get it

right I hope you learned something from

this quiz let us know if you have any

questions see you next time a husband

and wife are shopping on the Internet

when will the vacuum cleaner be

delivered hey what do you think about

this vacuum I think it looks nice are

you going to order it yeah I will it

will take three or four days to be


we should specify the date how about

next Saturday we’re going to play tennis

early Saturday morning oh that’s right

then sunday is better okay I’ll do that

hey don’t forget to come home early

Friday evening because we’ll leave home

early on Saturday I know

when will the vacuum cleaner be


a husband and wife are shopping on the


when will the vacuum cleaner be

delivered hey what do you think about

this vacuum I think it looks nice are

you going to order it yeah I will it

will take three or four days to be


we should specify the date how about

next Saturday we’re going to play tennis

early Saturday morning oh that’s right

then sunday is better okay I’ll do that

hey don’t forget to come home early

Friday evening because we’ll leave home

early on Saturday I know a woman and a

doctor are talking

which and how many medicines will she

have to take every day all right

I’ll give you free kinds of medicine

please take them off to dinner every day

okay you should take two of the round

shape pills one capsule and one dose of

the powdered medicine each time okay

I’ll give you a three-day course of

medicine please come again if you don’t

get better off to the three days yes

thank you very much

get well soon

which and how many medicines will she

have to take every day

a woman and a doctor are talking

which and how many medicines will she

have to take every day all right

I’ll give you free kinds of medicine

please take them off to dinner every day

okay you should take two of the round

shape pills one capsule and one dose of

the powder of medicine each time

okay I’ll give you a three-day course of

medicine please come again if you don’t

get better off to the three days yes

thank you very much get well soon a man

and the woman are talking who lives with

the man why don’t you come to my house

sometime soon thank you but I feel a

little bit nervous I’d like to know

about your family before meeting them

sure my father is an office worker in

his hobby is fishing my mother is a

housewife and she’s good at cooking do

you have any brothers or sisters

yes I have an older sister and a younger

brother my sister is married and lives

abroad my brother is a secondary school

student you have a nice family I’d love

to meet and talk with them

who lives with the man

a man and the woman are talking who

lives with the man why don’t you come to

my house sometime soon

thank you but I feel a little bit

nervous I’d like to know about your

family before meeting them sure my

father is an office worker in his

obvious fishing my mother is a housewife

and she’s good at cooking do you have

any brothers or sisters yes I have an

older sister and a younger brother my

sister is married and lives abroad my

brother is a secondary school student

you have a nice family I’d love to meet

and talk with them a man is in a glasses

shop which pair of glasses is he going

to choose hello are you looking for

glasses yes my eyes have been quite bad

lately alright do you prefer the same

model that you have now well I’ve been

wearing the same shaped glasses for a

long time so I want to try a different

model sure how about these round ones

hmm I don’t think it suits my face I’ll

just get the same shape as my current

glasses do you have any with black

frames certainly how about this pair yes

I like them so I’ll buy them

which pair of glasses is he going to


a man is in a glasses shop which pair of

glasses is he going to choose hello are

you looking for glasses yes

my eyes have been quite bad lately all


do you prefer the same model that you

have now well I’ve been wearing the same

shaped glasses for a long time so I want

to try a different model sure how about

these round ones hmm I don’t think it

suits my face I’ll just get the same

shape as my current glasses do you have

any with black frames certainly how

about this pair yes I like them so I’ll

buy them did you get it right I hope you

learned something from this quiz let us

know if you have any questions see you

next time wanna speak real English from

your first lesson sign up for your free

lifetime account at English class

101.com hi everyone I’m Gabriella

how are your British English listening

skills in this video you’ll have a

chance to test them out with the quiz

first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue

listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the

answer at the end are you ready

a man is speaking to the dentists on the

phone when is he going to the dentists

I’m sorry but can you cancel my

appointment for today please sure would

you like to change it to a different day

yes how about this Saturday I would

prefer a morning appointment I’m afraid

that this Saturday is fully booked we

have some appointments free next

Saturday though that’s a bit too far


how about late afternoon on Thursday yes

that’s okay we have five o’clock and six

o’clock free I see six o’clock then

please sure no problem

when is he going to the dentists

a man is speaking to the dentists on the

phone when is he going to the dentists

I’m sorry but can you cancel my

appointment for today please sure would

you like to change it to a different day

yes how about this Saturday I would

prefer a morning appointment I’m afraid

that this Saturday is fully booked we

have some appointments free next

Saturday though that’s a bit too far


how about late afternoon on Thursday yes

that’s okay we have five o’clock and six

o’clock free I see six o’clock then

please sure no problem

a woman will visit her friends flat

what is her friend’s flat number I’m

looking forward to the party on Sunday

me too the pie starts at 12 so please

come then okay your flat number is 101

eight isn’t it yeah that’s right there

are two blocks of flats east and west my

flat is 1001 eight in the East block ah

I see

please call me if you have any questions

what is her friend’s flat number

a woman will visit her friends flat

what is her friend’s flat number I’m

looking forward to the party on Sunday

me too the pie starts at 12:00 so please

come then okay your flat number is 101

eight isn’t it yeah that’s right there

are two blocks of flats east and west my

flat is 1001 eight in the East block ah

I see

please call me if you have any questions

a man is renting some DVDs

how many will he decide to rent hello

how can I help you I would like to rent

these DVDs please you have three DVDs

there but there is a discount if you

rent five really but I won’t have enough

time to watch that many soul just take

these free we have a special offer right

now so you can rent the DVDs for a week

longer than normal

oh really in that case I’ll take another


how many will he decide to rent

a man is renting some DVDs

how many will he decide to rent hello

how can I help you I would like to rent

these DVDs please you have three DVDs

there but there is a discount if you

rent five really but I won’t have enough

time to watch that many soul just take

these free we have a special offer right

now so you can rent the DVDs through a

week longer than normal

oh really in that case I’ll take another


a man and a woman are talking which

clock are they looking at and what time

is it

what time is it

oh I’m sorry I forgot my watch today

I see I’m worried that we might miss the


oh there’s a clock at the entrance to

the train station good Oh No the train

will be here in five minutes that’s ten

o’clock train right yeah so we’d better

hurry up

which clock are they looking at and what

time is it

a man and a woman are talking which

clock are they looking at and what time

is it

what time is it oh I’m sorry I forgot my

watch today

I see I’m worried that we might miss the


oh there’s a clock at the entrance to

the train station good

oh no the train will be here in five

minutes that’s ten o’clock train right

yeah so we’d better hurry up

a man is choosing his seat for his

flight where is the seat that he chooses

do you have any seats available on the

flight tomorrow night just a moment


are you looking for an economy class

seat yes I am okay thank you for waiting

yes we still have some seats oh good

I would like an aisle seat please ah I

am afraid that all of the aisle seats

are gone I see I don’t want to sit in

the middle seat in that case would you

like to have a window seat yes please

where is the seat that he chooses

a man is choosing his seat for his

flight where is the seat that he chooses

do you have any seats available on the

flight tomorrow night just a moment


are you looking for an economy class

seat yes I am okay thank you for waiting

yes we still have some seats oh good

I would like an aisle seat please ah I

am afraid that all of the aisle seats

are gone I see I don’t want to sit in

the middle seat in that case would you

like to have a window seat yes please

did you get it right I hope you learned

something from this quiz let us know if

you have any questions see you next time
