STORYTIME My 4 embarrassing waitressing mistakes

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with Lucy I’ve got a really fun

lesson for you today it is a story time

now ages ago ages ago i made two

storytime videos about funny things that

happened to me whilst I was teaching and I

always get loads and loads of comments

from you saying please do another story

time and I couldn’t really think of

anything really funny to tell you until

I went out for dinner with a friend and

I was telling them about my first job

and I realized that I have a lot of

funny stories to tell you so today I’m

going to be telling you about my

first-ever job today I’m going to be

telling you about my first-ever job that

I started when I was 14/15 and the four

stupid, embarrassing & funny mistakes

that I made whilst doing that job now

the ultimate goal of this lesson is

hopefully to make you laugh but it’s

also going to be to help you improve

your listening and your pronunciation so

I have lovingly written subtitles for

you but I want you to try listening to

this once with no subtitles and once

again with subtitles because then you

can see how much you manage to pick up

and the second time you watch it you can

look at the words and associate the

spelling with my pronunciation remember

if you really want to take your

listening to the next level

don’t forget to sign up for your free

trial at you can get a free

audiobook listening is the one thing

that you can practice whilst multitasking

so you can listen to an audiobook and

practice your listening whilst doing

something else like driving to work

cooking or whatever you fancy right

let’s get started with the embarrassing

stories right now I’ve said it many

times before i come from a tiny tiny


in the county of bedfordshire and there

weren’t II mean my village it doesn’t have a

bank or an ATM it doesn’t have a shop

it doesn’t have anything apart from a

pub and an outdoor swimming pool and

when I was about 14 15 I was desperate

to get a job I was desperate i didn’t

even have anything to spend the money on

I just wanted something to do and i

wanted to have some work experience for

me when I was younger the idea of having

a job and working sounded really cool

and grown up so that’s what I wanted to

do and the pub in the village had some

new management and I thought the

management was really really nice so I

went over there for a meal with my parents

and I just asked are you looking

for any staff and the manager replied

that they were and the manager offered

me a chance to come in next weekend to do a

test shift and then potentially work for

them so I did that and i started working

for them and i was so happy and I was so

eager to please

I wanted to do the job perfectly however

i have always been a little bit i think

the word the correct word is ditsy ditsy

the definition of ditsy is a bit

or a bit scatterbrained doesn’t really

think things through properly or

logically and definitely when I was

younger I was very ditsy I have my

moments now but I’m a lot better and

obviously this was my first job so i

made some mistakes i actually made four

funny mistakes among many other non

funny mistakes but don’t worry I didn’t

get fired

this was over a period of four years over

three years i worked for them for 3 years

every Saturday lunchtime and the first

mistake that I made was to do with the

soup of the day so the pub owners well

the female manager and the male he was

also the manager but he was head chef and

he used to write out the menu board on a

big chalkboard and he used to write in

scrawling beautiful beautiful writing

very elaborate writing all of the

specials and

you’d have to show the guest the specials

board and read it out to them now the

soup of the day was a savoy cabbage soup

a savoy cabbage soup

however i read it as a sandy cabbage soup

I went around telling all of the guests

hello yes our soup of the day is a sandy

cabbage soup and I remember them

all saying sandy cabbage

how can it be sandy cabbage and I was

like look our chef is very experimental

but I assure you it will be delicious

well nobody ordered the sandy cabbage

soup and at the end of the day the chef said to

me Lucy no one’s ordered the soup I’ve

got like a whole pan of soup here

what happened and I was like well it was a bit of a

strange name i personally wouldn’t order

that and he was like what savboy cabbage soup

I just thought oh my god and in the end

I did admit to him and say I’m so sorry

i got it wrong i thought it was sandy

cabbage I was imagining this soup with

like gritty bits of sand in it i don’t

know but no one ordered it and I was in

a little bit of trouble but luckily they

were very nice to me because I was still

quite new so that was the fourth most

embarrassing moment that wasn’t too bad

the third most embarrassing moment was

the welsh rarebit now a Welsh rarebit is

a quite traditional it’s a traditional

dish it’s basically cheese on toast

welsh rarebit now that day we didn’t

have the specials board so the manager

said to me Lucy today we’ve got Welsh

rarebit and so I thought she was just

pronouncing it a little bit posh so I

went and told everyone

yes today only £5.95 we have Welsh rabbit

