40 Minutes of Intermediate British English Listening Comprehension

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hi everyone I’m Gabriella how are your

British English listening skills in this

video you’ll have a chance to test them

out with the quiz first you’ll see an

image and here a question next comes a

short dialogue listen carefully and see

if you can answer correctly will show

you the answer at the end are you ready

a husband and wife are looking at some

floor plans which room are they going to

see how about this one it’s got a nice

large living room hmm I like a big

living room but I’d like a parking space

let’s see how about this one yes that’s


shall we go and see this one wait a

minute isn’t the cabinet a little too


FairPoint hmm there doesn’t seem to be

one that’s quite right wait what about

this one it has everything we need

doesn’t it and the closet is quite large

as well let’s go and see this one okay

which room are they going to see

a husband and wife are looking at some

floor plans which room are they going to

see how about this one it’s got a nice

large living room hmm I like a big

living room but I’d like a parking space

let’s see how about this one yes that’s


shall we go and see this one wait a

minute isn’t the cabinet a little too

small FairPoint hmm there doesn’t seem

to be one that’s quite right wait what

about this one it has everything we need

doesn’t it and the closet is quite large

as well let’s go and see this one okay a

gentleman is making a reservation at a

hotel in which hotel room is he going to

stay seaside hotel how may I help you

hello I’d like to say for one night on

the 22nd of September certainly one

night on the 22nd of September for how

many people to

you like a smoking or non-smoking room

sir non-smoking place the only

non-smoking room available on that day

is a mountain view room would that be


oh I was hoping for an ocean view room

I’m sorry but the only ocean view room

available and that day is a smoking room

I see is there a non-smoking ocean view

room available on the 23rd of September

yes there is okay we’ll stay on the 23rd

of September

in which hotel room is he going to stay

a gentleman is making a reservation at a

hotel in which hotel room is he going to

stay seaside hotel how may I help you

hello I’d like to say for one night on

the 22nd of September

certainly one night on the 22nd of

September for how many people - would

you like a smoking or non-smoking room


non-smoking place the only non-smoking

room available on that day is a Mountain

View room would that be ok

oh I was hoping for an ocean view room

I’m sorry but the only ocean view room

available and that day is a smoking room

I see is there a non-smoking ocean view

room available on the 23rd of September

yes there is

ok we’ll stay on the 23rd of September a

lady is talking to her hairdresser how

would you like to change her hair hello

may I help you

hello I have a three o’clock appointment

under the name of Richie oh yes welcome

mr. Richie please come this way what can

I do for you today I would like to

change my hairstyle a little okay what

length would you like about shoulder


okay what about your fringe keep the

fringe straight down the middle or part

it to the side to the side a little

which slide maybe a little left from the

middle I see

we’ll start with washing it so please

come this way

how would you like to change your hair

a lady is talking to her hairdresser how

would she like to change her hair

hello may I help you hello I have a

three o’clock appointment under the name

of Richie oh yes

welcome mr. Ishii please come this way

what can I do for you today I would like

to change my hairstyle a little okay

what length would you like about

shoulder length

okay what about your fringe keep the

fringe straight down the middle or part

it to the side to the side a little

which slide maybe a little left from the

middle I see

we’ll start with washing it so please

come this way a male and female student

are looking at job advertisements

which job is a female student going to

apply to hey what do you think about

this job the hourly pay is quite high

the pay certainly looks great but could

you really deliver newspapers of course

I’m good at bike riding but I’m worried

about waking up early what about this

one the pay isn’t high but you can work

two or three days a week and start

working from evening oh this one a

supermarket cashier err well it would be

good to work after school this one a

cafe might be good too oh yeah I love

that place and it’s on my way to school

not bad eh hmm which one should I apply

to which two is it between the cafe in

the newspaper delivery

yeah the pay for the newspaper delivery

is really nice okay my mind is made up

I suppose I’ll just have to get up early

which job is the female student going to

apply to

a male and female student are looking at

job advertisements

which job is the female student going to

apply to

hey what do you think about this job the

hourly pay is quite high the pay

certainly looks great but could you

really deliver newspapers of course I’m

good at bike riding but I’m worried

about waking up early what about this

