American VS British English Words

hello everyone welcome back to english

with lucy today I want to talk to you

about 10 vocabulary differences between

American English and British English so

let’s get started the first one and a

lot of you might know this one is what

the British call football and what the

Americans call soccer now of course we

will understand each other it can get

confusing because Americans have

American football which is a completely

different game number two chips and


for us crisps are these crunchy fried

potatoes which are usually served cold

but Americans call them chips it’s even

more confusing when we get onto number

three because what Americans call french

fries we then call chips so french fries

for Americans and chips for the British

are hot fried soft potatoes these number

four what we call trousers Americans

call pants however it gets even more

confusing because when we get to number

five what Americans call underwear we

call pants so pants for Americans are

trousers something you wear over your

underwear number six gas versus petrol

for us petrol is the liquid petroleum

that you put into your car and Americans

call this gas gets confusing because gas

for us only refers to something that is

in its gaseous form something that’s

neither a solid nor a liquid a gas the

next one biscuit and cookie for the

British we refer to one of these as a

biscuit and the Americans call it a

cookie number eight trunk versus boot

for us the compartment in the back of a

car is called a boot which is also a

word that can refer to a specific type

of shoe but for Americans it’s just

trunk number nine what we call a jumper


we’ll call a sweater so make sure you

remember both of these ones so this for

me is a jumper but for Americans it

would be a sweater and number 10 high

school versus secondary school in

Britain we call it the final school that

you attend secondary school but in

America they call it high school alright

guys that’s it for today I hope you

learned something new if you’re

interested in British English

pronunciation then make sure you attend

my free live British pronunciation and

vocabulary lesson which is every Sunday

at 4:30 GMT London time on my English

with Lucy Facebook page you can also

follow me on Instagram I like to share

lots of photos of my daily life on there

and don’t forget to subscribe and I will

see you for another lesson very very

soon mwah