Amazing resource Learn to pronounce ANY English word

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with Lucy the first video of

2017 happy new year everybody I’ve got

so much planned for this year we’ve got

the pronunciation course coming out lots

of other secret plans which I can’t tell

you about just yet but i will be able to

tell you about them very very soon

today I want to talk to you about your

pronunciation and I’ve got a new years

piece of advice that I would like to

give to you and the piece of advice is

don’t wait for others to educate you

educate yourself

ok so don’t wait for others to educate

you educate yourself and this video will

help you do that i receive hundreds of

messages every day emails Facebook

Instagram messages honestly a lot i

can’t respond to all of them i do

respond to some but the majority of

people ask me Lucy how do you

pronounce through Lucy how do you

pronounce often

well you really shouldn’t be waiting for

someone else to tell you how to

pronounce something if you can find out

the answer yourself i’m going to show

you how to learn to pronounce any word

any word as long as it’s in english i’m

going to show you how to learn to

pronounce any English word so today i

want to introduce a very special

resource they’re not sponsoring me i’m

not getting paid to do this is the

resource that I use myself and I want to

share it with you

it is Oxford learners now

you might be rolling your eyes and

thinking oh my god does Lucy think we’re

this stupid she really recommending a


well this dictionary in my opinion is a

little bit special take a look let’s

think of a word that you guys find

confusing okay how about laugh I guess

a lot of people asking me how to

pronounce the word laugh okay so I’ve

gone to

i’m going to type in the word laugh

ok and look at the page you’ve got the

phonetic transcription but it also says

BrE and NaME British English and North

American English so the best thing about

this website is that they have got some

really really good voice actors to say

all of the words for you let’s listen to

British English laugh laugh

exactly how I said it and then American

English laugh then you can click on the

little plus sign and look at all the

verb forms and all the pronunciations

as well so we’ve got the he/she/it

laughs the past simple laugher oh the ing-form

laughing how brilliant is that and they

have the pronunciation and the voice

recordings for almost every word that exists

in the world in English so you will be

able to educate yourself instead of

waiting for others to educate you let

that be your new year’s resolution

don’t wait for others to educate you

educate yourself if you have a doubt

oxford Learner’s dictionary type it in

listen to it

bob’s your uncle and if you don’t know

what Bob’s your uncle means you need to

watch this video here so now I’ve shown

you the correct resource to use how can

you put this into practice

how can you learn to pronounce that word

that you’ve just heard correctly i want

you to use your phone again or any other

recording device like your laptop or a

microphone and I want you to record

yourself copying at the Oxford learner’s

dictionary recording i would say laugh

laugh then you just compare it with the

recording on the

website so my one laugh

and the oxford learner’s dictionary one

laugh laugh great and keep practicing

until they sound more or less identical

that’s it for today’s lesson I hope you

found it useful I hope you learnt something

don’t forget to connect with me on all

of my social media and tune into my free

live pronunciation lesson the first one

of 2017 will be this sunday at four

thirty on my facebook page

I’ll see you for another lesson very

very soon