How to pronounce JEWELLERY British English Pronunciation

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with Lucy how are you all today

I hope you’re very well so I just want

to make a quick video responding to some

of the comments on my recent

pronunciation video because i have a lot

of people ask me how to pronounce other

words that they find difficult

disclaimer my channel is dedicated to

teaching British English that’s what I

do that’s what this channels for i’m not

saying that American pronunciation is

wrong please everyone just calm down i’m

not saying that this is the only way to

pronounce things but in British English

this is how we do it now the first one

that was commented quite a few times is

this one is this one which is jewellery we

say jewellery now yes you will hear some

native people saying jewellery jewellery but

in general British people say jewellery

jewellery okay the next one is this one

and all I kind of feel guilty

pronouncing this one because it’s not our word

it’s the Italians I live with Italians

and they get very upset when i say this

word wrong so now we pronounce it

pizza pizza what do you want for dinner

Pizza Pizza I know it’s not really meant

to be pronounced like that we here in

Britain say pizza so the third one is

this one it’s my own name

well I do say it every video I feel like

you should know it. you pronounce my name Lucy

Lucy that a lot of people call me Luce

for short

my mum actually calls me Lolly but no

one’s allowed to call me Lolly apart from

my mum. Yeah Lucy I often hear ‘Luci’

from the Spanish community and lasee

russi as well from the Asian community

they struggle with their Ls and Rs

really i don’t mind how you pronounce my

name i love you all the same if you want

to pronounce it correctly it’s Lucy the

next one

broccoli now broccoli it’s not broccoli

broccoli emphasis on the first syllable

then we’ve got the schwa broccoli the

fifth one is this one generally now of

course you might hear people saying

generally generally speaking but we

normally say generally generally now I

that’s it for today I just wanted to

answer some of your questions that you

left on the video i do read every single

one of your comments I absolutely cannot

reply to every single one of them so

just understand that if i were to reply

to every single one of your comments I

would have to give up my job i think

because you’re quite a needy bunch i

love you all right

make sure you connect with me on all my

social media which is here and i will

see you all for another English lesson

very very soon mwah!