How to Pronounce the Irregular Verbs in British Accent British English Pronunciation

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with Lucy now I’ve got a mixture

of a grammar and pronunciation and

vocabulary lesson for you today

today we’re going to be talking about

the 25 most common irregular verbs in

the English language honestly learning

the irregular verbs isn’t a very

exciting experience but if you want to

learn to speak English you have to do it

if you can master the pronunciation and

the correct form of the top 25 irregular

verbs then you will be a step closer to

fluency and a step closer to speaking

English like a native speaker

this video will be quite similar to my

top 100 word pronunciation video the

link of which you can find in the

description box I’m going to pronounce

the infinitive form the past simple and

the participial twice for each verb and

i’ll give you time to repeat after me

now I’ve said before the absolute best

way of learning to speak like a native

is by imitating so I want you to copy or

to imitate me so I’m going to say the

three forms and I want you to repeat

them with me I’ll say them again and

then you repeat again

now the reason I’m saying all three

together is because i want you to get

them stuck in your head I want you to

learn them in that order you will be

much more likely to remember them if you

learn all three together so let’s get


number one to be be was were been be

was were been then we have to have have

had had have had had the next one number

3 to do do did done do did done

number 4 to say say said said say said

said number 5 to Go Go went gone go went

gone number 6 to get get got got get got

got number 7 to make make made made make

made made number 82 no no new known no

new known number 92 think think thought

thought think thought thought number ten

to take take took taken take took taken

number 11 2 c.c saw seen see-saw seen

number 12 to come come came

come-come came come number 14 to give

give gave given give gave given number

15 to tell tell told told tell told told

number 16 to feel feel felt felt feel

felt felt number 17 to become become

became become become became become

number eight

mean to leave Leave left left leave left

left number 19

I like this one to put put put put put

put put number 22 mean mean mint mint

mean mint mint number 21 to keep keep

kept-kept keep kept-kept number 22

i also like this one to let let let let

let let let number 23 to begin begin

began begun begin began begun number 24

to show to show showed shown show showed

shown and number 25 to hear hear

heard heard here

heard heard ok so those are the 25 most

common irregular verbs in English and i

will do another video on the next 25 so

26 to 50 very very soon but i think it

better for you guys to do it in short


you’re not going to remember suddenly a

hundred and fifty words so best to stick

with 25 right now that’s three lots of 25 i

hope you enjoyed the lesson just

a reminder that if you liked this

pronunciation class then you will love

my free live pronunciation lesson

it’s every sunday at four thirty london

time on my facebook page English with

Lucy don’t forget to connect with me on

all of my social media which is all here

in front of my face and I’ll see you for

another English lesson very very soon
