BRITISH ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION RP accent e vowel sound hair parent air

hello and welcome back to english with

lucy today is an exciting day because

I’m starting a new mini series with you

guys all about British English

pronunciation now arguably one of the

most difficult parts of learning English

is the pronunciation of the many many

vowel sounds so the first part of this

series is going to be all about the

different vowel sounds that we use in

British English quickly before we get

started make sure you connect with me on

all of my social media I’ve got my

Instagram my facebook my Weibo

and of course my youtube channel and as

I mentioned before I have a patreon site

where you can sponsor me and earn some

really nice rewards like Skype lessons

and 100 cards before we get started I

just want to make one thing clear I am

not trying to make you get rid of your

accent accents make us unique I just

want to help you improve your

pronunciation so that you can be better

understood and can communicate more

easily so don’t go crazy and think I

must use my accent I must use my accent

because a it’s really difficult and be

why unless you want to be an actor for a

specific job role there’s no need a

story that might surprise some of you is

that throughout my childhood and some of

my teenage years I was really really

embarrassed of my accent I have a

relatively posh British accent and some

people used to make fun of me at school

but now I realised that accents don’t

matter what does matter is bad

pronunciation and this is where I come

in to help you guys okay so the vowel

sound that we’re going to use today is

the phoneme err and it’s written like

this I do think it’s important for you

guys to recognize things like these

because when you want to learn how to

pronounce a word you can search on any

dictionary and the phonetics will really

really help you understand how to

pronounce each word now I mostly teach

Spanish students

and they really really struggle with

this phoneme so exponent as a dip film

that means it is two vowel sounds

combined in one syllable so to make the

air sound we combine the egg and the up

air but normally British English

speakers will just say air and will

change the pitch air air so in the first

part of the diphthong we use the F sound

so I’ve got my mouth wide and my tongue

relaxed F and in the second part

it’s the up it’s a schwa ah my whole

mouth is relaxed and it’s just a little

push of voice ah ah so I’m going ah ah

ah ah the last thing that you must do is

propel a lot of air through your lungs

as you say this vowel sound so I want I

don’t want air

I want air breathy the breathy oh you

are the more British you sound so

firstly we have the word air is magic

gas that’s all around us now it’s

written a I are but we do not pronounce

the R at the end of the word Americans

however do pronounce it so we say air

and they would say air so after the air

vowel sound we don’t pronounce the R

unless a vowel then comes after the are

like in area area now I’m going to give

you a couple of examples of words that

end in the air sound that you might have

been pronouncing incorrectly firstly

we’ve got the words that end in a I our

air chair hair fair and millionaire and

then we’ve got the words that end in a

our II care aware

share square now we’ve got the words

that end in E a R so we’ve got bear ter

pair swear

then we’ve got air use in the middle of

a word so we’ve got things with AR

parent the names Mary Sarah various then

we’ve got words with a IR like hairy or

dairy and we’ve got the British spelling

for aeroplane with AER we’ve got

aeroplane or arrow mix and finally we’ve

got the e AR and words such as

unbearable hopefully today’s lesson has

helped you in some way make sure you

subscribe because there will be more

videos of this type coming very very

soon I really do want to help you with

your pronunciation and I think looking

at it Val by Val is really going to be a

good way of doing that so that’s it

today’s class and make sure you connect

with me on all my social media and I

will see you in the next episode bye bye

then we have our use in the middle of

the road in the middle of the road