BRITISH ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION RP accent vowel sound here career and clear

hello and welcome back to english with

Lucy we’re now going to continue with

the British pronunciation series firstly

before we start remember to connect with

me on all of my social media I’ve got my

Instagram my Weibo my Facebook and of

course my youtube channel and then I

also have a patreon account where you

can sponsor me and earn some nice

rewards like Skype lessons and handmade

cards so let’s get started today we’re

going to talk about another diphthong

and this diphthong is here so if you

don’t remember from last class a

difficult is a combination of two vowel

sounds in the same syllable so we’ve got

the in and the ear ear now

British people especially in the

slightly posh accents well sometimes say

ear instead of ear so we will soften out

the DIF from a little bit so let’s talk

about some words that are well-known

firstly we’ve got words with E and a so

we’ve got appear here near clear fear

okay I am speaking in a strong British

accent so I’m using a lot of air

it’s very breathy then I have words with

E E beer career volunteer then I’ve got

words with ER e like atmosphere or

severe sometimes just the eat unknown is

pronounces ear so period or interior but

this is really probably even I don’t say

that so I’ll go interior it rather than

ear then we’ve got the e I in words such

as weird wind then record zo

in things such as theory we’ve also got

ie such as fierce cashier okay well I

hope you enjoyed and learnt something

from this lesson on the ear

and make sure you try and apply it when

using all the words that you learnt

today to anyone that’s complaining that

I’m not writing definitions for the

words of these videos this is a

pronunciation video and looking up the

words in a dictionary it’s fairly simple

so I recommend you do that okay thank

you very much for watching remember to

connect with me on my social media and I

will see you in the next video bye well

perhaps soften out the roundabouts pity

so we will soften out the diphthong a

little bit