5 Common British English Expressions

not get thank you hi guys

it’s me and I’m here in sunny London

that’s British sarcasm there it’s

extremely cold today but I wanted to

talk to you about some of the common

British expressions that I hear and use

more or less every day so let’s get

started so the first one is alright and

this really means hello how are you

some people get confused and think it

means is everything ok

really it’s a very general question it’s

a nice way of greeting somebody so if

you hear someone in the street say

alright you can say yeah how are you as

a response ok so the next one is I’m

easy and this would be something you use

when somebody asks you to make a

decision and you don’t really mind would

you prefer Italian or Chinese food


well I’m easy it means I don’t really

mind ok the next one is on about and

this means talking about ok so if I say

what’s he on about I’m really saying

what’s he talking about ok it can be

used quite negatively so if someone’s

talking too much you can say what’s he

on about so my personal favourite of

this list is Bob’s your uncle and this

if you’re not familiar with the phrase

may sound ridiculous and it is we’re a

little bit crazy here in the UK and but

Bob’s your uncle is a phrase we use to

conclude a set of instructions like for

example making a cup of tea you need to

borrow the water you need to add it to a

cup you need to add a tea bag you need

to let it brew you then need to take the

tea bag out and then add some milk and

sugar to taste and then Bob’s your uncle

you’ve made a cup of tea mm-hmm ok so

this last one easy-peasy is something I

used to say quite a lot when I was a

child but I might still say it every now

and again now and this means that

something’s really easy and the full

rhyme is easy peasy lemon squeezy

ok I don’t recommend that you use this

phrase in a job interview but for

general fun and general conversations

it’s absolutely fine so how was the exam

it was easy pee pee and then if you

really want to go for it it was easy

peasy lemon squeezy thank you for

watching this short and fun little

lesson today try and use these phrases

that I’ve taught you at some point today

and see the kind of reactions you’ll get

from your English teachers if you like

my videos then subscribe to my channel

and also like my Facebook page which

should be here and I hope to see you

very soon bye bye if you didn’t know I’m
