LEND or BORROW British English Grammar

hello and welcome back to english with

Lucy I’m trying again with my new

microphone hopefully it works will will

see today we’re going to be talking

about two verbs that often confuse my

students and the verbs are to lend and

to borrow now these verbs are so

confusing because they mean roughly the

same thing the only difference is the

direction now I’ve got some secret

tricks that I can give you today that

will make sure that you use these verbs

correctly 100% of the time I’ve got some

good methods of remembering which is

which and we’re going to put them into

practice today as well so firstly what

do they mean well to lend means to give

something to somebody for a limited

amount of time so you expect to receive

it back to borrow on the other hand

means to receive something for a limited

amount of time and they expect you to

give it back

so to lend means to give and to borrow

means to receive both for a limited

amount of time the verb to borrow is

regular the infinitive to borrow the

past simple borrowed and the past

participle borrowed again lend on the

other hand is irregular the infinitive

lend the past simple lent and the past

participle lent now I always tell my

students that in order to remember it

you need to think of the syllables lend

one syllable give one syllable borrow

two syllables receive two syllables so

we know that lend give borrow receive

easier that so let’s put this into

practice then I’m going to use my lovely

cousins John and Katie

John and Katie I hope you don’t mind

so John needs ten pounds and

Katie have 10 Pam so John could say

Katie can you lend me 10 pounds he could

also say Katie can I borrow 10 pounds

but he could not say Katie can you

borrow me 10 pounds and that’s a mistake

that I often hear now Katie has got the

10 pounds and she would like to give it

to John for that limited amount of time

so she could say yes John I can lend you

10 pounds she could also say yes John

you can borrow 10 pounds but she can’t

say yes John I can borrow you 10 pounds

so just remember that so make sure you

understand the direction in this

situation John has borrowed ten pounds

from Katie same situation different


katie has lent 10 pounds to John so John

has borrowed from Katie he’s received

the 10 pounds and katie has lent 10

pounds to John

she given him 10 pounds so hopefully

that is a little bit clearer now I would

like to test you so we’re going to have

a quiz I’m going to give you 5 seconds

to guess the answer and then the answer

will appear ok so let’s look at number

one could you owe me your Ferrari could

you me your Ferrari which one will it be


the answer is lend could you lend me

your Ferrari and we know that it’s lend

because we’ve got me I could say could

you give me your Ferrari

I couldn’t say could you receive me your

Ferrari so if you’re in doubt try it we

give or receive and that should tell you

which one it will be ok number 2 no way

last time you my Ferrari you crashed it

no way last time you my Ferrari you

crashed it which will it be okay

the answer is borrowed make sure you

think of the verb in its correct form no

way last time you borrowed my Ferrari

you crashed it no way last time you

borrowed my Ferrari you crashed it so

number three I mmm this t-shirt from

Felicity I this t-shirt from felicity

which one is it it’s borrowed the reason

it’s borrowed is because we’ve got from

I borrow from I lend to okay number four

did you him your ps4 did you him your

ps4 which one is it it lend did you lend

him your ps4 did you lend him your ps4

we’ve got him so we know it’s lent okay

number five

you shouldn’t mmm money you shouldn’t

mmm money which one is it this one’s

difficult okay this one was a trick one

it can be both borrow or lend you

shouldn’t lend money you shouldn’t

borrow money that’s not my opinion right

all right guys that’s it for today’s

lesson you should now understand how to

use lend and borrow correctly just a

quick reminder for you I now do a free

live pronunciation lesson every Sunday

at 4:30

London GMT time and this is on my

facebook page which is called English

with Lucy so the lesson lasts one hour

and through

out that hour you can write your

pronounciation queries ru words that you

don’t know how to pronounce and I will

pronounce them for you and it’s great

fun we did it last week as well and

loads of you tuned in and I’m starting

to recognize more and more names and

it’s really nice to chat with you

so make sure you tune in for that don’t

forget to connect with me on all of my

social media which is right here in

front of my face and I’ll see you very

very soon for another lesson

yeah now Katie could reply firstly with

no way now I’ve got some tricks that I’m

going to tell you today that will