one the pay isn’t higher but you can

work two or three days a week and start

working from evening oh this one a

supermarket cashier err well it would be

good to work after school this one a

cafe might be good too

oh yeah I love that place and it’s on my

way to school not bad eh hmm which one

should I apply to which two is it

between the cafe in the newspaper

delivery yeah the pay for the newspaper

delivery is really nice

okay my mind is made up I suppose I’ll

just have to get up early a woman is

trying on a dress and talking to a shop

assistant which dress is she going to

buy it looks very nice on you and it

fits perfectly yeah it fits but I

usually wear plain colors I’m not used

to this kind of pattern well I think you

look great yeah still it would take some

courage for me to actually wear this

what about this dress in the pattern is

much more reserved so it won’t look as

fancy you’re right let me try that one

on be my guest

what do you think miss this one suits me

much more than the last one do you have

a long-sleeve version of this design yes

we do thank you

I’ll buy that

which dress is she going to buy

a woman is trying on a dress and talking

to a shop assistant which dress is she

going to buy

it looks very nice on you and it fits

perfectly yeah it fits but I usually

wear plain colors I’m not used to this

kind of pattern well I think you look

great yeah

still it would take some courage for me

to actually wear this what about this

dress in the pattern is much more

reserved so it won’t look as fancy

you’re right let me try that one on be

my guest

what do you think miss this one suits me

much more than the last one do you have

a long-sleeve version of this design yes

we do thank you

I’ll buy that did you get it right I

hope you learned something from this

quiz let us know if you have any

questions see you next time want more

English videos like this subscribe to

our Channel

hi everyone I’m Gabriella how are your

British English listening skills in this

video you’ll have a chance to test them

out with the quiz first you’ll see an

image and here a question next comes a

short dialogue listen carefully and see

if you can answer correctly we’ll show

you the answer at the end are you ready

a company president and his secretary

are talking on the phone which document

is the secretary going to deliver to the

sales department hi can you do me a

favor there’s a document on my desk and

I need you to deliver it to the sales

department sure which document is it I

think it’s in the blue envelope the blue

envelope well there are two blue

envelopes on your desk ah right there’s

a red seal on the upper right of the

envelope the one with the green seal is

the document that we hand out at the

recruiting orientation the one with the

red seal okay I got it great so please

deliver it to the sales tip on by 1:00

p.m. and make sure to send it to the

manager directly you know him right yes

I’ve met and talked with him several

times good oh and can you deliver the

other envelope to the HR department yes


which document is the secretary going to

deliver to the sales department

a company president and his secretary

are talking on the phone which document

is the secretary going to deliver to the

sales department hi can you do me a

favor there’s a document on my desk and

I need you to deliver it to the sales

department sure which document is it I

think it’s in the blue envelope the blue

envelope well there are two blue

envelopes on your desk all right there’s

a red seal on the upper right of the

envelope the one with the green seal is

the document that we hand out at the

recruiting orientation the one with the

red seal okay I got it great so please

deliver it to the sales tip on by 1:00

p.m. and make sure to send it to the

manager directly you know him right yes

I’ve met and talked with him several

times good oh and can you deliver the

other envelope to the HR department yes

sir a woman is calling a restaurant on

the phone at which table was she having

lunch hello how can I help you I had

lunch at your restaurant a while ago and

I think I left my scarf

you left your scarf at the table do you

remember where you were sitting

I’ll go and look for it well it was in

the back of the restaurant were you in

the smoking area or the non-smoking area

the non-smoking area did you sit at the

counter or at a table I was at a table

for four people

all right then I’ll go and check please

wait for a moment thank you so much

at which table was she having lunch

a woman is calling a restaurant on the

phone at which table was she having


hello how can I help you I had lunch at

your restaurant a while ago and I think

I left my scarf

you left your scarf at the table do you

remember where you were sitting I’ll go

and look for it well it was in the back

of the restaurant were you in the

smoking area or the non-smoking area the

non-smoking area did you sit at the

counter or at a table I was at a table

for four people all right then I’ll go

and check please wait for a moment thank

you so much a man is looking for a flat

which flat is he going to choose excuse

me I’m looking for a flat in this area

can you show me some floor plans