and so loads of people started ordering

rabbit for £5.95 so I was like yes it is an

amazing deal and they were like yes give me the

rabbit yep we’ll all have it..welsh rabbit

seven Welsh rabbits please so i went back in and I was like

guy’s amazing deal everyone wants

the welsh rabbit and they were like

what I said everybody wants the Welsh

rabbit and they said to me Lucy it’s not

rabbit it’s rarebit so i had

to go out and tell everyone

guys I made a mistake it’s not rabbit it’s

actually cheese on toast

that just shows that even native English

speakers struggle with the British

english pronunciation Rare bit

rabbit i mean the same almost

ok the second most embarrassing moment

was oh god this was really really embarrassing

there was a really quite old woman she must

have been 80 with what I guess was her

daughter who was about 60 and they were

having a lovely quiet meal and when it

got to the end of the meal the old lady

went to the toilet and so the younger of

the two signalled to me and says obviously

saying can I have the bill she wanted to

pay it quickly while the mother was in

the toilet I guess as a surprise and I said

I went back and I brought her a glass of

milk yes

this woman had said can I have the bill

and I had read from her lips

can I have a milk can I have the bill

can I have a milk it looked the same

so i made it really really special for

her in a little tube glass filled with milk

I put a straw in and I thought how lovely this

woman obviously wants to look after her

mum’s bones make sure she’s got lots of

calcium so I put it on the table and

they were both say there and I watched them just

sit and look at it for ages like did you

order this and in the end they called me

over and said sorry and we ordered the bill

and you gave us milk

oh my god it’s so embarrassing yes

so in the end I i was I

couldn’t apologise enough I was like oh my god I’m

so sorry I read I lip read the milk

you know I totally misunderstood I’m

really really sorry and I remember them just

looking at me like

poor girl she is so stupid And

the final most embarrassing waitressing

moment was the time the time that we ran

out of ice cream i remember it was a

very stressful day there were loads of

guess the restaurant was absolutely full

so it was quite high tension the chef

with a little bit stressed and there was

a huge table there were about seven

children there seven children seven

adults there were a lot of people on this

one table and the children all had the

children’s menu which came with a free

scoop of ice cream at the end and you

could have strawberry chocolate or

vanilla and so at the end of their meal

I said right guys you get free ice cream

which flavour would you like and they were like oooh vanilla

chocolate strawberry so i took their orders

I went to the to the chef and I said

right we need two vanillas three chocolates

and two strawberries and he said didn’t you


we don’t have any ice cream left why did

you offer it and I said oh my god what

are we going to give them then and he

said he was getting really annoyed with

me at this point he said eff all which

means absolutely nothing I heard waffles

so I said oh really

ok then walked out and told this table

of 14 people said right guys

no ice cream but the chef has just

informed me that we have waffles and

other children were like yeah waffles waffles they

were so excited and the parents also

wanted waffles so in the end and I went back to

the chef

I was like great we’ve saved the day we want

fourteen waffles please

and he just looked at me and was like waffles

what are you talking about I said eff all and

I was like and I just thought oh my god

i have messed it up again twice twice

how and in the end we

had to find them yet another dessert

option and needless to say the chef

wasn’t that happy with me however we

made up in the end and now my brother

works there and I think he does a much

better job so yeah those are my four most

embarrassing moments was working as a

waitress and i would love to know if you

have ever had an embarrassing moment at

work and the kind of thing that’s so

awful in the moment but then afterwards

it’s another anecdote you can just talk

about it so i would love to hear that

don’t forget to put it in the comments

if you liked this story time and you

want to see some more of my story time I

have a story time in spanish so if you

click up here you can find out why I was

saying they’re actually sir for two

years and what I was trying to say and

also the night opportunity to him meet

speaking in another language because all

day I go on at you about improving your

second language

why not hear me speak in mind and then I

also have some more in english i get i

tell you about the time that a very

lovely student asked me if I wanted

penis you can click up there as well and

it also another one about the time that

a lovely student made a terrible mistake

was talking about his mother in a

conversation class so those are three

story times that I have as well don’t

forget to sign up for the free trial at the link is in the

description box and don’t forget to

connect with me on all my social media I

have my facebook and instagram and i

will see you soon for another lesson