Learn Names of Fruit Vegetables Nuts Vocabulary Pronunciation British English Lesson

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with lucy today I’ve got a

vocabulary and pronunciation lesson for

you we’re going to be talking about how

to pronounce fruit vegetables and nuts

in English in this video I am going to

show you 42 different fruits vegetables

and nuts with pictures and the

pronunciation it should help you improve

both your vocabulary and your

pronunciation this video should be

relevant for everyone I wonder if you’ll

learn how to say a new fruit vegetable

or nut in English I’m going to start off

with more beginner vocabulary and move

up towards advanced before we get

started I would just like to thank the

sponsor of today’s video it is lingo de

lingo de is an online language school

where you can learn English Spanish

French German and business English 24

hours a day seven days a week from

anywhere in the world as long as you

have a stable internet connection you

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when you complete enough courses you’ll

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you’ll follow a structured curriculum

that you can choose from over 1,000

classes meaning that you can tailor your

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your hobbies if you want to try before

you buy there is also the option of a

free trial class lingo to have given me

a special offer to pass on to you if you

click on the link in the description box

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really good deal

I’ve tried lingo to myself and I think

it’s a fantastic way to improve your

language skills and to practice with

native qualified teachers in a

comfortable environment right let’s get

started with the lesson before I start

talking to you about

I would just like to mention fruit and

vegetable the two nouns I often hear my

students make a mistake and if you can

correct this mistake you will sound much

more native vegetable is a countable

noun do you like this vegetable no I

prefer these vegetables when vegetable

is in its plural form we add an S to the

end vegetable vegetables fruit however

is slightly different it’s an exception

it’s not an uncountable noun but

sometimes we do treat it as an

uncountable noun if we want to talk

about fruit in general we wouldn’t say

fruits we would say fruit in a

supermarket you would see fruit and

vegetables not fruits and vegetables

fruit is rarely used with the plural s

except in phrases that require one for

example I ate three different fruits

this morning

now let’s discuss pronunciation I’m

going to start with fruit simply because

I am addicted to fruit I love it it’s my

favorite food

make sure you repeat after me I’m going

to leave some time for you to practice

your pronunciation one Apple Apple

number two banana banana number three

orange orange for lemon lemon five lime

lime six grape grape seven plum plum


Kiwi Kiwi nine pear pear ten strawberry

strawberry 11 blueberry blueberry 12 fig

fig 13 pomegranate pomegranate 14

pineapple pineapple 15 dragon fruit

dragon fruit

16 my favorite watermelon watermelon and

17 there’s a bit of debate on this

whether it’s a fruit or a vegetable

tomato tomato


those were 17 fruits comment down below

with your favorite I’ve already told you

mine it’s watermelon I love watermelon

right let’s get started with vegetables

1 carrot carrot 2 potato potato

number 3 pepper pepper

remember this is British English

sometimes pepper will mean something

different in another country like the

next one for chili chili in some

english-speaking countries you would

call a chili pepper sometimes to clarify

we say

chili pepper five cucumber cucumber six

aubergine aubergine seven artichoke

artichoke 8 onion onion 9 garlic garlic

10 avocado avocado 11 asparagus

asparagus 12 broccoli broccoli 13

mushroom mushroom 14 okay this is a

pickled cucumber but it’s important if

you want a really good burger gherkin

gherkin 15 radish radish 16 P P and

remember the plural peas is with a sound

not piece which is a world peace 17

pumpkin pumpkin and number 18 perhaps

not quite a vegetable that’s still


ginger ginger right let’s move on to the

last part of this video the

pronunciation of nuts

number one walnut

walnut - pistachio pistachio pistachio

was the name of my rescue cat who still

lives him in Spain with my ex-boyfriends

family he was lovely he is lovely

number three Brazil nut Brazil nut for

peanut peanut five hazelnut hazelnut six

macadamia macadamia and number seven the

final one almond almond this is commonly

mispronounced as almond or almond it

should be almond right that’s it for

today’s lesson don’t forget to comment

down below with your favorites from this

list and don’t forget to check out lingo

de the link is in the description box

and you can use my code Lucy eight for

25% off your first month you can also

connect with me on all of my social

media I’ve got my facebook I’ve got my

Instagram and I’ve got my Twitter and I

shall see you soon for another lesson na


sorry I’m really hungry my tummy is

really going my lord

potato stomach like every time I say

potato I get really hungry no no no okay