certainly is this for a single person no

I’m going to live with my wife I want a

living room bedroom and a study okay

how about this one there are two rooms

plus a living room it might be a little

noisy because it’s located near a big

road though I see I usually work at home

so I need a quiet place and I prefer the

living room to be square shape well how

about this one

it is located a bit far from the station

but in a quiet residential area there

are two rooms and the living room but

one of the rooms is a little narrow hmm

we don’t have much stuff so this one

might be enough for us we can show you

another flat which has two wide rooms

but it is located much farther from the

station no thank you

I’d like to go see the second one he

showed me

which flat is he going to choose

a man is looking for a flat

which flat is he going to choose

excuse me I’m looking for a flat in this

area can you show me some floor plans

certainly is this for a single person no

I’m going to live with my wife I want a

living room bedroom and a study okay how

about this one there are two rooms plus

a living room it might be a little noisy

because it’s located near a big road

though I see I usually work at home so I

need a quiet place and I prefer the

living room to be square shape well how

about this one it is located a bit far

from the station but in a quiet

residential area there are two rooms and

the living room but one of the rooms is

a little narrow hmm we don’t have much

stuff so this one might be enough for us

we can show you another flat which has

two wide rooms but it is located much

farther from the station no thank you

I’d like to go see the second one he

showed me a woman is ordering a birthday

cake which cake is she going to order

excuse me I’d like to order a birthday

cake for my daughter great could you

tell me what kind of cake you’re looking

for my daughter likes chocolate so I

think a chocolate cake would be good and

can you put strawberries on it

absolutely we have round cakes and

square cakes which one would you prefer

hmm a round one please okay how old is

your daughter going to be she’ll be 12

okay then we’ll get 12 candles ready do

you want to write a message yes please

write happy birthday all right and do

you want that written in pink if so

we’ll put it on a white plate otherwise

we can write it in white and put it on a

pink plate please write it in pink and

put it on a white plate

which cake is she going to order

a woman is ordering a birthday cake

which cake is she going to order

excuse me I’d like to order a birthday

cake for my daughter great could you

tell me what kind of cake you’re looking

for my daughter likes chocolate so I

think a chocolate cake would be good and

can you put strawberries on it

absolutely we have round cakes and

square cakes which one would you prefer

hmm a round one please

okay how old is your daughter going to

be she’ll be 12 okay then we’ll get 12

candles ready do you want to write a

message yes please write happy birthday

all right and do you want that written

in pink if so we’ll put it on a white

plate otherwise we can write it in white

and put it on a pink plate please write

it in pink and put it on a white plate a

man and a woman are talking about the

schedule for moving when are they going

to move I think we should decide the

moving date and call a moving company

yes I was just looking at some moving

companies I don’t want to pay a lot of

money I agree this company gives some

discounts such as they discount 10% if

we book at least one month before the

moving day by one month before then we

have to move after the 15th of December

in order to get the discount yes and

there’s an additional discount if a book

on the weekday a weekday well I have a

meeting on Monday morning and the

exhibition is on Tuesday and Wednesday

Friday would be good as we could

organize the new house over the weekend

yes oh wait

they say 15% Monday to Thursday and 5%

off on Friday Oh what do you want to do

let’s get it as cheap as possible I’ll

be done with my exhibition by then


when are they going to move

a man and a woman are talking about the

schedule for moving when are they going

to move I think we should decide the

moving date and call a moving company

yes I was just looking at some moving

companies I don’t want to pay a lot of

money I agree this company gives some

discounts such as they discount 10% if

we booked at least one month before the

moving day by one month before then we

have to move after the 15th of December

in order to get the discount yes and

there’s an additional discount if a book

on the weekday a weekday well I have a

meeting on Monday morning and the

exhibition is on Tuesday and Wednesday

Friday would be good as we could

organize the new house over the weekend

yes oh wait they say 15% Monday to

Thursday and 5% off on Friday Oh what do

you want to do let’s get it as cheap as

possible I’ll be done with my exhibition

by then anyway did you get it right I

hope you learned something from this

quiz let us know if you have any

questions see you next time

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hi everyone I’m Gabriella how are your

