BRITISH ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION RP accent vowel sound oh no go

hello and welcome back to english with

Lucy and to another episode of my

British English pronunciation series

today we’re going to talk about another

diphthong and this one is the Oh before

we get started make sure you connect

with me on all of my social media I’ve

got my facebook my Instagram my Weibo

and for course my YouTube channel and

you can also sponsor me on patreon and

you can earn some really nice rewards

like Skype lessons and handwritten

letters okay so oh it’s a diphthong and

it is formed of a and boom oh okay so

two vowel sounds one syllable so your

mouth shape will change throughout the

duration of the syllable oh so I often

hear many of my Hispanic students saying

no go close glob there’s hope this is

wrong yet you know it’s wrong to stop it

so some words with the letter O are bone

closed home thrown from Game of Thrones

so I never want to Game of Thrones again

or worse game of furnace

I’ve heard someone say game of throne it

okay now so firstly we have the Oh

consonant and E so we have bone closed

and we have with just plain old oh so

we’ve got both almost local open / oh oh

and we’ve got words just ending an O ago


no no is so there’s another one


na na na sounds very babyish to us

that’s what a baby’s a nut but no no

must be no then we’ve got words with Oh

a so boat goat coat

not quite or bought boat coat throat

toast toast words ending in Oh a toe the

name Joe so words ending in o W like for

o or follow or grow and we’ve got words

with oh you like although or doe okay

guys I hope this lesson helped you

please make a conscious effort to use

this vowel sound correctly and if you do

so if you do so you will definitely

sound more British very very quickly

don’t forget to connect with me on my

social media and have a lovely day right

please make a conscious effort the blue