hello everyone and welcome back to

english with lucy I’ve got a

pronunciation video for you today no I

haven’t I haven’t I don’t it’s not a

pronunciation video hello everyone and

welcome back to english with Lucy today

I’ve got an American versus British

video for you today I did want ages ago

I think it was just a video on American

English versus British English I’ll put

a card up here but recently I was

looking at the names of foods that we

commonly mispronounced that video will

come out soon if it’s not already out

and then I started to think about the

differences between American food and

British food and how we have different

names for the same thing so I thought I

would go through that list with you

today quickly before we get started I’d

just like to remind you how useful

audible is you can click on the link

below and get a 30-day free trial

that’s a free audio book and it will

seriously help you with your listening

and your speaking because you can read

an actual book and then you can listen

to how the words are pronounced reading

is great but it doesn’t improve your

pronunciation because English isn’t a

phonetic language so if you team up

reading with listening as well it will

also improve your pronunciation because

you can hear how the words are

pronounced the link is in the

description along with some audio book

recommendations for English learners

right let’s get on with the lesson okay

so I’m going to say the American word

first and then I’m going to say the word

that we use in British English so number

one in America this would be cilantro

cilantro do I need to do an American

accent cilantro dreadful I know my

American accent is so cringeworthy feel

free to punch the screen in the UK in

British English we call this coriander

coriander so if you’re reading a British

recipe book something by Gordon Ramsay

or Jamie Oliver and it says coriander

you know that that’s cilantro comment

down below do you love it or do you hate


because I love it and my boyfriend hates

it and it makes meal times so stressful

the next one I didn’t mention this in

the previous video but I think it’s

important because it’s related to food

it is cookies cookies in American

English in British English we say

biscuits which I understand is something

that Americans it’s the sort of thing

you have with gravy biscuits and gravy

am i right there yep but for us biscuits

are cookies so we always have tea and

biscuits tea and cookies next we have

eggplant eggplant so the Americans call

it eggplant and I found out recently why

they call eggplant it’s because I think

it’s when the flowers or the fruit is

growing it does look like an egg but in

British English we tend to call it

aubergine aubergine which i think is a

beautiful word I love any word with the

sound in it aubergine it’s even sexier

in Spanish though and bit in heinous Oh

berry minute what a sexy plant who would

have thought Oh Bertie onto another

vegetable in America they say zucchini

in the UK we say cause yet it’s another

one of those sexy sounds courgette both

lovely words I think you’ll agree next

in America they’re called shrimp but in

England we might use the word shrimp for

very small shrimp

but in general we will say prawns prawns

so the big ones will call them king

prawns or tiger prawns but the small

ones that Americans would refer to as

shrimp we just call them prawns that’s

actually one of my favourite sandwich

fillings prawn Mayo Prada mayonnaise the

next one is candy now of course we would

understand when you’re talking about

candy in America but in British English

we tend to refer to candy as sweets or


I think sweeties is a little bit more

for children and sweets and

normally refers to candy rather than

puddings and desserts as a whole if I

said do you want a sweet I wouldn’t be

offering you dessert I would be offering

you candy another one which goes along

the same lines in America they would

refer to it as cotton candy in the UK we

call it candy floss candy floss which I

actually prefer because the thought of

putting cotton in my mouth it gives me

the heebie-jeebies it makes me feel

weird another vegetable a sort of salad

this time in American English it’s

arugula but in British English we call

it rocket at random the last two I have

mentioned in a previous video the first

of the two being fries in America it’s

fries but we would call it chips and

then in America they would use the word

chips for what we call crisps so they’re

all potatoes that all different forms of

fried potatoes that American fries as in

McDonald’s fries we call chips and then

what they refer to as chips are you hard

potato snacks we call them crisps crisps

which a lot of English learners tend to

struggle with the pronunciation of

crisps I hear a lot of Crips going on

but crisps right that’s it for today’s

lesson I hope you enjoyed it and I hope

you learnt something if you can think of

any other food-related American and

English differences write it in the

comments below I also want to know if

you like coriander or not let’s have a

vote comment below and let me know and

share the knowledge don’t forget to

check out audible the link is in the

description box along with my audio book

recommendations don’t forget to connect

with me on all of my social media I’ve

got my Facebook I’ve got my Instagram

and I’ve got my Twitter and I really

recommend checking out my Instagram

because I’ve got some really exciting

giveaways English related giveaways

worldwide giveaways coming very very

soon with some awesome companies we did

a great book giveaway the other day we

had some very happy winners so I really

recommend looking at my Instagram and

that being said I will see you soon

for another lesson yeah