British English listening skills in this

video you’ll have a chance to test them

out with the quiz first you’ll see an

image and here a question next comes a

short dialogue listen carefully and see

if you can answer correctly we’ll show

you the answer at the end are you ready

a man is shopping during a sale what and

how much is he going to buy excuse me is

this sure and available in a set of

three we can sell the shirts separately

but it will be more expensive per shirt

all right well I don’t need free of the

same shirt what should I do if you buy

this set of three ties as well we can

give you a discount on the shirt set so

that they are three for the price of one

I see buy set free ties and I also get a

set of free shirts for the price of one

that’s correct

okay I’ll keep one shirt and give the

other two to someone else all right sir

it’s an exceptional saving

what and how much is he going to buy

a man is shopping during a sale what and

how much is he going to buy excuse me is

this sure and available in the surf free

we can sell the shirt separately but it

will be more expensive per shirt all

right well I don’t need free of the same


what should I do if you buy this set of

three ties as well we can give you a

discount on the shirt set so that they

are three for the price of one

I see buy set free ties and I also get

set free shirts for the price of one

that’s correct

okay I’ll keep one shirt and give the

other two to someone else all right sir

it’s an exceptional saving a woman is

giving a report about bag sales which

bag was the highest selling here’s a

report about the women’s bags that we

launched last month firstly in regards

to color black was our top seller next

was white and sky blue yellow didn’t

sell very well at all yellow didn’t sell

well huh

what about the size the biggest size bag

sold more than the smaller sized ones

bags that you can put a four size

notebooks or magazines in with the most

popular all right

regarding the handles leather was more

popular than chains I see it looks like

bags that can mash a formal style sell

better that’s right so I think we should

use karma colors such as beige or brown

for a new collection all right then

let’s go with beige for the next new

color you can stop the production of the

yellow bags okay

which bag was the highest-selling

a woman is giving a report about bag

sales which bag was the highest-selling

here’s a report about the women’s bags

that we launched last month firstly in

regards to color black was our top

seller next was white and sky blue

yellow didn’t sell very well at all

yellow didn’t sell well huh what about

the size the biggest size bag sold more

than the smaller sized ones bags that

you can put a four size notebooks or

magazines in with the most popular all


regarding the handles leather was more

popular than chains I see it looks like

bags that can match a formal style sell

better that’s right so I think we should

use karma colors such as beige or brown

for a new collection alright then let’s

go with beige for the next new color you

can stop the production of the yellow

bags okay a mine is calling a hospital

when our health checks available at the

hospital excuse me can I make a

reservation for a health check certainly

health checks are available only on

Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays this is

different normal examinations which day

would you like is this Saturday

available yes it is were only open in

the morning on Saturdays is this

convenient morning only hmm that’s a

little difficult what time you open and

tell them weekdays we’re open until 6:00

p.m. on Mondays and 8:00 p.m. on

Wednesdays I see what times the open in

the morning we open at 8:00 a.m. however

we’re fully booked in the morning next

week if you can wait until the week

after next both Monday and Wednesday are

available from 8:00 a.m. okay I’ll call

again off dry check my schedule all

right sir

when our health checks available at the


a man is calling a hospital

when our health checks available at the

hospital excuse me can I make a

reservation for a health check certainly

health checks are available only on

Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays this is

different normal examinations which day

would you like is this Saturday

available yes it is were only open in

the morning on Saturdays is this

convenient morning only hmm that’s a

little difficult what time you open and

tell them weekdays we’re open until 6:00

p.m. on Mondays and 8:00 p.m. on

Wednesdays I see what time the open in

the morning we open at 8:00 a.m. however

we’re fully booked in the morning next

week if you can wait until the week

after next both Monday and Wednesday are

available from 8:00 a.m. okay I’ll call

again off three check my schedule all

right sir

a man is picking up his female friend’s


which one is the friend’s daughter


sorry to trouble you but could you

please go and pick up my daughter okay

does she know me yes she’s seen you in

photos before so she should be able to

recognize you all right what does she

look like her hair is black and curly

and she’s slim and taller than average

girls okay

anything else she says she’s going to

wear a hat that they bought her it is a

white hat with a black ribbon on it that

sounds easy to find okay I’ll go and

pick her up now thank you

which one is a friend’s daughter

a man is picking up his female friend’s

daughter which one is a friend’s


sorry to trouble you but could you

please go and pick up my daughter okay

does she know me yes she’s seen you in

photos before so she should be able to

recognize you all right what does she

