ING and ED Adjectives How to use them correctly British English

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with lucy before we get started

I’m sorry but my neighbor has decided to

have some sort of Monday afternoon party

in their flat and if you hear any music

it’s not me it’s their little bit

awkward but I’m to British to say

anything so I’m just going to battle on

today I’ve got a very short but very

useful little video for you it’s all

about objectives that end in ing and

adjectives that end in Edie and why

they’re different and when we use each

one I hear so many people using these

adjectives incorrectly so I’m here to

help you now I like to believe that my

lessons here on my youtube channel will

help you with your English really rather

a lot however if you want to take your

English speaking to the next level

you’re going to need to start talking

with natives now I know that getting a

private tutor or finding native people

in your area isn’t possible for everyone

so I’m working with a fantastic company

called I talkie and they have over 4,000

online teachers for all languages you

can find fantastic qualified teachers as

well as natives that are ready to have

conversations with you and you’ll end up

paying much less than you would in a

normal private face-to-face lesson so if

you log on to I Torquay using the link

that’s in the description box your

account will be credited with 100 I

talking credits which is around $10 and

as soon as you make your first purchase

so check that out and let me know how

your experience is now I’m going to give

you two phrases the first one I am

boring and the second one I am bored

what do they mean and why are they

different what so adjectives that end in

Edie describe emotions they tell us how

someone feels about something okay so I

feel tired I’m going to go to bed or I

was bored in the math lesson I almost

fell asleep objectives that end in ing

describe the thing that causes the mo

so a boring maths lesson makes you feel

bored the maths lesson is what causes

you to feel bored so the maths lesson is

boring so you could say I could watch

Lucy’s videos for hours because they are

so interesting this means that you are

interested by my videos my videos

interests you or I could say that the

food was disgusting I was disgusted by

the food now I’m going to give you some

more objectives that can be used in both

the IDI form and the ing form so the

first one amused amusing okay the film

was so amusing it made me really laugh

well I was really amused by the film we

got annoyed and annoying I was very

annoyed with the way that Felicity spoke

to me we’ve got confused and confusing

sorry I don’t understand English grammar

it’s way too confusing if you feel

confused you should watch

Lucy’s videos okay then we’ve got

excited and exciting I’m so excited to

go on holiday this year frightened and

frightening my dog ran away on a walk

because she was frightened satisfied and

satisfying I find cooking a meal from

scratch really satisfying shocked and

shocking I’m so shocked that he didn’t

warn me that he wasn’t going to come to

my birthday party so this video is

really short but it’s really really


now you’ve seen this video you shouldn’t

really get it wrong again adjectives

with Edie describe the emotion they

describe how somebody feels about

something and that’s with ing describe

the thing that causes the emotion so we

need to remember is a boring lesson

makes you feel bored that’s the key

sentence there alright guys thank you so

much for watching remember to connect

with me on all of my social media and

don’t forget to have a look at I talking

using the link in the description and

hopefully you can really start to

improve your

face it by does it mean that