Can YOU spell these 10 difficult words Commonly Misspelt Words

hello everyone welcome to English with

Lucy now today’s video is a little bit

different it’s appropriate for both

English learners and native speakers

today I’m going to talk about words that

are notoriously difficult to spell so I

really don’t think much more explanation

is needed let’s get started so word

number one is a little bit of a weird

one yeah you got it

it is weird now we’ve been told time

after time after time I before E except

after C well not in this case and the

best way of remembering it is weird is a

weird word so it doesn’t follow the rule

I’ve actually written it wrong so many

times that my iPhone autocorrect now

accepts weird with an IE it doesn’t do

wonders for my reputation as an English

teacher number to accommodate now does

it have one C and two M’s does it have

to season one M no it accommodates a lot

of letters in it so we’ve got two of

each letter and I always find this so

hard to remember that you can think

accommodate accommodates a lot of

letters in it okay number three my

favorite word for hangman can you guess

what it is

it’s got no vowels in it apart from a

why ah its rhythm rhythm it’s a great

word for hangman but only if you spell

it correctly I can never get those

letters in the right order luckily I

don’t tend to play ho man on a daily

basis number four and this word can get

quite embarrassing if you spell it

incorrectly yes it is embarrass much

like with our second word accommodate

embarrass also has two of each consonant

double r and SS don’t spell it wrong

because it will be embarrassing or is

that number 5 and 16 years ago this was

much more important than it is now it is

millenium and this one is as hard to

spell as it is to say millennium

Minnelli a millennium on it yeah it’s

another culprit of double consonants

we’ve got a double L and a double n in

there millennium

millennium luckily we don’t have another

millennium for another couple of hundred

years so we’ll be okay for a while

number six one of my favorite words to

say liaison liaison and we always get

confused by that triple Val there ia

I I always want to miss out that final I

don’t blame us for that spelling blame

it on the French number seven her ass

like embarrass it sounds like it should

have a double R and a double s but it

only has one R why well I think it’s

quite fitting to harass you and the next

one maintenance maintenance people like

to put maintenance but in this word it’s

not the case it is maintenance then we

have very important pronunciation


now often English folk will say


I’ve actually been accused of it a

couple of times on my pronunciation

videos but I think it’s just a twang in

my accent that makes a nun sound like

noun non pronunciation pronunciation

yeah so another one with the verb not

fitting into the noun form to pronounce

pronunciation maintain maintenance

number ten and I really recommend that

you you remember this one it is oh I’m

on fire today it is recommend who would

have thought yes again do we have the

double consonants do we not in this case

we don’t there’s just one C and two M’s

and it’s one that I consistently get

wrong I managed to rely on spell check

for this one okay so those were my 10

words that are hard to spell and I’d

love to know if there are any more words

that you find it hard to spell put them

in the comments and have a lovely day if

you are learning English as a Second

Language and you want to improve your

British English pronunciation I do a

free live lesson every Sunday at 4:30 on

my English with Lucy Facebook page loads

of you join in every week it’s great fun

and I really like interacting with you

and it’s completely free so if you’ve

got nothing better to do come and join

me on Sundays or thirty British time

forget to connect with me on all of my

social media and I will see you for

another English lesson very very soon

yeah okay the next one my favorite boy