look like her hair is black and curly

and she’s slim and taller than average

girls okay anything else she says she’s

going to wear a hat that they bought her

it is a white hat with a black ribbon on

it that sounds easy to find okay I’ll go

and pick her up now thank you

a man is talking with a woman about his

wallet where is he going to look for his


oh no I can’t find my wallet

I must have left it somewhere what when

was the last time you used it do you

remember no I don’t remember well then

let’s try to think of where you’ve been


okay first I went to see a film with a

friend and afterwards who went to a cafe

my friend treated me at the cafe though

so I didn’t touch my wallet but you

remember using it when you bought the

cinema ticket yes and after that we went

to the gym after that was when I noticed

that I didn’t have it with me did you

use any money at the gym no the

membership fee is automatically

withdrawn from my bank account every


oh I remember buying some juice from the

vending machine all right then let’s go

to the gym and look for it

where is he going to look for his wallet

a man is talking with a woman about his

wallet where is he going to look for his

wallet oh no I can’t find my wallet

I must have left it somewhere what when

was the last time you used it

do you remember no I don’t remember well

then let’s try to think of where you’ve

been today

okay first I went to see a film with a

friend and afterwards who went to a cafe

my friend treated me at the cafe though

so I didn’t touch my wallet but you

remember using it when you bought the

cinema ticket yes and after that we went

to the gym after that was when I noticed

that I didn’t have it with me did you

use any money at the gym no the

membership fee is automatically

withdrawn from my bank account every


oh I remember buying some juice from the

vending machine all right then let’s go

to the gym and look for it

wanna speak real English from your first

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hi everyone I’m Gabriella

how are your British English listening

skills in this video you’ll have a

chance to test them out with the quiz

first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue

listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly will show you the

answer at the end are you ready

a male and female students are talking

while looking at their class schedule

choose the male student schedule of the

day of the meeting we have to have a

meeting regarding our next group

presentation right when are you three I

come to school on Mondays Wednesdays and


then even Wednesday or Thursday would

work for us both since I am here on

Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays how

about Thursday afternoon then on

Thursdays I have lectures until the

third period I can make it off to the

third period economics class though but

then I have a part-time job from five

o’clock so I will be available for only

an hour mmm that sounds a bit too short

how about Wednesday then except for

modern history in the second period and

international law in the fourth period

I’m free I see I have Asian history in

the third period and then I’ve got a

part-time job in the evening what about

meeting early in the morning and talking

until before the second period starts

well I’m not a morning person why don’t

we meet on Thursday already sure all my

part-time job for another day okay

please come to the canteen when the

class is over

choose the male student schedule of the

day of the meeting

a male and female students are talking

while looking at their class schedule

choose the male students schedule of the

day of the meeting we have to have a

meeting regarding our next group

presentation right when are you three I

come to school on Mondays Wednesdays and

Thursdays then either Wednesday or

Thursday would work for us both since I

am here on Tuesdays Wednesdays and

Thursdays how about Thursday afternoon

then on Thursdays I have lectures until

the third period I can make it off to

the third period economics class though

but then I have a part-time job from

five o’clock so I will be available for

only an hour hmm that sounds a bit too

short how about Wednesday then except

for modern history in the second period

and international law in the fourth

period I’m free I see I have Asian

history in the third period and then

I’ve got a part-time job in the evening

what about meeting early in the morning

and talking until before the second

period starts well I’m not a morning

person why don’t we meet on Thursday

already sure my part-time job for

another day okay please come to the

canteen when the class is over

a man and a woman are talking while

looking at a picture

which one is the woman’s you’re over I

heard you had a twin brother I didn’t

know that yes but people say that we

don’t look alike see my brother is in

this picture but can you tell which one

he is well I don’t see anyone who looks

like you maybe this one with the cap no

not that one he has black hair just like

mine well then this tall one no he’s not

that tall

I still can’t find him you really don’t

look alike I know maybe glasses are

making it more difficult glasses then

this one second from left you got it do

I resemble him no not really

which one is the woman Java

a man and a woman are talking while

looking at a picture

which one is the woman Java

I heard you had a twin brother I didn’t

know that yes but people say that we

don’t look alike see my brother is in

this picture but can you tell which one

he is well I don’t see anyone who looks

like you maybe this one with the cap no

not that one

