hello everyone welcome back to english

with Lucy I’ve got a short little

pronunciation video for you today I do

read the comments and I am taking them

into account I’ve got a long list of

topics that I need to cover but today I

thought we should take a thorough look

through some words and even though they

can be quite difficult I’m pretty sure I

can help you with them so today we are

looking at these four words here let’s

look at the first one though though then

we have Sura saara and then through

through and finally thought thought

let’s divide these words into two

sections those that start with the

unvoiced consonant and those that start

with the voiced consonant Farah thought

and through start with the unvoiced

consonant and though starts with the

voiced consonant now let’s look at the

vowel sounds the big odd one out is that

Sura has two syllables so we start with

sup it’s got the AA vowel sound which is

the stressed syllable and then the

second syllable the unstressed syllable

is the schwa Oh Sarah Sarah through okay

we’ve got a long o sound through through

ooh with thought we’ve got the aw sound

all all thought thought and it ends with

it though has a diphthong

it has the O sound Oh though okay so

we’ve got Sura through thought though

hopefully that cleared up all your

doubts and I’m going to ask you guys a

favor next time you see anyone with a

doubt about how to pronounce any of

these words I want you to send them this


I see people worrying about these words

all the time and I know that we can help

them now with this video if you want to

learn more about British English

pronunciation join my free live

pronunciation lesson every Sunday at


London GMT time it’s on my English with

Lucy Facebook page and there every week

and it’s great to see so many of you

tuning in don’t forget to connect with

me on all of my social media and I’ll

see you for another lesson very very