he has black hair just like mine well

then this tall one no he’s not that tall

I still can’t find him you really don’t

look alike I know maybe glasses are

making it more difficult glasses then

this one second from left you got it do

I resemble him no not really

a man and a woman are talking while

looking at a poll regarding kids

favorite subjects

which chart shows the results for

fifteen-year-old kids hey look at this

article it’s about the free most

populous objects among ten year old and

15 year old kids oh let me see

Oh physical education is on the top of

the ten year old kids list physical

education is still popular although I’ve

heard that children these days spend

less time doing sports yes a music came

second yes

the most popular subject among the

fifteen-year-old kids is history when

you get to fifteen years old you become

interested in different subjects and

when you were ten years old right

Oh politics came second information

technology was ranked third but it was

not even the school subject when we were

at that age what was the third most

popular subject among ten-year-old kids

by the way let’s see oh that was art I

wonder if they design things using

computer software these days

which chart shows the results for

fifteen-year-old kids

a man and a woman are talking while

looking at a poll regarding kids

favorite subjects

which chart shows the results for

fifteen-year-old kids

hey look at this article it’s about the

free most populous objects among ten

year old and fifteen year old kids oh

let me see

Oh physical education is on the top of

the ten year old kids list physical

education is still popular although I’ve

heard that children these days spend

less time doing sports yes and music

came second yes the most popular subject

among the fifteen-year-old kids is

history when you get to fifteen years

old you become interested in different

subjects and when you were ten years old

right Oh

politics came second information

technology was ranked third but it was

not even the school subject when we were

at that age what was the third most

popular subject among ten year old kids

by the way let’s see oh that was art I

wonder if they design things using

computer software these days

the TV is broadcasting a weather


which is the weather forecast for the

upcoming week here is the weather

forecast for the upcoming week in the

first half of the week many days will be

generally sunny although it might be

cloudy from time to time in the second

half of the week the cloud is likely to

spread and it will rain in some

locations in the middle of the week when

the weather begins to deteriorate there

will be some storms the maximum

temperature will be the same as the

average for the year and it will go up

to about 20 degrees in the first half of

the week later in the week it will be

lower than the average for this time of

year and it would drop from 18 degrees

to 15 degrees the minimum temperature

will continue to be 7 to 8 degrees which

is slightly lower than normal it will be

a sunny Sunday tomorrow and it’ll be

perfect weather for a holiday

which is the weather forecast for the

upcoming week

the TV is broadcasting a weather


which is the weather forecast for the

upcoming week here is the weather

forecast for the upcoming week in the

first half of the week many days will be

generally sunny although it might be

cloudy from time to time in the second

half of the week the cloud is likely to

spread and it will rain in some

locations in the middle of the week when

the weather begins to deteriorate there

will be some storms the maximum

temperature will be the same as the

average for the year and it will go up

to about 20 degrees in the first half of

the week later in the week it will be

lower than the average for this time of

year and it would drop from 18 degrees

to 15 degrees the minimum temperature

will continue to be 7 to 8 degrees which

is slightly lower than normal it will be

a sunny Sunday tomorrow and it will be

perfect weather for a holiday

a delivery person is talking to a


what will the delivery person do next

choose the incorrect answer hello I have

a delivery for Human Resources and the

accounting departments thank you both

are on the fourth floor I see I also

need to pick up something from the sales

department the sales department has a

first and second division which one is


let’s see it’s the second division the

sales second division is on the second

floor there’s intercom at the entrance

so please call the person you are

looking for I see can I use the lift

over there to go upstairs I’m so sorry

but that lift is currently out of

service for a safety inspection

do you mind using the stairs over there

not at all thank you very much

what will the delivery person do next

choose the incorrect answer

a delivery person is talking to


what will the delivery person do next

choose the incorrect answer hello

I have a delivery for Human Resources

and the accounting departments thank you

both are on the fourth floor I see I

also need to pick up something from the

sales department the sales department

has a first and second division which

one is it

let’s see it’s the second division the

sales second division is on the second

floor there’s intercom at the entrance

so please call the person you are

looking for I see can I use the lift

over there to go upstairs I’m so sorry

but that lift is currently out of

service for a safety inspection do you

mind using the stairs over there not at

all thank you very much

did you get it right I hope you learned

something from this quiz let us know if

you have any questions see you next time

